Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 994: who lied

I don't know what the nightmares will be like when they grow up. Zhou Fan asked with a sullen face: "Then did they say how long it would take for those nightmares to really grow?"

Bai Tianhua shook his head.

"Old Mr. Bai said everything he said, but don't leave out any omissions. The more detailed the better." Zhou Fan said coldly.

"The old man said that the three strange shapes were three bluish-green rays of light. Only when they were fed their brains, would they stick out three blue-green rattan beams from the rays of light and **** the brains." Bai Tianhua continued.

"Once close to them, if no isolation measures are taken, the human soul will inevitably be affected, no one is spared, they have done experiments, even Taoist monks will be affected, but Taoist monks can perceive human souls Being eroded, it can also stay away from these three monsters."

"The old man said that they doubt that if the three monsters grow up, this ability will continue to increase."

"If so, how did you transport those three monsters?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"The old man didn't go into details. He said that it was transported in some kind of container that isolates the detection of soul power." Bai Tianhua replied.

"Don't you send experts to watch secretly for such a precious thing?"

"The old man said that the forces that attacked them were also very powerful, and they had a premeditated plan. The other party was very smart. The attack was launched when the caravan relaxed its vigilance near Gaoxiang City." Bai Tianhua sighed: "Master Zhou, don't ask. Who we attacked the caravan, the old man said they didn't know either."

"I'm not interested in knowing now." Zhou Fan said lightly, "You continue to tell me about those three weird things."

Bai Tianhua was silent for a while and said, "No, I have told you everything the old man told me."

"No." Zhou Fanhan said, "How are they hidden? Don't they know, old man?"

As long as he knows how the three monsters hide, Si Luan can find their hiding place.

"If the old man knew about it, they wouldn't be able to catch them." Bai Tianhua smiled bitterly: "Master Zhou, when the old man approached me, there were too many things to say, and the time was very urgent, so it was impossible to cover everything."

Zhou Fan's face was gloomy, and he stared at Bai Baihua coldly: "There is too little information, it is of no use to us at all."

"Maybe" Bai Tianhua seemed to remember something: "The old man said that they didn't know where the three monsters were hiding. He said that the three monsters didn't escape, but they never looked like Bai Jiashang. The team disappeared without a trace, and was easily captured by them."

"You confirm" Zhou Fan knew that this must be a very important point, he asked, "What is the difference between those times and the last time?"

"This" Bai Tianhua frowned: "Master Zhou, don't make it hard for me, I'm not an old man, how could I know what's different?"

"Then where were they imprisoned before?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Bai Tianhua shook his head.

"Master Zhou, I really haven't missed anything, but the old man has a suggestion for you."

"What advice?" Zhou Fan asked earnestly. The advice left by Mrs. Bai might be very useful.

"The old man said" Bai Tian Hua hesitated before continuing, "He said, these three monsters are very strange. If it really doesn't work, then we'd better give up Gaoxiang City and move out to see if we can get rid of the three monsters."

"That's a coincidence." Zhou Fan sneered: "There is a masked man who said the same thing, and he also said that he did all this. Could it be that your Bai family cooperated with that masked man?"

When Zhou Fan said this, he kept staring at the expression on Bai Baihua's face.

"What mask man?" Bai Tianhua showed surprise on his face.

"What force is working with Mrs. Bai?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Master Zhou, do you think I would know?" Bai Tianhua asked back, "I have never met anyone from that faction."

Mr. Bai didn't want Bai Tianhua to be involved in this matter, and naturally he would not let him contact the mysterious force that cooperated with the Bai family to refine Meng Wan.

"How do I know if you lied?" Zhou Fan said, glanced at the warrior beside Bai Tianhua and said, "Give him a ghost oath."

The warrior took out the ghost oath and put it in Bai Baihua's hand.

"Swear it." Zhou Fan said lightly: "As long as you didn't lie about what happened just now, it shouldn't be difficult for you to swear. I can promise you personally, even if you provide very little information, as long as Si Yiluan If the government can successfully catch those three monsters, then we will not embarrass the innocent people of the Bai family."

"Thank you." Bai Tianhua did not hesitate to use the ghost oath to make a ghost oath.

Looking at Bai Bai Hua, who had no abnormality, Zhou Fan waved his hand and asked the two warriors to take Bai Bai Hua down.

Even if Yiluan Si didn't target the Bai family, it was hard to say whether the Bai family could survive this test.

However, this was the Bai family's own fault. Zhou Fan had no sympathy for the Bai family. He quickly left the prison and asked people to invite the four envoys from the four towns to the meeting room, saying that the nightmare monsters had found some news.

When Huang Bujue and the four heard the news, they soon arrived in the meeting room.

Zhou Fan told all the news he got from Bai Tianhua.

"Three groups of blue-green rays of light will stretch out rattan-like beams to **** the brains and get close to them, and the human soul will be affected, and the monks of the Taoist realm will not be spared."

Huang Bujue and the four were all silent after listening to Amitabha. Wen Ti said first: "If it's just these, it still works for us, but we can try to disclose this information to the academy and the White Elephant Temple, and let them check with our government to see if they can take the right seat." , find out what this strangeness is."

As long as you know what the weirdness is, things will become a lot easier.

Huang Bujue glanced at the already gloomy sky, he sighed and said, "It's too late, at least it's too late tonight."

If you miss tonight, you will lose more than 200 lives.

"You can only do your best." Zhou Fan frowned slightly and said, "The information disclosed by Mr. Bai said that after those three monsters devoured their brains, they would grow up quickly. I'm afraid they will change."

There are two completely different concepts for some strange people to grow up and not to grow up.

"That's the only way, I hope they can be resolved tonight." Shen Jing said slowly.

"There's one more thing." Zhou Fan glanced at Huang Bujue and said: "The shadow talisman we got before, the masked man said that he deliberately put the ghosts, including nightmare ghosts, into the city. I think Something is wrong."

"After all, according to the old man Bai, the nightmare escapes only after being attacked. This is an accident."

"It's either that the old man Bai is lying, or the man in the mask is lying."

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