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Vol 2 Chapter 170: "The Chosen Victim"

"Su Ming'an?" The man seemed to have a little interest: "That's really exciting, let's talk."

"He is..." The bald man's words were rubbed in his mouth, and then his tone was a little incredible: "He is really... an ordinary student of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Are you sure?" The man over there laughed directly, neither cold nor hot, not like he was mocking, his slender fingers pointed, and the soot slowly scattered like star dust.

"It really is. His father was a SWAT policeman who acted bravely for justice. He died saving people when he was ten years old. His mother was a little-known pianist, but also had a very ordinary background, and it seemed that He has not been selected into the world game... He has not many relatives, but they are all from ordinary backgrounds, and none of them can have a high status in politics and business..."

"But all the analysis data of psychologists, and the psychological profile of his live recording, are telling me." The man interrupted him directly: "Your conclusion is wrong."

"Minister Dion, I..."

"An ordinary student, who can obtain the status of [Powerholder], can be so favored by the organizer?" The man smiled, his strong fingers tapped the back of the chair, and the silent conference room echoed with repeated sounds of "tattoo".


The bald man raised his head, he didn't know what this [in power] meant.

"I have invited him several times with the United Group, but he still refuses to enter." The man did not answer him, but slowly, smoking the cigarette in his hand:

"...Everyone, including himself, is telling me that he's not ordinary. You shouldn't be the exception."

The bald man lowered his head and said nothing, only scolding this arrogant Italian guy in his heart.

"What's the situation on the forum recently?" the man asked again.

"Strategy posts are very popular. Although there are restrictions on earning points as a non-player, but your very foresighted posts, the daily income is enough to maintain the basic operation of the joint group... After all, those who joined in It’s still Zhai Xingshang’s original idea, we only need a few empty checks after the return and those meager points, and they will be very satisfied.”


The man smiled: "Well done."

"It's just, Minister, I don't quite understand some things." The bald man said: "We don't need to form such an organization at all. Now it seems that the joint group's expenditure is far greater than its income..."

Like him, many people have such doubts.

It was obviously one billion out of seven billion, everything was disrupted and rearranged, and many of my former colleagues could not be contacted, but someone was able to pull up a large organization that covers all servers in the entire main **** space so quickly, and I would like to give points. , to do some things that most people think is meaningless, such as what peacekeeping troops, what free Raiders posts for the benefit of low-end players... It is simply worth the loss.

But the person in front of him did just that, and this person's predictions about the future... far exceeded his cognition.

"Rob, you have to understand that there is never a shortage of smart people in this world." Dion looked at him, one hand slumped on the arm of the armchair, his whole person was crooked, but his tone was very serious:

"Some things you can think of that you can't. Some people think it's worth it, and you don't think it's worth it... That's the difference between you and a smart person."

The bald man's face turned red when he heard these very sarcastic words.

"Right." Dion suddenly raised his head: "Did he read the information for Edward?"

"His Royal Highness has read it." The bald man said: "Every time before the world starts, he will read all the information you gave - but this time, Miss Mizushimagawa doesn't seem to have read it."

"She thought her wings were hardened, and she could fly solo with Gu Wu's group of immortals." Dion smiled, and the blue eyes were like the sky in the distance: "Forget it, since she is confident that she can succeed, just let her go. Go - you can go out."

The ashes slowly fell like snow, and he suddenly exhaled a breath of white air, which happened to cover the bald man's face, completely covering the shame.

The bald man was silent, holding the folder in his hand, turned and walked out.

After the door was closed, Dion lowered his head and took out a stack of paper materials from his desk.

[Analysis of the Fifth World Raiders]

The dark text on the white paper is particularly obvious.

He opened the paper.

There are some unclear descriptions on the paper, such as [the legendary prophet is not trustworthy], [not limited by the square inch] and other extremely vague descriptions, which are not as accurate as ordinary guide posts, and even those on the forums The previous summary of the world is not as good.

However, when turning to the last page, a date was written on the paper:

【Recording time: October 31st】

Dion flipped through what he had written, and after confirming that there were no major mistakes, he picked up the pen, took out a new stack of white paper, and began to write new words——

[Analysis of the Sixth World Raiders——]

Behind him is a stack of paper that is not too low.

At the top, there is a yellowish piece of paper with very clear words on it, and a title that has been specially marked out—

[A brief analysis of how players can save themselves]


Although Minghui is not divided into day and night, at night, the sky is always darker.

The army was very close to the main army station. After nightfall, everyone approached a dilapidated village, set up tents and fires, and rested on the periphery.

After arranging all of this, Shanshuang walked out of the army.

She's in a bad mood tonight.

She was walking on an uneven dirt road, with brick houses closed on both sides of the door. Occasionally, there was the sound of rustling animals crawling.

During the polar night, when everything was silent, she used her good eyesight to cross several uneven small slopes on the ground and walked all the way to the grassy **** in the west.

Sitting down from here, you can see the panoramic view of the village, the dim sky, and the lonely smoke. She was able to get a glimpse of the world's various expressions.

She came at night and was about to sit down when she saw a dark figure beside her.

Silently, as if it were already here.

She was startled, but quickly calmed down, dangling a halo in her hand, shining forward.

The boy who was sitting on his knees tilted his head to look at her.

A dim halo circulated in his eyes, like a clear light that gradually became stagnant.

"Why are you here? Where are the guards?" Shan Shuang was taken aback.

She found that this holy teacher really didn't sleep at night and ran around. If she didn't happen to like to sit at a high place, she really didn't know that this person was no longer in his own tent.

"It's too cold to fall asleep." Su Ming'an said.

Shanshuang stretched out his hand, trying to hold his hand to transmit energy, but he avoided it.

"It's a drop in the bucket," he said. "It's better to talk with me and get a little distraction."

Single and double head.

She didn't know what to say for a while, after all, it was two people who couldn't sleep who met by chance.

She might have said something, but she couldn't.

Suddenly, Su Mingan spoke first.

"I want to know." He turned his head: "Revolutionary Army, what do you think of me?"

"You are great." Shanshuang said: "It's just that the leader of the puppet army has been deceiving you and asking you to study the results for the puppet army."

"I'm just a somewhat accomplished scholar."

"It's much more than that," she said. "You're not just working on a thing—you're leading a revolution."

She put the black knife down and sat with him on the grass, looking down at the piles of burning bonfires.

"I have long noticed the difficulty of living - people's talent determines almost everything, status is inherited by blood, and talent is greatly affected by blood. A person's birth almost determines his life's path, learning other skills Laws and methods for improving blood vessels have not yet been developed, and this has become the most serious and sharp contradiction, which people hate but can do nothing about." She said, her eyes were very heavy:

"But now, someone has proposed a system of abilities to improve talent, which is equivalent to completely overthrowing the most basic order in the world, and can change the predetermined destiny of everyone..."

She looked at him with extremely earnest eyes:

"That's why we don't hope that you will die at the hands of the puppet army.

If we are a revolutionary army, a revolution between camps - you are leading the revolution of a whole world. "

Su Mingan exhaled.

The air is cool.

He felt as though something had settled on his eyelashes, and as he looked around, he saw little white spots like stardust.

- It turns out that it snows here too.

"Is there no other way?" He asked: "How can there be such a situation, the fate of the entire world is all in the hands of one person. If that person fails, wouldn't everyone be meaningless. "

"There are other ways." Shanshuang said softly: "For example, completely solve the source of the crisis..."

She said, suddenly noticed something, and stood up quickly.

The black knife swayed in her hand, and it was a sharp light, and she disappeared in place with a movement of her figure, and there were bursts of beast roars in the distance.

Along the way, some monsters with short eyes often come to attack them. They are extremely ferocious, and they are not afraid of death. Even if they are killed in batches, they will continue to flow.

Now there is another batch.

Su Ming'an looked at the side, and the single and double black knives suddenly burst into brilliance, just a half-moon-like arc, and suddenly swept out a large open space below.

The blood spread radially around the open space, like a burst of fireworks, the girl jumped up, and the tail of her hair swayed in a leisurely arc.

After the roar of the beast faded away, he saw the girl walking back, with a strong **** aura on her body.

He knew that the crisis of the whole world was coming - which is why Shengqi was so anxious to send him to the altar.

Along the way, he heard many revolutionary troops discussing this matter.

Because of the dragon's blood, because of the blood of the evil dragon, the monsters in this world will always riot for no reason.

Outside some cities, many unprotected villages were exterminated.

Even in the city, in order to maintain the defensive barrier, there will be groups of powerful people who pour their own life into the spar to protect other people.

The people in that glazed building did just that.

...And like Dan Shuang, going out of the city and blindly killing these monsters is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

Blindly killing, unless it is a momentary annihilation, nothing else can solve the problem. Even if the monsters die, the malice in their blood will spread and infect more monsters.

A steady stream.

Unless, he can develop a way to improve his innate blood, so that all malice can be purified.

Unless, he was sent directly to the altar, using evil to control evil, and let the blood of the dragon to punish the blood of the dragon.

Apart from that, there is no other way.

"The puppet army occupies the best territory, the best resource point, and has the best bloodline awakening technology." Shanshuang approached slowly, she was persuading him, and seemed to want to reassure him: "Mingming has With such a powerful force, Sheng Qi, the leader of the puppet army, only wants to expand his rule, and he doesn't care about those raging monsters... He has no vision for the future at all, and only wants to exchange you for short-term stability..."

Su Mingan looked at her and did not speak.

"However, it doesn't matter." Shanshuang's voice was light and fluttering: "We all understand that you are the [future]. After the puppet army is defeated and all resources are taken over, we will make your experimental results spread all over the continent. a corner..."

She said, blinking: "Do you know why I chose to become the second commander? I clearly awakened a very powerful ability, but I didn't join the puppet army for pleasure - do you know why?"

"Why?" Although he wasn't interested, Su Ming'an asked face-to-face.

[NPC (single and double) favorability: 60+10]

"Actually, for us, if we have not awakened successfully, it does not mean that we are weak all our lives." Shanshuang said in a low voice: "——There is another way to forcefully approach the unstable place to absorb the malice of the world. , feed back on itself..."

Su Ming listened quietly, Xu is because Shanshuang talked about the key point, the barrage that has been noisy is also a little quiet at this time.

"However, this method is very dangerous. We don't want people to risk their lives to enhance the possibility of awakening. Such people are either desperate robbers or lunatics with no hope of life." She rubbed her hands to dispel the cold air of the cold night: "Although, I think, in a world like this -- we're mostly such robbers and lunatics. "

"But I still don't want someone to lose their life because of gaining power and die worthless." She turned her head and looked at Su Ming'an:

"Natural awakening, although the possibility is extremely small, but it is not life-threatening.

Absorbing malicious ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the radiation is stronger, the mortality rate is quite high.

When I was a child, our village could not survive, so after retaining a group of children, other adults left a suicide note to look for malicious absorption..."

"..." Su Mingan lowered his head.

He seemed to have expected something.

"...then they all died," Shanshuang said, "including my parents."

The cold wind of the extreme night blew past, and Su Mingan closed the large cotton-padded jacket that was useless on his body.

"But it's ridiculous that after all the adults died, I awakened my ability for no reason." Shanshuang continued:

"But it was too late.

I joined the revolutionary army with my children, just to question the puppet army—why, why do they sit in the safest place, keep their own one-third of an acre of land, enjoy a luxurious life, but don’t care about the outside world? Countless people who were starved to death and killed were left unattended?

"I have to make them understand," she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists:

"Even if we don't have the right to choose who wakes up and who dies - not everyone deserves to be sacrificed."

"You have a hard life." Su Mingan said.

"Yes." She said, "We are not qualified to choose our own destiny - the vast majority of people were suddenly [sacrificed] without a word from the vast majority of people."

"And this [sacrifice] does not require the consent of the "victim" himself."

"Even because they're caught up in the idea of ​​'greatness'...they think they're the chosen hero, sacrificed willingly."

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