Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 183: · "Be with me and achieve the future"

"Your Majesty." Hui Shuhang said to him softly, like a confirmation.

The nobles in the audience looked at each other, no one dared to say anything.

They had no other choice but to bow down to the one who took the throne on the stage.

There are only two people in the royal bloodline.

When Shengqi died, the admiration as the mainland's holy teacher was their next ruler.

...even though it is rumored that Qin Wang has no fighting ability since he was a child, but from the scene just now, it is obvious that his fighting ability is not low.

After Hui Shuhang first picked up the hem of his skirt and saluted, all the nobles lowered their noble heads and bowed to the new His Majesty on the stage.

"—Jin Wang will not be your majesty!"

Shanshuang immediately spoke up and stood in front of Su Mingan: "The revolutionary army will occupy this place, and the world will be dominated by the revolutionary army, so we will not elect any king, you nobles with corrupted thoughts, don't think that you want to continue your rotten behavior. rule!"

Hui Shuhang sighed softly as he saw that his tears had not been wiped away, his entire face was covered with a puddle of water.

Then, she stretched out her hand.

The golden rays of light exploded, illuminating her fair cheeks in an extremely sacred manner. The cream-like face was bathed in the brilliance of the sky, with a cold and calm temperament, with a unique and suffocating beauty.

She turned her head sideways, facing the light, her long eyelashes tended to be transparent in a light color.


Similar to before, the nobles who hadn't had time to stand for a long time were "thumped" and pressed down. At the same time, the players and soldiers who were fighting fiercely outside the city also reenacted the scene one after another.

[Tashi Baimu: What's the matter, scored twice! 】

[Lu Pingping: What the **** is going on again, what the **** is going on in the inner city... I can't stand up again...]

[Marlow: God, didn't you just say that the first player killed the supreme ruler of the main army, why do you do it again now? 】

[Jing Lechi: Really cow, we are still collecting contribution points outside, the first player rushed directly to his hometown and chopped up the supreme ruler. 】

[Vic: I don’t know what the forum is thinking about Su Ming’an. I never thought his success was luck. Now it’s an obvious proof. 】

[Wang Yushan: You guys are talking, I'm still farming, but I just finished pouring fertilizer in the ground...]

[Valentin: Thank you for your invitation, I just climbed up from the ice lake and was preparing to dry the wine, and smashed the wine bottle directly for me. 】

[Oliver: What is this situation, has anyone sneaked into the inner city to see it? Are there any inner city NPCs played by players? 】

[Zhe Yasuda: Don’t mention it, the inner city has been cleaned before, and there are almost no players. 】


The single pair of figures shuddered suddenly, and then her straight back was slightly bent, but she still stood firmly in place.

"Hui Shuhang." Su Ming'an said, "Sheng Qi is dead, do you still want to obey him?"

Hui Shuhang's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then, she looked at him with an unprecedented solemnity in her eyes.

"No." Hui Shuhang said, "It is because His Majesty died."

She looked at him with a heavy tone: "...that's why you must be needed."

Before Su Ming'an could answer, he saw a black gas suddenly emerge from Sheng Qi's body on the ground.

This black gas is very similar to the black gas that emerged after Xu Anna's death before, but this black gas is much more turbid and deep, almost condensing into a solid body.

Su Mingan immediately went to dodge, but he couldn't dodge, the black energy suddenly penetrated into his body, and soon there was no trace.

He suddenly felt a tearing sensation that suddenly rose up. This feeling was experienced once when he came to the stage, and now it is even more obvious. It seems that there are two hands scratching from the inside of the body, tearing his body in half. .

He stretched out his hand and saw that at the fingertips, there seemed to be something sharp that was about to burst out.

"There are some things we haven't told you." Hui Shuhang said, "Actually, what we are going to do today is a ceremony."

Su Mingan endured the pain and looked up at her.

"A great ritual that can reduce the concentration of malice on the entire continent," she said:

"This ceremony requires the sacrifice of those who carry malice - although we know that you are the biggest carrier, but in fact, everyone in the mainland will carry something more or less.

The capable ones were dispelled maliciously because of their awakening, but the incompetent people, each of them, had a little bit of malicious intent, and when they gathered together, they formed a continent of malicious intent... Then, there was such a violent beast frenzy.

We originally thought that it was to sacrifice you so that your greatest maliciousness could be eliminated. After the concentration of the entire continent was reduced, we could live for a while.


She stepped forward gently, stepping on the stairs step by step, her long skirt dragging on the ground.

"You moved us," she said. "So, we decided to do it another way."

Su Mingan tightened his hands.

Just when Hui Shuhang told him everything, all the plots replayed in his mind, and all the clues began to connect...

Like knocking down dominoes, he could even hallucinate the sound of dominoes collapsing in his mind. They were connected together, from the beginning to the end, and each piece was telling him the truth.

——He finally understood the reason why Sheng Qi did not come to find him in person this week.

Because he really developed the Innate Bloodline Awakening Array, and it is an improved version.

Under the awakening of the magic circle, those townspeople who originally contained malice in their bodies have become capable people, and their malice will no longer echo with the beasts, nor will they bring any more disasters.

If this achievement is passed on and spread throughout the entire continent - everyone will become a capable person, and there will be no malice in them. The source of the world's calamities will also be completely erased.

[He really changed the world].

"Then why do you want me back again." Su Ming'an whispered.

"...Because, what I just said is not the whole story." Hui Shuhang looked at him with grief in his eyes: "I'll let you know now the plan we really chose today."

Su Ming'an's chest was heavy.

After the body surged into the black energy on Sheng Qi's body, he only felt pain all over his body, all the time, and even the light of the sky on him felt uncomfortable, like a ghost seeing the sun, his whole body was uncomfortable.

"Because I want you to live." Hui Shuhang said: "--so, in order to replace you, in order to reduce the overall concentration of the continent, we have to find other victims equal to yours to fill."

"Who is that?"

"I, the prophet Xu Anna, all the nobles in the inner city, the incompetent in the outer city, and..."

Her eyes slowly sank.

Su Mingan suddenly realized something.

"Do you know?" Hui Shuhang said suddenly, and suddenly changed the subject: "Actually, maliciousness can be transferred between blood relatives. When you were young, there was actually a powerful element in your blood. It wasn't trash before."

Su Mingan took a deep breath.

After the black air poured in, he only felt that it was a little difficult to even absorb the air.

And when he heard Hui Shuhang's sudden words, he only felt that his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning.

He suddenly remembered what Sheng Qi had said to him in a low voice before he could use his sword:


【Jin Wang, do you know why I have been unable to leave the temple? 】


He understood.

"His Majesty Shengqi... In fact, he always wanted to save you." Hui Shuhang said, "After learning that you have the blood of a dragon, the first thing he did was to transplant it into himself— - The price is that His Majesty has to stay in the hall all day, suppressing the blood in his body, and can't see any more light.

His Majesty used to like to go out very much... He likes to travel in the mainland, and he likes to tour the country and improve people's lives, but soon... he can't care about anything. "

She said, clasping her hands together, in a pious tone:

"Do you still remember the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the main hall? It's not real light that penetrates, but because Your Majesty likes it, I created a light-casting array for him.

However, that's exactly what happened, because Your Majesty shared the malice on you, so that you can live safely to the eighteenth year...and not die prematurely. Then, let us witness, what you said, the [true future]. "

"He still wants me to die." Su Ming'an said, "If Ching Wang failed to develop the Awakening Formation, Sheng Qi would still choose to send him to the altar, not because he pity Ching Ching, he can decide his fate."

"That's right." Hui Shuhang said, "But is there a point you didn't understand?"

Su Mingan stared at her.

Little Loli's burgundy eyes were simmering with a light luster, and when she looked at him, the emotions she had accumulated for a long time seemed to burst out at any moment.

"...Your Majesty, who took the initiative to transfer the blood of the dragon, and me, who served you and His Majesty for a long time, and took the initiative to share the malice. The two of us are also the greatest malice in the continent."

There was a sharp swelling in the chest.

Su Mingan covered his chest.

While enduring the pain caused by that black air, at this moment, all clues had been revealed in his mind.

Anna Xu is a prophet, even if she has the ability, because she has lived in the main army station for a long time, she will have accumulated maliciousness in her body.

When she died, the malice she carried on her body surged out, and it turned into black energy. Although it was not thick, it did exist in substance.

The same is true of the Holy Revelation.

After he killed Sheng Qi, the huge malice that Sheng Qi had burdened for a long time poured into his body in an instant, making him almost unable to breathe.

... No wonder, Sheng Qi has never made a move.

It wasn't that he didn't want to start.

However, such a huge malice has caused the supreme ruler to suffer to this point.

Hui Shuhang's words always echoed in his mind.

[...Your Majesty, who took the initiative to transfer the blood of the dragon, and who served you and His Majesty for a long time, and who was infected with malice, is also the greatest malice in the continent. 】

He suddenly reacted - in his eyes, the supreme ruler who was greedy for profit, the theocratic fanatic who preached to rule the foolish people, was actually ready to die.

On this day, in addition to bringing him to the altar with his own hands, even Shengqi himself will also walk up to the altar with him. Including Hui Shuhang.

Regardless of whether they are admired or not, these two people will die, because the three of them are the three individuals who bear the greatest burden of malice.

It is precisely because Shengqi and Hui Shuhang are going to die, the highest rulers are going to die, and even in the main square, these nobles who are still ignorant are going to die. Sheng Qi didn't care what the main army turned into in the end, and whether it could maintain system governance. In his opinion, the change of the entire continent was more important than anything else.

Those aristocrats who make a fortune will die on this day.

And taking over this continent, it will be the revolutionary army like a child's play.

The revolutionary army may not understand until the final victory that their victory did not come from their own bloodshed.

It's just because the other party [hands off].

Although both are for this continent, the two sides have used two completely different methods.

He suddenly remembered killing Chen Yang in Shengqi, and looked at him with sad eyes.


[——Why is it all for this world, between us, it will become like this? 】



The information that Su Mingan hadn't gotten in the last week was clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

In the last week, when facing the wasteland with eyes full of waste, and looking at the main army square where the sudden fluctuations came from there, his heart was still full of confusion. He wondered if the representative of the death ending would suddenly appear. Hope's life in exchange for a prosperous reign.

But now, Hui Shuhang was telling him that some people were prepared to sacrifice from the very beginning.

In this way, if Qin Wang really chooses to come back and come back to participate in this coming-of-age ceremony, after she and Sheng Qidu die, they can take over the future of this continent in a glorious way.

They had already paved the way for him.

Su Ming'an held the sword, and the tip of the sword was dripping with Sheng Qi's blood.

He remembered the voice he heard at the beginning, when he had not opened his eyes and was in a haze. The voice was extremely cold.

[—Take care of him. 】

[I will not allow any mistakes or omissions until the final time comes. 】

... It turns out that from that time on, the ruler of the mainland, who had always been selfish and ruthless, only caring about pushing his admiration to the altar, was ready to die.

Su Mingan looked down, and there was silence below.

The wind blew snowflakes to his face, and he couldn't even hold the sword.

He looked at all the trembling people who were kneeling, waiting for the unknown fate.

His sword, for a while, did not know whether to raise or lower it.

Hui Shuhang raised his hand.

Under her silent lead, the red carpets on the square flew up. This seemingly extravagant and useless arrangement turned out to be a huge, blood-red magic circle.

The area of ​​the magic circle is huge, covering the entire square.

"If you want to protect you, in addition to me and Your Majesty having to die, you will need more people to take your place." Hui Shuhang said: "After thinking about it, we decided to let the people in the inner city and the outer city take their place. The incompetent, and the vitality of this continent, replace the malice that belongs to you."

She said, took his hand, and slowly rolled his hand into hers.

A familiar warmth passed over, sharing his pain. Like she had done on countless snowy days.

"Although, after we leave, malice will still exist in you, and many places will become wasteland - but I believe that you will find a way to completely expel the source of malice, and the overall concentration on the continent will increase. Before."

She looked at him with an extremely gentle tone:

"—As long as you live, you must have the [future].

And for you, the incompetents of this continent, as well as us, can take the lead. "


【Perfect clearance process: 90%】


Su Mingan closed his eyes.

The wind and snow became more and more violent, blowing on his face, he didn't look at anything, his eyelids cut off everything.

"But it's too late now." He heard his own voice say:

"I killed Shengqi, and malice poured into my body."

And now, he can't find a second blood relative to transfer the malice in him.

The Holy Revelation had planned everything and prepared everything. Today's coming-of-age ceremony is really just a real coming-of-age ceremony—a ceremony of the highest standard in the whole continent, a celebration full of goodwill and goodwill that entrusted the elder brother's high hopes and blessings.

Sheng Qi will no longer admire to die, and the platform of sacrifice is only prepared for himself.

Therefore, he also has no defense against admiration. Even though he knew that Ching Wang might not be that Ching Ching, he still believed in wishful thinking that Ching Ching was still alive.

Then he was pierced by Su Mingan's sword.

"Yes, that's exactly what I said and wanted to tell you."

Hui Shuhang finally got close to him completely, she held his hand, her fingers were delicate and soft, and the temperature was boiling hot:

"Since His Majesty is dead, we can't find a new way. The blood of the dragon is fully awakened, and you have been completely infiltrated with malice, and you can no longer suppress it..."

"Your Majesty." She changed her name, but she was extremely serious, as if she had given him some burden.

In the cold wind of the heavy snow, a strong and intoxicating temperature was brewing in the place where it was held tightly.

The sense of tearing was strong bit by bit, and he saw a clear reflection on the ice-white ground, and saw a pair of wings gradually unfolding above his shadow, like the fleshy wings of a dragon.

She took his hand, put on a white glove for him, and then, through the thin layer of cloth, kissed the back of his hand with great restraint and politeness.

When he saw the look in her eyes, he felt that there were many strange emotions in his heart, which were growing like weeds and could no longer be stopped.

【Why is the truth like this? 】

She looked at him, her eyes very quiet.

"Then, Your Majesty."

She spoke softly, her tone was extremely light, but her eyes were surprisingly bright.

Like in the first episode, when she saw her for the first time, she resolutely took herself up from the window and ran to freedom, that incomparably clear and clean look that seemed to have abandoned all burdens.

But at this moment, she took all the burdens back.

Then, holding his hand, he passed the heavy heat over.

"...Are you willing, with me, to go to the altar to jointly achieve the [future] of this continent?"

It was obviously an invitation to die with her,

Her tone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was like inviting him to taste the Xizhou black tea she just brewed.

Su Ming'an remembered that once before, she spoke to him in such a tone.

It was in the first episode, the first episode with full favorability, she took his hand and ran to the sky.

Like the breeze in the desert, like a revived flower and leaf, like a bird that has lost its bondage, everything she showed at that time was no longer a manager who was silenced by responsibility, but a real one who felt free. Happy girl.

But what she said at the time was clearly:

[——We all have to live, thank you for your blessings. 】


If not for this continent.

They may also have the freedom and the breeze.


【Perfect clearance process: 95%】

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