Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 192: · "See you in the next world"

"—Yu Shisan, Jin Yuan. Your fortune is very good, the future is bright, and you are happy and healthy,"

The small vendor in charge of divination smiled. He was wearing a bluffing robe and placed his hands on the shoulders of the young man who was standing in front of the booth. In Minghui, this action meant blessing.

The torrential rain fell quickly and hit the supported shed with a crisp sound of "crackling".

The young man holding a long-handled umbrella placed the money on the vendor's table.

Beside him, a girl with brown curly hair was waiting.

"You're a foreigner, right?" The street vendor smiled happily when he saw Yin Qian, and said, "Why don't you go to the central square, where the awakening ceremony is being held. Everyone is overjoyed."

"Aren't you going?" Su Mingan asked.

"Damn, what am I going to do? My life is enough now, and I don't want to lose my life by becoming a capable person." The peddler shook his head: "I heard that few of those capable people can survive half a hundred, the stronger the better. That's right, if I'm talented, I'll be here in a few days, and I still want to go home and hold the baby."

Su Mingan remained silent.

"—However, I really didn't expect that group of nobles to look like this, thanks to the mainland sage." The hawker sighed: "I hated them to the extreme in the past, but I didn't expect this group of people to leave earlier than us. …”

Su Mingan sighed, then pulled Fia away from the booth.

Raindrops fell on the umbrella surface, and a separate world was isolated under the umbrella.

In the rain curtain, everything was not very clear, only the silent one-story buildings and a towering tower in the town were stationed on the edge like a night watchman.

Su Mingan raised his head and looked at the large-scale glazed tower in front of him. The gems on the tower surface shone brightly, even under the thick dark clouds.

It seems to be in a deep darkness, with a shining tower standing, like a **** falling from the sky, reaching out to the people who are deep in the mud.

Above the square, blood-colored rays of light bloomed one after another.

Fia reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"How is it?" she asked, "are you relaxing?"

Just now, after breaking out a white cat, Su Mingan fell into a brief period of autism. When he was about to go to the laboratory for blood supply, he met Fia who had caught up.

Fia said she knew he had been in a bad mental state and she had a way to ease it.

"It doesn't need any mental relief or any additional medicine." Fia said softly: "You're just too tired recently, and this kind of tiredness can't be compensated by sleep... not to mention, I see Come out, you haven't slept all day in these days."

"Is it obvious?"

"You also don't look in the system mirror to see how bad your face is."

Su Mingan called out the mirror according to the words, and saw a beautiful face again. Since Admiration's face was bad from the beginning, a shaky look that could die at any time, even if Fia said he looked bad now, he couldn't see anything.

...because it's always been bad.

Su Ming'an retracted the system mirror: "But is it a waste of time to spend a day playing games?"

The dungeon is only fifteen days away. He originally planned to continue taking Hui Shuhang to the nearby forest to kill monsters. He didn't expect Fiya to stop Hu and say that he would take him to relax for the day.

"It's necessary." Fia shook her head: "This kind of exhaustion is irreparable except for relaxation. You can't shape yourself into a machine that only knows how to catch up with tasks... You have to understand that because people always have the ability to dominate them The subjective initiative of the ego, the ability to freely control one's own actions, can be called a free and independent person. If you lose these, mechanical fatigue is common."

"Besides..." She said, "You can't keep your mental state at the limit all the time, otherwise it's not good for your usual tasks. Searching for clues, fighting the enemy... These actions require energy, and if you stay in a trance, you will miss a lot. ."

Su Ming'an thought for a while, and felt that Feiya's last sentence was reasonable.

He followed her according to his words, and she seemed to have carefully planned the itinerary. After receiving the novel divination from the so-called fortune teller, she took him to the restaurant in the town.

The steaming hot food was served.

He held a fork and tasted the roasted meat with a unique flavor that Hui Shuhang once said, and then his expression turned into a mask of pain.

The taste of the barbecue is not comparable to the self-service barbecue he had eaten on Zhai Xing. In a world where productivity is extremely low, the way it is roasted is extremely extensive, even the salt is colorful, and the taste has a strange bitterness and astringency. . And other staple foods are even more so. The baguette-like bread tastes like a piece of sand, the hardness is like gnawing on a stone, and the soft taste is not at all. Some soups are too sweet and greasy, making people completely unaccustomed to eating.

As for lime wine, he didn't dare to touch it at all, but Fia said that it tasted like lemonade mixed with alcohol.

...The so-called food from another world seems to be nothing more than that.

After taking a sip of the bitter and astringent tea and watching the inferior tea-like plants floating on the surface of the cup, Su Mingan suddenly realized that the tea that Hui Shuhang brewed for him at that time was in the eyes of ordinary people. What a precious thing to come.

At least, it didn't make him have the idea of ​​"what is this", and the taste is similar to the black tea he drank on Zhai Xing before.

In the eyes of Minghui people, perhaps the taste of black tea, which is extremely ordinary in his eyes, is already the best tea.

Because their daily staples are those things that are hard to swallow in Su Ming'an's eyes.

When he was having a hard time eating, Fia seemed to be used to eating. She moved naturally and didn't show any signs of being choked by strange food. She even smiled when she looked at him like this. .

Su Ming'an put down his fork - this fork was too rough to sharpen your hands.

He looked out the window at the torrential rain. People walked through the rain curtain with umbrellas.

The sky is condensed with starlight like ice grains, and the brilliant blue and purple colors are painted in one piece, like a bright galaxy paved on it.

He turned his head and looked at the girl with pure eyes. She was staring at him, and it seemed that there was some extremely strong emotion that had been smudged for a long time, and it might burst out at any time.

"Look at what I do." Fia smiled.

"Have you gotten used to these nineteen years?" Su Mingan looked at her.

"It's good." Fia lowered her head, raised her knife and fork, and cut the inferior meat slices with bones and bones together: "This time I learned to draw, especially oil painting, and my golden sunflowers are very good. When I have time, I will show you the painting."

Knives and forks screeched harshly against the plate, and she was slicing the shredded meat, seemingly concentrating on fighting it.

"You also learned to paint."

"Yes, there is also a musical instrument called the lyre." She raised her fork and seemed to show off: "It was taught to me before admiration. It is very similar to the lyre, and the sound is very clear. I traveled around the city. When I was there, I saw a lot of wandering bards use this kind of piano music, reciting their own songs and poems... It's really nice."

As she spoke, she took out a lyre-like musical instrument from the space ring on her finger, and when she moved her finger lightly on it, a sound like a jade bead on the ground vibrated. A fleeting rainbow in front of me.

The guests who dined on the side seemed to have noticed it too. They were wearing sackcloth and sackcloth, but no one took the initiative to approach Fia, who seemed to be of extraordinary origin, but their attention was shifted here, even the passers-by. Shop assistants are no exception.

"Jin Wang taught me a piece of music before I fell asleep... I'm relatively stupid, and I can't learn more, so I've been practicing this piece, and I've been practicing this piece over and over again, for fear that one day I won't be able to play it. I forgot it myself." Feiya looked at her with a thin layer of morning frost in her eyes: "The name is... [King Jing], he wrote it himself. Would you like to listen to me play a song? "

Su Mingan nodded.

A crisp sound suddenly sounded.

A girl with brown curly hair, her delicate and slender fingers flow over the thin strings. She half-drooped her eyelids, and all her emotions were contained in her pale eyes. When she plucked the strings, the sound of water-like music slowly flowed down her fingers.

The slightly curly hair swayed gently in her movements, and under the dim stone lamp, her fair face was bathed in light and gradually became transparent.

The sky was low, and the rain was crackling.

Like the very fine water flow, the natural sound of the wind blowing flowers and leaves, the distant mountains on a sunny day, and the swinging bamboo leaves. It floats up like fresh air after rain.

What was revealed in the music was such a fresh and natural taste, like a beautiful picture scroll slowly unfolding in front of his eyes.

The busy clerk let go of the movements in his hands, and the people talking stopped their voices. They didn't seem to have the heart to break the quiet and distant music. They listened carefully, and their eyes were full of surprise.

In Fia's music, Su Mingan felt peace.

... long-lost peace.

Like fatigue fades away, pressure drops sharply, music really easily brings people a sense of soothing. It seems to have a magical power, awakening people's long-term memories expressed in the music between the beating of a note, and making all the thoughts that have gradually solidified and precipitated become fresh again.

Through her music, Su Mingan seemed to see a vibrant and green scene. The grass grows, the flowers bloom, the icebergs dissolve, the snow fades, the sound of the spring ding-dong, the river passes over the stones, over the mountains on both sides, and rushes along the river bank without any hindrance, like a free wind.


Su Ming'an originally thought that what Qin Wang likes, at least it shouldn't be this kind of song. He grew up in a luxurious aristocratic situation and lived under great pressure since he was a child. He should not have such a deep love for the rare nature.

But in the music, he understood the meaning.

Between the criss-crossing roads, travelers travel long distances.

Before sunset, the nearly withered flowers bloom freely.

The raft swayed on the sea that was broken by the sky.

Bamboo leaves are swaying finely, and the distant mountains are misty and misty. And everything in this world is thriving.

...the song expresses the joy of the revival of all things in spring.

This represents the boundless longing of the great man who died before dawn for the future winter to fade away.

He is expressing his hope beyond the doomed ending in his own musical voice.

People believe that the winter snow will melt, and the [future] will be bright.

The flowing music stopped suddenly.

Fia's fingers rested on the violin, and a pair of bright eyes looked at him, and the song was over.

"Clap, clap clap clap..."

Applause broke out suddenly.

All the listening people applauded involuntarily, even the rude man who didn't understand the music, could comprehend the meaning of the recovery of all things from the music full of vitality.

In the present situation of actual recovery, it is even more the backdrop.

It's like a song specially composed for today's bright future.

"...Who wrote this song, it's really good."

"The little girl can play it well, much better than those poets who are running around!"

"It's actually a song I've never heard before, I really want to memorize it... It feels really good..."

People make no secret of their admiration and admiration.

In such a world, emotions are expressed extremely directly, because people have long understood that if they just blindly cover up their emotions, they may not wait for the day when they are truly expressed.

Therefore, when I heard a song that really touched them, the admiration that erupted was extremely strong.

Su Mingan raised his hand and applauded.

"It sounds good," he said. "The tune is beautiful...and it plays beautifully."

Fia put away the piano, smiled gently at those who praised her, and then looked at him again.

"I thought I could become more proficient, but I didn't expect you to come so soon." She smiled, her smile was pure, like the vibrant flowers and leaves in the song: "In the campus copy, I learned to sketch and became proficient. In this world, I learned to paint and play the piano... I'm still looking forward to what the next world will be. I still want to learn to play the piano... I remember when I was on Zhai Xing You played it to me, it's really good... At the time, I was still thinking, if only I had time to learn the piano, I didn't expect that I really have so much time now."

"Yes, the world is very big, there are many scenery, and it is full of wonderful." Su Ming'an said: "You still have many worlds."

"However, since you're here, I'm about to leave this world and go to the next world." Feiya said: "After so many years, I'm really not used to leaving."

"If the world game is over, I might be able to teach you how to play the piano." Su Ming'an said suddenly, "By then, we should all have a lot of time."

Fia looked at him, her eyes narrowed a little.

She seems to have gone through a thousand sails, and she seems to be as pure as a newborn.

It was as if a clarity had been brewing, and when the light slowly condensed in her eyes, it was as clear and bright as a diamond.

"There will be such a day." She said, "Looking at you who are so tired today, I find that you seem to be getting more and more tired, one world after another... Your fatigue is constantly superimposed. So, up to now, I Just wanted to remind you."

"—[Many people work hard to build a high tower, but few people ask, why are we building this tower?]" She looked at him with pure eyes: "I hope that in Along the way, I can make you always remember why."

"Then, see you in the next world?" Su Mingan picked up the cup.

"Okay, goodbye." Fia reached out and toasted with him.

The walls of the cups collided, and the sound was crisp.

The liquid glittered like gold in the light, and as he drank it, he saw her eyes sparkle.

Clever big watery eyes glide lightly across his face, and when she looks at him, the corners of her lips naturally rise, and her smile is sly and agile like a noble cat.

She is no longer the girl who indulges in the pain of domestic violence, the girl who is just like a blank sheet of paper, pulling his sleeves like she is pulling redemption. As long as he leaves, she will always be in the dark quagmire, unable to struggle.

After going through many landscapes, she saw an incomparably vast world.

She is colorful now.

She is shining.

When looking at her like a diamond, when he drank the drink in the cup, Su Mingan noticed something later.

... This liquid, it seems, is not white water, but lime wine.

He held up the wine glass and slowly put it down.

The next moment, all senses disappeared in an instant.

Facing the table in front of him, he fell directly, making a loud noise.

The people next to him looked at this scene in amazement, looking at the girl with brown curly hair, got up, and slowly placed their hands on his shoulders.

In Ming Fai, this gesture means blessing.

"See you in the next world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She smiled, retracted her hand, and turned around.

Outside the window, the rain had stopped.

Above the sky, a piece of Qingming slowly bloomed.

The darkness receded like a tide, and a splendid light filled the streets. The gods who are like the sky are pouring down a bright light path into the world.

The girl who walked out of the restaurant raised her head, her white cheeks were bathed in a steady light curtain, and she seemed to be able to see the deep cosmic starry sky.

Dressed in complicated loli, she walked slowly to her side, bowed and saluted.

"Thank you for your help to Minghui." Hui Shuhang said softly, with a solemn tone, as if chanting an ode: "Miss Feiya - bless you, no matter which world you are in, you will be a well-deserved [future]. "

Fia tilted her head, her eyes shining like stars.

"I really want to thank me and let him have a good dream." She said, "I don't want to see him again, looking like I can't wait to fall asleep in place."

"Okay." Hui Shuhang nodded, and then suddenly said, "In addition..."

Fia looked at her.

"I admire your Highness's music, can you..."

The strings and scores were stuffed into Hui Shuhang's hands.

"I can't take anything with me, I'll leave it to you." Fia smiled: "Remember, who brought this future."

Hui Shuhang looked at her, then nodded slowly.

She looked at the sheet music in her hand, nostalgia flashed in her eyes, and her eyes gradually turned red.

She closed her eyes and hugged the violin very tightly, as if to dye it with temperature, as if to melt it into her blood.

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