Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 982: Don't slander him

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised to see a familiar name in the book." Zhou Fan explained to Chifu.

Zhou Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you talking about Crazy Blade or Senior Long? Do you know these two people?"

It's impossible for Zhou Xiaomao not to have seen "Wuji Dao Gang", Zhou Fan said this, she immediately reacted, Zhou Fan was talking about either Crazy Swordsman or Senior Long.

"I'm talking about Senior Long." Zhou Fan said.

"Do you recognize Senior Long? Where have you seen him?" Zhou Xiaoxia asked with an uncontrollable excitement on her face.

Zhou Fan snorted: "I haven't seen Senior Long, I learned the name of Senior Long from a rouge guide."

"It turned out to be just hearing about it." Zhou Xiaoxiao showed disappointment on her face, but she quickly became vigilant: "I know Rouge, but I have never seen her, what does she look like?"

"A very beautiful woman." Zhou Fan commented frankly.

"Beautiful? How beautiful? How is it compared to me?" Zhou Kitten asked with a tasteful expression.

"This..." Zhou Fan glanced at the little boat kitten, with an ordinary appearance and a flat body, he really didn't know what to say.

Rouge can be said to be the most beautiful woman Zhou Fan has ever seen, and only Insect Niang can match her.

Even aside from the appearance, the small Zhou Kitten is incomparable in terms of stature.

"Don't lie, honestly." Zhou Xiaomao said with a serious face.

"I'm afraid there is still a gap between you and her." Zhou Fan could only try to be euphemistic, otherwise he was worried that Zhou Xiaomao would attack him in anger.

Zhou Xiaomao didn't show a look of depression, she became even more nervous, and hurriedly asked: "What is the relationship between Rouge and Senior Long?"

"As far as I know, she has never seen Senior Long." Zhou Fan said.

Zhou Xiaomao let out a long sigh of relief, and she sneered, "It's no use letting you be as beautiful as a flower."

Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask: "I take the liberty to ask, what is your relationship with Senior Long?"

Zhou Fan has already imagined in his mind the countless dog blood clichés that happened between Zhou Xiaomao and Senior Long.

The smile on Zhou Xiaoxiao’s face froze, and she sighed: "It doesn't matter, I have never seen Senior Long, I am an admirer of Senior Long, if I can go out, I will definitely try to find the trace of Senior Long and go to see Long. Senior side."

I didn't expect to see Senior Long's female licking dog here again... Zhou Fan twitched in thought.

"So what?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"You don't understand, it's good to see it, and I don't dare to hope for the rest." Zhou Xiaoxiao said a little shyly.

Just to meet... Zhou Fan doesn't know what to do with his expression, Senior Long's charm is really great.

"Actually, you haven't seen Senior Long himself, maybe he's not as good as you think." Zhou Fan said jealously.

"You are not allowed to slander Senior Long." Zhou Xiaomao snorted: "I haven't seen Senior Long himself, but I have seen the shadow of Senior Long. Whether Senior Long is good or not, you and other juniors can know."

Zhou Fan: "..."

When Chu Fu heard that, she was confused. She didn't know why Zhou Xiaomao was so persistent in seeing that Senior Long, and she was not interested in knowing.

Zhou Fan didn't talk to Zhou Xiaomao again, he read "Wuji Dao Gang" seriously.

If he wants to start practicing "Wuji Dao Gang", he still needs time to slowly ponder and understand "Wuji Dao Gang".

When the time came, Zhou Fan left the Grey River space.

Waking up in some unfamiliar bed, Zhou Fan found that it was already dawn.

He fell asleep at the Yiluan Sifu last night, and no one has called him since then.

Zhou Fan first realized the wooden box containing "Wuji Dao Gang", opened the box, and inhaled the silver light of "Wuji Dao Gang" into his body.

After doing these things, Zhou Fan opened the door, and the little official guarding the door hurriedly saluted and brought a pot of hot water to Zhou Fan.

While washing his face, Zhou Fan asked him if anything happened after he fell asleep?

The official said that the three adults Huang Bujue had only returned from outside the city when it was almost dawn, and they were resting now. Other than that, there was nothing major.

Zhou Fan nodded, and he went to see Eunuch Zhang after he ate in the office again.

Zhou Fan originally came to replace Eunuch Zhang and asked Eunuch Zhang to rest, but Eunuch Zhang shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the five of us will discuss some things later."

Zhou Fan had already woken up, and Eunuch Zhang asked people to call the three Huang Bujue who had rested for a while.

When Huang Bujue came back last night, they should have woken up Zhou Fan and discussed what happened last night together.

But Huang Bujue and the three of them were exhausted from running around all night, so they wanted to take a break and wait for Zhou Fan to wake up.

It didn't take long for the five people to gather in the conference room.

Zhou Fan first asked Huang Bujue and the others to learn about the attack on the three villages last night, but as Zhou Fan thought last night, the three villages did not leave any clues except for the bodies.

The five were silent for a while.

The question before them now is: what to do tonight?

The three nights in a row, especially last night's failure, dealt a heavy blow to them.

Those monsters actually expanded the scope of their prey last night, not to mention that they had little success in the first three To include 18 villages under the protection scope, in terms of the limited power of Yiluan Division , which is simply unrealistic.

"The key is that we don't know what they are." Shen Jing said with a pale face.

If they knew what this was, they wouldn't be so passive.

"Amitabha." Wen Ti sighed and said, "The Fu masters, the academy, and the White Elephant Temple in the mansion have all searched through the classics about the quirks, but still can't find the quirks with the same characteristics. A new unknown and strange."

What Wen Ho said was exactly what everyone in the room thought.

But even knowing that is pointless.

If those monsters could not be caught or killed tonight, nearly 200 people would still be killed tonight.

The clues from the Masked Man Organization have long since been broken, and they are also unable to find the masked man in Gaoxiang City.

The five people in the room felt troubled.

"I have a way, maybe I can try it." Zhou Fan suddenly said.

"What way?" Huang Bujue asked without any hope.

In the past few days, they, the Sifu, the academy, and the White Elephant Temple have thought of a lot of methods, but they have not been successful, and Zhou Fan's methods may not work.

"I think we can turn our eyes around, don't always focus on those weird people." Zhou Fan said while organizing the language, he just came up with this idea just now.

Hearing this, Huang Bujue and the four all had strange expressions on their faces. They have indeed been staring at those weirdos and trying to figure out a way for the past few days, but what should they do if they don't?

"I think we can try to keep our eyes on everyone in Gaoxiang City." Zhou Fan said slowly, "The purpose of Weird is to hunt everyone in Gaoxiang City. As long as we keep an eye on people, if they dare to appear, we will catch them!"

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