Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 176: ·BE Nine ·Homecoming

Mo Mo knelt on top of the icy snow, madly digging at the floor with his fingers in pain, and the cracks between his fingers were full of blood.

And the girl who was being protected under him didn't move, and didn't laugh anymore.

Maybe Mo Mo just came back, and the car beside him represents which town he may have just returned from, so he just slipped through the net, but it doesn't matter, judging from his attitude of unprotected against the wind and snow, it is estimated that won't live long.

Su Mingan watched for a while, then turned to leave.

It stands to reason that Qing Qing is dead, and the failure of the side quest will not affect the progress of the perfect customs clearance. This task seems insignificant, since it is no longer safe here, there is no need for him to stay here for long.

Today is the ninth night, and looking at the clock, it's almost the night. The tenth day is very critical, and he must find a safe place.

But just as he turned around, he heard loud footsteps coming from behind, the rubbing of the snow, and then he heard the hoarse roar of the man:

"—It's all about you, it's all because of you!"

Without turning around, he stretched out his hand and easily held the wooden stick that Mo Mo knocked over.

"—if it wasn't for you, our town would never—"

Su Mingan turned his head, and with a little force, grabbed his stick and threw it on the ground.

...Mo Mo was right, Xu Anna really came to find him, if he wasn't here, nothing would happen to this town.

"Yes, it's because of me, but..." Su Mingan wanted to say something, but stopped halfway through.

He didn't want to communicate with a worthless NPC anymore, and Momo was not his target.

"Sure, sure enough—"

Mo Mo stared at him with red eyes, his facial features distorted with grief, tears swept across the man's weathered face, and mixed the snow on his face into a ball.

As if endless grief was raging in his body, facing Su Mingan's extremely flat eyes, he choked for a moment, and sorrow overflowed from the gap between his lips.

"...Sure enough, you nobles are all the same, and you don't understand anything at all... Life is like a feather in your eyes, and you don't understand the price we paid for living—" he said , the emotions are getting more and more excited, and the anger suddenly bursts.

He suddenly moved and let out a howl like a beast. The whole person suddenly rushed up in an extremely crazy posture, and stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to grab Su Mingan's throat violently.

"Qingqing, Qingqing, she's dead—" His roar was heart-piercing, as if fire was spewing from his chest: "Qingqing is dead! Do you remember her, what a good child she was— "

Su Mingan looked at the hand he stretched out with blood between his fingers, and the long sword in his hand was slightly raised.


He closed his eyes, the outer layer of his eyelids was splattered with a little warmth, and the smell of blood burst out in an instant, and he felt that his entire face was sprinkled with a layer of blood.

He opened his eyes.

The crazy man in front of him has disappeared. There is a thick layer of blood mud on the snow, and the splashed blood spots bloom like fireworks and sprinkle on himself.

The sword in his hand has not yet been raised. He hasn't even started yet.

...Someone took the lead and killed Mo Mo in such a straightforward and cruel way.

He seemed to have a premonition, took out the cloth, wiped his blood-stained face clean, turned around, and looked at the back where the energy fluctuations just came.

In the wind and snow in the sky, a white shadow stood quietly on the snow blanket, as if it was integrated with the surrounding.

Those bright silver eyes looked at this side quietly, with a heaviness that seemed to lock time.

"The prophet is dead?" Sheng Qi asked, his voice calm.


"You killed it?"


Su Mingan threw the blood-stained cloth on the ground, and then raised his sword again.

"Are you still unwilling to go back?" Sheng Qi asked.

The death of Anna Xu seemed to be irrelevant in his eyes, so he skipped the topic and continued to ask the repeated question.

"Who would want to go back and die." Su Ming'an's tone was as it should be: "As you can see, the progress of the experiment is developing rapidly, and I can now guarantee that it will succeed. It is far better to let me live than to let me die. "

... He seldom thinks about future actions with absolute plot trends.

He is accustomed to game strategy, and he is good at considering the progress of the game itself, from the designer's point of view.

For example, he embarked on this perfect customs clearance route far away from the main army square, and so far he has not been prompted to fail, which means that he still has another way to go. If it was not killed by Anna Xu, it was considered a key point of the game in the past, then considering the holy revelation, there should be a way to survive.

If you can convince the other party, it may be a success of this route.

... In the end, there must be a chance of life in front of him, it is impossible for him to face the ceiling of combat power, it depends on whether he can grasp it.

Then, he saw the ruler of the continent in front of him who had not changed his face, closed his eyes, and his tone became soft:

"If you can." Sheng Qi said softly, his voice almost murmured: "...I also hope that you can live."

"Then let me go." Su Ming'an said: "My magic circle can be completed within tomorrow. Although it is only the first edition, it can subtly change the talents of many people, and then continue to study... to change those who are polluted. Demonic beasts, it will be very simple to purify the malice in their bloodline - as long as you give me time, I will change the entire continent."

"Saint Kai." He read the other party's name, and his tone was extremely sincere: "...Trust me. I have no idea or threat to your continent, you just need to give me a laboratory and let me live... I can bring you everything."

He knew that the other party was a mainland careerist and a theocratic ruler. As early as the first time they met in the hall, Shengqi told him to build a kingdom with people as gods and to use theocracy to rule the foolish people.

The personal self-report of the person who has stayed behind is also telling him that the other party is a guy who wants to **** the results of the experiment to maintain the governance of the system, so that when the experiment is just about to be completed, the other party is eager to make him a continent with a high statement. The sage brought him to the altar.

He gradually figured out the other person's mind, and his own performance has always been in the direction of a scholar who is obsessed with research.

He didn't show his full strength, he didn't show his thirst for power, and he didn't even care about Xu Anna, who was throwing his arms in his arms. After leaving the revolutionary army, he didn't have any intention of returning. Studying one's own magic circle without eating or sleeping completely conforms to the image of a scholar who has no ambition and just wants to live.

Except for the challenge he once challenged the Holy Inspiration... everything should be in line with the other party's wishes.

He looked at the other party with his eyes still closed, as if he didn't hear what he said.

The wind and snow were heavy, gradually blurring his vision.

He exhaled, almost feeling the coldness of the wind and snow.

...Because of his body, the temperature is almost the same as the outside world. Even colder than snow.

Eyes full of white raging in front of him, he saw Sheng Qi slowly open his eyes, his eyes were as sharp and decisive as blades.

"But the prophet is dead," said the Revelation.

Meaning unclear.

Su Mingan didn't understand.

"Xu Anna is very important?" he asked.

He got no response.

The wind and snow were mixed in front of his eyes, like a distant traveler looking across the bank. He looked at the white shadow, which gradually disappeared into the snow.

"Xu Anna is a bargaining chip, and it is one end of the scale. Her weight has disappeared, so she is missing a piece." Sheng Qi's voice floated not far away: "Jin Wang, do you understand what I mean?"

"I'm the heaviest chip on the scale."

Su Mingan talks to his Riddler.

"Yes." Sheng Qi responded.

Su Mingan laughed - he seemed to understand the meaning of what Sheng Qi said just now.

As if a thunderstorm suddenly woke him up, if the fog was cleared away, all the answers would be clearly visible.

The wind and snow rolled in the darkness, and the sharp wind roared past.

Su Mingan looked at the dim sky in the distance, and the cold snow settled on his eyelashes.

"You understand now. Then I'll ask you one last time."

Sheng Qi's voice that suddenly sounded beside him was softer than ever before, and every word of it was full of bewildering meaning: "...If you say that, everything is destined to be unchangeable. Now, are you still willing to go back?"


Su Ming'an replied very simply.


Su Mingan closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

The horrible medicine paste in front of her exudes a strange smell. The little girl stretched out her hand and smiled.

Outside the window, the smoke from the cooking wafted up, and there were bursts of children's scuffles, the carts pressed the snow, and the firewood swayed.

The sky slanted down like a veil scattered, and when the dark night that was as oppressive as ink receded, what was greeted was a white and moist scene.

All things are revived and prosperous.

No more snowstorms.

Su Ming'an clenched his hand subconsciously, but soon released it again. His eyes were a little distracted, and he seemed to be immersed in the snow that almost engulfed the sky at night.

"—Big sister, you are awake."

The girl's voice sounded, as crisp and bright as glass.

Su Ming'an's body trembled slightly. He silently took the medicine paste and drank it, only to find that the terrifying poisoned debuff did not trigger.

Fortunately for the B-level, they don't pull their hips that much.

After a bowl of indescribable hot paste entered his stomach, his state was quickly adjusted.

All the following processes were carried out according to the previous week. When Mo Mo and Qingqing went out and closed the door, he did not go to cut blood to study the magic circle, but thought about the next action.

——He has already understood that the identity he was assigned is definitely a **** difficulty level.

Without a little warning, without a hint, you will suddenly die inexplicably. If you can't grasp every clue, it will be impossible to pass the customs perfectly.

He even suspected that players in other parallel worlds, even the top players, should not be as difficult as him.

He's gotten to the point where there's almost nowhere to go.

And the probability of survival is even more outrageous. No matter how much effort you have made in the front, how much progress you have accumulated little by little, as long as it does not reach 100%, it may fall to the bottom at any time, and it will be shown to him in minutes.

"[I am the heaviest chip on the scale]."

Su Ming'an sat on the bed, looking at the dagger in his hand, and the look in his eyes that reflected the light on the surface of the dagger.

The bloodshot eyes were obvious, and the pain in the head was like a needle stick, repeatedly preventing him from thinking in detail.

"[Xu Anna is also a bargaining chip]." Su Ming'an murmured in a low voice: "[She disappeared, and there is one less piece on the scale.]"

- He has gradually understood.

Sheng Qi may not be so short-sighted, he just wants to kill him for the temporary rule of the mainland.

It seems that Sheng Qi is using the lives of these people as a [chip] to make a deal on the tenth day.

Xu Anna's life is a [chip], because she died, the planned quality of life will be reduced by a piece.

And Qin Wang... may be the biggest [chip], more than many people put together, so Sheng Qicai is so persistent and insists that he go back.

In this way, it all makes sense. For the transaction on the tenth day, Shengqi will kill many people, and one of them, the most useful one, is him.

But in this way, there are also unreasonable places.

When Anna Xu died, she lost her value. But admiration is... dead and still valuable.

Otherwise, Sheng Qi would not kill him directly in the end.

Although there are still some things that are still unclear, Su Ming'an has already begun to plan the action for this week.

Sheng Qi shouldn't have discovered this place originally, but it was Xu Anna's movement that brought him here.

Therefore, what he has to do this week is to control the variables, stop Xu Anna, and then slowly infer the truth based on what happened next.

After all, he is just an ordinary student. In the face of this situation, he can't think of any very prescient actions. Compared with other people who can pass the level with one life, he is really bad. Fortunately, he has the opportunity to be able to trial and error again and again.

He stood up and did not study the magic circle.

If the time bomb of the Holy Revelation is not solved, this magic circle has no meaning.

He sent a message to the shadow, asking him to contact the revolutionary army as soon as possible, and then opened the door.

In front of them are rows of rural bungalows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are circles of dry firewood and straw outside the houses. Because the place is too cold, I can't even see the shadows of some animals. I can only see two long rows on the snow. ruts, and the deep scars of footsteps left by people pulling the car.

The adults seemed to have all gone out, and there were only a few children left in the town, but not even the older children were seen, only the kind of children who couldn't even walk were left playing around.

Perhaps as long as children with a little labor ability, they will shoulder the work of sharing the pressure for the family.

Su Ming'an looked at the children who were fighting outside the vegetable bar diagonally across the corner, and then saw Qingqing standing beside her, like a little snowman.

She seemed to be isolated, just standing aside with the unwashed medicine bowl, watching the playful child.

Su Mingan asked her casually, "What's the matter, I'm envious?"

"..." Qing Qing was silent for a moment.

"I don't envy." She said, holding the bowl with her fingers, her knuckles turning pale: "Anyway, they are going to die today."

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