Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 118: ·Galgame

"Welcome back to the world game (

【Twenty minutes ago】

After the werewolf started to move and walked out of the huge house, Su Ming'an's body quickly descended from the back mountain and walked into the house.

He remembered that when he approached this door last night, the door displayed: [This building is currently unavailable, please come at a different time. ].

Therefore, he came here specially at a different time period, ready to try it this time.

Before hitting the door, he noticed the prompts the system gave him.

[This building is in a usable state and can be entered. 】

[Please note that the available state is the Werewolf action time, which lasts for 30 minutes. If it expires, the door will automatically close, and you cannot enter or leave. Please save time. 】

...Sure enough, there should be some important clues here.

He pushed the door open, and the door was unlocked. After entering the large room, he saw the densely packed tablet table on the desk in front of him. A slender red candle was burning on the desk, but there was no wax underneath. It looked like General in perpetual combustion.

He looked around and found no other clues and props - after all, this is where the werewolves discussed, and any good things have long been picked up.

He went around the desk and looked back, and saw a statue of a **** sunken in the wall. The face of the statue was rusted, and the face was covered with fine claw marks.

[*You found a special clue, the rusted statue]

[(The rusted statue): The people in the town seem to believe in gods, but why are the gods they worship so dilapidated? 】

【Get 10 exploration points】

His hand touched the face of the deity, but there was no response. When he passed the desk, he felt his foot tripped and lowered his head. He saw that hidden in the shadows, under the desk, looking like Very hidden - a coffin.


Suddenly seeing a coffin in the middle of the night, an ordinary person might faint from fright.

The perspective of the live broadcast room is here, and the barrage is still swiping:

[Running around at night again! Running around at night again! Pay attention to safety, Ming Anan! 】

[My kiao, where did this coffin come from, is it too gloomy? ? 】

[I want to see the avatar's perspective! I want to see the leader, Miss Anna! I want to see the prophet action!!]

[Su Ming'an never let us see his identity and actions, there must be a problem...]

[The official gambling table on the forum is too tiring. The probability of believing that he is a prophet or a werewolf is actually 55 to 50... How can I guess...]

[There will be no one who thinks that the first player is not a prophet, right? He didn't need to lie to Brother Lu Shu when he lied to anyone, right? 】

[It's hard to say...Su Mingan has always been cruel to the people he sent...]

[Husband, hurry up! I look so scared in this place...]


Su Ming'an touched the coffin with his hand. It was a mahogany coffin and looked very heavy. He moved his hands on it and tried to open it. The wood rubbed and made a crackling sound.

He was originally prepared to see a hideous rotting corpse or a skeleton, but what he saw was an empty coffin.

...there is nothing inside.

He was a little puzzled, but he suddenly heard footsteps approaching from the periphery. The footsteps were slow and mixed, and there was a crisp sound of glass colliding, as if many people were about to enter the room.

He suddenly raised his eyes and saw the lights that were gradually gathering outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door that had been locked by him made a slight noise, as if someone was about to open it—

He knows that the people outside will not be players, and it is not yet time for the werewolf action to end. The only person who can move freely is himself without an identity. The outside must be NPCs who may provide clues - but he can't expose himself in the room. .

He heard a murmur, like chanting scriptures, and like a believer chanting. He vaguely saw a pair of blood-red eyes in the crack of the door, and the sense of crisis was approaching little by little.

"Boom, blah, blah..."

The wooden door made a soft sound, as if it was about to be opened, and he immediately looked around—

But it was all square, and there wasn't even a single place to hide.

Struggle flashed in his eyes, thinking about spatial displacement to leave this place, but he didn't want to let go of the clue, so... eh?

He instantly felt a force coming from his arm, as if something grabbed him.

His body tilted suddenly, and before he was suddenly dragged into the coffin, he was stunned to see a girl with blood-red eyes and a mouth like red lips lying in the originally empty coffin, staring at him.


The coffin was closed, and then, the wooden door was finally opened, and the townspeople holding the lights outside walked in slowly.

There was a slight chanting sound in their mouths, as if they were chanting something, and someone knelt down first, like the **** statue that was suddenly plated with a new layer of gold, and the action was extremely pious.

... But all this has nothing to do with Su Ming'an who was suddenly pulled into the coffin.

The coffin was huge, so the space wasn't crowded, but he was also face down, next to the girl who pulled him in.

The bodies of the two were squeezed together, and he could even feel the elasticity pressing him tightly, and the jelly-like skin under his fingertips.


Why is the skin of the person lying in the coffin so smooth?

He wanted to change his posture so that he could observe the behavior of the townspeople outside from the cracks in the unsealed coffin, but after he moved reluctantly, nothing seemed to have changed except the girl's breathing became heavier and the posture became more awkward. .

"You... don't move..."

He heard the girl's low voice, and when he changed his posture, he felt the smooth touch slid across his fingertips, like a pool of cold water.

Under the slight candlelight that penetrated through the gap, he saw that the girl's face seemed to be wearing bright red makeup, and a little lip blush was as bright as blood.

The barrage is about to explode:

【Coming! Every copy must be given for free! 】

[I'm so envious, so envious, this person's charm points must explode, I don't believe that this game has so much free for girls! 】

[Envy a hammer, this girl is abnormal at first glance, which girl have you seen lying in a coffin? ? ? 】

[Although it is hell, it is given for nothing. 】

[She seems to be wearing makeup...Why do I think this girl looks familiar. 】

【…Isn’t this the mayor’s daughter Jasmine? The one who looks old and shy. 】


Su Mingan also recognized it through that momentary meeting of eyes - this is Jasmine, and also his identity quest target NPC.

The mission prompt said that he needed to expose her sins, so he didn't believe that the other party would be as pure and kind as he appeared on the surface.

He was vigilant and didn't move for the time being. Those weird townspeople were right next to him. It's best not to make any noise.

He listened attentively, but the townspeople only repeated the language he did not understand. This sound continued for a long time, and after about twenty minutes, the sound of their footsteps reappeared.

Then, the dim light streamed out, and the mahogany door was slammed shut with a dull sound.

He had been in a hurry, he could only stay in this room for about thirty minutes, and now it was almost over.

Although I don't know what the result of the timeout will be, judging from the collapse of the ancestral hall before, it should not be an easy ending.

With a "bang", as soon as the townspeople left, he quickly lifted the lid of the coffin.

"...Wait, where are you going?" The girl held him, and through the weak light of the red candle, he saw the gorgeous red gauze on her body like the fin tail of a red carp, and the gold pendant on her neck and wrist jingled. , like a golden ring of light.

From the mission prompt, he knew that the person in front of him would not be a good person, so he thought of pushing her away first, but an extremely intense pain suddenly erupted in his chest, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

...the clone acted.

The vomited blood exploded on the girl's gold pendant, dyeing the bright color even more brilliantly.

After detonating the explosives, the clone could not survive, the pain of death spread over, Su Ming'an's eyes were dizzy, he gasped so violently that he couldn't even stabilize his body, and fell down again, just looking at his head. To hit the corner of the coffin.

A white hand gently cushioned his head, the girl looked at him with a gentle expression, her bright makeup was particularly attractive under the candlelight.

"Be careful," she whispered, hugging his body very gently, helping him sit in the coffin.

"..." Su Mingan lowered his head, his five senses were a little confused, and his body seemed to be separated, both numb and painful... The pain caused by the death of the clone this time was very serious.

"Are you not feeling well?"

In a trance, he heard the gentle voice of the girl in front of him. Her hand was as soft as a cloud, caressing his forehead, bringing a cold ripple.

"Hi..." He opened her hand and looked at the wooden door that was suddenly locked: "...It's too late."

Thirty minutes have passed, and the lock is automatically closed.

He can't get out.

... But at present, it seems that there is no danger for the time being, and there is no plot kill.

He quickly shifted the attack target to Jasmine in front of him.

"Are you Jasmine?" he asked.

"Well... I remember that I seem to be called this name." The girl said softly.


Su Ming'an's vigilance was instantly raised to the highest level. He barely recovered from the pain that pierced his chest, and slowly stood up while holding the edge of the coffin:

"Why are you here? You are not the mayor's daughter, why are you sleeping in a coffin at night?"

Jasmine lowered her head and did not speak.

[Jasmine's favorability level -10, current favorability level: 10 (friendly)]

The sudden sound of the system prompt made Su Mingan feel agitated.


He remembered that during the day, Jasmine's favorability should be 30.

... when did it drop?

He stepped out of the coffin and went to open the mahogany door, but as expected, he got [This building is in an unusable state, please come at a different time. ] system prompt.

...Does that mean you can't get out? Unless you wait until the next night's werewolf action?

Su Ming'an felt something was wrong - the clone was dead, he was trapped here for a whole day, and he missed the referendum on the second day. He didn't know what the result would be.

The battle of factions is very important, at least the outcome of the whole game is decided by the faction. As early as after the rules were determined at the beginning, everyone also heard the announcement of the system.

... This dungeon does not affect the progress of the perfect customs clearance, and decryption has become secondary.

For other players, the victory or defeat of the faction is the most important, but for him, who has the task of being in power, he still needs to solve the mystery of this town.

If I roll back now, the clues here will be let go

...This "Jasmine" looks too suspicious.

For him, the more important thing was about Jasmine, which was related to whether his mission could be completed.

It seems that the only way to break the game is...

He looked back, and the girl in the red gauze was also looking over, with a little neglected injury in her eyes.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind again.

[Jasmine's favorability level -5, current favorability level: 5 (friendly)]

Su Ming'an suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion from his scalp.

... He always felt that this game is fortunately not a galgame, and there is no favorability setting, but now... he seems to have to embark on such a path to improve the opponent's favorability.

Jasmine didn't speak before, could it be that her favorability level didn't meet the standard?

He bites the bullet and looks at her with an extremely friendly look, with a forced business smile on his face:

"Jasmine... I'm sorry for ignoring you before."

The girl's eyes were fixed on him, and the two bright red spots in the eyes were like two faint ghosts.

"You're wearing so little, are you cold? I have some clothes here..." He began to rummage through his backpack.

Then, he heard a system sound that he had never felt before, which made him feel a real sense of rout:

[Jasmine's favorability level -5, current favorability level: 0 (neutral)]

His expression froze slightly, and then, when he met Jasmine's eyes, he found that her eyes were much colder than before.


Viewers can't see his system prompts, but that doesn't mean they can't:

[Why did Brother Ming An suddenly change his attitude!? 】

[Crap, I feel like he's starting to enter the Raiders mode. 】

[It seems that the only way to get out is from this girl's mouth...]

【Galgame? take off! 】

【Why do I feel wrong... This Jasmine's expression is getting colder and colder! 】


【Brother Ming An! The famous lighthouse theory! Run! 】

[Start brainwashing directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ win! 】

[Wait a minute... the girls seem to be posting white stuff, I haven't seen Ming An take the initiative to chase a girl...]

【! I also want to be the target of Ming An'an's strategy! Jasmine, get out of the way! let me go! I'm so excited to show you! 】

[Something's wrong, this strategy doesn't seem to be progressing smoothly... Will Su Mingan be able to...]


Su Mingan had a headache.

A strategy also has to have clues and scope to be able to prescribe the right medicine. He is good at using his own experience to guide the other party’s emotions, but he knows almost nothing about this Jasmine, and he doesn’t even know where to start fooling… No, he doesn’t know where to start persuading, For the time being, I can only treat her with the attitude of an ordinary girl...

But he is clearly a 100% pure single dog.

After being hyped by those female fans on the forum for a long time, he was not used to developing this level of strategy for a while.

Jasmine looked at him indifferently, the tenderness in her eyes gradually faded.

Su Ming'an hurriedly rummaged through his backpack to see if there was anything that would please girls.

... a doll of flowers, this doll looks eerie, and the button eyes are actually bloody.

...Noria's red roses, this looks pretty good, but I don't know if Jasmine likes roses or not, after all, he saw that she also has a small garden at home, so there should be no shortage of these...

Wait...Wang Han's human skin mask?

Su Ming'an took out the human skin.

Then he put this **** mask on his face, facing Jasmine in front of him.

He felt that the wave had stabilized.

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