Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 346: · "Su Rin, the road is smooth"

The latest website: "It's just people who are self-rotten." The man glanced at him: "There are always people who are used to indulging in short-term and immediate pleasure, and hate behavior that requires long-term persistence to reap - Mo Yan, you think, after the world game is over , what will happen to this group of casual players who only have points but no strength?"

Mo Yan's footsteps paused.

"I don't know." He shook his head. "I don't know."

He quickened his pace, lowered his head, and suddenly bumped into a hurried patient head-on.

The patient raised his head just to meet his eyes.

The patient's cheeks were thin, his face was pale, his eyes were still bloodshot, his lips were cracked due to excessive dryness, his cheekbones were raised high, and his whole body was like a rotten yellow cabbage leaf.

Seeing him, the patient's stiff eyes seemed to react a little, the two circles of dark eyes moved slightly, and then began to breathe rapidly.

"…Save me," she said.

Those eyes without divine light did not focus on his face, but seemed to pass over him, looking at something behind him.

...Maybe he was looking at the patients in the hall who had the same dull eyes, or maybe he was looking at the crowd of people like boiling porridge.

She seemed to want to grab his sleeve or lean on him, but in the end she stopped and let out a cry.

【help me】.

This is an adventure player who is crazy about dungeons.

Since she had no relatives and no friends, after she took the initiative to find here, she seemed to be stuck in a quagmire that she could not escape.

She couldn't heal herself, she couldn't recover.

She couldn't escape this pale vicious circle.

Mo Yan stared at the stranger's hopeless eyes, at her subconsciously tightened hands, at her wandering eyes, as if he had seen another world beyond him.

Dry, godless, like a lost soul.

He seemed to see a pale piece of paper.

"...But some people have already rotted ahead of time." Mo Yan said, "Before dawn."

"Who?" the man asked.

"You saw it." Mo Yan looked away. It seems to penetrate the white wall of the hospital, see the fountain in the square not far away, and see the happy men and women there:

"…and what I saw."

"Welcome back."

The dignified and elegant princess was waiting at the door as if she had already known about Su Ming'an's arrival.

Su Ming'an's attention was still on the portrait on the wall.

This painting shows believers releasing doves in front of a burning church.

This picture reminded him of the story Su Rin told in the Stone of Memory.

[I heard that the priest Van Dylan 300 years ago released white doves before the church was burned down. 】

[He did not hide or escape in the fire, but instead sang hard, saying that he had already run to heaven with the white dove and gained supreme freedom. 】

[He said that his soul had already returned like the kingdom of heaven, and what was left was only the body frozen by the world. 】

[He is a soul imprisoned by the world, and the kingdom of heaven is a place to accommodate such a noble soul. 】

Su Rin told this story in the Yate Empire at the time.

But now, in the royal family of Praia, Su Mingan saw such a painting that was very consistent with the content of the story.

...Su Rin, did he tell a similar story to the royal princess in front of him?

Su Mingan noticed at this time that the Pope did not follow him.

The princess was standing at the door, and two maids with their heads bowed were standing outside the door, their heads bowed to a great extent, and the bangs completely covered their eyes, making it impossible to see their faces.

"It's been a while since I left." Su Ming'an said, "The situation in Praia hasn't changed much."

"Yeah..." The princess thought for a while: "It's probably been several years."

…several years?

Su Mingan found that the princess' information was different from what he knew - it seemed that it was not the first time that Su Rin came down from Yunshang City.

"It's late at night, so it's not a good time to reminisce." The princess looked at him: "Su Rin, take you back to your room first, shall we talk tomorrow?"

"Okay." Su Ming'an didn't talk much, he just wanted to clear the night level now.

After sending Su Mingan to the room, the princess left.

Su Mingan searched the room and found no new clues.

He approached the big bed and lay down on it.

Today is the critical third level of the game, he must acquire the key skills to control the enchantment...


Su Mingan lay on the bed.

Nothing happened.

He was lying on the fluffy bed, looking at the drapery and ceiling above, feeling something was wrong.

Suspecting his posture was incorrect, he got up and lay down again—

Still nothing happened.

Su Mingan suddenly sat up from the bed.

He glanced at the system time—it was three in the morning on December 24th.

He guessed that maybe it was because the time was too late for the player to complete the process of the third level, so that the player could not enter the night level.

It should wait until tomorrow night, after he touches the bed again, before opening the third level.

He thought for a while, but didn't plan to go back.

Even if he reverts once, he will not choose to avoid this S-level mission. The current S-level mission plot has indeed advanced his perfect customs clearance progress.

The princess should be able to communicate well. Unlike the Pope, she does not have the ability to communicate with gods. Since the game mechanics won't let him enter the night level and won't kill him, there's no need for him to avoid her.

He sat on the bed and took out the second Su Rin's memory stone.

Now is the best time to look at this memory.

The red light shattered, and the scene in front of me began to change...

Into the eye is a blue sky and blue sea.

In the busy port, the sails are lined up, the boats are connected, the houses on the island are sitting on the axis, and people are crowded on the street like ants.

On the pier, there were people carrying large and small bags, old and young, men and women. They were heading towards a humming airship in turn.


In the misty fog, the water surface of the harbor flashed like a neon light, and the white gull leaped over the top of the airship, leaving a small black shadow.

"—Please keep order, residents, don't push, crowd, and take airships in an orderly manner—"

Such a sound resounded throughout the pier, and the flow of people boarded the airship along the longboard like ants.

Under the airship, the passengers with luggage hugged and said goodbye to their families, and Soul Hunters in uniforms with silver stars on their shoulders checked the residents.

"—Please keep order, all residents, strictly abide by the farewell time, cooperate with the soul hunting inspection, and log in to the cloud city airship in an orderly manner—"

The crew with horns shouted to keep order.

Between the ports, men carrying cloth bags, running children, old people with crutches... All kinds of people listened to the crew's arrangement and walked up a black line, like a rolling black stream.

In a tavern not far from the port, Su Mingan saw such a scene.

He was looking at the scene here through Su Rin's eyes, through the window of the tavern.

"...Su Rin, Su Rin!"

There was a shout from the side, and it was a somewhat bold shoulder slap.

"—Engineer Su! I'm back to my senses!"

Su Rin was slapped sharply, he turned his head and looked at the people sitting at the long table with him.

At this table, there are many people who seem to be very distinguished. There were soul hunters in uniforms wearing golden badges, knights in golden armor, noble ladies in silk robes... and the bald man in the uniform of a technician who had just slapped him hard.

Seeing him turn his head, the dark-skinned bald man showed a hearty smile, and his white teeth almost gleamed.

"Engineer Su, are you looking at your precious airship?" The big man glanced out the window: "Today is the 'boarding day', this is our hard work..."

"People started boarding the ship as soon as the day dawned, and they set off at night. It is estimated that it will take a long time to watch it in the future. Engineer Su, you can't favor one over the other and just stare at the only time you have left to get along with us. Your baby." A woman with braided hair next to her said with a smile.

Su Rin looked at these people, the corners of her mouth raised.

"Shouldn't be watching it all the time," he said.

The aroma of barbecued meat floated up, and there was a strong smell of wine in the air.

Through Su Rin's eyes, Su Ming'an discovered that this was the barbecue shop that She Luther had taken him to.

But after he took a closer look, he found that the store was slightly different. Although the location was the same, the decoration was slightly different. The store looked much newer, like it had just opened. And the one I've been to obviously has a history of decades.

Judging from what he had heard before.

This is... the day when the airship ascended to the cloud city, that is, more than sixty years ago in Praia.

The people around were feasting on the barbecue, but the knife and fork in front of Su Rin didn't move.

"...You guys, are you really not going to get on the boat?" he asked.

Listening to his words, the people who were chatting with each other put down the cutlery.

"Me? I won't go up. I have old and young children in Praia. The royal family stipulates that children under the age of 12 are not allowed to go up. I will take care of Xiaoqing at home, otherwise she will be gone. Mother, my mother can't take care of people either." A man wearing a horn hat said with a sip of wine.

"It's good to give you these heroes the pleasures. I just contributed a little gold and silver. I didn't participate in the production of the airship. If I don't contribute, I won't account for the quota." The lady Yingying smiled.

"Soul Hunter still needs me." Jin Xing subdued Soul Hunter and said concisely.

Su Rin lowered her head slightly, and seemed a little lost.


With a loud bang, Su Rin's body slumped.

On the side, the bald man showed a row of teeth, and his laughter was thunderous, which could be heard in the whole store.

Fortunately, today is the "Boarding Day". Everyone went to board the ship or said goodbye, but there were no other guests.

"Su Rin, don't worry about them." The big man grinned: "Isn't this your deputy, known as 'General Langli', to accompany you? When you get to the top, even if you call me, this is something others can't envy. chance."

He raised his wine glass and raised it towards Su Rin: "Come on! I've had this drink with my brother, and I'll get along more in the future!"

Su Rin listened and laughed: "Gerry, you are already drunk."

"Why, how can there be!" The big man's face was flushed, but he was still stubborn: "That's it, just this amount..."

"Come on." The swarthy woman in a technical uniform next to him said, "If you are not drunk, do you know that Su Rin can't drink? You see, you are also drunk on the day you boarded the ship. Although there are sober leaves, it is too much. outrageous…"


The big man put down the glass.

His face was blushing, and there was a bit of pain in his eyes.

"...you won't be sad if you're drunk." He said, "one by one, choose a tavern when you say goodbye...Isn't it just to get yourself drunk?"

The atmosphere that was not very warm in the first place was quiet in his words.

The thick sunlight shone through the windows near dusk, and the fresh sea breeze slowly poured in.

Su Rin didn't speak, and put his hand on the knife and fork, his expression was very quiet.

The noisy human voice, the whistle of the steamship, the sound of the sound, and the chimes of the chimes from the towering tower in the distance, he suddenly stood up.

"…We'll meet," he said.

People looked at him, raised their heads, subconsciously looking at a leader.

Su Rin put his hands on the table and looked at the people who were looking at him.

"All the data of the 'Yunshang' has been debugged, and preliminary tests have been done, and it will definitely be able to reach the city in the sky safely. Believe us... I believe that the half of us who go up will be able to get the approval of Yunshang City and prevent this from happening. a terrible disaster.

"Wait until then - I will bring everyone's family and friends back safely. No matter who they are their children, whose fathers, whose wives.

"The people of Praia have worked together to survive this devastating catastrophe, and our honor will live on forever.

"This is not parting from life or death, it's just a farewell for a long journey.

"Don't be disappointed in the future, don't be depressed about parting, this is not the end, it's just the beginning of goodbye."

He restored the unused knife and fork in his hand and lifted the toolbox under the table:

"It's time for my last check."

He stepped out of the seat next to him and waved at people:

"Anna, Walker, Lin Ling, Luo Chen, Yanzi, Huang Xu, Beijo...

"I remember the wishes of each of you, and I will bring you back the gifts you want.

"Please believe that the half of the people who ascended to the Cloud City - we will meet again." He said.

"..." The lady smiled and raised her glass: "Su Rin, the journey is smooth sailing."

As soon as she said this, the silence was immediately broken.

The man in the horn hat raised his glass and laughed:

"Engineer Su, Xiaoqing and I depend on you for our lives!" He laughed heartily.

"That's it! It's just a parting, I'll see you in a while, when the storm subsides, you guys come down, we have to drink here... Oh, except for Su Rin, you should practice your drinking, you will be allergic to drinking, what is this? What's wrong?"

"Su Rin! You kid, remember to draw the faces of the residents of Yunshang City. I want to see who lives in the sky!"

"Engineer Su, please help this guy Gerry. He's rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Although he's resistant to beatings, don't be serious. He's just a little stupid, and it won't be a bad thing..."

"Yanzi, say I'm stupid, are you asking for a beating—"

In a burst of laughter, the original depression was swept away.

Su Rin raised the empty wine glass aside and smiled.

"For Praia's tomorrow," he said.

"—for Playa's tomorrow!" people laughed.

The wine glasses touched each other, and the clear white wine flew up, and people's laughter mixed into the noisy sea breeze.

Su Rin symbolically raised the empty wine glass in his hand, and then stepped into the golden color of dusk amid the loud farewells.

Turning his back to the partners and colleagues he got along with day and night, he walked in the direction of the airship and never looked back.

The sound of the waves is like a drum, and the sound of the flute is like thunder.

The setting sun fell on him, and his shoulders were as red as flames.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming'an was a little surprised.

It seems that Su Rin sixty years ago was not mentally as sick as Su Rin after that.

...now he is simply a standard hero.

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