Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 156: "Don't you like my sister?"

... extermination?

Su Mingan found out early in the morning that Lu Shu was a loner and had no support behind his back. He originally thought that he had such a personality, but he didn't expect that this person would have no family by his side.

"The ancient martial arts alliance is formed by the ancient martial arts family. It is a large organization, similar to the alliance." Mizushima Chuanharu said: "But the difference is that the alliance is on the bright side and exists for the interests of the vast majority of people. The martial arts alliance is on the dark side, and we will choose the heirs of the peak ancient martial arts family for training."

Su Mingan understood.

After all, the United Group is still an organization on the bright side, and it is still an alliance of ordinary human beings.

And the ancient martial arts family... are those who were originally extraordinary people on Zhai Xing, and formed a group.

The point is, they have something to teach.

Unlike the joint group, you can only use points to attract people. The ancient martial arts family has an inherited method that allows people to directly improve their combat effectiveness.

"I'm not from an ancient martial arts family." Su Mingan said.

"We know." Mizushima Kawaharu said, "but my sister is, and in all the struggles for successors, my sister has the greatest advantage."

Su Mingan gradually understood what she meant: "You want me to help your sister and be a swordsman?"

"The elders mean to let my sister and I approach you." Mizushima Chuanqing blushed.

Su Ming'an only felt a little funny.

... This is bright and dark, so it's a beauty trick?

He said how Mizushima Chuanqing would smash herself into that way.

Mizushima Chuanqing specially wore a more revealing skirt today. When she was crying, she specially showed her small shoulders and collarbone, looking pitiful. Even now, the blush that flew up on that face was like a rosy glow, dyeing the fair and small face magnificent and moving.

...but he didn't have the heart to play a romantic night in such a tense game.

He couldn't sleep in time, and he slept.

This alliance, probably wants to send these two sisters, at least tie him to the warship.

Even if he is not a member of the ancient martial arts family, with such a name, he will be somewhat merciful for the sake of the person next to him.

"Go back and tell your elders." Su Ming'an said, "I have no intention of joining any forces."

"But, but..." Mizushima Chuanqing was a little anxious: "Don't you envy Edward too? Look at the set of equipment he has on him, how good it is. As long as you join us, we can also help you with all the equipment. What do you want, doesn't this add more help to your perfect customs clearance?"

"First." Su Ming'an raised a finger: "I don't envy Edward. In my eyes, he is more pathetic than most people."

"Second." He continued speaking, his tone extremely flat: "I have my own thinking about these equipment, and I don't need you big forces to help me with kindness."


He compared his gestures to three, and then looked at her with a somewhat pathetic look: "...Anytime, don't tie yourself to any force or person, because you don't know what your [future] will be. what does it look like."

Mizushima Chuanqing raised her head slightly and looked at him.

"Look, I don't like you, and you don't like me either. But just for the sake of your sister and your power, you have to throw away all your dignity and kneel and kowtow in front of the live broadcast of hundreds of millions of people - you obviously won The hero of the points is the righteous person who thinks about the power, but he will be pointed and pointed by countless people from now on." Su Ming'an said, his tone became more solemn: "Even, if you want to dedicate yourself, to me, the one you hate. People are subservient, go through everything you least want, and become the person you hate."

Mizushima Chuanqing looked at him, her eyes erratic.

"Mizushima, you have to understand that words with the most ambiguous meaning sometimes have the strongest influence." Su Ming'an said, "For example, love...for example, righteousness. When you do this, you think you are doing it for you. Has the family sacrificed?"

He spread out his hand, and a sarcastic smile slowly appeared on his face:

"—No, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, you are just a **** infected by their emotions, with your own narrow will. Even, you are more sad than the pawn, because you have to suffer from the public's pointing, they will Thinking of you as lowly, unclean, betrayal of your body - people are always good at seeing heroes they don't understand as clowns and having fun with it, and you're on the way."

"...Don't you like my sister?" Mizushima Chuanqing listened, and suddenly said: "Why don't you help her?"

"..." Su Mingan stopped halfway through his words.

He put away his consoling thoughts, and his expression became calmer.

"It's tiring talking to you," he said.

"I didn't understand what you were talking about at all." Mizushima Chuanqing scratched her hair with some collapse: "I just want you to help my sister, and my sister also agreed that as long as you join her, she can accompany you, and you like it too. Sister, it seems that my sister doesn't hate you, why don't you agree?"

She really broke down a bit.

After knowing that her sister agreed to the conditions put forward by the family, her mood has been extremely bad.

"Why do you think I like Mizushima Chuankong?" Su Mingan said.

"Isn't it?" Mizushima Chuanqing looked at him angrily. Even though she was still kneeling on the ground and her blood was about to dry, she still said with an unwillingness to give up:

"—You avoided your sister everywhere in the arena in the third world. You promoted her and made her famous. In the fourth world, you were so polite to your sister. Her sister is so good, even a man can do it. Like it! Now we take the initiative to find you, and you look like this again - do you like men, you?"

When Mizushima Chuanqing said these words, she was very angry for a while, because she liked it so much, and her sister, who was in her heart, was ignored to such a degree that she couldn't help her anger.

But when she finished saying this, she began to regret it again.

...Perhaps she knew that this conversation was over, she was a little reckless when she spoke, but in the end, it turned into a questioning situation.

She lowered her head, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the person in front of her.

"...So that's what you think." She heard Su Ming'an's extremely flat voice:

"Because of that simple and extreme emotion, is there only such a little measure left in your mind?"

Mizushima Chuanqing immediately raised her head, she understood what she said, Su Mingan was scolding her.

"Mizushima, listen up." Su Ming'an's sword tip shifted slightly: "The so-called relationship has never been so simple. It doesn't mean that a woman is placed in front of me and let me sleep, and I will earn— —Such a measure of value is no different from a beast. Feelings are a very precious thing, don’t turn yourself into a commodity and a tool to please anyone at any time.”

Mizushima Chuanqing looked at him, and then quickly wiped away the tears on his face.

"You said it very well." She said, "If it weren't for this method, what would we do to impress you?"

"So I'm just stating the facts - you can't impress me. Or please tell your elders that I have no intention of joining any forces." Su Ming'an said: "As for what I said to you just now, you can listen to it, no You can listen to it, it's all my personal opinion, and I don't mean to force you to do it. And, finally, I admire your sister Mizushima Kawakura, and I hope she can keep going, that's all. "

Mizushima Chuanqing heard an overtone.

...It seems that this conversation is about to end here?

Su Mingan didn't seem to want to continue chatting with her anymore.

She suddenly panicked - if this conversation ends here, will she, who already knows his identity, be...

The next moment, she felt the ice-cold tip of the sword quickly deflect towards her.


There was a burst of light on her body, and a vague angel pattern appeared on her body. Then, the arc-shaped defensive cover was pushed out, and the blade quickly bounced away.

She dared to come here, she must have something to escape.

Wind tracks appeared around her in an instant. These winds burst out from her body and quickly spread out the window along the carpet on the side. She supported the super protective cover and stepped on the wind track to move out the window. Sliding out, as if trying to escape.

"Boom! Boom!"

A familiar voice rang out.

A familiar force appeared instantly, and pressed down along Mizushima Chuanharu's body.

After two consecutive bone cracks, Mizushima Chuanqing was crushed to the carpet again, but unlike the previous time, this time, her breath faded little by little. Her knee seemed to be smashed, and she fell to the ground with a hoarse cry of pain.

The door is wide open.

Little Loli with her hand raised slowly walked in, gracefully.

"I sensed energy fluctuations in the room, so I entered without authorization." Hui Shuhang lowered his head slightly and said in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry to disturb you."

Su Mingan looked at her—in fact, he was not sure whether Hui Shuhang heard the content of this conversation. After all, Mizushima Chuanqing apologized so hard just now that everyone in the corridor could probably hear it.

But fortunately, looking at Hui Shuhang's attitude, it seems that there is no change, and he still respects him very much.

Hui Shuhang raised his eyes and looked at Mizushima Chuanqing who was lying on the ground, with bare shoulders and a very exposed appearance, a rare anger flashed across his eyes.

"Dare to tempt Your Highness." Hui Shuhang's tone turned cold instantly, but she seemed to have thought of something. She hesitated in her action, but looked sideways at Su Mingan.

"His Royal Highness." Hui Shuhang looked at him with a low tone: "Did you like her? If you already like her, I will apologize to you."

Su Ming'an didn't answer, but went straight to Mizushima Chuanqing.

"If you really like her, I'm sorry, I'll find the best healer for her." Hui Shuhang immediately let go, his tone full of apologetics: "Before the coming-of-age ceremony, I can also Helping you prepare for the grandest wedding..."


Her voice stopped abruptly.

Su Mingan took back the sword. He didn't use the sword of Yarman. The sword appeared out of thin air, and it was not easy to explain.

He was using a saber hanging on the wall beside him. It looked thin and thin, encrusted with gems, and it was more beautiful than practical.

But he used this saber to pierce Mizushima Kawaharu's throat.

She knelt on the ground, knocked her head to the ground, still in a suppressed state, and the blood dipped into the scarlet carpet, stunned.

He didn't look at her expression, and he didn't give her a chance to speak again. He pierced her throat with a sword.

Because he felt he had nothing to say.

[Core skills have been upgraded. 】

[You killed Mizushima Chuanharu, Exp+5000]

Su Mingan looked at the system prompt, and because he killed Mizushima Chuanharu, who had a red-level skill, his core skills have been upgraded by one level, and now he has reached the eighth level.

The swordsmanship and fighting specialization skills in the bright state have each been upgraded by one level, and a new resistance resistance has appeared in the shadow state.


[Fire resistance lv.5: You can be immune to fire elemental attacks from creatures whose mental points are less than 15*5% of yours. 】


In the previous shadow state, there were four types of resistances: abnormal, toxin, confinement, and spatial confinement. Now, looking at it, it is developing in the direction of element resistance.

As he expected, if he continues to upgrade, there will be ice resistance, lightning resistance, wind resistance and so on.

He glanced at the combat power, and the combat power had soared to 1300.

More importantly, this is the combat power of a single person.

If Ming and Shadow attack at the same time, there is a superimposed effect.

He is confident that he can win even if he faces Edward again, at most there is a risk of exhaustion when there are multiple people in the melee.

But the player is no longer a threat in front of him.

He threw his saber aside and turned around.

His hand was caught suddenly.

Hui Shuhang held his hand, and then used a handkerchief to wipe the blood in his fingers. The handkerchief brushed his fingertips, and then rolled up his palm, moving extremely gently.

He looked down at her small face, those wine red pupils were still the same as before, and there was no emotional fluctuation in them.

"You should leave this to me." Hui Shuhang said in a low voice, "I remember that you didn't like blood since you were a child, so why should you get your hands dirty?"

"You said a wedding just now." Su Ming'an said, "I remember that Fia is my fiancee."

Hui Shuhang slowly raised his head and looked at him.

Her eyes were beautiful, like a puddle of fine wine.

"You are more important than anyone else." Hui Shuhang said, "If it is your will, I will arrange it for you. Everyone must make concessions for you, even Miss Fia."

"Why do you think I'm so important?"

"—Because you are [the future]."

Su Mingan heard Hui Shuhang say such words again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he no longer simply tried to figure out the meaning of these words.

The conversation with Hui Shuhang ends here, and she will not reveal any information other than this.

Su Ming'an withdrew his hand and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Hui Shuhang followed.

When Su Mingan went out, several people immediately came up from the downstairs as if they were ready, saluted him and entered the door to dispose of Mizushima Chuanqing's body.

"I'll go see the laboratory." Su Ming'an said, touching the scarlet badge on his wrist.

He heard the belated favorability broadcast of the people behind him.


[NPC (Hui Shuhang), favorability: 50+10]

[Current Favorability Rating: Admiration (Love Line)]

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