Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 115: · "Werewolf Attack"

"Welcome back to the world game (

The clone looked at the smiling mayor and raised his vigilance.

"Okay, thank you for your willingness to listen to my half-broken old man telling stories, young traveler." The mayor sat beside him, holding the teapot, hunched over, showing his half-hearted tea art, while He sighed slightly intoxicated: "...The curse of Terry Town, you must have some understanding. The townspeople... live in fear of monsters every day and night, no one knows, what is the cause of death? It will fall upon itself..."

"How long has this been going on?" Edward asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Actually, the situation was not so bad originally." The mayor sighed slightly: "Ten years ago, this situation was terminated - the great **** told us that He would definitely descend to protect us. However, I don't know why. , recently, this has happened again..."

"Ten years ago?" Edward raised his eyebrows: "Mayor, what is the origin of the curse?"

"Origin..." The mayor's voice was low, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to kill flies: "It should have been decades ago, after [that person] arrived in Terry Town..."

Edward's expression became a little more serious.

"It was an extremely sunny day, when I was young, and the town of Terry was peaceful..." The mayor said, "But the [hunter] in the village brought back a child, he was a wolf child... The wolf was raised and we rescued him...

We fed him, clothed him, taught him to read, taught him to be a normal human being... All of us thought life would go on until one day..."

His tone was slow and filled with deep sorrow, like falling to the bottom of the valley in an instant:

"—We just found out what kind of monster we rescued."


The tea bowl in Jasmine's hand was knocked over and spilled on the avatar beside her. She hurried in, and kept bending over to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to..."

Her hands were shaking, and even after standing up, they kept shaking like twitches.

The clone noticed that there was a fine layer of fluff on the back of her hand.

"Jasmine, why are you being so careless..." The mayor seemed to want to lift it gently, and didn't even mean to change the clothes of the clone: ​​"Be careful next time, you know?"

The doting in those eyes dragged and drowned like deep water.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—!" Jasmine nodded her head like pounding garlic, her fingers tightly pinching the skirt, her bluish and white appearance was very obvious, as if she wouldn't give up until she got a response.

The girl's voice was clear and crisp, but it sounded particularly noisy at this time, and the avatar in the shadow state didn't seem to want to pay attention to her, but said "um".

But suddenly, the clone shuddered violently.

"Travelers from the outside world, our story..." The mayor seemed to want to continue telling his story, but looked at the clone with a "swoosh", kicked over the stool and jumped out.

"Traveler No. 1, Traveler No. 1? Don't you listen to my story?" He shouted from behind, but the clone had already rushed out like lightning.


In front of the ancestral hall, Su Mingan hit the belly of the villagers surrounded by him with an elbow, stunned the opponent directly, and the next moment, the blood-stained stick was about to hit the top of the head.

With a "bang", he caught the stick with one hand, but the villager, who seemed to be thin and thin, suddenly burst out with strength that made his wrist numb.

The red-eyed woman on the side was not to be outdone, she swung her **** over, and saw that it was about to smack his waist. He instantly exerted force, and spatial fluctuations appeared in an instant, knocking over the woman in front of him and attacking the back together. The townspeople were overwhelmed together.


He grabbed the stick and knocked it on the man's forehead behind him. Watching him roll his eyes and fall to the ground, Su Ming'an moved his numb wrists. After confirming that no one could stand, he looked at Yamada Choichi.

"Thank you." Yamada-cho said in a low voice.

Su Ming'an ignored his intentions. He crouched down and went to check on the townspeople.

[You found (the comatose townsman), did you start reconnaissance? (Clues obtained by reconnaissance are related to spirit and wisdom)]

[*You got Clue 3. The fluff on the back of your hand]

[(Fleece on the back of the hand): You find that the body hair on these townspeople seems to be too lush, like fluff]

【Get 10 exploration points】

[The clue has been recorded in the clue column and can be viewed at any time. 】

He had some guesses about the state of the world, but further clues were needed. Thinking that the avatar should be talking about the story of the mayor now, he turned his attention to--

He saw himself in the eyes of the clone.

He turned his head and saw the clone who had just arrived, and there were still lingering fears in the other party's eyes.

"Didn't I arrange for you to talk to the mayor?" Su Mingan frowned, he didn't know how this clone came back without authorization.

"However, your situation just now was very dangerous." The clone looked at him.

Su Mingan felt something wrong, something wrong in his skills.

He suddenly realized this core skill...sometimes it may be out of his control.

He still cares about the "independent personality" above the skill introduction.

...Although it's good to have wisdom, and he doesn't need his two-wire control, but it can't do everything.

"You remember." Su Ming'an said to him very seriously: "In the future, as long as I don't change the order, you are not allowed to change it without authorization, no matter how dangerous my situation is, even if I am on the verge of death. When I die, use the occupation points to resurrect me. - Precious clues are more important than my life, do you understand?"


"Go back now and listen to the rest of the story." Su Mingan asked him to go back quickly, and then looked at Yamada Choichi next to him.

"How do you want me to repay you?" Yamada Machichi stared at him with black currant eyes.

"Are you a werewolf?" Su Mingan asked while looking at the collapsed ancestral hall in front of him.

"If so, will you kill me?" Yamada-cho said with a trembling voice.

"I'm a witch, of course I'm going to kill you."

"……I'm not."

"Very well, then tell me the clues you got?" Su Mingan turned her head.

"...I didn't get any clues either." She pinched the corner of her skirt, her dull voice covered in ashes.

The barrage is almost crazy to laugh at:

[Fairy dialogue, inexplicable sense of harmony hhhh]

【There is nothing you open a shop! 】

[This **** girl is so cute www I don't seem to have seen her live broadcast before]

[I feel much cuter than Lin Jiang]

[You don't really think they are harmless, do you? ? 】

[Maybe it's a wolf, it's definitely not easy to see how it erupts. 】

[I smell a new CP. 】

【? Did you start again? Please go to the CP area of ​​the World Forum, don't come here to make me ball! 】


"Then leave here." Su Mingan ignored the girl.

He went to observe the collapsed ancestral hall, but unfortunately, he did not get any investigation tips. It seems that this clue point has been damaged.

When he raised his head again, Yamada Machiichi was no longer there.

Su Mingan didn't care about the townspeople who had been knocked out by him, returned from here, and went to other places in the town to find clues, but those NPCs just smiled at him, with an extremely warm and intimate attitude, to his hands. Stuff their fresh fruit.

The clone also returned to the mayor's room, but the story seemed to be over, and even the mayor and the important target Jasmine were nowhere to be seen.

Only the door was locked and could not be opened with annihilation.

Coincidentally, when Su Mingan was collecting clues, he saw Edward walking by and holding a tablet-like thing.

He saw Edward give him a defiant smile.

"...Although I don't know why, you didn't listen to the mayor's story completely. But...you left out a very important clue, Su Ming'an." Edward whispered softly: "This will be your failure in this game - you Can't beat me."

"The more provocative words you say, the lower your chances of winning." Su Ming'an said, "Don't stand up for yourself."

A cold light flashed in Edward's eyes: "...Do you really think I dare not kill you during the day?"

"You dare not." Su Mingan looked at him with a smile: "Because you see your cards clearly, you know that you are not a prophet, so you admit that Lu Shu is a prophet and that I am a witch. You killed me, Lu The tree will definitely not let you go, no matter if you win or he wins, if the priesthood is dead or dead, do you really have any hope of winning?"

"As long as I kill you in the eyes of everyone, what will the victory of the faction have to do with me..."

"—Edward." A cold female voice came from the right, Mizushima Chuankong came here at some point, and his footsteps were as light as a black cat: "Don't say that."

Edward also realized that he had lost his words, he closed his mouth, his heavy eyes fixed on Su Ming'an, and then he walked sideways towards Mizushima Chuankong, and slammed into him hard.

Su Ming'an's eyes were slightly cold.

It's really... just like the second world Airy, extremely boring and provocative behavior.

Previously, Su Ming'an would not be angry, but now he somewhat felt the slight anger that his hopes had been let down.

He took a half step back, his tone slightly cold:

"...So, Edward, I never admitted that you would be [Lighthouse]."

... A person who only has the position of [First Player] in his eyes and ignores the overall situation cannot become the future in everyone's eyes.

How dare you say that you only want to kill yourself, regardless of the victory of the entire camp? What did those upper-class people instill in Edward?

Edward gestured towards him, thumbs down.

"You won't survive tonight, everyone knows you're a witch," he said coldly.

"It will outlive you." Su Ming'an said, "However, a hunter who competes with a prophet... Your overall situation is really strong because of them. You are a very successful man made by those people. "The strongest ", I admit."

A look of anger flashed across Edward's face. He usually rarely gets angry, but this person seems to hit his pain point with every word, and he can easily blow him up. guy. But Mizushima Chuankong stretched out his hand and dragged him away.

"...Don't argue with him..." Her lowered voice could be heard faintly in the air.

Edward glanced at him coldly: "I see if you can still see the sun tomorrow - no matter what, Su Ming'an, I will let you fail in front of the whole world."

He and Mizushima Chuankong walked into the shadow together and instantly merged into it.

Su Mingan chuckled lightly, ignoring his threat, and continued to go to the town to find clues.

In the afternoon, after receiving a fruit basket from an aunt, he suddenly saw a yellowed note lying in the basket.

【Get level clues and guard clues】

[(Guarding clue): Her life is like cooking oil with fire, flowers are brocade, and everything looks bright like spring - but she never thought that all the gifts from fate have already marked their prices behind their backs. 】

[The clues have been included in the clues column and can be viewed at any time. 】

[Get 10 exploration points. 】

"Her?" Su Mingan put the note into the clue column, with some guesswork in his heart.


The afterglow of the prosperous sun is light, and the setting sun is slowly approaching.

Andre's body was still hanging on the gallows in the square, and there was a faint blood in the evening wind.

A sneaky figure who was covered in a cloak appeared on the square and slowly approached the corpse.

She raised her head, revealing an extraordinarily beautiful and gentle face. Under the thick bangs were a pair of eyes with dark bags under the eyes, which contained a little sparkle at this time.

"Ah..." She slowly, slowly approached, her hand stained with bright red Kodan pressed against the cold corpse, her face was pressed against the corpse's hanging thigh, and her expression contained deep intoxication:

"Really, so good, so beautiful, wonderful material..."

The setting sun is getting thicker and thicker, and the thick blood is sprinkled on her face, containing a gorgeous beauty.

"—Hey! What are you doing! Don't get close to the exiled sinner!" Passing townspeople noticed this man's strange behavior and stepped forward immediately.

She turned her head slowly and slowly, the color of the setting sun falling in those eyes became more and more obvious.

"..." In her hand, the silver-white blade shone brightly, and when it swiped across Andre's body, the thin skin was peeled off, and a layer of radiance glowed in the setting sun.

"You, you—!" The townspeople turned pale with fright.

"It's just that you're here, then, with him, right?" The cloaked man's hand flashed with light: "Anyway, in terms of your so-called righteousness, people like you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are very important to the whole town. It doesn't matter if you die one more and one less, right?"

"You, how can you—help, help—!" The townsman turned and ran, his calf trembling.

Blood light flashed in an instant.

The blade fell off, and the thin skin was torn apart.

The man in the cloak smiled lightly, as if satisfied with today's harvest. She easily removed Andre's body, then dragged the townsman's body, bathed in the blood-colored sunset, and walked into the shadow of the street. .

On the square shrouded in the setting sun,

All that remained was a solitary, blood-stained gallows.


As the night fell, prompts appeared on the system interface of the players.

The night came, the full moon rose, and the whole town fell into dead silence. Immediately afterwards, bursts of wolf howls sounded.

"Ding dong!"

【It is about to enter the dark night, please return to the room corresponding to your respective number as soon as possible. 】

Mizushimagawa was in his room and opened his eyes.

The clock pointed to half past one.

"Ding dong!"

She heard the prompt from the system, the black knife in front of her was carefully wiped clean, the surface of the knife was glowing, and she saw the redness in her eyes like flames.

[No. 5 Mizushima Chuankong, your identity is - werewolf camp, werewolf. 】

[(Werewolf) status player, please act. 】

[You and your wolf teammates have ten minutes to discuss tactics and choose who to attack tonight. Please note that confirmation of the target of the attack tonight requires the approval of the majority of werewolves, and the attack will not be carried out if the vote is tied. 】

"Let's go." She whispered to her black knife.


Fourth World Current status:

No. 4 Lu Shu (Witch)

No. 5 Mizushima Chuankong (Wolfman)

8 Andre (Unknown) (Exile)

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