Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 369: ・"The Growth of the No. 1 Player"

Perhaps in the beginning, he once had the excitement and excitement of being the most capable "savior".

But I don't know since when, the motivation to support him to go on has nothing to do with his own emotions.

His actions are no longer out of personal emotions, but gradually out of responsibility.

——Ming once told him that this is a kind of "growth".

When did this "growth" begin?

Su Mingan recalled carefully, and suddenly found that his memory before the start of the world game had become blurred.

In his memory, he may also have many memories that he misses immensely.

The hard work of junior high school and high school, the excitement of the first time the composition was published in the newspaper, and the moment of relief when the piano was locked in the door...

But looking back at this time, these pictures suddenly became like the memories of another person.

They floated in his mind, but they didn't resonate with him emotionally, like watching a movie full of other people's lives.

If the first player is becoming more and more qualified.

...then maybe it's an exciting growth.

The needs of the group make them need a leader who is not afraid...or a presence that always stands in the front.

He just needs to stand there all the time to inspire their passion and motivation.

Then the emotions of these slightly smaller teenagers in the past are actually irrelevant, because everything he has watched is completely different.

He is becoming more and more "competent" in order to create the presence in the spotlight that a group needs.

He let go of these useless thoughts and stepped forward.

Seeing him approach, the people below are even more crazy. They held up the light sticks and torches in their hands, raised their chins, and their eyes were shining, like the enthusiastic audience sitting around the concert, like the devout devotees waiting for the Pope to speak under the prayer platform.

The broken bodies of Carter and the others are still lying on the ground now, and the smell of blood wafts in the land, but these people are like a party, jumping around the corpses, their eyes fixed on Su Ming'an, like a group of celebrities. Pick up fans.

Even if they themselves knew that it might be dangerous to stand in such a place, but no one ran or avoided, but held up the light stick in their hands, and waited there with an attitude of not stopping until they caught someone, like " It's worth it to die." General.

Su Ming'an didn't want to waste time on this group of people, this was just a bad guy who needed to hurry up and collect clues.

He wanted to bypass the group of people and leave by displacement, but found that the distance of spatial displacement was not enough. Even if he moved here, he could only move to this group of people. .

Now there is only more than an hour left, and he still has two important places to go, the Central Great Library and the Royal City. If time is not enough, he even has to go back once...

In an instant, he even had the idea of ​​killing all of this group of people.

Anyway, this is also a bad file, this group of people will die if they die, if they are all killed...

His eyes gradually became cold, and he looked at the people below as if he was looking at a group of dead people.

The people who were celebrating were still jumping up and down, and they were completely unaware of how Su Ming'an's thoughts had changed.

Su Ming'an changed his state and raised his hand.

When he saw him raise his hand, the festive atmosphere of the people was interrupted for a moment.

"...This, why did the first player raise his hand?"

"I know! He's shaking hands with me remotely, ahhhh-"

"Wait, this gesture is familiar to me, how does it vibrate with space..."

In Su Ming'an's hand, white energy light gradually appeared.

His line of sight has been completely aimed at the crowd below who obstructed him.

The crowd began to hum, some people were still screaming in surprise, some people had already started to retreat silently, they had already noticed that Su Mingan's attitude was wrong.

A white cross light began to appear in Su Ming'an's hands.


A gust of wind suddenly blew past where he was standing, almost throwing him into the sea in a shadow state.

The pitch-black crow was pressed against the wind and snow like a skyscraper. The blond boy sat on top of the crow and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Do you want to come up?" Noel asked.

He patted Yinke on the head, and the crow immediately descended to level with the giant wheel.

The sea breeze blew Su Ming'an's black hair, and he took a deep breath.

The indifference in his eyes gradually subsided, and he put away the energy in his hand. He climbed up the edge of the boat and jumped on the crow's back.

High lift.

"Where to?" Noel asked him back like a taxi driver.

"Central Great Library." Su Ming'an said.

"Well, well, I happened to be there." Noel whistled, and the crow flew forward immediately, passing the crowd of people.

Seeing this, Su Mingan realized how many people were gathered below. It was so dense that it almost attracted half of the participating players.

If he had just shot... it might have caused a chain stampede.

Bright red fireworks exploded beside him, and Su Mingan looked at the young boy sitting in front.

"Su Ming'an." Noel said.


"Let me confirm, has your attitude towards me fundamentally changed?"

"Yeah." Su Mingan nodded.

Noel laughed.

Even in this period of time when he had never experienced anything, he was still able to discover the information that Su Mingan already knew through his own understanding.

Moreover, this information exchange is completely encrypted, and even the organizer can't hear it.

As the number of rollbacks increases, the communication between them will only become smoother.

Su Mingan relies on experience and experience.

...and Noel is all about assumptions and guesswork.

These are two people on different time lines, using encrypted terms to communicate information on different time periods.

"Just now, did you really want to kill those people?" Noel turned back.

"Yes." Su Mingan said.

"You can't start this way." Noel said, "In any case, you must leave a way for yourself, otherwise it will be bad if you fall into an irreversible situation."


Su Mingan understood what the other party was saying.

In fact, he gradually realized his own danger.

...If he gains the ability to rewind time and possesses an ability that is completely different from that of ordinary humans, his way of thinking will change irreversibly.

He will... subconsciously regard others as NPCs in the game save, and even kill the opponent directly for the reason of "try to see if the opponent will die, anyway, the opponent is still alive in the next file".

But now, knowing that the organizer will not directly intervene in the game, when he doesn't need to cover up too much in the bad file, he becomes more reckless.

Because everything has a chance to come back.

...he became the only one who walked on the edge of time.

And walking on the multi-dimensional road, he will inevitably be gradually different from the way of thinking of ordinary human beings.

Under the time dimension, everything will become his pawn.

Abandoning chess, destroying chess, catching chess, for the ultimate purpose, he can do whatever he can with these people who are destined to be retraced by time.

Except for himself, no one will leave this recalled memory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ People are not purely rational animals, they will change, their ambitions will expand, and their original intentions will gradually fall.

A fellow traveler, Noel could easily see this.

Su Mingan looked at Nuoer in front of him.

His golden hair swayed slightly in the wind and snow, like a lit little sun.

"It's here." Noel said with a smile.

The height of the crow gradually decreased, and the building of the Central Library was already visible.

"Aren't you together?" Su Mingan asked.

"Looking at your current situation, I'd better hurry up and enjoy the delicacies of Praia." Noel waved his hand: "I wish you good luck."

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