Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 968: Interrogation (thanks to the lord of Shuyou Kongkongju)

"Sir, I really don't know anything, please forgive me." Tan Yuan in the prison immediately knelt down to Zhou Fan and kept crying.

Zhou Fan just looked at the order indifferently and said, "When is he willing to say, when is he willing to give him medicine, go in later and tie him up, don't let him commit suicide when he gets sick."

Tan Yuan shuddered, because he had no choice but to die. He didn't have the disease now, so he wouldn't want to commit suicide, but if he didn't have medicine when he got sick, he might really choose to kill himself.

This guy is so poisonous

At most, his three subordinates wanted to torture and question him, and he could hold on, but this Lord Yiluan's approach was ten times more sinister than his subordinates.

"I don't know when your illness broke out?" Zhou Fan asked calmly again.

Tan Yuan remained silent and did not answer. He was wondering why Zhou Fan asked this question because he wanted to come and see how he was in pain when he got sick.

"But I hope you don't get sick within three days. I believe you also heard something that happened last night. I have to deal with that recently, but I don't have time to visit you." Zhou Fan said softly.

Tiantian Tanyuan's eyes widened in vain. He would fall ill if he didn't take the medicine for a day. He couldn't believe what the **** he would be tortured into after three days.

"No one is allowed to let him go without my order. No matter how painful he shouts, you cannot give him the pill." Zhou Fan paused for a while, "Forget it, the bottle of pill is still in the I'm safer on me."

Hearing that Zhou Fan was going to take the medicinal pill away, Tan Yuan completely collapsed, and he wailed, "My lord, my lord, it was my fault, please don't take the medicine away, or I will die, I shouldn't be with me. You're talking nonsense, it's my fault."

Zhou Fan said coldly, "Then tell me honestly, what's the matter with your illness, and what about the medicine? Do you really think we don't know anything?"

Tan Yuan was stunned, but he didn't speak when he wanted to speak.

Zhou Fan ignored him, but turned around and walked out.

"My lord, my lord, don't go, I really can't say." Tan Yuan shouted nervously, "I was forced to make a ghost oath, and before I could tell everything, I was killed by the oath ghost. "

Zhou Fan stopped, he looked at Tan Yuan coldly and said, "How do I know if you lied to me?"

"If your lord doesn't believe it, I can make a ghost oath to ensure that I will never say anything false to your lord." Tan Yuan gritted his teeth, he knew there was only one chance.

"Give him a ghost oath." Zhou Fan ordered.

The warrior beside him handed a ghost oath to Tan Yuan.

Tan Yuan took this ghost oath and made the ghost oath without hesitation.

Seeing that Tan Yuan had made a ghost oath, Zhou Fancai asked, "You were forced to make a ghost oath about your illness and medicine pills just now, right?"

"Yes." Tan Yuan nodded, he knew that Zhou Fan was confirming the truth of what he said.

"Then I'll ask you an answer. If it involves you making a ghost oath, you can leave it unanswered." Zhou Fan thought for a moment and said, "Did all the warriors who can obtain medicinal pills make a ghost oath?"

"I'm not sure, but the few people I know who got the pills all made a ghost oath." Tan Yuan replied.

His face was slightly condensed. The people behind this case were very cautious. From Tan Yuan's answer, we could tell that all the warriors who obtained the medicinal pills were required to make a ghost oath.

It's no wonder that after investigating for so long, I didn't get any news about the medicinal pills from the warriors in the city, and they made a ghost oath, and of course I won't mention this to anyone.

"The ghost oath should not be taken lightly. You are willing to take the ghost oath because this medicinal pill is of great use to you, so big that you voluntarily make the ghost oath, right?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Zhou Fan knew that the ghost oath made by Tan Yuan must be that any name related to the medicinal pill's name and use or the name of the medicinal pill-related person could not be said, so he did not ask these questions, but tried to avoid the scope of the ghost oath.

Tan Yuan was sweating profusely, he was quickly thinking about whether Zhou Fan's question had touched the content of the ghost oath, every question he was walking on the edge of life and death, after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "You said no? wrong."

"This elixir is obviously flawed. Did you know this flaw in advance before taking the elixir?" Zhou Fan thought for a while and then said.

"We know." Tan Yuan said again.

"Is it possible to die from taking the pill?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"This can't be said." Tan Yuan shook his head and said, this has already touched the scope of the ghost oath.

Zhou Fan tried to ask several more questions, but Tan Yuan shook his head and said he couldn't say anything.

It seems that this ghost oath is very strict, Zhou Fan secretly regrets it, but he can't ask the boundaries of the content of the ghost oath, because it is also a violation of the ghost oath, otherwise he would not have to bother so much.

"Have you heard of the murder of thirty-two warriors in a manor in the city?" Zhou Fan asked another way.

This question did not involve the disease and the ghost oath. Tan Yuan nodded and said, "Every warrior knows about this, and of course I also know."

Zhou Fan told Tan Yuan the inside story of the case, especially the smiles on the faces of the corpses when they died.

Tan Yuan looked shocked, "How is this possible?"

"What's impossible?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I can't say that." Tan Yuan thought about it and shook his head.

Zhou Fan came to understand, it cannot be said that it was because of the ghost oath made by Tan Yuan.

This made him understand that the medicinal pill Tan Yuan took was indeed related to the case.

"Do you think this case has something to do with your illness and your medicine?" Zhou Fan asked again to confirm.

Zhou Fan thought that his question did not touch the ghost oath made by Tan Yuan. UU Reading

Tan Yuan thought for a while and said, "I think it might be related, but I'm not sure."

Zhou Fan asked, "Why are you not sure?"

Tan Yuan organized his speech, and he said cautiously, "Because I'm fine."

Tan Yuan's meaning should be that he is fine when he takes the medicinal pill. This is indeed a strange place. If it is also a medicinal medicinal herb, why is Tan Yuan fine, but those people died?

"Do you think someone you know or have seen did it?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"I don't know." Tan Yuan shook his head.

Zhou Fan kept trying around this case, but Tan Yuan often had too many things he couldn't tell Zhou Fan because of ghost oaths.

Asking and asking, I know a lot, but there is too much value but too little.

At the end of the question, Zhou Fan said, "If you think I want to solve the case, what should I do? Maybe I should find someone or go somewhere?"

Zhou Fan's questioning was very skillful. It didn't involve Tan Yuan's illness or medicine pills at all. He only asked about the case.

Tan Yuan was silent and did not answer. Of course, he understood what Zhou Fan meant, but he made a ghost oath to Zhou Fan, promising not to lie.

So if he doesn't know, he can answer he doesn't know, but once he knows and the answer doesn't know, then it touches the ghost oath.

Therefore, ghosts swear not to mess around with hair, or else they don't know how they died.

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