Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 138: ·Award ceremony

The moment before Yamada-cho is drawn into the world game is fantastic.

Since the time was suspended at the same moment, many players who were pulled into the game were still in some strange states.

For example, just falling asleep, or just hitting a car head-on, or just being sent to the operating table, waiting for an unknown fate...

And Yamada Machiichi had just swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills.

His life used to be an endless cycle, everything was gray - gray people, gray trees, gray houses, gray everything... He used to be an ordinary Fuso student, but he was different from ordinary people. Every night during his self-study, he was hot-headed, as if he was doing his homework but always wanted to flip the table over. He often wants to hit people, or he wants to pick up a pen and stab his rival in the eye, or suddenly throw people into a cement pot...

But when he returned to the dormitory, he often regretted it. He said to himself that he couldn't think like this again tomorrow.

The nights were often peaceful, and the quilt kept him safe, and the night under the quilt had been his only refuge. He hid under the quilt, as if he had escaped the whole world. He closed his eyelids, as if he had gone to an ideal country.

The next day as usual. The sky is white, the clouds are blue, and the world is gray.

He has depression,


A big boy likes women's clothing, and a man called a man lives a life of shyness.

He has a lot of things he can't talk about, and he doesn't dare let people discover his thoughts. He avoids his parents who are full of disappointment. He lives in a sway every day.

When he woke up in the morning and saw the river beside the road, he wanted to plunge into it, for no reason.

His pain permeated the peaceful night, and one night he committed suicide.

"I was once swinging between life and death, and every time I thought about it, I thought that the world is so colorful...why should I leave." Yamada-cho stared at the bow in his hand: "So I have been lingering on, in such a I lived under conflict for a year...until the end I couldn't bear it any longer."

"Player number one." He stared at Su Ming'an, his eyes still dull: "We Fusang people have always been conflicted, and I can't control this conflict, which is why it is so painful. But you seem to be able to control yourself all the time. Good, I'm curious how you did it."

Yamada Machiichi has been silent.

Whether as a boy or a girl, he was silent like dust in the corner, without the slightest sense of existence. He once thought that he was such a gray character that he gradually got used to it.

But after he got here, his mind changed.

The person in front of him has the eyes of the whole world on him. The first player is the center of the stage, the existence in the brightest light, and the core of everyone's eyes at all times.

...so Yamada felt strange.

How could someone get to this point under the gaze of so many people?

So he took off the bow and revealed his secret in front of the world.

Is womenswear a weird fetish? He didn't know, maybe in the eyes of adults. But he was so humble that he could compete with the strongest players in the world on the same stage, and he didn't want to be silent any longer.

"Are you here to discuss this with me?" Su Ming'an was surprised. Those who walked up to him before were either flattering friends or full of sharp hostility. It was the first time he met so peacefully and came up to think. The person who "discussed" with him.

Perhaps, because both parties have realized it, the game is over.

Not the slightest surprise.

"I've seen your video, like me, of suicide." Yamada-cho said in a low voice, "I know the feeling... It's like being filled with molten iron and liquid nitrogen in your stomach, and your stomach is like being torn apart. I exhaled hard, to no avail—the desperation was so clear, so clear that it made me even more desperate, and then I accepted it desperately."

He suddenly raised his head, and on the feminine face under the makeup, a pair of godless eyes suddenly lit up: "...But you didn't seem to think so at the time, did you?"

At the time on the first guild stage, the first player's eyes were full of hope and enthusiasm.

The eyes of Yamada Machiichi, who was still watching the live broadcast at the time, burned in an instant.

He wanted to approach Su Ming'an very early, like approaching a glowing sun, but he didn't want to be a fearless light chaser like Lu Shu.

He knew he was humble and timid, but he wanted to seek his "Way."

The word "Dao" is mysterious and mysterious in reality, and it is easy to make people laugh when you speak.

But he felt that the person in front of him would never laugh at him.

Sure enough, Su Ming'an didn't smile, he was silent.

Yamada Machiichi was full of expectations, and then got his answer.

"It's about the reason why you didn't choose to continue living." Su Ming'an said, "Death is a very simple matter. If you choose to die just to escape, then I don't think I need to answer you."

Yamada Machiichi's body trembled.

Suicide plays a very important role in Fusang culture. The family of the 47 martyrs regard suicide as the highest honor. They have fulfilled their obligations and justice.

And what about him? He chose to commit suicide, how is it different from those he despised? The same cowardice.

Even if he survived and stood in front of the whole world, it was because the sudden start of the world game pulled him, not how strong his desire to survive was.

There used to be only the word "death" hanging in front of his eyes for twenty-four hours, but now there is only this person watching him silently in front of him.

"...I understand." Yamada-cho said, he held the samurai sword, the hilt deflected.

Su Ming'an pulled out the sword of Yarman, and then he saw the other hand hand the hilt to his hand.

"Excuse me," said Yamada-choichi.

Su Mingan held the handle of the knife in his hand.

Perhaps because the situation in front of him has been settled, Yamada Machiichi didn't mean to resist much, and he even handed the long sword to himself.

But there is still a chance of survival. If he finds a way to kill Su Mingan, then find a way to endure it for another day, or kill Lu Shu, he will still be able to win.

But Su Mingan saw it - this person in front of him seemed to take the outcome very lightly.

But Yamada did not choose to find a corner to commit suicide, but handed the hilt to Su Mingan.

"What do you want?" Su Mingan asked.

By killing Yamada, his skills can be upgraded. He felt that Yamada-cho could not resist so much, maybe he wanted to make a deal with him.

"I want to repay my kindness." Yamada Machiichi replied succinctly.

For him, perhaps this death will be more meaningful than any previous one.

His male voice came out of the **** Lolita garb, but it was crisp.

Su Ming'an didn't ask any more questions, everyone had their own thoughts and beliefs. He held the handle of the knife and stabbed it, hitting the key point without any hesitation.

As soon as Yamada-cho fell down, the bright blue Lolita skirt was moistened in the dark night, and he closed his eyes like a sleeping girl.

[Core skills have been upgraded. 】

[You killed Yamada Choichi, Exp+5000]

Su Mingan put it on the shadow state and got a new resistance:

[Space resistance lv.4: You can be immune to any space imprisoning skills of creatures whose intelligence points are lower than 15*4% of yours. 】

He stared at the 60% figure and suddenly realized that if he added up Shadow's skill points, his resistance might become quite strong.

The current shadow's intelligence point is 94 points. If the conversion of the ring of aurora is used, it will be 132 points, and 60% will be 79.2 points. At this stage, there are very few players whose intelligence points are higher than this.

In other words, considering other resistances, the shadows at this stage are basically immune to these debuff control skills.

If Edward and the others used props similar to space confinement, it would also be ineffective for themselves.

Su Mingan probably thought about the direction of future development, and then heard the prompt from the system.

"Ding dong!"

[All the werewolf players have died, and the good camp will win the final victory. 】

[Detecting player identity...]

The next moment, he felt that his figure was gradually fading.

In front of him, the quiet town of Terry in the dark night, the burnt-down ancestral hall, the mayor's house with a small garden, and the square where the gallows had been cleared in the distance... All these are gradually moving away from him.

Game over.

He suddenly heard someone sighing in his ear. It was a woman's voice. He turned his head slightly and saw a woman who was shrouded in a shimmering purple veil, holding a crystal ball. Her moonlit eyes were filled with tranquility. stared at him.

"Thank you, traveler from the outside world." She leaned forward and saluted: "Thank you for winning the final victory of the camp for us in Terry - may the gods bless you."

"Anna." Su Mingan called out the name of his leader.

She had a soft smile on her face, and when she smiled, it was like a sky full of stars brewing.

[Traveler No. 1, your identity is a prophet. 】

[——Congratulations, you won the final victory of this peak matchup! 】


The next moment, Su Mingan felt a dazzling white light in front of him.

He closed his eyes, and before he even opened his eyes, he heard the familiar and annoying voice:

"Woohoo! Welcome to our dear twelve contestants, welcome you, and officially return!"

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a vast sea of ​​clouds... and a big rabbit floating over.

It still looked the same, the scales on its chest were twisted and bent, and the blood-red eyes gave off an extremely uncomfortable feeling of nausea.

He noticed that he seemed to be on a large platform in the sky, with a transparent platform under his feet, and he could see the endless sea of ​​clouds below.

He saw many people standing beside him, and when he looked over again, as expected, there were eleven other participating players. Among them, there were two or three eyes staring at him with hatred, and there were also players who did not fluctuate like Yamada Choichi.

"Contestants at the top of the world, you have performed very well in this game! Of course, the game is over, and it is the most wonderful moment of harvest-welcome twelve dear players to our highest award ceremony- —!" The Boss Rabbit still barked happily, it seemed to be happy all the time.

Su Mingan noticed a large-scale change in the popularity of the live broadcast room. He realized that the restrictions on the live broadcast room may have disappeared. Players can freely travel between the live broadcast rooms and no longer need to be locked in the same person's live broadcast room - because it is no longer possible. Identity confidentiality is required.

This game of the top 12 players in the world's top competition is finally over.

At the same time, he achieved the perfection of both the camp and the task.

He let out a sigh of relief and felt a rare relaxation. He finally turned his attention to the barrage. The content of the barrage was similar to what he thought:

【The number one player, the number one in the world—!】

[Ming An, always drop God——]

[Forever Drop God +1]

[Forever Drop God +2]



[Trash Edward, Hua Fan is still laughing at it, still laughing at it? 】

[Edward's old fighting strength is high and simple-minded, this wave of rollovers is really miserable. 】

[What's the use of holding high, the first player is right, not everything can be created by capitalists! Counterfeit goods are counterfeit goods after all. 】

[…I’m the only one who cares about the ending of the town story. 】

[Su Ming'an's wave is like opening the eyes of the sky, he really controls the whole situation woc...]

[The Forum Analysis Emperor has already started, so I won't go into trouble, I'll slip away first. 】

[How is that girl Su Shi, I don't seem to have heard any news about her...]


Su Ming'an can probably guess what the World Forum is like now, how hard Edward and the others jumped before, and how badly they might fall now.

No matter how much Edlang and the others had paid to guide public opinion, they had indeed lost their bets on this world competition. People only see who is number one, they don't see why the people below number one lose.

True strength is more important than anything else.

Public opinion is not brainwashing, people can see the results.

That's why he's been in no rush to deal with those audiences.

The barrage was full of joy, celebrating how many points they had won by betting. The second is the blessing. The various congratulatory messages seem to have been written a long time ago, and they are sent out smoothly at this time. Then, there was a rush of high and low, and the barrages stood in high positions, criticizing Edward Mizushima, Chuan Qinglin Jiang, and other players who had shown hostility. At the end, there were some miscellaneous discussions, discussing topics such as "Boss Rabbit is really getting uglier", "There is still an awards ceremony", and "What's up with Su-style girls".

"I-I killed you!"

He suddenly heard an extremely angry shout, and turned his head to the side, and he saw Mizushima Chuanqing who was about to pounce with a desperate face.

...By the way, this woman seemed to care about her sister and said she wanted revenge.

It's a pity it's not as skilled.

Su Ming'an stared at her motionless, then shifted his gaze slightly towards the boss rabbit, and met the pair of bright red eyes.

"Give me—stop!"

The red light suddenly descended, instantly stabilizing the menacing Mizushima Chuanqing.

The Boss Rabbit jumped up in front of the twelve people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and spread out his meaty hands: "It's award time now, don't fight, don't fight - especially, don't shoot at the first player we kiss! "

Its words made Su Mingan slightly startled.

"Su Ming'an, you traitor to humanity! Don't think I can't see that the organizer is covering you up like this! If you dare to attack my elder sister, I will definitely kill you..."

Mizushima Chuanqing's sharp voice was still ringing, but it was quickly interrupted by a calm female voice.

"Okay." Mizushima Chuankong closed his eyes: "Su Ming'an is not a traitor, we lost this game."

"Sister, elder sister?" Mizushima Chuanqing paused, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Su Ming'an... I apologize for accusing you." Mizushima Chuankong said calmly:


"—There are many people who want to find you. After the awards are over, let's talk."

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