Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 966: Plant flowers with heart

More than half of the police officers from the county government office, the warriors from the Yiluan Division, and the patrols outside the city were also transferred into the city. They killed a lot of weirdos who were good at hiding in the crowd, but not a single one of them would. It's the weirdness that caused the movement last night.

Even they found the dozens of monsters that were good at spreading nightmares according to the previous reading, and guessed where they might hide based on their characteristics, but they couldn't find them.

"You can't find I know, but what I'm asking is why" Huang Bujue's face turned cold, "You didn't think about it, where are they hiding?"

One of the six Master Fu smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, we have all thought about this. There are a few guesses, but they are all just guesses."

These speculations have already been said to the three chief officials, Zhou Fan, Shen Jing, and Wen Ti, but Huang Bujue and Eunuch Zhang have never heard of it.

Zhang Gong said, "Let's hear it."

The talisman hurriedly said, "One is that they are good at invisibility, the other is that they are parasitic on people's bodies, the third is that they escaped from Gaoxiang City last night, and the fourth is that they can escape."

Here are the four most likely scenarios.

But if it belongs to these four situations, it would be difficult to find out those strange things.

Huang Bujue said solemnly, "Since there are such guesses, then look for them according to these guesses. They are good at stealth, and we also have talismans and tools that can make some invisible monsters appear, parasitic on people's bodies, then one by one. Check people in the city, especially outsiders."

"If they escaped from High Elephant City at night, how far would they flee to send detectives or other warriors to search the wild."

"If you go to the ground, probe the ground, and if necessary, dig three feet into the ground to dig them out."

The six looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to say for a while, because this would greatly increase the scope and difficulty of the search, and it might not be useful.

Eunuch Zhang scolded sharply, "I'm not going yet."

The six quickly answered yes and withdrew.

Of course, the four envoys of the four towns and the minister of Fu also understood what the six people wanted to understand, but this is the only way to do it now.

"Is there any news from the academy and the Great Buddha Temple?" Huang Bujue asked again.

The academy and the Great Buddha Temple are not directly intervening now, because it is useless to intervene directly. If they find something strange, the Yiluan Division cannot deal with it, and the academy and the Great Buddha Temple will naturally take action.

However, it does not mean that the academy and the Great Buddha Temple have not done anything. After confirming that it is difficult to find the group of strange things, the Yiluan Division actually asked the academy and the Great Buddha Temple for help, hoping that the academy and the Great Buddha Temple would find an effective way to find it. Out of that weirdness.

Wen Ho sighed and said, "They have no choice for the time being."

The monster who is good at hiding sneaks into the city, and sometimes it is really difficult to find it.

The academy and the Great Buddha Temple can't come up with a solution either.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Fan said, "Then we have to be prepared to not be able to find those weirdos before dark."

If they can't find it, then they have to admit this fact, and then deal with the more difficult environment after dark.

You can't wait until nightfall to deal with it in a hurry.

"That's right." Shen Jing nodded.

The five discussed it for a while before leaving with their respective tasks.

After Zhou Fan left the council hall, he walked towards the house where he was dealing with affairs, only to be stopped by a wrestler halfway there.

The Lux said in a low voice, "Sir, there is something I don't know if I should say it now."

Zhou Fan recognized this fighter. This fighter was a subordinate who followed him to deal with the 32 murder cases. Zhou Fan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is there a clue to the case?"

Lux nodded, he said that he didn't know if he should say it now, because now the entire bureau is revolving around the nightmare of last night and the murders of last night. Compared with the events of last night, the thirty-two murders were put aside. , those who investigated the case of the Thirty-two Martial Artists were recruited to join the search for the strange.

"Follow me." Zhou Fan said without hesitation.

Soon Zhou Fan took the strong man into his room. He asked the clerk to guard the door, and then looked at the subordinate and said, "The matter of last night is important, but the murder case of thirty-two people is not unimportant. , I still have time to listen to you."

If the clues are not obvious, then Zhou Fan can temporarily put it down and continue to investigate after the current matter is dealt with, but if the clues are obvious

The wrestler nodded and said, "Your Excellency has been asking us to find the possible medicinal pills in the case. Today, we checked the whole city. Occasionally, we met a suspicious martial artist."

"So we stopped the warrior and wanted to cross-examine it carefully. Who knew that the warrior would escape without hesitation."

Lux said, "But the streets are all our people. Wherever he can escape, he won't be caught after a while."

"Because what we are looking for is a monster, not a person, so after we caught him, we asked a few questions, but we didn't find anything, but we still took him back to the prison in the Sifu and closed it down, trying to finish the work. God will deal with him later."

Zhou Fan thought that he would do the same if he changed his mind. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Then how did you find out that there is something wrong with him?"

"Just when we went back to the office at the jailer in the office said that the man was ill, and when we went over to look, we were all startled, the man's face was hideous, and his eyes were Blood red, shouting words of unknown meaning." Lux remembered this, but there was still a hint of fear on his face.

"My lord, we also noticed that his face was very pale, without the slightest bit of blood. Since we didn't know why he was crazy, we didn't dare to approach him. We just let the jailer pour a few buckets of ice water. If it doesn't work, then we can only ask the government The talisman came over to take a look."

"But after a few buckets of ice water, it really worked. The man was shaking and awake a lot. He grabbed the special doorpost and kept shouting, saying that he was suffering from a sudden illness. Let's bring the medicine in the blue porcelain bottle in his charm bag to him. he."

"His talisman bag has long been confiscated, so we went to find his talisman bag, found the blue porcelain bottle in his talisman bag and threw it to him, he took out an elixir from the bottle and swallowed it. "

"Then he ignored us and closed his eyes and practiced cross-legged exercises."

"If it was like this, we would definitely not be able to find his abnormality, but when he performed his exercises, we found that he had a strange smile on his face."

Hearing this, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, but did not say a word, but continued to listen.

"This smile and medicinal herbs reminded us of the smiles that appeared on the corpses of the thirty-two murder cases, so we discussed it, and let me come to find your lord." Lux finally said, "Sir, We haven't interrogated that person yet."

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He really had the intention to plant flowers that wouldn't bloom, but unintentionally planted willows and willows to make a shade.

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