Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 986: who where

Who will hide where?

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "I think the most likely thing is that he is still in the where house."

"But I've already had people searched, and there may be no traces of the hiding places." Shen Jing said in a daze.

Because of the discovery of the secret passage, Shen Jing was more inclined to who escaped.

"I said that he is likely to stay in the He House, not only because the most dangerous place is the safest place, but also because no one has time to move." Zhou Fan explained: "Sir Shen, have you forgotten that today we What are you going to do?"

"We're going to make talismans and deliver them to every household before dark..." Shen Jing was stunned, and he immediately said, "I'll ask them to search again!"

Now it is not said that the whole city knows about the making of talismans, but the family has undertaken part of the task of making talismans, so of course no one will know about it.

After ruling out the possibility of someone from an aristocratic family who dared to hide, who was destroyed, and who could only choose to sneak into the dwelling, there would be the risk of being discovered.

Even though some warriors have dispersed to search for who's whereabouts, this is the scene of the crime, and there are many warriors from the Yiluan Division who are on the scene to check the corpses and the items in the house.

Outside the mansion, there were also military practitioners who surrounded the He mansion, and stopped some people sent by the aristocratic family to inquire about the news.

Zhou Fan and Shen Jing also did not leave the Hefu, so the search staff could still be dispatched.

The results of the second search came out quickly, but nothing was found.

Shen Jing said helplessly: "Zhou Fusi, it seems that you guessed wrong."

Zhou Fan was not surprised by this result. His nose and ears were always open to cover He Fu, and he couldn't find anything.

But if this person is still hiding in the house, and if he has some knowledge of martial arts, he will also be wary of nose and ear consciousness.

"Sir Shen, have the warriors checked the corpse almost?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's almost there." Shen Jing said: "Actually, there is nothing to investigate. They all died under sharp weapons such as swords. The opponent's tactics were very neat. The He family failed to organize effective resistance. I'm checking to see if it's possible to be poisoned or cursed in advance, but you know it will take time..."

"That means we can evacuate from the Hefu at any time, right?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"That's it..." Shen Jing nodded lightly, his eyes were puzzled: "Zhou Fusi, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Can't find anyone, it doesn't mean he's not here, I want to demolish the He Mansion." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"This..." Shen Jing was stunned, in order to find out who might be there, he was about to demolish the He Mansion? The idea is really neat.

"Sir Shen, is it okay?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Shen Jing came back to his senses, he thought for a while and said, "You are the chief officer of these cases, if you want to tear it down, tear it down."

The reason why Shen Jing appeared here was because Zhou Fan was not in the city at the time, so he brought people to He's house.

"But apart from the corpse, the He family's things cannot be evacuated in a short time." Shen Jing frowned.

"Remove the corpse and some important property, don't let it be too heavy." Zhou Fan said without hesitation: "The longer you drag on, the more likely he will escape."

Zhou Fan said so, of course Shen Jing had no problem.

In order to complete it smoothly, Shen Jing also thought of transferring a patrol of 20 people to help.

If it weren't for Gaoxiang City's efforts to run the city's nightmare, they would be able to transfer more people.

The extermination of the He family has attracted the attention of all the families in the Northeast Third Square. They didn't even care about the nightmare tonight, and they all sent people to inquire about the news in front of the He family, fearing that this inexplicable extermination would implicate them.

Now I see Secretary Yiluan carry the body away and carry the property.

These people who were inquiring about the news at the door soon heard that Si Yiluan was going to tear down the He family!

Soon someone shouted loudly in front of the door, saying that the Hefu could not be demolished.

This matter disturbed Zhou Fan and Shen Jing who were discussing matters. The two went out to the gate of the mansion and looked at the noisy family stewards and warriors.

"Sir, the He Mansion cannot be demolished. The He Family still owes us a lot of debts. The He Family is dead now. We still want to sell the He Mansion to pay off some of the debts." The noisy people gave reasons.

Shen Jing said coldly: "It doesn't matter how much the He family owes you, Yiluan Division, but Yiluan Division demolished the He House to solve the case, who dares to stop it, then Yiluan Division has reason to suspect that the He Clan's annihilation case may be related to the family behind you. related!"

The noisy people were silent and dared not say a word, for fear that they might have anything to do with the case.

Shen Jing and Zhou Fan walked in, and Zhou Fan asked the talismans to set up a soundproof talisman within the He residence.

"Is Zhou Fusi still afraid of tearing it down and disturbing the people?" Shen Jing asked jokingly while puzzled.

"I want to talk to him before I start dismantling, maybe he is willing to come out?" Zhou Fan said with a smile.

The soundproofing array is easy to set up, and the soundproofing array is set up to not let those outsiders know who is not dead.

"Who, I know you are Back in the hall, Zhou Fan shouted the first sentence.

The voice contained true energy, and it reverberated throughout the He residence.

"Your whole family is dead, what's the use of you hiding?"

"Even if we can't find you, what happens after you escape?"

"Do you think you can get revenge alone?"

"Or do you have no intention of taking revenge at all, and just be a coward who survives?"

"Think about your dead wife, children, brothers and other relatives, can you really bear this breath?"

"If you want revenge, you can only rely on our Yiluan Division."

"Come out, tell everything, and let us take revenge for you."

After Zhou Fan shouted what he wanted to say, he waited quietly with Shen Jing.

Zhou Fan is not too sure about who will come out, because he doesn't know who's character, but he thinks that anyone with a little blood will not be reconciled.

After a while, footsteps came from outside the hall.

A middle-aged man in a brocade robe came in. His face was pale and bloodless, as if he was seriously ill, but his eyes were bloodshot.

Who is it!

He really has been hiding in the Hefu!

never leave.

Shen Jing was surprised, he didn't expect it to be as Zhou Fan expected.

"Patriarch He, you made it hard for us to find it." Shen Jing said.

He said this because he knew that Zhou Fan had not been in Gaoxiang City for a long time, so he might not know who he was. This was to tell Zhou Fan who he was.

Zhou Fan calmly looked at who, he was wondering what kind of person this is, and whether he is willing to tell everything.

He Ren coughed. He took out a white handkerchief and covered his mouth. Soon the white handkerchief was stained with blood.

He looked at the dazzling red blood on the handkerchief, and suddenly chuckled, with a hint of madness in his smile.

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