Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 148: · "Army"

Su Mingan opened his eyes and saw the white daisies in front of the bed.

The little loli in a Chinese dress was sitting quietly in front of the chair, her hair shone with the warm orange light of the overhead lamp.

"You are awake."

She said, stood up slowly, and saluted him.

Perhaps Su Ming'an's complexion was indeed not as good as before, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and then she slowly approached with the hem of her skirt.

Her hand slowly covered the back of his, and then a gentle energy passed in.

"Your complexion doesn't look very good." Her voice was very gentle: "...But it doesn't matter, I will help you adjust to the best state so that you can welcome you this time, the best in the world. A grand coming of age ceremony."

Su Ming'an didn't speak.

Hui Shuhang didn't say much. She seemed to be used to his silent attitude. After being gently tucked away by the horn, she lowered her head and left slowly.

After she was gone, Su Mingan got off the bed.

Hui Shuhang's treatment effect was indeed very good, and he felt that the sequelae after death had been alleviated a lot.

Before, due to the sudden death of the key NPC, he immediately chose to revert to avoid freezing the key save point.

He realizes that the active skills of those in power should stay with more important people, or at least not be used at the beginning - the game mechanics will not give him a mortal start, and some NPC's high favorability may lead to some crises ahead of schedule occur.

He did not choose to directly increase Hui Shuhang's favorability, but first began to explore this room.

[You found a special environment (*respected room), do you start reconnaissance? 】

... admiration?

Seeing such a system prompt, Su Mingan suddenly knew what his identity was called this time.

[Identity has been activated. 】

He suddenly heard the system prompt, and then, a panel gradually emerged in front of him:

[Current role (admiration, son of the bereaved)

Identity potential: very high

Status current strength: very low

Status: alive

Special Skills: (Inactive), (Inactive), Scouting, Research.

Special Status: Inactive

Fifteen-day survival probability: 0.198% (this probability is determined by the system based on the role played, and will continue to change with the player's next behavior. Please increase the survival probability as much as possible to avoid the final judgment!)

(The current average chance of survival for all players: 10%)]


"..." Su Mingan stared at this, which should be the lowest survival probability of all players, for a while.

Perhaps it is the danger brought by high status. As the "sacrifice" of a key role in the entire world script, his survival probability is terribly low.

... The normal survival probability should be 10%, but he is so much lower than others.

He rubbed his eyebrows and began to investigate the room.

【*You got a special item (quill pen)】

[(Feather pen): A quill pen engraved with a special emblem pattern, which can write text with special fluorescence - if you want to sign some agreements, this is a good choice. 】

He looked at the corners carefully, and found nothing special. When looking at the table, he saw a book and a quill.

He put the quill in his backpack and opened the book.

The name of the title page is [Admiration], and it seems that this is the original body.

【*Get personal clues (admired experimental diary)】

[(Admiral's experimental diary): "Even if the chessboard is upside down and the pieces are disrupted, all are hidden."

"You are always..."

"Pure white, unsullied, isolated from everything."

"A betrayer with a firm stand, a knight with a blood sword."

"The guardian star in the dark night, the stone that water droplets cannot penetrate."]

[The clue has been recorded in the clue column and can be viewed at any time. 】

【Get 10 exploration points】

[Survival chance increased by 0.35%]


Su Mingan opened the experiment diary, and he saw a series of records that he could not understand.

Countless formulas are arranged on the pages, and there are ghost-like patterns drawn next to them. Even the text from other worlds that can be understood has changed, like a kind of encrypted text. He turned back, and it was still these things. On the last side, there was an extremely blurry photo-perhaps this was a way of recording in another world. , the colorful long tube surrounds the ta like a boa constrictor.

"Ding dong!"

[Would you like to spend 20 points to gain an in-depth understanding of the experimental diary information? 】

Su Mingan saw the panel prompt that appeared on the diary.

"There's actually a kryptonite option..." Su Mingan found that the game was starting to get better.

He chose to use it, and then saw the lines of ghosts and symbols gradually transformed into concise words in front of his eyes.

And just as he was about to take a closer look, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the door.

He quickly put the diary into his backpack and heard a soft knock on the door.

"...Teacher, are you inside?"

It's a very gentle female voice.

"Yes." Su Mingan responded. He needs to contact more NPCs to get more information about his identity.

The door was pushed open gently.

The person who came in has purple hair like a starry sky, which is an extremely elegant color, and it makes people feel comfortable when she looks at it. Her eyes are very quiet, like a very quiet lake in the scenery of the North. Her temperament is like that of a nobleman, but she is not wearing a matching noble dress or the like, but a pure white shirt that is easy to walk like a lab coat.

She held a slate-like thing in her hand, and the quill floated aside like a elf.

"Yesterday you asked me to record the recent situation of the experimental subject T-03, and came to remind you to go to the laboratory at this time." The girl said gently: "How is your body, are you sleeping well? "

Su Mingan realized that everyone seemed to be paying attention to his physical condition, even the student-like girl in front of him.

Since it is a copy of the role-playing type, he can't judge whether the person in front of him is a real NPC, or whether it is played by a player. He wants to try to make some other actions, whether there will be a jump out of favorability and the like.

The girl tilted her head slightly, she felt that today's teacher looked a little dull, maybe his mental state was getting worse and worse.

"I'm going to find Miss Shuhang, you seem to be in a bit of a state..." She said, she was about to turn around, and then she suddenly felt that her hand was suddenly held.

Su Mingan approached her, held her hand, and waited for the system prompt to sound.

When the NPC's favorability changes, the person in power can see the specific change value, and whether the favorability value exists or not can also help him distinguish whether the opponent is an NPC or a player.

So he wanted to try it.

Even holding the hand of another girl, using this kind of slighting to the other party may irritate the other party.

It doesn't matter even if his favorability drops, after all, he doesn't have the patience to coax the other party's favorability up in a short period of time.

Then, he saw somewhat unexpectedly, the girl in front of him, with a blushing face slowly turning her head, her eyes flashing with joy like a star:

"You, you are..."

She whispered, but her hand held his hand tightly, and her backhand took the initiative, as if she would not let go.

Su Mingan heard the system prompt:

[NPC (one of Xu Anna, one of the admired students), favorability: 90 (basic favorability) +5]

[Current favorability rating: admiration]

【Survival rate increased by 0.02%】



This is, not falling but rising music?

Su Ming'an did not expect that the role he played was quite popular.

The other party should be NPC correct.

The barrage began to riot, and a group of people yelled at him to seize the opportunity to "take it" and "lead the master to rush quickly", but Su Mingan immediately let go.

He didn't want to develop a teacher-student relationship at such a critical time in the opening, not to mention such a low survival rate improvement, which proved that this person was useless.

He looked at the blushing girl, turned his face away, and walked out from her side.

"Let's go to the lab first." He remembered that the girl just said this term.

He didn't know where the laboratory was, so he stopped after going out, wanting this Anna Xu to walk in front.

And at the moment he just went out - he saw Lolita Lolita, standing in the corner of the corridor.

Half of Little Loli's face was immersed in the light of the corridor, and half of her face was hidden in the shadows. When the dull gaze moved over, he saw her expressionless face.

She stepped on elegant steps and walked slowly.

"You look much better." She saluted: "Are you going to the laboratory? I'll take you there."

She said, separating Xu Anna with a strong gesture.

Su Mingan looked back at Xu Anna, who followed silently with her record slate in her arms.

"Sorry, there are ten days left for your coming-of-age ceremony. Your Majesty instructed me to protect you throughout the whole process. During this period, we will not allow any suspicious persons to approach you."

He heard Hui Shuhang's very soft voice, she was very close, and she was also defensive towards Xu Anna.

But there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Hui Shuhang, who has 50 favorability points, can now stay unmoved.

And last week's Hui Shuhang, who had 100 favorability points... The first thing to do is to turn against the tide and turn herself into that "suspicious person".

He remembered the scene last week. When she escaped here with him, her body in the air suddenly shattered like a piece of paper. The white shadow delivered this devastating blow.

...someone doesn't want him out of here.

He thought about it, followed Hui Shuhang down, and after passing an elevator-like suspended platform to the square, he saw a group of patrols.

In the queue, someone cast a curious look at him, looking quite abrupt.

...These are probably some players mixed in with NPCs.

Su Ming'an continued to walk, and suddenly noticed that a servant-like person carrying a chair was closer to him, as if he was deliberately trying to get close to him.

And just as he glanced at the man, the man suddenly burst out, and a dazzling electric light was brewing in his hand, and he pressed it on him!

...this is a player.

Maybe it was a player who took on a similar assassination mission, and the target was the person played by Su Mingan.

At the same moment, several people in the guards on the side, as if they had made an appointment at the same time, suddenly burst into flames, and all kinds of light waves rushed towards this side together!

Su Mingan looked at this scene and was indifferent.

"Ignorance." Little Loli, who was walking gracefully beside her, flashed a cold light in her eyes.

The next moment, the player who suddenly rushed over was reflected back by an invisible force like a spring.

The few people hiding in the guards were instantly picked up by the invisible force, and they were thrown out one by one, and they were no longer alive the moment they fell to the ground.

"Bam! Boom! Bam—"

Like scattered stones, they slammed into the wall beside them, and their health was instantly cleared.

Su Ming'an knew that Hui Shuhang, this little loli's force level, must be at a high level at present. Under her protection, such an overly direct attack would basically have no effect on him.

He looked at these worthless players and only felt sad for this group of people.

...no plan, no preparation, just received a mission similar to an "assassination", and then made an appointment to attack together at a certain time... death is meaningless, and even a point is not obtained.

These players who want to end the game when their brains are hot should at least learn some lessons from their predecessors.

Some have courage but lack proper guidance.

Su Mingan watched the bodies of these players being cleaned up, and then suddenly heard the system prompt:

[Player competition has appeared in this world copy, and the faction leaderboard has been opened. 】

[You have automatically joined the "Main Army". 】

[The ratio of the number of players who have joined the camp at present: (the regular army is more than the revolutionary army) 3998:254]

[The faction leaderboard, the ranking is determined according to the player's contribution to their own faction]

[The contribution value is determined by the "points of killing the enemy faction" (the higher the enemy's identity, the higher the points can be obtained, the enemy faction includes players and NPCs), and the "contribution to your own faction" is jointly determined. 】

[The leaderboard only calculates the contribution value of this server (about 10,000 participating players). 】

[After the copy is over, the final settlement will be made according to the final ranking. 】

[2837 server copy faction ranking list:

1. Su Ming'an: 32 points (main army)

2. Armani: 14 points (Revolutionary Army)

3. Kirk: 10 points (Revolutionary Army)

4. Gayle: 10 points (Revolutionary Army)

5. Lu Shu: 8 points (Revolutionary Army)

6. Owen: 8 points (main army)

7. Anita: 2 points (Revolutionary Army)

8. Mizushima Chuanqing: 2:00 (main army)

9. Picker: 0 points (main army)

10. Milton: 0 points (main army)


...the faction leaderboard?

Su Ming'an suddenly realized that his identity may not be useless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the survival probability is extremely low, the game mechanism cannot be aimed at himself, giving others a good identity that is easy to pass through, and giving himself a bad death road. identity.

High mortality means that you are in the center of the vortex of power, and the center of the entire copy.

Hui Shuhang's shot added 32 contribution points to Su Ming'an - this proves that even if he didn't make the shot himself, as long as someone directly related to him shot, it can help him gain contribution points.

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