Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 949: found box

Whispering was isolated by Zhou Fan's infuriating defense and could not have the slightest influence on him.

He watched three houses burn as if drenched in kerosene.

The babbling gradually weakened until it disappeared.

The three collapsed houses were quickly reduced to ashes.

The cold blue flame went out.

The Luxurious Masters, who were watching not far away, looked at each other in dismay. They didn't expect that Zhou Fan would kill a black demon-level monster with just one knife.

Heisha-level weirdness, but even a martial artist in the martial arts stage had to go all out to kill the weirdness.

They wanted to go down and help.

But before they could react, Zhou Fan burned the monster to death with one knife, which was not easy to kill.

They all had doubts about this in their hearts. Is this still a black fiend?

Zhou Fan put the knife into the sheath and shouted, "Why are you still standing there stupidly, why don't you come down and search to see if it is completely dead?"

The Luxuries and Talismans hurriedly answered yes, then gathered around and searched carefully.

They all knew in their hearts that this must be a Heisha-level rotten room, not a Heisha-level rotten room that was weak, but that Lord Fusi Shi was too strong.

With such adults around, it will be easier for them to face powerful monsters in the future.

Zhou Fan can kill a Heisha-level monster with only his yang qi. That's because he is already a martial artist, and his true qi has already started the second round of tempering. The power of yang yang assisted by such true qi is naturally impossible. On the same day.

Because the matter has not been declared completely over, Zhou Fan did not leave to avoid any accidents.

If the rotten house didn't die, but had a backlash on the verge of death, all those who died would be counted on Zhou Fan's head, he couldn't make such a mistake.

"My lord, it is the heart of the rotten house." Soon, the Silver Seal found a pale sphere from the remaining pale ashes as if offering a treasure.

The ball is just a big fist, but with a thumping sound.

The heart of the rot room is the rarest material of the rot room.

According to the rules of the Yiluan Division, if the leading officer wants to kill the strange material, it is not impossible. At that time, he can take the material by paying a certain percentage of Xuan coin compensation to the following subordinates.

Zhou Fan silently recalled the use of the heart of the rotten house. After confirming that he could not use it, he said, "Bring it back to the Sifu."

Zhou Fan doesn't want it, the government will take back the materials, and they will naturally be exchanged for the corresponding merit points to Zhou Fan.

The heart of the rotten house has been found. The rotten house must be dead. Zhou Fan wants them to deal with the follow-up matters, and he can go back to the academy to study for a while.

It's just that Zhou Fan has not spoken yet, Master Fu rushed over and said, "Sir, I found a box."

"What box?" Zhou Fan's eyes showed a strange look, and under his scorching Yang Qi, even gold and iron would melt.

The heart of the rotten house can stay because it is a strange material that is not afraid of water and fire, and it was still hidden in the body of the rotten house at that time, but now a box can be found.

"I don't know." The talisman shook his head and said, "There are defensive runes engraved on the box."

A box with defensive runes?

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly: "Where is it? Did you pick it up?"

"Don't worry, my lord. After I found it, I didn't let my subordinates touch it again." The talisman said cautiously, and he also felt that the box appeared under the ashes of the rotten room, which was too strange, afraid that it was a trap.

"Well done, show me." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

The talisman was leading the way in front of them. They walked about ten steps, and Zhou Fan saw the rectangular box that was dug out. After the rectangular box was dug out, no one touched it again.

The people in Yiluan's manor dispersed and stopped searching.

Zhou Fan didn't approach rashly, his eyes were fixed on the rectangular box, which was engraved with lines emitting dim black light.

"Do you recognize the defensive rune?" Zhou Fan asked the talisman.

The talisman nodded and said that he recognized it, and said that the defensive rune was just a very ordinary rune. It could protect the box from certain damage, but that was all. It was not difficult to remove the rune from the box, even if it was A rune master who hasn't studied rune for a long time can unlock the runes of the box.

The question now is whether opening the box will trigger any traps.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, and he walked over.

The thick infuriating qi enveloped him, he approached and squatted down, the consciousness he had always opened did not show any dangerous prediction.

The rest of the five senses were also opened by him. He put his hand on the ground and tried to spread the tentacles of his body consciousness to touch the surface of the box surface. The surface of the box surface is the normal temperature of the wooden box.

The tentacles of body consciousness shrank back.

Zhou Fan took a few steps back, turned around and said to the talisman: "Untie the defensive rune of the box, and let someone open the box from a distance."

The tentacles formed by his body consciousness can only flick a leaf not far away at present, but cannot open the box.

And he didn't want people to know that he had cultivated body consciousness.

The rune master came over carefully, and he quickly removed the rune from the box.

After everyone dispersed, the strong man found a bamboo After adding the infuriating defense and sticking the defense talisman, the strong man took the bamboo pole and tried to open the unlocked box surface.

The bamboo pole is ten feet long, but under the mobilization of the true energy in the hands of the warrior, it is still easy to manipulate and open the box surface.

The box did not issue any exceptions.

A wrestler approached cautiously. He glanced at the box, then quickly retreated back to Zhou Fan and said, "Sir, there is a talisman in it, but the small eyes are so clumsy that I can't recognize it for a while."

Soon Master Fu walked over to identify it. He picked up the talisman with gloves and shouted to Zhou Fan and others not far away: "Sir, it is a shadow talisman."

The shadow saver can save some special images, but this image is only five breaths of time at most, so it is rarely used as a medium for information transmission.

There are very few people who use shadow characters.

The box with the defensive rune inscribed, there is a shadow talisman in the box, things are getting more and more strange, Zhou Fan calmly said: "Be careful, open this shadow talisman and see what image it is."

Master Fu nodded cautiously, and he checked it again to confirm that it was a shadow talisman, and he poured his True Qi into it.

The shadow storage talisman emits a faint white light, and a light and shadow bounces out from the talisman.

This is a man with a black and red mask on his face!

It's the person from the mask organization... Zhou Fan's face became a little more subtle.

Even if it was just an image, the man's eyes from the mask showed a faint cold light, as if he was looking at Zhou Fan and the others. present."

"I hope you like this gift, and I hope you can move out of Gaoxiang City, otherwise the gift of the rotten house is not heavy enough."

"We'll keep giving you better gifts until you're willing to move out!"

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