Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 213: · "I only feel sorry for Big Brother"

Su Ming'an immediately stretched out his hand and was about to drag the people inside out.

As a result, the strength value in the shadow state is too small, and the opponent is firmly fixed in the cabinet like a sticky candy, and it can't be pulled at all.

He felt that the light behind him was getting brighter and brighter, with the sound of wind approaching rapidly.

He quickly stepped into the other leg, shoved the whole person into the cabinet, then turned around and closed the door immediately.

"Bang." With a soft sound, the darkness completely obscured the inside of the cabinet, isolating the light that was getting closer and closer.

The cabinet was crowded, and Su Mingan only felt like he was stepping on something soft. He was stuck in the cabinet and couldn't even stretch his hands.

He couldn't find the opponent's fatal point, otherwise he would have wiped it out long ago, preventing the opponent from taking the lead in the dark.

He didn't know whether this method of hiding in the cabinet was useful, and the spatial displacement was also pinched in his hand. Once the light was discovered, he immediately moved away and let the player inside be a surrogate ghost.

Just when he was thinking for a short while, a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

[The other party uses props: Exchange chat box. 】

[Communication chat box: You can initiate a temporary text communication application for players without adding friends. 】

[The other party is currently anonymous: Mo Yan]

[Please designate yourself anonymous. 】

Su Mingan moved slightly, and the players below let out a slight scream.

His current state... but he completely stepped on the other side, otherwise it would be impossible for him to get in.

And at this time, this player actually wanted to communicate with him...

Perhaps the other party also realizes that they are players who are currently in the same situation. For normal people, the idea of ​​cooperation will be greater than competition with each other.

This communication prop can specify anonymity, which prevents the risk of exposing numbers and real names.

Su Mingan made up the name "Xingkai", and then agreed to the communication request.

There was no movement outside the cabinet, the door was completely sealed, and there was no light that leaked in. After the number was anonymized, he saw a message pop up.

[Mo Yan: Brother, are you a player too? Running around in the middle of the night? 】

[Xingkai: Yes. 】

[Mo Yan: Big brother, big brother, it hurts so much when you step on me, can you take it lightly...]


Su Mingan glanced down, it was pitch black, and he couldn't even find the other's face.

However, it can be confirmed that the other party is a player who is not afraid of death at all and is reckless at night, or a player from the Dragon Kingdom.

He's not afraid of death because he has something to rely on, and the other party is not afraid of death because...

[Mo Yan: Brother, when the ghost is gone, let's cooperate and explore this corridor together, okay? Brother, you shouldn't be weak,]

[Mo Yan: Big brother, I read it before, the doors on both sides are closed, so you can go down the stairs. Let's go down and see later, okay? 】

【Mo Yan:…】

[Mo Yan: Big brother, big brother, say something. 】

Su Ming'an was still paying attention to the movement outside the cabinet door. There seemed to be no footsteps when the light approached, not even the slightest sound from the floor, so he couldn't confirm whether the thing stayed outside the cabinet door.

The players below are still sending messages and seem eager to cooperate with him.

Su Mingan moved his fingers reluctantly and typed words.

[Xingkai: We can cooperate. 】

[Xingkai: Have you got any clues? 】

[Mo Yan: I knew that my name was "Number Three", but I didn't have my real name. Seeing that there was no clue in the room, I ran out. 】

[Xingkai: Exploring in the dark is dangerous. 】

【Mo Yan: Huh? is it? I think it's okay, there are cabinets everywhere to hide, it's fine to enter the cabinet... Brother, brother, have you got any clues? What's your number? 】

Su Mingan felt a little strange.

The other party was called "Number Three", but he didn't even have any information about his identity, let alone how many numbers.

Thinking of the previous campus dungeon Wang Xingxing, he would also be wary of players who are players.

He made up a number at random.

[Xingkai: I am number one. Do you know what this number is for? 】

[Mo Yan: ...I don't know what this number is for, but it is estimated that it is a ranking of players. Judging from the current environment, we are either in a college or a hospital. 】

Su Ming'an was silent for a moment.

And just when he was thinking, the following people posted again in "big brother" and "big brother".

This is the status quo of the current players. Not everyone has the same resources as the top players. They can rely on their courage or their ability to adapt to changes. After all, there are only a few lone wolf players. Most players who meet in the dungeon can communicate as much as possible, cooperate as much as possible, and few people will fight to the death to grab points as soon as they meet.

The overall atmosphere tends to be harmonious, and under the current mechanism, it will become more and more harmonious.

When Mo Yan saw this player who also went out in the dark like him and behaved like a big boss, he knew that there was no harm in cooperation, and his tone was extremely soft.

Even if it is the first ritual before the soldiers, try to put the ritual first. After all, in case of angering the other party, if you start your hand here, you won't be able to please anyone.

...and, for some unknown reason, Mo Yan felt that there was a lot of intimacy in the other party.

[Xingkai: I'll go out and have a look. 】

[Mo Yan: Ah, why don't you wait, big brother, in case that **** doesn't leave...]

Su Mingan pushed open the cabinet door.

He is holding the annihilation in his hand, and he is also ready for spatial displacement at any time. After all, it is not uncommon to open the door to kill. If the door is pushed into the face, the spatial displacement may not be able to dodge.

But I have waited for a long time, and there is no result.

If that thing has been guarding the cabinet door, it is better to face it now.

The cabinet door was slammed open.


Into the eyes, there is no difference between the outside and the inside, it is a darkness that seems to be erased by a big hand.

The lights in the past represented hope and light in the dark night, but in such a corridor, they even represented danger.

But, fortunately, that thing is gone.

The completely invisible Eye of Supervision does not have any hints at this time.

Su Mingan pushed the cabinet door completely open and jumped down.


The floor screamed violently, and the sound of the player breathing cold air came from behind.

He seemed to be trampled hard, and crawled out of the cabinet very slowly, not knowing where he was stepped on.

[Mo Yan: Brother, let's go downstairs and have a look. 】

The news popped out.

[Xingkai: Wait a moment. 】

Su Mingan stretched out his hand.

As if the darkness was mixed into one, a small black cat appeared in mid-air, its figure turned flexibly, and it landed on the ground silently.

It raised its feet and ran down the stairs beside it, apparently to explore the way.

[Mo Yan: Wow, big brother, you still have summons. 】

A message prompt pops up.

Su Mingan was a little surprised.

[Xingkai: Can you see it? 】

[Mo Yan: Brother, look back at me. 】

Su Mingan turned around.

The young man, who looked a little thin, was looking at him with a pair of slightly shining eyes.

And it was precisely because of these eyes that he could see each other's appearance.

[Xingkai: Night vision? 】

[Mo Yan: Yes, a very useful skill, right? 】

[Xingkai: Why don't you use it in the cabinet? 】

[Mo Yan: The cabinet seems to be a special environment, skills cannot be activated in the cabinet...]

Got a new message.

Night vision... a very tasteless skill in ordinary situations, but unexpectedly suitable in this situation.

Su Ming'an equipped the high-level defense cover he had robbed before to ensure that it could be passively triggered at any time, and then took the lead and walked down the stairs.

The black cat has been walking down, and has reached another corridor, and there is no danger along the way.

[Mo Yan: But, big brother, your summoned creature looks like the cat of the first player. 】

On the way, the news jumped out again.


Now that his popularity has reached the level where the summoned creatures are well known to the players?

[Xingkai: I bought it according to his order. 】

[Mo Yan: Wow...that should be quite expensive. 】

[Xingkai: Expensive? 】

[Mo Yan: Equipment, props, summons that are similar to the first player...the price has to be raised by a degree, which is similar to the star effect. Just that suit and black cape are much more expensive than usual in the cos booth...]

[Xingkai: Does the player still have a mind for cos? 】

[Mo Yan: Yes, what can't you do. There is no danger in space anyway. 】

[Mo Yan: Like what kind of simulated dungeons, large-scale cos activities, slang c groups, dungeon real-life running groups, script killings... There are too many such activities. Before I finished, I had a lot of fun. 】

[Mo Yan: …But when I saw the announcement of the sixth world posted by the first player in the World Forum, I immediately ran to the end. I like this world theme so much, I want to play it even if I die! 】

...It turned out to be a player who had just finished the game and had only experienced one or two dungeons.

Su Ming'an wondered why there were players as reckless as him. Even a powerful top-ranking player shouldn't be running around in such a place.

It turned out to be a stunned young man, excited for this kind of copy.

[Xingkai: Stop talking, pay attention to the clues. 】

For the time being, he had no intention of killing the other party, or driving them away.

Night vision has some effect. If it doesn't hinder him, it doesn't hurt to keep this person alive, and it can block the knife at critical moments.

Who knows, he didn't want to talk here, but the other party continued to give him news as if he would not let him go.

[Mo Yan: Big brother, big brother, are you a top leader? You look so calm. 】

[Mo Yan: I'm not afraid of death that's why I run around at night like this, but big brother, you seem to have good strength, as if you're not afraid of being emptied of strength...]

[Mo Yan: Big brother, you are the top guy on the list, right? Unfortunately, I don’t know who you are. I remember the appearance of the top guy well, but this is role-playing again…]

【Mo Yan:…】

[Mo Yan: Brother, are you angry? 】

[Mo Yan: I heard that the top players in your rankings look down on casual players like us who can only play, but they are really afraid, big brother... Big brother, you won't be angry, big brother, you won't beat me up Bar…】

[Mo Yan: I'm different from them, Big Brother, I feel sorry for the top players, and I also feel sorry for Big Brother...]

[Xingkai: Shut up. 】

Su Ming'an touched the wall and walked forward little by little along the corridor on the next floor.

I didn't want to care about this person anymore, who knows what he said is getting more and more outrageous.

[Mo Yan: Hey, big brother, I see something here. 】

Su Mingan turned his head, but his vision remained the same no matter where he turned, as if the light in front of him had been taken away by someone.

At this moment, a pair of eyes that looked a little terrifying lit up, as if only a pair of eyes were floating in the air, becoming the only light source in this area.

The other party's night vision eyes looked terrifying in this situation.

[Mo Yan: Brother, stretch out your hand. 】

Su Mingan stretched out his hand, and the player took him to the wall on the other side and asked him to touch the wall.

He noticed that there seemed to be a part of the wall that was different from other places, some uneven, like a patch on the clothes, and the place where the hand touched it seemed to be covered with a layer of wallpaper, blocking something behind generally.

He went to tear the paper, but couldn't.

A system prompt popped up:

【Get Incomplete Clues · Glued Wallpaper】

[(The glued wallpaper): The wallpaper that can't be opened temporarily, if there are other props, can it be possible to discover what is hidden under the wallpaper...]

The clue turned into a streamer and got into the clue column.

[Mo Yan: Brother, you have also received a clue, it seems that something else is needed...]

[Xingkai: Well, this is an incomplete clue. 】

Su Mingan found that this person's temper was really very good.

He first tried to pull the opponent out of the cabinet, stepped on it a few times in a row, and then kept acting ignorant, but the opponent continued to form a team with him as if nothing had happened, and his endurance was also to a certain extent.

If "endurance" is also a value judgment criterion, the other party may not be so useless.

[Xingkai: Pay attention to the shrill sounds, there may be monsters infested. Where is the sound, tell me, I'll fix it. 】

As soon as he sent this message, he saw the bright eyes blinking quickly, and the gratitude in his eyes seemed to overflow.

[Mo Yan: Thank you, big brother! Big brother is so nice! 】


He was silent for a moment, and wanted to continue walking forward, but received another message.

[Mo Yan: Brother, I saw it, we have reached the end, the front door is locked and there is nothing left. 】

[Mo Yan: It seems that there are no key clues at night. The rooms on both sides are not open... Otherwise, let's go back first and meet again during the day. 】

[Mo Yan: I saw the work and rest schedule on the door. It seems that six o'clock in the day is the real start of the dungeon... Our actions are actually a bit out of the dungeon. 】

[Xingkai: The door in front? Are doors special? 】

[Mo Yan: Well, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is. The doors on both sides were wooden doors, which should be the rooms of other players. I counted them and there were twenty-one. But the door in front of you is an iron door... I guess, this should be where we can go during the day later. 】

[Mo Yan: Without the expert-level unlocking skills, it should be impossible to open the iron door, but there are too few players who can unlock the skills... I feel that my eldest brother is also a combat type, and should not be equipped with this kind of pure task type player skills... 】

Su Ming'an didn't speak, and stepped forward.

He stretched out his hand, and sure enough he touched a layer of iron.

[Mo Yan: Big Brother, or let's go back first...]


A crisp opening sound rang out.

The iron door was slowly pulled open, revealing the whole picture inside.

The inside is not as dark as the outside, but with a little light. When he raised his head, Su Mingan saw a very conspicuous blood wall in front of him.

"Brother, why is your unlocking skill so annihilated..." The players behind him immediately followed.

But the moment he saw the wall clearly, he stopped for a moment.

The walls are full of writing.

[Swear to the death to fight! 】

[God rewards diligence, and aim high! 】

[Break through this darkness, and usher in a bright light! 】

[Sail through the waves and create greater glories! 】

【For your parents, for your teacher, for yourself—fight, boy! 】

Red and blue handwriting, drawn horizontally from the wall to the bottom of the wall.

That handwriting, with a little light.

Like a blazing fire.

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