Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 258: ·BE Eleven·Pride

The courtyard is sunny.

Connected, the blue and white long fences that close the courtyard are gentle and bright.

The bird feathers fell, and the golden light flashed before his eyes.

Su Ming'an stretched out his hand to pick up the flying bird feather.

The light-dyed tail feathers fell on his hand, and the delicate white fluff scratched the palm of his hand.

In front of him, the road leads beyond the iron fence, and the forest is green and green.

"Brother, no enemy was detected nearby."

A familiar voice came from behind.

The young man holding the sword, covered with bright sunlight, walked beside him, the signature engraved on the sword shone with sparkling patterns.

The young man smiled, there was no blood on his face, the sun was shining on him, and everything was clean and bright. He smiled like a college student who just came out of the ivory tower.

"Big brother?"

Not getting a response from him, Mo Yan turned his head.

Su Mingan smiled at him.

Mo Yan immediately shrank his head back again:

"Big brother, big brother, your smile is so terrifying... Big brother, you should stop laughing..."

"Is there?" Su Mingan didn't know when he became terrifying even with a smile.

He didn't pay too much attention to this kind of thing, but shook the feathers off his hands.

Feathers fell to the ground, shining like stars.

He clenched his fists tightly, then quickly, turned around, and stretched out his hand—

【HP-2280! (Combat power suppression! Spiritual suppression! Victims are exempted from damage!)]

Bright red numbers, with a series of descriptions, jumped out in an instant.

The air vibrated violently before my eyes, like boiling water.

Standing in the back, the black-haired, small girl still had a blank look in her eyes.

In the next instant, her body was suddenly torn and shattered by an invisible force.

She didn't even have a chance to use her skills, and was instantly suppressed by the sudden spatial vibration.

Her entire body was torn inch by inch by invisible force. The blood spurted, splashed on the iron plate, and glistened in the sunlight.

The small, **** corpse fell to the ground.


Zhuang Guo next to him was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.


[Number of survivors: 4]


Su Mingan withdrew his hand.

He laughed suddenly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He smiled as if he couldn't stop. Facing Suzunako's **** corpse, he laughed as if he was about to breathe.

In his field of vision, it was as if countless fragments were being spliced ​​together, and the fragmentary blood spots exploded in front of his eyes, which were as gorgeous as midnight fireworks in his eyes.

The black curve stayed in front of his eyes like a hallucination, and his memory still remained in the dark rain.

The stream of blood flowing, the cold raindrops, the phantom pain gnawing at him like an ant...

Mizushima Chuanqing was like a wolf, like **** eyes that still remained in his memory at this time.

【I won, this time. 】

Her words at the time seemed extremely ironic at this time.

He laughed and laughed, and suddenly began to cough violently.

"Big, big brother..." Mo Yan next to him was shivering with fright.

He was so frightened that he stopped holding the sword, and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch Su Mingan: "Big, big brother, big brother, are you alright, big brother, big brother, your brain is broken, it's terrible, big brother..."

"I'm fine."

Su Mingan clenched his backhand and smiled brightly: "You're fine, we're all fine."

Nobody will be okay.

Mo Yan was stunned.

Beside her, Dong Xue stared blankly at this scene, she didn't know why Yang Xia suddenly shot at her companion.

"Yangxia, Yangxia, what's going on, did Suzunako do something wrong...?" Dongxue said.

She was holding the ruby ​​pendant on her chest, and her fingertips kept stroking the bright spar, with a very cherished attitude.

After all, she didn't know the danger hidden under the beautiful appearance of this pendant.

She looked at Suzunako's terrifying corpse and asked questions, thinking that Yangxia would answer her softly as before.

But in fact, Su Mingan just raised her foot and went to the building next to her, never looking at her again.



After finishing the last file, Xia Luoyang straightened his white coat and walked out of the file room.

He glanced at his watch, confirmed the time, and began to think about his work tomorrow.

——It was because of this thought that after he pushed open the door of his office, he realized that someone had already sat by his desk.

The man was also wearing the same large white doctor's coat, and was reclining on his soft office chair.

The man turned a pen in his hand, and his posture was extremely leisurely.

A pair of dark gray eyes with a sense of decadence were observing the layout of the office.

After seeing Xia Luoyang come in, the young man looked over with a scrutiny in his eyes.

"Yangxia?" Xia Luoyang was not surprised: "This time, did you choose the escape route?"

"Xia Luoyang, let's talk."

Su Mingan raised his hand suddenly.


The archives papers that were originally in his hands were scattered like snowflakes.

He sat between the flying papers, his eyes fixed on Xia Luoyang:

"—Talk to me about the destruction of White Sand Paradise."

When Xia Luoyang heard the words, she quickly moved her hand and touched her arms—


The air instantly evaporated.

【HP-238! (weaken!)】

The bright red numbers jumped out of Xia Luoyang's body, and the waves spread on his body. He suddenly felt a burst of qi and blood in his chest.

"Don't move, Xia Luoyang." Su Mingan stared at him, ironing a beautiful gloss on his hands: "...otherwise I wouldn't mind killing you directly."

Facing such Su Ming'an, Xia Luoyang temporarily gave up the idea of ​​drawing a gun.

He felt an acupuncture-like sense of crisis pressing down on the young man beside the desk.

He calmed down the nausea and dizziness in his chest, forcibly pressed the blood in his mouth, took a breath, and asked slowly, "...So, Yang Xia, are you going to destroy Baisha Paradise this time?"

"Well." Su Ming'an said, "This place is so disgusting, I want to destroy it, do you have any suggestions?"

"But you know almost nothing about the truth here." Xia Luoyang said, "Are you going to destroy it so quickly?"

"No." Su Ming'an pointed at the table, he smiled, leaving no room for words: "Don't ask unnecessary questions, you just need to be responsible for giving suggestions."

Xia Luoyang frowned.

For some reason, he felt that today's Yangxia... was exceptionally abnormal.

Although he had vaguely felt it before, the character of the other party was very special. But today, he read a very clear word from the eyes of the other party watching him.


... This guy who took the initiative to sit in his office chair in front of him was surprisingly arrogant today.

"I'm also a teacher here, why should I give you advice on destroying this place?" Xia Luoyang said.

As soon as the words came out, he felt a pain in his right arm, and when he lowered his head, he saw that his arm was detaching from his body.

Blood spurted out.

The pain hit him in an instant, beating violently on his nerves like a drum.

Su Ming'an, who flashed the space cross light, appeared in front of him, the blade in his hand was covered with dark shadows.

"Can we talk now?" Su Mingan asked.

"You are really arrogant today, Yang Xia." Xia Luoyang said, "If you want to know, just convince me."


Hearing Xia Luoyang's words, Su Mingan waved his sword without hesitation.

The blood exploded in an instant, and the blade slid past without encountering any obstacles.

With a muffled sound, Xia Luoyang's left arm fell to the ground.

Xia Luoyang took a sharp breath, but did not call out, his expression was as calm as ever:

"...The method of force won't work for me, Yang Xia, don't try it."

His tone was quiet.

He knew that this Yang Xia, who didn't know anything and only found some fragmentary clues, would definitely not kill him easily.

At most, he wanted to use this method, which was almost a punishment, to get information out of his mouth.

But this line of violence, for him, can't go through.

He is subject to the entire white sand paradise. Even though he is a rare existence who has awakened part of his self-consciousness and helped Yang Xia perform the surgery to integrate here, when it is time to shut up, he still has to shut up.

...Unless the other party can convince him.

This is the rule, the hidden school rule.

He kept his eyes calm, waiting for Yang Xia's inquiry.

Then, he saw a pitch-black blade on his left shoulder, which quickly turned towards him.


Yang Xia was talking to him:

"Goodbye then, Teacher Xia."

The next moment, blood rushed out like a jet, and the vision was spinning.

Xia Luoyang's head flew up, and there was still surprise in his eyes.

... Xia Luoyang never understood why the Yang Xia in front of him would kill him if he disagreed.

Obviously, let him live, even if he just asks a few words, he can get clues from his mouth.

...but the other party moved his hand directly.

Xia Luoyang's head fell on the floor, and gradually rolled away, flowing down a bright red and dark red road.

Blood seeped into the floor, staining it red.

[*You killed Xia Luoyang (which belongs to Baisha Paradise), Exp+8000! 】

Moving system prompts, jump out.

Su Mingan squatted down, rummaged through Xia Luoyang quickly, and found a half-smoked box of cigarettes, a lighter and a box of matches.

With a "click", the fire light lit up, and the blue flames burst out in a "cluster" and danced between his fingers.

A beautiful flame, like a blue elf.

Holding the flaming lighter, he walked out of the office and walked across the creaking floor to the door.

He opened the door and went out, rubbing the smooth body of the lighter with his fingertips before raising it.

The faint blue color crossed a parabola, like a shooting star.

The flames stained the floor and fell like stars.

He took out the box of matches and scratched one.


The sound with a frosted texture sounded, and the orange fire danced at the end of the small wooden stick. Under the sun, the flame was like a firefly under the light.

He waved his hand, and the yellow parabola lit up.

The flames fell to the ground, quickly dyed and spread. Like brushing paint, it quickly scraped across the entire board, scurrying away unscrupulously.


Another "firefly" jumped at his fingertips.

He stretched out his hand, and the fireworks rose, dazzling in the darkness inside the door.

The flames spread.

He stood in the gleam of the sky, with his back facing the bright sunlight, watching a fiery red twilight quickly spill over, and the flames engulfed the wooden floor.

Before, he wondered why all the buildings in Baisha Paradise were made of wood.

Wooden doors, wooden floors, wooden stairs... Moreover, he didn't see firefighting facilities along the way.

Now it seems that this is the opportunity left for them.

... In order to destroy this place, there is a chance to stay.

He kept scratching the matches, sending the flames inside the door.

The flames danced in front of his eyes, and gradually smoke and dust came out.

Tongues of fire twitched, and the outline of the white monster who came over was looming in the sea of ​​​​fire.

When they started to put out the fire with clear water, Su Mingan had already moved to the second floor and continued to set fire to it.

He walked down the corridor and threw fires into the offices on either side. This match seems to be of special quality, and the flame ignites very quickly, as if it has an oil-splashing effect. In this all-wood building, the flames spread like wildfire on the grasslands, filling his entire field of vision in an instant.

The match is something on Xia Luoyang's body.

...Xia Luoyang may be ready. He may have also wanted to destroy Baisha Paradise.

However, because he is subject to the structure of Baisha Paradise, even if he has awakened his self-consciousness, he still has to bear the "sin" of being a teacher and passively plays his role.

Xia Luoyang is also atonement.

In this constantly reset world.

Su Mingan raised his eyelids.

On the side of the dark corridor, the flames flickered.

They seem to be tearing apart this boundless night, breaking through the shackles of darkness, and darting out.

The red flames filled his field of vision, and the building had been completely ignited.

The cool wind blew, and the star flames danced and danced.

He dropped the last match, climbed up the window sill, and jumped down from the second-floor window.


He felt as if he was pressing down on something soft.

He lowered his head, and sure enough, it was Mo Yan again, who was trampled by him again.

I don't know when this guy came here, but he clearly told him to wait in place.

"Big, big brother..." Mo Yan rubbed his body, looking really hurt from being stepped on.

"Why did you follow me?" Su Mingan moved away from him and stretched out his hand: "I'm sorry."

"Ah, ahh?"

Mo Yan, who was still rubbing his body at first, had a horrified expression on his face when he heard his words.

Did he hear it wrong, the big brother is actually there, apologizing to him?

Big brother actually also... have such a good attitude towards him who does not have all the perfect customs clearance?

"Brother, you..." He froze, forgetting to even get up.

Su Mingan withdrew his hand and turned around.

He looked at the building door that he closed.

The door was unlocked, so it stands to reason that even if there was a fire inside, those white weirdos could rush out.

However, at this time, no one rushed out.

They are like a group of white trapped beasts, piling up, running around, and desperately fighting the fire, even if they know that there is no way out, this place is destined to be destroyed by flames.

...Perhaps, these people are also subject to certain rules and cannot abandon this building.

But unfortunately, this clue, no matter which week, Su Mingan did not find it.

Otherwise, his line would not have been so difficult.

After all, these white monsters with outstanding combat power, as if they should not exist in this dungeon, only this kind of tricky method can completely eliminate these people.

Although there is no experience value prompt, players of other dungeons can escape completely, whether they set fire to these people or go to get the car keys.

...but that week, he completely ignored this clue.

Mizushima Chuanqing.

As an existence that has been lurking in this dungeon for a long time, it may be that she deliberately hid relevant clues.

He watched as the building in front of him caught fire and listened to the sound of the wood collapsing inside.

Because the windows are closed, and even the smoke and dust are not visible, he can only see the building in front of him, which is drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huge fire.

The door opened a crack, and the fire gradually leaked out.

Through the gap, he could see the smoke and dust that filled the whole room, covering everything like a dancing cloud, and the raging fire was burning wildly.

The body of the fallen, white monster was covered with burn marks from flames.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly laughed lightly.

Unfortunately, Mo Yan was taken aback again.

"Big, big brother, what's wrong with you... Do you need a mental recovery potion? But I heard that it only works physiologically. I don't know if it will work for you, big brother..."

Su Mingan waved his hand.

"I'm just, happy." He smiled: "Happy."

He heard the system prompt:

【You have entered Baisha Paradise·Hidden Route·Faith Line】

[The White Sand Paradise has been destroyed, and the san value of all surviving players has increased by 20 points. 】

[Perfect clearance progress: 65%]

[(Hint: Revealing the final truth will achieve the final clearance.)]



Su Mingan turned around.

"Ah, big brother, can't you escape?"

Mo Yan was stunned.

"Baisha has already been destroyed, so what are you running for?" Su Mingan said with a smile.

"Then, is that to find clues? Or..."

Su Mingan shook his head: "I can't find any clues for the time being. I don't have the energy to tell Dongxue stories."

"Then, now, brother, you are..."

Su Ming'an stretched out against the sun.

"I'm just relaxing." He yawned: "San is worth 80 points, wonderful relaxation."

Mo Yan blinked.

He gradually couldn't understand what the elder brother was saying.

He saw the elder brother walk back, and then, sitting by the golden flower bed, closed his eyes.

The sunlight spreads evenly on his black hair, like a golden gauze that slowly falls.

He just closed his eyes and didn't speak.

...as if I had fallen asleep.

Mo Yan stood on the spot, behind him was the fire that gradually ignited the outer wall.

He glanced at his elder brother who seemed to have fallen asleep and turned around.

The bright red and yellow fire jumped out of the building, like a big burning hand trying to grab to the sky.

"Big brother."

He whispered softly:

"……Are you asleep?"

"not yet."

"Can you listen to me?"

"You said."

"..." Mo Yan was silent for a moment: "I feel sorry for Big Brother."

"Well, I always knew."

"So, I don't hope that eldest brother has to bear anything by himself."

He shifted his gaze, fixed on Su Mingan, and watched him slowly open his eyes.

"Brother, can you tell me what's bothering you?" He asked, "Why do you want to rest at this time... Why did you suddenly kill Suzunako? I don't care about this, I just want to be considerate, eldest brother. ."

"My brother once told me that if there is any trouble, it is far better to say it than to keep it in my heart."

"So, I really want to know what happened to Big Brother."

Su Ming looked at him for a while.

Mo Yan saw emotions in it that he couldn't understand at all.

"...It's almost time." Su Mingan said.


Su Mingan smiled and did not answer.

He closed his eyes, felt the warm sunlight, and drank the spiritual recovery potion in his hand.

Although this potion had no direct effect, it only made him feel physically comfortable, like someone who had been tired from the journey and suddenly took a hot bath.

There is a recovery effect, but it is also limited. It is better for him to sleep.

After all, he had known for a long time that the reversion this time must be a bad one.

Because he just returned from death with a low san value of 20, his initial state must be completely abnormal. It is easy to see the contrast between before and after.

Therefore, he has long positioned this return as a "recovery file".

Take a break for one save, and then, in the next save, cover up the contrast.

... This is an archive destined to be abandoned by him.

But it did make him feel at ease.

For him now, the pain of death brought about by annihilation has gradually become less obvious.

...after all, I'm used to it.

His hand trembled slightly, the black trembled at his fingertips, and then he was about to lift it up.

"—But eldest brother." Mo Yan suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm with force: "You are still here, why do you want to look like you will never see him again—"

Su Mingan glanced at him.

Mo Yan shook violently, and he could not help letting go of his hand.

... He can't describe the look in his older brother's eyes now.

It's like looking at a passerby who is destined to leave, like looking at an NPC, like looking at a passerby~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his eldest brother, that's exactly how he looks at him now.

He suddenly felt scared.


He whispered softly, as if afraid of disturbing something.

"I also think about it sometimes... forget it."

Su Mingan moved his hands.

Facing Mo Yan who looked at him with complicated eyes, he closed his eyes.

He was feeling the bright afternoon sun.

After experiencing that death that was almost unforgettable, he has become a little greedy for warmth now.

The brilliance shone on him, and everything was sparkling.

Like being completely wrapped in something warm, like sinking into the warmth of early spring.


He raised his hand.

At an extremely fast speed, he pressed his temple without the slightest delay.

Then, he saw the familiar darkness.


Su Mingan is also afraid sometimes.

If his reversion is not a real reversion, not a reset of the timeline, but a transition between different parallel worlds... In this case, what should he do.

Those countless possible if lines, countless parallel worlds completely left behind by his death... Such a world full of all kinds of messes, does it exist or not?

He would be afraid of this possibility, and that's why he couldn't feel completely at ease.

...but he could only rather believe that this was a real time reset.

If people don't have a goal of never leaving regrets, they will only gradually fall into madness in such a desperate world.

He's already showing signs of madness.

He needed a form of hypnosis called "Salvation".

In times like these, no one is more fortunate than anyone else.

And no one is more unfortunate than the other.


The sky is bright.

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