Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 106: · The 4th world begins

"Welcome back to the world game (

"By the way, can you give me the explosive you buried in the house that day?" Su Mingan suddenly remembered this.

"That, ah, that..." A suspicious blush appeared on Yu Ruohe's face - she suddenly remembered the same behavior she had done at the end of the last world, and she actually wanted to lock this person up... But fortunately the other party didn't have anything to blame. What she meant, she thought it was over.

Seeing Lu Shu staring at her vigilantly, she was afraid that Su Mingan would shake it out, so she hurriedly handed it over to him.

"I only have these two, you take them... Don't do bad things. Although they are very bad, don't do things like blow up Edward's house and Aini's house?" She treated him like a child. Said, eyes dodging.

[Fixed-point explosives (excellent quality) *2

Type: Killing props

Effect: Pull the lead to explode, the explosion radius is two meters, causing 2000+ damage (the damage is weakened according to the level of physical defense). Note, this item is an instant explosion effect, be careful to die together!

Manufacturing requirements: The advanced props from the world copy cannot be produced independently.

Introduction: The advanced props from the second world, Daylight Floating City, use technology far beyond the current level of human beings. If the player chose to stay, would he be able to learn to make them? 】

"Thank you very much." Su Mingan smiled and said, "If the Fourth World can be used, I will thank you."

"...You must win." Yu Ruohe whispered.

Su Mingan glanced at Lu Shu who was sitting motionless on the ground playing with butterflies.

"That." Lu Shu shouted at him, "That screen recording..."

"It's okay, save it for now." Su Ming'an said: "This kind of thing, even if it is made public, can't completely change the situation. Wait until the fourth world... I will win and show it to everyone."

"...I will help you." Lu Shu said.

Su Ming'an was wrapped in a quilt, his mental state was really bad now, and he didn't want to talk more.

…no matter how the waves of the world surge, how the game of the world changes,

Can not affect the sleeper's mood to make up for sleep.

Su Mingan closed his eyes.

When Su Mingan woke up again, he glanced at the system time.

【November 2, 2020, 19:49】

It has only been a month since the start of the world game on September 30.

...but he felt like a long time had passed.

The personal space is like a small closed space, there is no window in it, and the sky cannot be seen. He can only set the time according to the system time.

He saw the woman sitting in front of his bed, her head bowed, and she was knitting something like a sweater in her hand.

"...You can sleep well, in a sense." Yu Ruohe noticed his movement and turned his head.

"More than a day?" Su Ming'an did not expect that he would be able to sleep for so long this time.

He noticed that with the increase in the number of deaths of his clones, his mental state was also declining... The obvious manifestation was the sleep time. In the third world, he often felt inexplicably sleepy.

"Where's Lu Shu?"

"He said that he couldn't bear the lighthouse of the world sleeping in such a small room, so he took the initiative to find a house for you." Yu Ruohe shrugged: "He said that Edward's guys didn't dare to do it directly in the main **** space, So he doesn't allow you to be in a state of hiding like this."

When Su Mingan opened the World Forum, it was obvious that there was a countdown at the top.

- The countdown to the beginning of the fourth world.

28 hours, 11 minutes.

Next to the time, there is also an obvious game board pattern with the slogan:

[Top players, compete on the same stage! Bet on the quiz, waiting for you to play! 】

When Su Mingan clicked on it, he first saw his avatar photo.

Here is the quiz interface for the top 12 players who have entered the fourth world. The avatars of the 12 people above are clear, and there are names and matching words next to them, which seem to be officially prepared by the organizer.

All players can choose three players to bet, because the organizer has stated that the winner of the fourth world is not the only one, and multiple people may win at the same time.

The reason why I saw my avatar first is because my odds are the lowest... Surprisingly, the masses are unexpectedly very optimistic about myself.

[Player Su Mingan (odds 1:1.01)]

[Combat Strength: 740]

[Honor: "Number One Player", the first three worlds are all 100% perfect sss clearance, the first Tier 2 player. 】

【Number of bets: 978298372】

...This odds have completely lost points. Su Mingan estimates that everyone who sees the betting table has placed a bet on themselves. After all, there are three players in total, and the probability of becoming the winner is still very high. People will put the obvious points without earning.

However, in addition to the winner bet, there is also an mvp bet that can only bet on one player. mvp means that the player with the highest rating and the best performance in the fourth world, this time the first player is not Su Mingan.

[Player Edward (odds 1:1.27)]

[Combat Strength: 1200]

[Honor: The first three worlds have 100% perfect sss clearance, the strongest combat power, and the first overall equipment rating. 】

【Number of bets: 498278378】

Edward, his 1200 combat power is so terrifying that many players who don't know why think this is the strongest.

The second place was Su Ming'an, with 350 million bets, more than 100 million less than Edward.

The two of them took almost all the bettors, and the remaining more than 100 million bettors spread their bets on other players, forming a cliff-like gap between the first two and the next ten.

"Su Ming'an, there is good news." Yu Ruohe said, and handed him the Sword of Yarman: "While you were sleeping, I went to find the best blacksmith in the first guild secretly. She Saying that your sword is very good, it seems that the rank is not low before it is repaired. After selling the scarlet claw worth 250 points, I used all the points to exchange for forging items, but I added a lot of points to your sword. "

Su Mingan looked at the attributes.

[Sword of Yarman (blue level, semi-broken, can grow): This is his great last sword

Attack Power: 25~35

Durability: 2025

Equipment Requirement: One-handed weapon, Strength requirement 10 and above

Special Attributes: Born in the damaged long sword in the apocalyptic world, it once shone endlessly, waiting for the restoration of the great man. Now it has been partially restored by a good blacksmith and looks much sharper. Comes with true damage attribute.

True damage attribute: When attacking, 10~50 points of true damage will be added (determined according to the attack strength and the effect of breaking moves). The true damage can ignore the defense and carry out a fixed value attack. 】

[Combat power 740+35]

"Real damage?" Su Mingan remembered Edward's tortoise shell-like super protective cover: "This attribute is not bad."

"The special attributes of the weapon are closely related to the owner's luck value. Your luck value must not be low." Yu Ruohe looked at him.

Su Mingan glanced at the Ring of Aurora on his hand, but said nothing.

"Ding dong!"

[Lu Shu: I've helped you look after the room, come here. 】

Lu Shu sent a message, Su Mingan glanced at it, and quickly replied:

[Su Ming'an: Thank you, but I like it here, safe. 】

"Ding dong!"

[Lu Shu: I'll help you watch, be safe. 】

[Su Ming'an: You are not safe. 】

【Lu Shu:…】

[Lu Shu: ...then can I come back? 】

[Su Mingan: No. 】

Su Ming'an put Lu Shu on the blacklist of "Prohibited from entering and leaving personal space". Since this person has gone out by himself, he doesn't need to let anyone in, it's already crowded enough.

"…You still look tired."

He suddenly heard Yu Ruohe's voice very close to him, and a smell of lavender came up, it was the fragrance of shampoo on her hair.

Obviously, after returning to the main **** space, the data-based body does not need to take a bath, but she is still so interested in taking care of herself... Maybe this is a woman's sense of ritual?

As soon as he looked up, he saw Yu Ruohe's long, narrow and beautiful eyes looking at him, his eyelashes trembling.

"It's a little sleepy."

"I don't bother you anymore, you can prepare again." Yu Ruohe stood up, cut his hair, and turned his head: "...If you are under any pressure, you can come to me."

"Then." Su Mingan waved at her: "Goodbye?"

"Goodbye" again.

But Yu Ruohe felt that this time, there was no anger in her heart.

"...Goodbye." She said, tapping the door with her hand: "...Come on."

She didn't say anything like relaxing and decompressing.

The people in front of me... never seem to need these.

She teleported out.

Then Su Mingan quickly pulled Yu Ruohe into the ranks of "prohibited from entering and leaving personal space".

Then, he felt a burst of real security.

He clicked on the ball of light and began to browse the changes in the World Forum after the end of the third world.

Things on the World Forum are changing every day. In addition to endless quarrels and comparisons, the most popular ones are touting posts, comparison posts to various bigwigs, and record posts. In addition, there are some guide posts, recording various skills and equipment, and making the technical analysis area like a picture book area.

In the past two days, Su Mingan paid attention to the information of the other eleven players and learned some of their information-because the information of the top players was almost nowhere to be found, it was a very easy thing to collect.

In addition, he also noticed the "joint group" that audiences often said in the live broadcast room.

For the purpose of maintaining human survival, players have established an organization called the United Group.

The series of declarations and proposals it issued, as well as its thinking on the Zhai Xing pattern after the end of the world game, are not mandatory, but only a symbolic power existence, whose influence is based on support and consent.

But for a considerable number of ordinary people, the authoritative guide posts and consolation posts it publishes, with a very humanitarian spirit, are their life-saving straws.

With the establishment of the most basic urban order and the action plan of "letting more people live", teams have begun to establish in various main **** squares. The total existing scale has reached tens of thousands of people, and the scale is still expanding.

- And the reason why he noticed this "joint group" was because of a very hot post.

[The United Group sent a letter to the top 100 players in the world to express respect and support for their efforts. 】

[The consortium sent a letter to the first player, expressing understanding and respect for his behavior and theory. 】

[The United Group sent a letter to Noel, the second player on the list, hoping that he can continue to persevere in the brilliance shown in the three worlds...]

[The United Group sent a letter to Edward, the third player on the list...]

[The consortium sent a letter to the list four...]

"The United Mission... Shows understanding and respect for my actions and theories? The implication is that you don't agree, but don't you disagree?" Su Mingan knew that his theory would not be recognized by the vast majority of people.

Those supporters are more focused on the so-called "first player" name to become so fanatical.

...but it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about that.

Whether those eyes contain admiration or resentment.

In the time of collecting information, the countdown of the World Forum finally gradually reached zero.

Su Ming'an checked his attributes for the last time.

【personal information】

Real name: Su Mingan

No.: BE3030

Level: second-level one

Honor: The first player in the novice level, the first player (coronation moment), two braces, deification, three plum blossoms, second-order pioneer

Occupation: White Judge (hidden)

Occupation: ruler

Equipment: Clover Bracelet (Green), Aurora Ring (Purple), Bone Tooth Necklace (Blue), ReminonRP9 (Green), Sword of Yarman (Blue), Unrusted Iron Rod (White), Leather Long Boots (green), standard trousers (green), mechanical heart (blue), rose hat (hidden)


[(Red level) Space lv.3, (Blue level) Destroyed lv.1, (Professional core skills) Ming Ye clone lv.4: Separate a clone. The avatar has the ability to think independently and has an independent personality, but the body can still perceive the avatar's five senses and give immediate orders.

Current status: (the main body) has been frozen to the "shadow" status, and the (clone) has been frozen to the "clear" status - attention, this skill has a great risk of death and collapse! 】

[Basic Marksmanship lv.2]

Health: 300

Mana: 100+20*80=1700 (recovery speed 20 points)

Stamina: 3 (Shadow State)

Strength: 3 (Shadow State)

Agility: 6 (Shadow State)

Spirit: 85 (Shadow state, growth is greatly improved! Spell-based skills are greatly increased in power!)

Charisma: A+ (powerful bonus)

Luck: B+ (four-leaf clover bracelet, aurora ring bonus)

Points: 118

Combat power: 795 (individual bright state), UU reading www.uukanshu.com 800 (individual figure state)

【Mental Resistance lv.8*2】

[Abnormal resistance lv.2: For warlock and curse skills, you have 10*2% resistance. 】

[Poison Resistance lv.2: You can be immune to any poisonous skills of creatures whose intelligence points are lower than 15*2% of yours. 】

Avatar (current status):

Health: 500+30*27=1310

Mana: 100+20*2=140 (recovery speed 5 points)

Stamina: 32 (light state)

Strength: 32 (light state)

Agility: 24 (bright state)

Spirit: 7 (Clear state)

[Fighting Specialization lv.2 (with Ming state)]

[Knife Specialization lv.2 (Born in Ming state)]

[Swordsmanship Specialization lv.2 (Born in Ming state)]

"Ding dong!" He heard a system sound.

【Break time is over - dear players, welcome back to the world game! 】

[The Fourth World: ? world. The world's top 12 players compete on the same stage! 】

【Participating players: 12 people!】

[In the fourth world, twelve players will turn off the private message function and are not allowed to send any information to their friends. 】

[Note: During the progress of the world, viewers are not allowed to switch between the live broadcast rooms, and can only select one player's live broadcast to watch until the end of the world. 】

[During the competition, the bullet screen with identity clues is automatically blocked, and the bullet screen must not reveal any relevant information. 】

[Since the player enters the game for the fourth time, he will no longer automatically learn the common language of communication, and automatically deduct 10 points to learn the common language of the fourth world! 】

【—The world begins! 】

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