Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 375: "I really underestimate your inferiority"

The muzzle that wandered at night spit out a deep purple energy wave, and the bullet rotated at a high speed, breaking into people's heads.

The head exploded and the body fell to the ground, causing deep panic.

As long as someone shows up on the deck, or stands at the window, they will meet this extremely terrifying blow. This bullet, no matter what defensive props the player uses, will be shot in the head, and the bullet will not be missed, without exception.

It was as if the **** of death hovered above their heads, and they only waited for the opportunity to harvest life, and they had no resistance at all.

"There is a sniper in the direction of coordinates (298, 198)! Damn, he's still a strong sniper." In the cabin, Augustus got the news, tore off the cigar in his mouth, and pushed the enchanting woman aside irritably.

"How come this kind of sniper player has only appeared until now, and it is specially aimed at us!"

He scratched his head vigorously, feeling extremely irritable.

Hot weapon players have always been among the recognized T0 players. They and the players of the spiritual law system are listed as the strongest faction by the players.

Second only to these two are elemental law players. Players of this type of faction are brainless and disgusting. Fireballs and ice arrows are released in biubiu, high damage is caused by fighting, and the position is safe. Many legal professions are also equipped with displacement. As a result, the Master has also become a sought-after profession for players to team up.

The second is melee players, who dare to fight against the enemy with a real sword and a real sword. As long as the specialization skill level is high enough and the swordplay is fierce enough, they are also a popular occupation in the team.

As for those who use bows and arrows, those who summon pets, those who use trap arrays, and those who transform themselves, they are the targets of the sewer team. This type of player is very unstable in strength and weakness, and is generally a scam, and players rarely team up with them.

Just like a real rpg game, there are also professional echelons in the world game, and there are also groups of players who fight against each other for the professional factions they support, resulting in strong quarrels like "Frostmourne" or "Happiness of Fire". This is both realistic and ironic.

Now, Augustus and others are obviously facing a very strong hot weapon player.

Thermal weapons are the great inventions of human civilization so far, and their destructive power and accuracy are of the highest order.

The strength of this type of player is only in the strength of the weapon and the quality of the bullet.

As long as the weapon he holds is powerful enough, then a Tier 1 player can hold a submachine gun to block and kill people, and the damage is not inferior to that of Tier 2 Elemental Mage. In the face of some low defense players, it will cause a very fast spike effect.

In the face of low-level hot weapon players, there are not many second-level players overturned.

Of course, if it is strong to a certain level, such as having Su Ming'an's defense level, no amount of bullets can cause damage to him. Just like Carter who shot hard before, basically shooting and scraping.

But for players whose strength gap is not so crushing, the side with hot weapons will be a lot more dangerous.

The only thing that restricts players from holding hot weapons is the cost of bullets.

Unlike the fireballs that the Master can generate with free mana, bullets require points to buy, or players need to find opportunities to find them in the dungeon. They don't make bullets for nothing.

Therefore, players who take the hot weapon flow are as poor as dogs. Their points are all spent on the consumption of bullets, and there is no spare points to upgrade attributes and skills. Once in the middle and late stages of the game, the level of other players rises, and the defense increases. Players who have not greatly improved in other aspects will be eliminated sooner or later.

The hot weapon flow has always been prevalent in the low-end player level. As long as they spend more than 100 points to buy a pistol, low-level players will have a guarantee of survival, but they will gradually become powerless after the level rises.

Not to mention a sniper.

The quality of a sniper rifle that can deal damage is not low, and the bullets are more expensive than ordinary bullets, and the average player cannot afford it at all.

If you really need a sniper, you can only form a team and let your teammates give up the task to support the sniper player.

That's why teamwork is so popular. In a team, you need swords for melee combat, masters, and players with hot weapons. Just as moba games need to eat the output of the economy, and voluntarily let the economy help.

A strong sniper means that there may be a strong team behind the TA. Only a strong team can support a sniper, and they must trust each other and train the sniper teammate willingly.

And now, Augustus' ship has encountered such an extremely powerful sniper.

"Send Ahan and the others to lead the team to kill the sniper. Pay attention to the traps that may exist around the sniper, as well as the melee players in ambush." ​​Augustus commanded and asked people to close the doors and windows.

The room was in chaos at this time, and the two headshot bodies were still on the ground.

On the side, there are low-level players who are squatting and trembling. They are the "trophies" of Augustus and others. After rushing on the ship, Augustus forced them to hand over the clues and useful items in their hands, and Have them crouch on the ground like dogs and draw a "lucky audience" for them to have fun.

Just now, they brutally killed a female player who was unwilling to strip, and threw her naked into the sea.

There were also a few players who suddenly burst into blood on the deck outside, but unfortunately they were crushed and turned into corpses before they shot.

That's their "fun".

In a hopeless game, in a repressed copy of the underworld, this behavior can give them a sense of excitement that violates morals and regulations. The wailing of the same kind makes them feel superior to others.

Augustus looked back at his teammates. These burly men, who were originally menacing, were frightened like quails after seeing the death of their teammates' headshots, which made him angry.

With a "pop", he slapped a green-haired man in the face.

This green-haired teammate is like grass on the head and looks very "fashionable".

"Counsel, cowardly you bastard." Augustus scolded: "Isn't it just a sniper, he will die when he runs out of bullets, and want you to be like this? I've lost all of your face for occupying the boat! "

What he said is also true.

This kind of long-range sniper rifle, the ammunition capacity is actually a problem, only five rounds are wandering at night, and they need to be replenished after shooting.

Su Ming'an didn't have the special bullets needed for this kind of purple-level pistol.

But the fear of headshots and even body explosions is really intuitive, scaring this group of guys who only know how to squeeze soft persimmons.

Seeing Augustus getting angry, these people forcibly calmed down in an instant. Some people even pulled out an innocent female player towards the storage room next to her, and started to rip her clothes out for courage.

The woman's cries echoed in the cabin, but the locked players didn't dare to move at all.

The warriors who would be angry enough to save people have long since died, and the bodies are still lying outside. They are all a group of quails who only know how to protect themselves.

"Where's Burris? Where did he go!" Augustus ignored the scene and turned to ask his woman.

The woman with jet-black hair, like a sea snake responded with a smile:

"Maybe he went to Soul Hunting, he said he was going to do business."

"The babbling babble, with eyes in the sky, and acting without authorization." Augustus kicked the chair unhappily: "If there is no clue to ask him, I would not be happy to listen to him."

He sat on the high chair and opened the map in his hand: "When Ahan and the others kill the sniper and come back, we will have a meeting. This stronghold is occupied and needs to be expanded. I am not satisfied with just being in this sea. wait."

"But now it's the team of the first player who is occupying the spot." Sea Snake said softly: "If our goal is to hit the strongholds in the 12th to 20th districts, the battle situation will be too chaotic. There is no 'hidden' after all."

"Listen to Boris." Augustus sneered: "This kid talks a lot, but he has a good idea. When he comes back, let him take you to find someone to kill - and the sniper. Are you dead? The gunfire has stopped."

The woman glanced at the team chat interface: "It shouldn't be there yet, no one has spoken yet."

Suddenly, several people heard a commotion from the cabin next door, mostly women's screams.

"Carter-you make a woman's voice quieter, I'm talking about something!"

Augustus scolded and stood up, trying to break into the next cabin and beat the kid.


The wooden door flew up.

A corpse with its head separated was suddenly thrown in the middle of several people, and it fell to the ground like a boulder. The blood from the neck was still splashing, and it was sprinkled on Augustus's face.

Augustus' pupils shrank slightly and he quickly took a few steps back.

He recognized that the headless corpse in their specific clothes was Carter who was supposed to be "enjoying" next door.

A strong smell of blood came from the other side of the room, accompanied by the screams of the rescued woman.

Through the door, Augustus saw that the young man with the sword was throwing the cloth in his hand to the naked women.

"I really underestimated your inferiority." Su Mingan met his gaze.

Su Mingan looked at a figure in the corner. It was Gothe with an exploration degree of 80%. He had heard of this name before, and he was a member of the United Group, but he didn't expect this person to be in the company of a group of criminals.

Augustus was shaking all over.

He knew that his actions would inevitably attract enemies, especially the first player. So he has long laid a barrier outside the dock to prevent other players from breaking in.

This was the only item he got in the fifth world. It was an enchantment that could not be destroyed by any attack. At that time, it was used to set up Minghui's altar, and its defense was extremely strong. Even the first player cannot cut it off.

As long as the first player is blocked for two days, his stronghold plan will be completed.

And with this ship that is absolutely protected by the enchantment as a stronghold, his rear will be extremely safe.

Otherwise, even if he does not choose to occupy this ship and greet him, he will be wiped out sooner or later.

To play against the first player, he must first set up a position.

but now.

... It seems that even the barrier of "absolutely unbreakable" can't stop the guy in front of him.

The first player, is he really omnipotent?


He couldn't bear the pressure of standing in front of the sword any longer, and shouted.

The people around him immediately began to flee, the displacement skills were frequent, and some people jumped out of the window to escape.

The shotgun in Su Ming'an's hand was aimed at the person who escaped by jumping out of the window.


A loud gunshot sounded.

The bullet exploded in an instant, bombarded the man's back like a bomb, and accompanied by a scream that was only halfway through, the man's body was torn apart without any accident.

The Glory Hunter had a full 20 rounds of ammunition, and with the sword in Su Ming'an's hand, the fate of these people was already doomed.

Su Ming'an turned the gun and shot at the fastest player.

In his hand, Space Shock is no longer used as a damaging skill, but only as a control.

As long as the person affected by the shock slants his feet, he will usher in a burst from behind, and his body will be torn apart.

At this time, the person who ran the fastest was the one who died the fastest.

Su Ming'an's agility has a full 43 points. Although it is not the level of cutting-edge agile players, he is also faster than this group of people, not to mention that he switched knives in the middle and activated Amber's condensation skills.

At the moment when the blade was slashed, the entire cabin seemed to be still for a moment.

The shattered ripples were like turning air into glass, and the people who were still running were also cracked like broken glass.

in the next instant.

The cross light in the space spread out, and his sword edge had already been attached to Augustus' neck.

The criminal who regarded weak players as chickens finally showed regret in his eyes.

...Maybe he was regretting that he shouldn't provoke Su Mingan.

But he definitely does not regret his actions against weak players.

Bullying the weak has become his instinct, even if he empties his strength, once again, he may still choose this method of making a fortune.

The head flew up.

Picking up the rare red-level equipment, Su Mingan looked at the man who was not running in the corner.

"Are you Gothe?" he asked.

At this time, the cabin was silent.

The rescued people did not cheer for their salvation. They shrank their heads, hid in the corner, and shivered at the corpses everywhere.

Even if they knew that the rescuers were in front of them, not the violent ones, they still did not dare to be the first to thank them.

This group of players who choose to stay away from danger has carved their subconscious fear of the strong into their bones.


Gothe walked out of the "quail" with a calm expression.

He wasn't tied up, he wasn't locked up, and he looked more like a perpetrator.

"The United regiment has really taken everyone." Su Ming'an said.

"I'm not with the Skeleton Guild, I just help them manage these players," Gothe said.

"Isn't the sword in the hand a sword?" Su Mingan asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gothe sighed.

"Player number one, can you turn off the live broadcast?"

"It's closed," Su Mingan said.

The moment he dashed into the boat, he had already shut down the livestream, considering that there were sure to be disheveled women in the boat.

"Then I'll get straight to the point." Gothe said, "I'm here to wait for you on purpose."

"I'm tired of hearing the words of the United Regiment." Su Mingan raised the sword in his hand.

"...But if." Gothe raised his head with a friendly smile:

"—Did we find your chosen mother?"

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