Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 125: ·"guard?"

There is also a short line of small characters at the bottom of the notebook. The handwriting is a little different from the previous one, as if it was newly added.

[...I originally intended to record the past, but I didn't expect that one day, it would be time for me to ask for help too. 】

【Whoever sees this diary, no matter who you are...】

[Please be sure, before going to "her" tablet, complete the regret of this wandering resentful spirit...]

[I want to fight but I can't fight, I want to get rid of it but I can't get rid of it...]

[...I'm old, and I'm going crazy. 】


[*Get the hidden clue: Serena's distress diary]

[Trigger S-level hidden mission: Pilgrim (point reward is given according to mission completion)]

[Task description: - Go to her tablet, her tomb, where she is still alive. She used to be the most loyal, and most foolish pilgrim... Unfortunately, the moment she fell into the coffin, the truth was clear in front of her eyes...]

[Note: This task is a single-player task, and only one player can enter the copy! 】

[Note: Complete the task to get the key clue to the "Final Secret"! 】

[Note: This task is extremely dangerous! Players are advised to choose carefully. 】


The moment he closed the notebook, a series of system prompts sounded in Su Ming'an's ears.

He looked at Aini and Lu Shu who were rubbing against each other, and saw how they were thinking.

"You also received a system prompt?" Su Ming'an said.

"Well... the contents of the notebook are very vague, and the system prompts are also very vague." Lu Shu immediately responded:

"We don't know who "she" is in the notebook, and where is "in front of her tablet" in the quest prompt... Although I am very familiar with Selina - she is my guide, the witch Selina , but she can't be there during the day."

Su Mingan thought about it. According to the records of Serena in the notebook, she said that she was "old" and even had gray hair, but on the first night, when he saw Serena, this woman playing with medicine Still a youthful beauty.

...Perhaps, Serena, who used to be a person in the small town, has already grown old and even died in the years.

The young Selina who was the guide of the night, the Selina who had the power to fight against werewolves... She may no longer be a living person, but only exists as a spirit body.

He remembered that there was something called "God" in this small town.

The fanatical beliefs of the townspeople, self-exile for the sake of a word from the gods... Such an extremely arrogant, and even a bit crazy behavior, impressed him deeply.

"No, why are you struggling with this?" Aini's eager words interrupted his thinking: "--These are not important at all! This is a competitive pvp dungeon, as long as you kill all the werewolf camp players, Now our situation is very urgent, and it is not suitable to participate in such a dangerous mission..."

His intentions were good, after all, this mission description seems to be a near-death experience.

Even the audience was a little puzzled... After all, they couldn't see the mission prompt of "The Powerful One". In their view, winning the final victory of the camp and proving the name of the "first player" is far more important than solving the puzzle to get high points.

"Correct a concept first." Su Mingan looked at him: "Our situation, for me, is not urgent right now."

Aini glanced at the four people present and asked him with his eyes - are you sure?

If you don't count Adolf who was chasing out... the four-to-four ratio, he really doesn't know how to come back.

"Second." Su Mingan continued: "This dungeon is not as simple as a simple 12-person pvp."

"And, third." His hand patted Aini's shoulder: "... Mind your own business, don't interfere with my behavior."

Aini's face showed some obvious anger-like emotions, but he was held back by himself.

As if he had grown up before the predicament, he knew that no one would go to accommodate him casually.

"Lu Shu, I'm coming to find you tonight to arrange the target of poisoning." Su Ming'an turned around and said, "By the way, I want to chat with Selina about this town."

"Where are you going?" Lu Shu asked immediately.

"...I can probably guess who "she" is and where the mission is." Su Mingan rubbed his chin and thought: "So, I have some confidence in this copy."

"Wait, wait, I don't think this is your own personal behavior." Aini immediately spoke first, his face flushed, as if he was a little scared and had to say: "The battle between the camps, you are The priesthood prophet is also the person with the highest combat effectiveness in the current good people camp. If you die in the dungeon because of this mission, we will have no hope at all. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should still support the victory or defeat of the entire camp. Your audience should think about it—"

He said this, but saw the person in front of him suddenly laugh.

"Sure enough, in fact, human beings themselves are no different from the story of the dungeon. Because of the faction, there are always people who are forcibly locked in their righteous words..." Su Mingan smiled happily and seemed to want to continue talking, but soon his The voice paused for a while, and then withdrew the smile.

It was as if something was forcibly pressed.

"...Forget it." He waved his hand: "It doesn't make sense to say this, you can find a place to hold a group, don't worry, you will be fine."

He said, turned around, a **** white mask appeared in his hand, covered his face, and left the few people standing there.

Lu Shu looked at him and moved, but he still didn't follow.

Aini was still stunned: "...What is he talking about, why didn't he say anything? Hey, I have persuaded him, right, Lu Shu, you don't want him to die, right? It's useless for me to persuade him alone. , you also persuade two words..."

Lu Shu stared at him, then lowered his head.

"No, he is a good person, a good person can do anything." Lu Shu said with certainty, and then ignored Aini, who was so anxious, and looked at Yamadacho with a very focused look. one.

The Lolita girl in the blue dress was looking up at them, her fingers tightly clenching the skirt.

Her whole body was tense, and her expression was full of vigilance.

"Yamada Choichi." Lu Shu looked at him, and the mantis silently jumped on his shoulders.

He turned his head slightly and used a very intriguing tone, as if he was chewing the name, speaking very slowly: "—You are not a guard."

Yamada-cho shuddered, and she raised her head, defensively like a thorn-covered hedgehog.

"You may think you've gotten through it, but I've never believed you." The mantis on Lu Shu's shoulder was beating, and the blade of the blade shone sharply in the sun. Even if you appear as if you were left behind by a werewolf."

"What?" Aini looked at the girl, and he quickly reacted: "You mean he's not a guard? Impossible, what about the real guard...?"

"Ani." Lu Shu said, his voice was sharp and decisive like a blade, and he could confirm any guess: "—We may have been surrounded by werewolves."

The number of werewolves may have been "greater" than good people.

...a good person, specifically - a "good person" who can still belong to the good person camp, standing on the side of the good person camp.

Aini thought about it carefully, and suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Regardless of why Lu Shu knew that Yamada Machiichi was not a guard, seeing Yamada Machiichi's reaction, Lu Shu said it was true.

So after careful calculation... If the guard is not Yamada Machiichi, then the guard can only be in the team that follows the werewolf.

The guard is following the werewolf.


Guard [Defection].


The number of "people belonging to the werewolf camp" is completely greater than that of "people belonging to the good people camp".

Aini's breathing became heavier and heavier, and he felt as if he was surrounded by a tidal wave of fear.

On the first day, civilian Andrei was innocently banished.

The next day, the most powerful hunter with guns in the good camp was exiled by the vote.

The civilian Mizushima Kawaharu rebels.

The civilian Adolf left in anger.

The guards defect.

The witch has only poison left.

Aini's fists clenched, he raised his head with some difficulty, and looked at the mahogany table on the exile square.

The bright red candle has been extinguished, and the red candle stands quietly.

He suddenly thought of the back figure just now.

They also have... a prophet.

A prophet who rushed to the most difficult copy to die.

"No." Lu Shu seemed to see through his thoughts, and said indifferently, "Su Ming'an didn't go to die, he saw it earlier than us."

"You mean..." Aini suddenly understood something.

But his words were unspoken.

Around, in the originally quiet square, the sound of footsteps suddenly appeared.

The "wolves" who had left had come back here again, and they carried a wave of energy fluctuations just after the battle.

Aini suddenly reacted.

——When the number of players in the werewolf camp really exceeds the number of good people, once the strongest combat power Su Mingan leaves, then these good players... will face the fate of being surrounded and suppressed.

"Hey hey! Why are you still scattered at this time—!" Mizushima Chuanqing jumped out first, and the invisible wind wrapped around her, so that she could float over like a low-altitude drift.

There is still a **** smell on her body, and it seems that Adolf, who is chasing out, has a high probability of being out of the game.

Mizushima Chuankong came slowly, holding the black knife, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she was in a good mood.

... After confirming that Mizushima Kawaharu and the guards are going to betray, the werewolf's advantage is actually infinite.

When the Adolf who was chased out was dealt with, their number was already greater than the good ones, not to mention that there was an idiot who took the initiative to walk away.

...it's like giving them a chance.

They were not stupid enough to scatter people to intercept Su Ming'an, the scene of being beaten three times by him in the previous night is still vivid in their minds.

Now, the four of them have gathered to get rid of the remaining good players.

——Leaving only a prophet who fought alone.

Previously, she still didn't believe that Su Ming'an was a real plan, because he exchanged identities with Lu Shu on the first day, and the implication of killing Andrei was too outrageous, but now everything has become clear - it turns out that it was the one who made such outrageous operations. guy.

"So, among you, who is the guard who defected?" Lu Shu didn't seem to be too nervous, as if he didn't feel the crisis in front of him. His eyes slowly swept over the few people surrounding him - Mizushimachuan Air, Mizushima Chuanqing, Iris, Lin Jiang.

In [Guard Clues], "she" is used.

But the people surrounding them, three werewolves and one guard, were all women.

So much so that he couldn't tell which one was the guard who defected.

He should have thought of the "off-court factor" in this game. Edward, a priestly hunter, can fight against a real prophet for his own selfish desires, so why can't there be other priestly defections?

...This game has never been a pure battle of camps between [good player] and [werewolf].

It's just about whether the individual cares about winning or losing.

Once the individual's needs are met, the assigned, tangible identities, for themselves... don't matter.

"Su Ming'an is right." Lu Shu said, "I should have understood it long ago."

Now, it's four-on-three... no, it's most likely five-on-two.

Yamada Machiichi may also be with this group of people, otherwise she would not have to admit that she was a guard.

...When exactly did things start to get so bad?

"Come, in order to congratulate my elder sister on her final victory—"

Mizushima Chuanqing took the lead, she laughed wildly, and the wind blades around her began to chaotic, as if dancing around her.

The wind around her is getting stronger and stronger, and she is even a little confused. Her blood-red hair is dancing wildly, and behind her are teammates with weapons.

"—Give me, all, and die."

"It's over." Aini sighed slightly, his body was different from the first world, the golden flame rose up, facing this situation, he could only resist desperately.

"No." Lu Shu released Fei Die, and the enlarged version of the butterfly spread its wings like an energy shield, blocking the incoming attack, but it was also on the verge of breaking.

He looked ahead, facing the endless gust of wind, with a determined expression.

"...We still have hope."


Mizushima Chuankong has been thinking about a question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why did Su Mingan choose to leave this group of people?

She wouldn't believe that this person could let the last good player be killed by them without considering the threat of this layer.

Therefore, she has been on alert and cautious.

Because she has seen the cunning of this guy, she will not let go of any factors that she has not considered.

Mizushima Chuanqing in front of her laughed madly. She seemed to be addicted to the pleasure of "doing everything for the sake of my elder sister". The guards in the team also did their duty and did not show any soft-hearted meaning.

However, the prophet in the good man camp, the prophet who has been doing all kinds of tricks... Where did he go?

Mizushima Kawasora has been thinking about this question.

Until she saw countless figures appear on the edge of the square, watched them rush over with a dung fork and sickle, and watched the mayor walking slowly with a crutch with a dragon head... She finally understood what the prophet was going to do.

"Stop it, travelers from the outside world." The mayor came over with a cane, his body was plated with a slight golden light, like a protective film, when he stepped into the center of the battlefield, he did not hesitate to separate the two sides fighting.

Mizushima Chuankong looked at the mayor who had been acting as if it had nothing to do with her, and suddenly intervened, she vaguely realized something.

...Sure enough, Su Mingan didn't go to die.

He had already seen through the scene.

He's... asking the NPC for help.

As said in the World Forum.


This guy—really favored by NPCs.

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