Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 165: "Trust me, take me away"

Su Ming'an didn't speak, just looked at her with a smile in her eyes, as if she would really strike without being nervous.

And under his undisguised gaze, the girl's hands began to loosen a little bit, and then, after a clear wave in her eyes, her hands gently loosened.

"Cough cough cough..."

Su Ming'an was panting, covering his throat with his hand, and the pinched part was hot like a flame.

It's not that he can't beat odds and doubles. Judging from the damage value just now, her combat power is not high, not to the outrageous level of Shengqi. If you want to take the violent learning route, it is not difficult to kill her.

But not necessary.

She is his bridge to the revolutionary army.

Ever since he opened his eyes, he has been testing her temperament. Judging from the situation of simply breaking the defense just now, she seems to be a revolutionary who cares about the situation of the revolutionary army, but is powerless. She has a direct and fierce temperament, but she maintains the bottom line of kindness not to hurt the innocent.

"Are you in a hurry?" He smiled, his tone very direct: "It seems that you also think I'm right."

He seemed to be able to hear the grinding of the teeth in front of him, but she quickly took it back.

"Don't let me hear your words again." Shanshuang's eyes were stern, and her tone was completely different from her previous sharpness: "Although you are a person without combat effectiveness, if you continue to abuse the revolutionary army like this, I don't mind. Give you a good lesson first."

She leaned very close, and her tone was as sharp as a knife.

"But, I think I have some things that maybe I can understand better than you."

Su Ming'an's tone was also **** for tat, as if he was holding a needle without giving in.

Maybe his tone was right.

In the past, when Shanshuang saw this kind of puppet army, they generally ignored it. But seeing his confident appearance, she felt a little unconvinced curiosity in her heart.

"Heh." Shanshuang smiled: "Tell me, what do you understand?"

"People are a group animal." Su Ming'an whispered to her: "Once panic occurs, it will spread rapidly in the group like a contagion, despair, panic, and such negative feelings will be easier at this time. It resonated - and it is now."

Shanshuang frowned and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

"Resources are being consumed little by little, food and water are decreasing little by little, and the revolutionary army fighting everywhere is living like a group of bandits who kill, burn, and loot. I think not only I can see this kind of thing, but many of the revolutionary army's internal You can see it, including you." Su Mingan lowered his head slightly, the faint dots of fluorescence at the bottom of the air reflected in his eyes, forming a stagnant light.

His tone became extremely light, as if he was afraid of disturbing something:

"You have to know that groups only know simple and extreme emotions, and the intelligence and independence of individuals will be gradually attenuated in the group - because they will become extremely susceptible to emotional infection, and for some suggestive group concept. If you want peace of mind, if you want peace of mind that everyone can follow you, you need to set a clear goal for them. You have to prove to them that you can always be there for them Before, give them the existence of light and direction - you want to be a beacon in the eyes of everyone..."

The barrage is as expected:

【Here, Jasmine 3.0! 】

[The "Finally Here" series, the stone in my heart fell. 】

[Begin to gamble, when will this girl give it for nothing... Although it looks very dangerous. 】

[Wait, the single ponytail girl looks better than Your Majesty, maybe she can really convince her. 】

[I really feel sorry for Brother Ming An... I almost jumped up when he was just strangled...]

[Take out the small notebook, recite the full text and recite the full text...]


The single and double brows stretched out little by little.

"...You are not the same as many nobles I have met."

she says.

At this time, Su Mingan, who was still feeling a little pain when he touched his neck, also heard a clear system prompt:

[NPC (single and double) favorability: -20+20]

[Current favorability rating: Neutral]

He continued to hear her clear voice, flowing in his ears like a clear spring:

"Those nobles who only have class in their eyes, only know how to open up the gap between some levels, and only measure whether the amount of resources is in line with their intentions... But there are very few people like you who can understand."

"It's not that they don't understand." Su Ming'an smiled: "...It's just that they don't want to understand. Or, even if they understand, they will make an appearance that they don't understand, in order to make you like this. People don't understand..."

"What do you mean, going around." Shanshuang didn't want to hear him say these things, although he did say it to her heart, and it made her feel that this nobleman who was caught by chance might really are different from those of ordinary nobles.

[NPC (single and double) favorability: 0+10]

"...However, there is some truth to what you said." She continued, her dark ponytail swaying slightly in the morning wind, with a refreshing aroma of wine: "As long as you don't do anything too outrageous, I don't want to stare at you either. Come with me and I can make sure you don't get into trouble on the road."

"Can you give me some treatment then?" Su Mingan spread out his hands: "My current situation...it's not very good."

It was only then that Shanshuang realized that she had just given this person a hard blow.

She looked at the blood spots dripping on the blade of grass, which were particularly obvious in the green, and the clear red marks on the throat of the person in front of her. Her eyes quickly blinked, and then she immediately turned around and left.

... She didn't cry at all in pain, which caused her to gradually forget about his injury.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that although what he said was superficial, there was some truth to it...

Moreover, this kind of aristocrat does not shout or scream when he is in this situation, he is not squeamish when he is injured, and even persuades her... But it is very different from the puppet military personnel she imagined...

[NPC (single and double) favorability: 10+10]

Su Mingan raised her head and saw Shanshuang returning again, followed by a man covered in a cloak.

"This is a healer in the revolutionary army." She said, "You stretch out your hand."

Su Ming'an stretched out his hand according to the words, and when he felt the energy over there passing over little by little, he felt that his body that was gradually becoming dry and cold was warming up a little bit, as if it was close to a stove.

"Alright?" Shanshuang stood there, waiting for him.

The gourd in her hand was filled with wine, and when she tilted her neck to drink it, the crystal liquid sparkled in the fluorescent light.

When looking over, those eyes also seemed to be a little drunk, with a shimmering wave of light.

"Okay." Su Mingan withdrew his hand and followed her to the side.

That side was what he felt at the beginning, where the chatter came, there was a fire burning brightly, and around the fire, a circle of people in different clothes sat.

They were grilling the meat of demon beasts and drinking the liquid like a clear spring. When they noticed the movement here, they all looked over, with the ferocity of desperadoes in their eyes.

Between them, Su Mingan saw a tall and thin man.

On his shoulder, a blood-red butterfly was parked.

...a real acquaintance.

Su Ming'an's gaze matched that person's, and then moved away.

"—Hey, kid, what are you puppet soldiers doing here?"

Suddenly, a man with a big sword on his back who seemed to be the leader suddenly stood up. His lips were still stained with minced meat, but his eyes were vicious, looking at Su Mingan with a condescending attitude.

Su Mingan understood that this group of revolutionary troops, who were driven by the main army to run around like bereaved dogs, might not have very good brains, and could easily be driven by some suggestive idea and become someone's knife.

Seeing a person like him wearing a military uniform naturally feels disgusting.

He smiled and just wanted to "communicate" with this person.

However, he saw that this person's originally disgusted eyes began to soften, and then softened a little bit.

[The enemy faction NPC, the basic favorability is cold and above. 】

When he saw Su Ming'an's face, the man in power acted passively. He originally wanted to kill the man who was in the army, but his anger was instantly extinguished.

Even when they looked at Su Ming'an who was completely unprepared, the revolutionary army felt that this man looked a little innocent.

"...It's so strange, why can't I **** get angry."

"Has the demagogic techniques of the puppet army reached this point?"

"I was wondering why the second commander wanted to save this noble, but now I think it's okay to save it..."

"This kid looks pretty harmless."

"Forget it, it's none of my business, hurry up and eat some meat..."

The originally somewhat stagnant atmosphere, the situation that was almost on the verge of breaking out, was instantly dispelled.

Originally, some players who wanted to take the opportunity to attack were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"Don't make trouble." Shanshuang suddenly spoke to the revolutionary army.

She suddenly took a step forward and protected Su Mingan behind her:

"—Did you forget what I told you? Don't implicate innocent people. Just send this person to the city and exchange for some resources. If you are angry, just go on the battlefield and use weapons against those who are damned. The soldiers are scattered, showing their prestige to a person who has no fighting ability? You really humiliated the name of the revolutionary army!"

As soon as her words came out, everyone suddenly lost their voices, looking quite prestigious.

And in the silence, part of the whispers came to the fore. Although it was not obvious, Su Mingan heard it.

"... He actually said that he was incompetent."

"I laughed so hard, the first player always pretends to be innocent..."

He moved his gaze along the source of the sound, and saw two revolutionary troops huddled together and communicating with each other.

...But it is obvious that these two are players in a layer of revolutionary army skin.

"Single and Shuang." He suddenly said, stretched out his hand, and grabbed her: "Come in with me."

He pulled her and walked to the tent on the side.

At the beginning, Shanshuang didn't understand, and even followed him a few steps there.

But she quickly reacted and pulled him away quickly, acting like the wind.

Even in the face of admiration for this handsome face, she did not show the appearance of a little girl from beginning to end, and she behaved like a man.

"what are you doing."

She said coldly, as if she wanted to do something if she disagreed.

It was rare in the barrage to see a girl showing no emotion towards Su Ming'an. At this time, she was very happy:

[...It is so. 】

[Reasonable doubt, this is not a girl, please refer to "Miss Yamada" in the Fourth World for details. 】

[I've grown accustomed to the fact that the girl has no resistance to Ming An, and it's strange now that she gives too much for nothing. 】

[It seems that the difficulty of the fifth world is not low this time. I look at Iris and it seems that I have failed...]

[Yes, I also saw her recruitment news in the main **** space, it seems to be recruiting a group. 】

[Iris failed? Ah, it's a pity, I thought she would always be the Miss Beacon of Brother Ming An...]

[It's good for her to fail. Although she has cleared her points, I have always disliked this girl.]

[She is also worthy of being "Miss Beacon"? 】

[Ah... I feel very regretful, after all, he is also a great master. 】


Su Mingan accidentally saw the barrage at this time.

After seeing the news of "Iris failed", he had been planning his thoughts as closely as a computer and stopped for a moment.

He seemed to take a few deep breaths, and it seemed that nothing had happened. When he came back to his senses, he found himself pulling the single and double movements with more force.

"What do you want—"

"Come in with me." Su Mingan turned around.

Shanshuang raised her head, and when she met his eyes, she saw those eyes, like a quenched cold front.

There was a sudden surge of emotions, which almost suffocated her, making her suspect that this was not the little aristocrat who had always been extremely harmless.

At this moment, she suddenly realized the meaning of the so-called "emotional infection" in the very general sentence that this person just said.

She was dragged directly into the tent.

"Do you have a dagger? Something sharp will do."

Su Ming'an closed the tent curtain door to block the sight of the outside world, and then reached out to her.

"You speak clearly." She frowned: "What is the shameful thing to say so quietly?"

"I admire."

"Huh?" Shan Shuang narrowed his eyes.

"I admire it." Su Mingan repeated.

"What?" Shanshuang didn't understand the meaning of the pronunciation of the name, and then she saw Su Mingan suddenly stretch out her hand, but in an instant she grabbed the dagger pinned to her waist, so fast that she didn't have time to react.


Before she could have a seizure, the man in front of him immediately cut his own hand.

The blood dripped on the ground, revealing a bright red.

He squatted down with a very serious expression, and pressed his palm to the ground, moving little by little, drawing a bright red circle.

The wound directly touched other objects, but he didn't seem to feel the pain. After drawing a circle, leaving a blood-colored pattern, he added a few more strokes, and used the blood flowing from his palm to draw a logo like a seal. array.

Shanshuang watched this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn't know what the other party was doing, but when she was chewing on the pronunciation he said, she gradually came to a little meaning.

"Jin Wang." She repeated, blinking faster and faster: "Jin Wang, Jin Wang..."

When Su Mingan stood up and the blood-colored magic circle on the ground suddenly began to glow, her heart suddenly burst into some violent emotions, which made her almost unable to breathe for a moment.

"You are—" she shouted, and then saw a glowing mark on her hand.

"This is the talent improvement and awakening array." Su Mingan looked at her, his eyes were as dead as a lake:

"... There's no time left, trust me, and take me away."

He seemed to think for a while.

When he spoke again, there was a bit of coldness in his voice, as if he had suddenly made up his mind.

"—and, some people in your revolutionary army. I want to have a private conversation with them."

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