Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 187: ·"room"

Su Ming'an was a little concerned about whether someone would start targeting him because of his behavior... But fortunately, it seems that his route has been very successful, saving many people who should have died in the tenth day judgment, or It is these people who have been slapped in the face and feared, but there are very few accusations. Even if there is, it will be washed away by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Unconsciously, these fans in his live broadcast room have become stronger and stronger in protecting him.

"You don't need to rest anymore?"

Hui Shuhang did not take him away immediately, and then observed his expression.

"These ten days...you probably haven't had a good night's sleep," she said. "Although everything is over, I still hope that you can rest a little longer. After all...you will no longer be You need to worry that you won't wake up."

"Hui Shuhang, I'm not admiring it." Su Ming'an said.

She looked at him, her eyes as calm as ever.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I know—but does that have to do with your need to rest?"


"You seem to think of yourself too low." She stroked her chest and said with a very solemn attitude: "His Royal Highness, he told me long before I fell asleep that I might see you again. The fact that he can't be reached. And you, as your successor, worked hard to the last minute as expected."

"A lot of people are still dying."

"Not all stories need to be perfect." Hui Shuhang said: "I can see from the beginning that you and Your Highness are the same people. The love for everything in your eyes is almost the same as your admiration for Your Highness. …”

Su Mingan sighed.

Through the barrage, he also learned that the object possessed by the player is very similar to the character of the player himself. Just like Mizushima Chuankong, she is possessed by an outstanding female researcher in the army, who is smart and smart. And Lu Shu possessed a revolutionary army commander who was taciturn, with the task of revitalizing his family and killing his enemies.

Therefore, Su Ming'an didn't quite understand how he was like Qin Wang, so he possessed Qin Wang and walked a world line with hell-level difficulty.

The other top players in this fifth world all have ideas and clear routes. As long as they are careful, it is not too difficult. Just him, he has almost nowhere to go.

Admiration lived a short and dazzling life, but all he left behind was the name behind him. He admired it, but he didn't want him to end like this in the end.

"Go and show me the people who were arrested." Su Ming'an said: "There are too many people, and things will change soon. The army also needs to participate in reconstruction activities, so it is not always possible to surround them there."

Hui Shuhang stopped trying to dissuade her. Her attitude remained the same as before, and she did not change because he did not admire him.

She saluted respectfully and led him out.

The sound of the door closing sounded behind him, and Su Mingan raised his head.

The bright sunshine outside the window is like a waterfall of light, which is properly draped around the body, illuminating the body for a while, and all negative fears, unknowns, and confusion seem to be expelled.

The long corridor is like a golden island, and the long corridor extending along the way in front of you can hardly see the edge. As long as you look closely, you can perceive the illusion, after all, it is only illusion.

The real room was destroyed by the energy wave long ago.

After taking a few steps, the building behind him disappeared with a swaying light. He looked at the ground. The ground was a piece of dry land, and the ground where the light could be seen had disappeared.

At the same time, he also saw that there are stars and greenery, and they are newly born in the land.

He originally thought that, according to the consistent nature of this broken game, the perfect customs clearance route should be to let him join the revolutionary army to destroy the main army, and then he hopes to become the leader of the next generation of the main army, and be wiped out by the next generation of the revolutionary army.

Judging from the bad taste of the dungeon, the organizer likes this kind of plot very much, making the player like a clown, obviously fully participating in it, but in the end they can only watch the plot being irreversibly entered into reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the world will develop like this.


People at the bottom are struggling, and people at the top are not completely selfish. Everyone is working hard for the world.

He remembered the daughter of the duke who was directly killed by Hui Shuhang just because he offended him, the child who drew his sword to him because he couldn't live in Kerili Town, the hatred of the soldiers in the revolutionary army for the nobles, and the That night, the girl with the red-haired rope wept silently in front of the distant glazed pagoda.

The soldiers and civilians at the bottom poured their blood into the battle for the camp, and the nobles at the top died silently because of maintaining the enchantment. People used to hate these nobles who ruled them so much, but most of the nobles enjoyed luxury and took responsibility.

But fortunately, everything has recovered.

After the two top leaders who changed a continent passed away, Shanshuang became the last generation of evil dragons. After her death, perhaps the world will still have classes because of their abilities, but everyone already has the ability to change their own destiny. Chance.

Although the Revolutionary Army has really established the main army station, the main army has not eaten dry food for so many years. Shengqi has already arranged them to be stationed in other cities in batches, and the revolutionary army has also obtained a core station. But after the truth was revealed, the two camps actually began to slowly merge... This really surprised Su Ming'an, after all, this is a life-and-death feud for so many years, and it is so easy to let go of the past after everything is settled.

Maybe the little soldiers below will be dissatisfied with this, but originally... the division of the faction is not so simple. They are just warm-blooded people, marionettes fighting on the battlefield in the hands of the superiors. After learning the truth, they are as confused as singles and doubles, and they don't know what to do.

At this time, as long as someone raises an arm, the masses are easily infected by emotions, and then move forward with the pandemic. Shengqi must have left behind. Perhaps many of the small leaders of the revolutionary army were originally his people. After everything was over, there was not such a big mess, and the two camps have already started a smooth handover.

... This Holy Revelation, once a decision is made, everything will be arranged. He is sure that Admiration will take over all of this alive, and then all the roads will be paved for Admiration. After everything is over, let Qin Wang lead the two factions that are gradually merging and move towards the future of this continent together.

Although Sheng Kai himself was left permanently in the night before dawn.

Su Mingan couldn't save Shengqi. If he didn't kill Sheng Qi, the malice on Sheng Qi would always exist, and like Qin Wang, he was already on the verge of being unable to suppress it. If it is said that all the maliciousness is transferred to Su Mingan, at that time, the maliciousness will still not be suppressed, and people like Shanshuang still need to stand up.

And pride is like the holy revelation, and it will not allow a revolutionary army leader like Shanshuang to die in his place.

Moreover, even if he could save him, Su Mingan would not go back to save him.

He always remembers what his goals are, and he won't be fascinated by the stories of other worlds.

... This is a copy world.

Even if it is true, it is someone else's world, it has nothing to do with him.

Shengqi dropped a full 15,000 experience points and purple-level equipment, which was a very big improvement for himself, and also added a certain win rate for himself to the end. If it is said that he will give up these achievements for a happy ending, he cannot do it. In his eyes, only the strength that he has been improving all the time is real, the others are all paving the way for the final victory.

Not to mention Shengqi, even if Hui Shuhang is always taking care of him and treating him well, as long as his mission is to kill her, he will do it without hesitation, even if he is called ruthless by the audience and is controlled by the mission Puppets, too. Because he doesn't have the [room] to give up some things in order to be kind.

He was thinking, and suddenly heard the voice of a lecture, looking for the reputation, it was a team on the wasteland that was supervising the patrol, it seemed that because someone was lazy, the tall female captain was training a few soldiers like quails .

It seems that they noticed the movement on his side, and the expressions of the soldiers who had lowered their heads suddenly became excited. They seemed to want to come over, and they were restrained by the team leader and did not move.

"...It's a saint."

"I didn't expect that the truth would be like this... I really regret looking at them like that before, do you want to go up..."

"Don't, let's just take a look, the saints must have important things, let's not meddle in their own business..."

"I remember that Xiao Ke's child asked me to tell their story, and the nearby bards were also very interested..."

Su Mingan heard their whispers not far away, and saw their eyes full of reverence.

The truth and talent awakening circle has been passed down, and the nearby cities of Huanyu Village are holding awakening ceremonies in batches. Although the magic circle is not perfect, and those researchers need to improve it, it has already achieved results.

Yesterday, he was busy digesting his malice, refused all bonfire ceremonies, and did not accept anyone's blessing.

But he knew that the name of [Admiration] and everything they had done for the mainland were spreading like wind.

... Sooner or later, it will spread to all corners of the continent.

He suddenly remembered the declaration made by the single pair on the city wall before the revolutionary army's hair was trimmed:

[We, we are no longer powerless - our blade has direction, and the hand holding the handle has strength. 】

[Our body is not weak, our strength is traceable, we can fight for everything for ourselves——]

She used to be so majestic.

Yesterday was an important day to lay down the main garrison of the army. Although the truth of the world makes most people unbelievable, the changes in the mainland are still worth celebrating.

Those revolutionary army like robbers and bandits are full of arrogance. When encountering such a thing, they set up a bonfire banquet, sang and danced, and today they are busy sorting out resources and distributing things to others.

But as the leader of the revolutionary army, she could only sit alone on the eaves at night drinking, watching the lively scene and beautiful fireworks below, and living her life as a loneliness in the lively.

He doesn't know where she is now, but her name is being remembered.

When he took a step, he heard a sound of iron armor hitting the ground from behind, followed by the loud shouts of the soldiers, which seemed to be poetry from somewhere.

For fear of interfering with his work, they knelt down and expressed their gratitude in action.

The poems representing gratitude came along the wind, mixed in the wind, Su Mingan did not look back, and then walked forward.

Along the way, he recalled the ten days he had been here, and also thought of many people.

He remembered the two passages engraved on the Prophecy Gem that he had never understood.

He suddenly understood why on the ninth day, before the ceremony began, Anna Xu would come to him without hesitation, never doing anything to him from beginning to end, dying in his arms like a bird finding a home.

She died thoroughly, without a trace of regret on her expression, and then silently dissolved in the wind and snow.

"I can see a lot of future, and I also see my destined ending."

"—If the future is doomed to be silent, I hope that the person I see before I fall asleep forever will be you."


The time of the Lord God's world gradually pushed into the afternoon, and the fountain water around the statue of the boss rabbit was flowing "crashing".

Different from the extensive plaza stalls after the end of the first world, at this time, the main **** world of different servers has been planned, and many listed stores have already settled in many sub-professional players.

In addition to ordinary servers, with several major updates of the main **** space, some large-scale servers have also appeared. The layout of these server worlds is not a monotonous square layout, but a small world similar to an independent city. The edge of the city is wrapped in a dark blue mask, like a round sky, and people cannot cross this boundary.

These independent cities are like the CBD (Central Business District) in the city, or a specialized trade city. There are many office buildings located in the center of the city, as well as a dedicated player trade area. This kind of place does not sell low-value living items such as cabbage fairy tale books, but a world for combat players to buy items.

However, due to the precious time of combat players, the rest time in the main **** space is generally only three days. Therefore, this kind of trade area will be simultaneously launched in the trading module of the World Forum when the item trade is listed, which also saves players. Time to go shopping on the ground.

In such a CBD ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a little boy with dyed blond hair who looks very uneducated walks leisurely through the flow of people, listening to the voices of people on the street.

There are usually many casual players who will travel here. They may not be good at sub-professionals and have no money to invest in the early stage of professional training. However, some of them have skills in Zhai Xing, and they will find ways to support themselves when they arrive in the world game. . For example, join an organization to make plans, design for which surrounding, etc. Some people who are engaged in journalism are even more like a duck to water. Editing posts on forums can earn a lot of points.

However, compared to the risk-taking players, the income of those who earn points by posting posts is in a pyramid-like pattern. There are only a small number of people with high incomes, and there are many who can barely get some income.

And these casual players who can't find their own position and don't dare to end, like to shuttle through the streets, watch all kinds of novel props and buildings, or watch live broadcasts together.

Therefore, there will also be a lot of display screens hanging outside the storefront on the street, and the live broadcast pictures of the top players will be displayed on the display screen. When Qin Ze passes through the street, he can always hear the voices of the live broadcast and people's discussions.

"...I really didn't expect it to end like this."

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