Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 979: Air Gang Properties

The scorching sun shone on the high city walls.

Beneath the city walls is a bustling scene.

The street is full of people, and the vendors are selling their own things. Everything is peaceful and quiet.

In mid-air, nine thin blue-green lines were intertwined, and below the lines was a low chirping sound.

I don't know why the cry is low, but it can spread throughout the city.

Everyone in the city could hear it, but they didn't show any expressions.

After a long time, the nine thin lines were scattered into three parts and shrunk back.



Zhou Fan and Chefu talked about what happened tonight.

"What the heck is this?" Shefu looked puzzled, and she worried: "They can hide so deeply, then you have to be careful, if not, leave the human world and don't sacrifice your life for them. ."

Chofu's perception of human beings is the unfamiliar good or bad attitude, she only cares about Zhou Fan.

"I will pay attention." Zhou Fan smiled and nodded.

Zhou Xiaoxiao, who was standing at the stern, glanced back at Zhou Fan and said, "The little guy is right. If it's too dangerous, it's better to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be able to leave if you want to."

Zhou Xiaomao was holding a thread in her hand, she was putting a paper kite, but her paper kite was not made of paper, but a soul fish, a triangle soul fish with a width of three people, its body was covered with thorns, ugly ferocious.

The soul fish that was set as a paper kite was not dead yet, and was making a strange cry.

Such a scene left Zhou Fan speechless. He didn't understand why he didn't kill the soul fish directly. Is it fun? He smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, senior, and I have something to ask you."

Although this little kitten likes to eat and put paper kittens and other children's things, but also likes to rely on the old to sell the old.

Zhou Xiaoxiao just hummed, she pulled the thin silver thread and shouted, "Ugly, you fly high, fly high, you're scaring this girl."

"I want to know about the Qi Gang segment." Zhou Fan pondered for a while.

He has already completed the martial arts section today, and now he naturally wants to ask about the Qi Gang Duan and prepare for the Qi Gang Duan.

"Fifty gray worms." Zhou Kitten said while placing the paper kite.

"This is no problem." Zhou Fan immediately agreed.

Zhou Xiaomao tied the thread to the railing of the boat, and then she grabbed a wisp of gray mist and turned it into Zhou Fan's glass ball, took out fifty large gray worms from it, and then said: "About Qi Gang Duan, what exactly do you want to know?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course I want to know what is perfect at this stage."

Zhou Fan also knew about the Qi Gang stage. It was the last round of tempering in the third stage of Qi refining, and it was also the true achievement of True Qi. The change in True Qi at this stage was that True Qi gradually solidified and could be turned into Gang Qi. Squirting out from the body, a hundred paces of qi, broken stones in the air.

It is equivalent to the martial artist himself possessing long-range attack methods other than hidden weapons.

The martial artist's combat power has also improved qualitatively. Unless the ordinary martial artist can avoid the attack of the Qi Gang segment martial artist well and think close, he will only be beaten.

Chifu also listened carefully, because sooner or later she would also face such a problem.

Zhou Xiaomao thought for a moment before saying: "Qi Gang stage is the last stage of the martial realm, and it is also the last evolution of the third stage of Qi refining, and this stage also focuses on the cultivation technique, which determines the speed of your tempering. The speed and the nature of cultivating Astral Qi.”

"As for the strength of the gang qi, it is determined by the foundation of the warrior and the true qi of oneself, like you..." Zhou Xiaomao paused for a while when she said this, and she had to admit with a straight face: "The strength of your true qi and the Refining is done very well, under the accumulation of thin hair, I am afraid that there is no martial artist's Qi that can be stronger than yours."

"Simply put, even if you practice a relatively poor Qi Gang technique, it won't hinder your Qi Gang strength. Of course, if the cultivation technique is too poor, you will spend more time in the Qi Gang stage."

The benefits of the basics were reflected, and Zhou Fan asked with a smile on his face, "That is to say, no matter what I do at this stage, it is already perfect, so I don't need to worry too much, right?"

Zhou Xiaomao nodded, and she said coldly, "If you don't care about the nature of Gang Qi, that's true."

"What is the nature of Gang Qi?" Zhou Fan heard the word twice in a row, and he hurriedly asked for advice.

"The nature of Gang Qi is determined by the cultivation method. In fact, the cultivation method of the Qi Gang segment can be called a cultivation method, but it is not a problem if you say it is a martial art." Zhou Xiaomao calmly said: "Exclude some more special ones. The Qi Gang section is generally a cultivation method, and that Gang Qi is only one type.”

"If you make a sword gang, it's a sword gang, a sword gang is a sword gang, and a boxing gang is a boxing gang. What is the gang qi you've cultivated is what it is. It is also a sword."

"This is the nature of Gang Qi."

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. He originally thought that Gang Qi could change at will, but he didn't expect it to be so rigid. He couldn't help but say, "What's the point of the weapon?"

"Of course it makes sense." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "You use a knife to swing the sword, but the two are not compatible. This will cause a kind of stagnation and affect the speed of your swing. This is in high-speed combat. , pause for a moment, and you should understand how dangerous it is."

Pause for a while, maybe the opponent will be able to kill him, this is the meaning of weapons.

After Jingzhou Xiaomao said this, Zhou Fan understood that the more the weapon matches the Gang Qi, the faster the natural Gang Qi will be emitted.

The shape of the sword and the sword are different. If there is no suitable weapon in the usual battle, it is no problem to use it, but if the sword was originally cultivated, you must use a knife or a spear or even a sledgehammer. Weapons to send anger.

Then there is a problem with the brain.

After Zhou Fan figured out the problem, he asked again: "You said just now that you exclude some special qi-gang exercises, do you mean that there are exercises that can create more than just one kind of qi?"

"You are smart." Zhou Xiaomao nodded lightly and said, "There are so many strange people in the world, there will always be some people who are unwilling to have only one kind of qi."

"After all, even a knife gang can be divided into dozens of different properties. Some knife gangs are sharp, some knife gangs are thick, and some knife gangs have a frosty air... It's just a kind of gang qi, Of course those people will not be reconciled."

Zhou Fan frowned. He was already used to using a knife. If there were so many changes in the nature of the knife, he would not be reconciled if he could only choose one.

"But it's easier said than done to create a Qi Gang section with a variety of different types of Qi?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "First of all, the creator of the method must consider the tempering speed of infuriating. If it is too slow, then this The sect practice method is meaningless, and the second is the mixing of qi, which involves the quenching and transformation route of the qi in the practice method, and so many changes of qi must be mixed in..."

"Hmph, you don't understand, you just need to know that this is a difficult thing." Zhou Xiaoxiao did not continue to analyze how difficult this kind of thing is.

Zhou Fandao: "But there are always people with extraordinary talents, so there are also a variety of qi gang exercises that are mixed with qi qi."

Cultivation techniques are not martial arts, and every martial artist can only choose one exercise technique at each rank, otherwise it is easy to practice problems.

Otherwise, you only need to choose a few Qi Gang section exercises to practice together, then this matter will be solved.

"It's fine if you understand." Zhou Xiaomao nodded and admitted: "So those of us divide Qi Gang stage exercises, in addition to considering the speed of their tempering infuriating qi, we will also rate it according to the amount of Gang Qi properties it contains. , the more advanced the Qi Gang section, the more Qi that can be cultivated."

Chifu said with a puzzled face: "But if I cultivate a kind of qi, that qi is already strong enough, why should I pursue and cultivate so much qi."

"Stupid." Zhou Xiaomao commented on this.

Chifu felt a little aggrieved and glanced at Zhou Fan.

"Little girl is less than a year old, she doesn't know what's wrong?" Zhou Fan defended his daughter, and he explained to Chifu: "The strength of the gang qi depends on your foundation, but if your gang qi and When the enemies are similar, then you have more qi, and your chances of winning the opponent will be much higher."

"Because it's impossible for him to know that you still have the second kind of qi, even if he is lucky enough to know, how can he determine what kind of qi you use next? In this way, he will be at a disadvantage."

Even if you are not facing a martial artist, you are facing weirdness. Maybe the first type of Astral Qi has little effect, but if you change to another type of Astral Qi, you may be able to achieve miraculous effects.

Fighting is like that. If you have another method, you will never suffer.

Only then did Chifu clearly nodded. This question is indeed a bit stupid, but it is amazing for her that she has grown like this since she was born.

Zhou Xiaomao was too lazy to care about the father and daughter, she said, "I've told you what I should have told you, if it's all right, don't disturb my interest in putting the paper kite."

"Of course there is." Zhou Fan spent fifty big gray worms, and he asked several questions about the Qi Gang section.

Zhou Xiaomao also answered Zhou Fan's questions one by one.

"Then where do you have any powerful Qi Gang Duan exercises?" Zhou Fan asked, since he knew that there are Qi Gang Duan exercises that incorporate multiple types of Gang Qi, he naturally prefers to choose Qi Gang Duan exercises that incorporate multiple types of Gang Qi.

Zhou Xiaomao glanced at Zhou Fan: "Of course there are, and they are all top-notch Qi Gang exercises. I have both swords, fists, palms, and spears. Which one do you want?"

Even if it is a Qi Gang section that incorporates a variety of Gang Qi, the creator of the cultivation method will tend to create it for the same weapon.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to integrate the qi of swords and spears into one exercise. There are very few people who can use two different weapons in battle, so it is of little significance.

Of course, there are also combinations such as Sword Fist and Sword Palm.

But generally speaking, there are many Qi Gang exercises with a single weapon.

What Zhou Xiaomao said about the sword, fist, palm and spear is the Qi Gang section of a single weapon.

Zhou Fan frowned and said, "I don't want the Qi Gang Duan exercise of swords, fists and spears. I practice the sword. Do you have a top-notch Qi Gang Duan exercise?"

He will not give up the knife. The knife is his foundation. If he gives up the knife now, some of his plans will be disrupted.

Zhou Xiaomao was silent and did not answer, she seemed to be thinking about something.

Zhou Fan chuckled and said: "You use a knife just like me, I don't believe you haven't practiced the Qi Gang section of the sword, for you, this is just a Qi Gang section, you Shouldn't you be reluctant?"

Zhou Xiaomao snorted coldly: "I do have it, but I don't want to sell it because it's not reluctant, but now you are in the Qi Gang section, if you anger me, we also use the Qi Gang section method, I want to beat you It won't be easy."

Zhou Fan assured her that he would not challenge her, but Zhou Xiaomao was still able to attack Zhou Fan.

It's just that Zhou Xiaomao won't shoot Zhou Fan easily Because she is worried that if she can't win, she will use the kitten three, and Zhou Fan will probably steal her kitten three. Mode.

Zhou Fan entered the Qi Gang stage, and Zhou Xiaomao's strength can also be increased to the Qi Gang section, so that Zhou Xiaomao can use a lot more means.

It's just that if Zhou Fan learns that exercise, it will be even more difficult for Zhou Xiaomao to win.

The Qi Gang section using the knife Gang is too powerful, it was acquired after Zhou Xiaoxiao’s cultivation was successful, and she couldn’t go back to practice it, but she had seen this Qi Gang section countless times and knew it. The Gang Duan exercises are much stronger than the Qi Gang Duan exercises she practiced.

The Qi Gang section practice method she practiced is just four kinds of sword Gang changes, and that practice method...

No, I can't let Zhou Fan get that Qi Gang Duan exercise, otherwise there will be no hope for Qi Gang Duan.

Zhou Xiaomao looked at Zhou Fan, her eyes were eager to try, thinking that as soon as this kid entered the Qi Gang stage, he would want him to look good!

Did he think the sparring was over?

Not at all!

Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly because of Zhou Xiaomao's vigorous fighting spirit. He didn't want to be beaten again, and there was no need to be beaten again. Of course, he couldn't tell Zhou Xiaomao about this. He coughed lightly: "I have always respected it. Senior Zhou, how can you anger Senior Zhou, so Senior Zhou can rest assured."

"And if you're willing to sell the Qi Gang section of Dao Gang, you can ask for a price, and I'll buy it if it suits me."

He was very curious, the Qi Gang Duan exercise that can make Zhou Xiaoxiao so precious must be a good thing!

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