Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 393: "Captain, you are so majestic today."

The latest website: Soul hunters hold long swords and pistols on their waists. There are men and women, old and young.

Among them, the youngest is only sixteen years old, still in the age of blood, and the oldest already has gray hair, but even after being discharged from the army, they still come back.

At this time, everyone looked serious, and when they looked beyond the barrier, their eyes seemed extraordinarily distant.

Their postures are tall and straight, their sword-holding movements are uniform, they seem to have undergone countless trainings, they have the spirit of soldiers, and they exude an awe-inspiring temperament invisibly, and their standing postures are as stable as sculptures.

At this time, a group of ordinary people wearing commoners slowly walked up.

Unlike the soul hunters, their hands were shaking when they were holding various agricultural tools, but this did not affect their progress.

Even if they were shaking their legs, their whole body was trembling with fear, and they walked up step by step.

These are ordinary residents.

They signed up for the team for a variety of reasons. Some are "I wanted to be a soul hunter since I was a child, and it is the same today. I want to live with the honor of soul hunting and win glory for my mother", some are "The girl in the house likes a hero, and I want to be a hero", and some are It is pure reverence for Su Rin and the well-known soul hunting ministers, and wants to stand in a team with them.

Among them, some of them fought to defend their homeland with passion, some knew that after the team was wiped out, everyone in Praia couldn’t beg for it, so they chose to go to the wall to fight for that first-line opportunity, and some were I want to get some benefits and hang up the honorary reputation of a soul hunter.

But no matter what, they who walked here are already ready to die.

Regardless of their hearts, they chose to fight for their homeland, and their performance of not being afraid of life and death is enough to make everyone awe.

Soul Hunting Minister Kalocha has made the danger of this operation clear to them.

At this time, this team has gathered 268 local soul hunters. The reason why there are so many people is because in addition to the seriously injured and the dead, many old soul hunters who have retired, or new soul hunters who have not yet joined the official team, also come from everywhere to participate.

Some of their faces were still immature, as if they had not yet grown, and some had gray hair, and even their swords were a little unstable.

As the bait residents, there are four or five hundred.

The number of residents is actually far more than the number of soul hunters, which means that there must be cases where soul hunters are too late to cover the residents.

In the process of this team's march, there must be tragic casualties.

But even so, with the exception of a small number of residents who opted out of seeing the difference in numbers, most of the residents stayed.

...because they saw a man who existed in the story of Praia for more than sixty years.

Even though the royal family at the time blocked the news, many people did not know his exploits, and after the recent blockade was lifted, the older generation spread his story.

He has experienced the most dangerous era of Praia, designed a method to protect the entire Praia, and accepted the blessing of the legendary gods, continuing the glory of Praia's soul hunting to this day.

He once fought against the natural disasters that could easily destroy this land with his small, human strength, and achieved miraculous success.

Not to mention, two days ago, he was alone and rushed to the most dangerous place. This is the deed before their eyes.

The legendary hero of salvation, Su Rin climbed the city wall.

He was wearing a very ordinary black suit with the button on the collar buttoned up to the top one, and the young man's face still looked young, as if the years had never left a mark on him.

No amount of tsunami could destroy him, nor did the claws of the Scarlet Siren King kill him. He miraculously appeared in front of everyone yesterday, still as young as he was sixty years ago.

People say that he is the lucky one who is favored by the gods and favored by the world.

He walked to the front of the barrier, the outermost layer of the city wall, and turned around.

Turning his back to the enchantment, facing all the gazes of reverence, awe, or jealousy, he raised his eyes and faced all the people.

Even if they were still under the city wall, the players and residents who were in charge of some auxiliary work raised their heads at this time.

The muttering and complaining in the players' mouths stopped.

In the face of this inexplicable heart palpitations, they have a feeling that they can't speak gossip.

above the city walls,

The azure blue sea-monster appeared behind the person at the front. Her figure was like a flowing blue river, revealing an extremely pure and clean heterogeneous beauty.

A brilliant light shone on Su Ming'an's hair. On his face, he seemed to be holding extremely deep memories in his eyes that were so calm that he was almost indifferent.

He was watching the people looking at him.

They are either tall and radiant, or yellow-faced and thin, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

But without exception, since standing here, they have no intention of turning around and leaving.

They may be dressed in sackcloth or rich brocades, they may be of different shapes, different personalities, and completely different past experiences.

But now, they are all standing here, and there is no difference between them.

The sea breeze was hunting, and the thin robes on their bodies flew up and down, and the surrounding environment seemed noisy and cold.

The unstoppable fear spread among the crowd, and this large team of more than 600 people seemed extraordinarily silent.

Su Mingan saw many acquaintances in the uniform soul hunting team.

There is the serious-looking and straight-looking Minister of the Southern District, Kalocha, the Minister of the Eastern District, who is full of earrings and has a very individual character, the old man Clifford with white hair, and the charming and moving Deputy Minister Doya, who is dressed in black. The S-rank soul hunter Christie, Ed, and many other high-ranking soul hunters he was not familiar with.

They are all on the team.

Even Ying, the soul hunter leader, leaned against the city wall, playing with a silver pistol in his hand.

In the face of this action, they have no reservations. Not a single minister is greedy for life and fear of death.

They know that if the operation fails, there is only chronic death awaiting them. The island barrier can't stop the boundless sea monsters, and the number of people that the Wangcheng barrier can accommodate is extremely limited. Unless the gods give another gift, it will only be a matter of time before the whole thing is destroyed.

Not as ministers, they can live on by their status.

On the contrary, in the statistics of the data, in the past few decades, the high-level in Soul Hunting has the fastest update iteration speed.

Because they tend to die faster, and some die faster than ordinary soul hunters.

Honor is not their reliance, but a symbol of their swearing and fighting. When the responsibility is on their shoulders, they often fight on the front line of the crisis.

...as it is now.

Su Mingan's gaze shifted.

At this time, Nuoer, Lu Shu and Lin Yin were not in this team.

Noel went to the royal city to the north and was in charge of guarding the pope, soldiers and maids who were trying to resist.

Lu Shu is in the Central Library.

Lin Yin was looking for clues in the eastern district. The situation here was too dangerous, and the eastern district was very close to the barrier of Wangcheng. As a nurse and an occupant, she was the safest there.

In this team, there are no royal city knights. The Knights of the Royal City are loyal to the royal family. If they know that the Siren King is transformed by Princess Tulip, there will inevitably be some mistakes.

Not all knight NPCs are Sheruds.

... And at this moment, his eyes glanced at the people who were ready to go, and Su Mingan also saw Xie Lude.

He was wearing a different armor today. It seemed to be the new armor he obtained after he was promoted to the knight commander. The unique emblem of Praia was engraved on the iron piece on the shoulder, and the armor looked extremely delicate.

The bright red cloak fluttered behind him, like a blood-colored flag that gradually stretched out in the wind and snow.

People rely on clothes, not to mention Xie Lude, who is not bad at all, and looks even more heroic. At this time, many women couldn't help but look at him.

As a "brave", Xie Lude was included in the team by Su Ming'an.

But even if Su Mingan didn't list him, Xie Lude would take the initiative to participate. Even if he awakened his self-consciousness, the knight still regarded himself as a member of Praia. other world.

Like Su Ming'an, he stood closest to the barrier. Under the radiance of the enchantment, his short golden hair was filled with a layer of translucent white light, and a pair of emerald-like eyes that looked like fireflies were silently watching this side.

Around his neck, there was a necklace that Su Mingan returned with his sister's photo.

Seeing Su Mingan looking over, he smiled slightly.

"You're so majestic today, Captain," he said.

Previously, Su Mingan had explained to Xie Lude the role he was going to play in this operation.

As the strongest knight with the power of light and capable of suppressing the Kraken King - when the team passes through the Kraken group and reaches the position, when Su Mingan starts to erect the barrier, Xie Lude will be responsible for leading away the sea between the two barriers. Demon, lead them out of this area.

His role is almost as important as Su Ming'an.

"Say something, Master Su Rin." Beside him, the old man Cliff in a slightly oversized uniform said.

Su Mingan nodded.

He wore a megaphone around his neck, something the old man Clever had just given him.

Cleaver said he hoped he could give a speech of encouragement to those who were about to bleed during the operation, which may not be possible to return.

As the only legendary figure Su Rin who came back from Yunshang City, they desperately needed his voice to comfort the panicked hearts of these people.

These people, those who dare to stand on the city wall, whether they are soul hunters or ordinary people, are all ready to die.

No matter how well they cover it up, they are still afraid. This is the innate fear of death, and it is an uncontrollable human instinct.

Looking at these people with different expressions, some still trembling in their legs, Su Mingan opened his mouth, coughed, and tried the sound.

As soon as his voice came out, it was as if a loudspeaker was installed, and it spread throughout the city.

Including the rest area under the city wall, the distant east and west areas, and even the topmost royal city, his voice can be heard.

The players who were still busy looking for opportunities to occupy points and those who were still busy looking for hidden routes raised their heads.

"Whose voice is this? Why are you coughing?"

Said a female player lurking in Wangcheng looking for clues.

"It's the role played by Su Ming'an, I've heard his voice." The chunky player next to him replied.

"He is really busy, does he still need to speak at such a time?"

"I heard that the people in the southern district formed a death squad, and they wanted to use their lives to pave a road to the outermost enchantment. Maybe he was giving a speech for this."

"That's it?" The female player scratched her awl-like pointed face and smiled disdainfully: "He really cares about those NPCs, and he has to give a speech to comfort them? Does this really take him as a kind of NPCs? Those NPCs are dead Just dead, it is convenient for us to find clues, and there is no one in Wangcheng now."

"Maybe, but if their team doesn't succeed, we will suffer too." The chunky man said: "I heard that many players have also rushed over. This should be a temporary large-scale event, and many people participated in it. Reward, don't we go?"

The female player sneered.

"We're not afraid of the destruction of our home. What are we going to do? It's so dangerous. We might as well wait here to find some other benefits. If the first player dies in that team, that's fine. Anyway, he can't win all the time. "

"Don't let anyone else hear you."

"Hmph, what's the matter, isn't there anyone else who has an opinion with me..."

Similar conversations sounded in every corner of Praia.

The players raised their heads, wondering what the first player was doing and whether his actions would affect them.

But no matter what they said, they raised their heads at this time and listened to the voice over there, which was enough to spread throughout the island.


Su Ming'an moved his gaze.

He saw Naraku standing under the city wall.

Even if she was rejected, she still rushed over, the red hair behind her fluttering in the wind and snow, which was especially obvious in a group of black and white people.

To the left, he saw an acquaintance leaning on the side of the grocery store, who seemed to be teasing a man, the female pirate Elena, she was still staying here, and it seemed that she was living a good life. When she met his gaze, Elena smiled charmingly and seemed to be sending him an ambiguous invitation.

In the crowd on the right, standing with his head raised, Yamada Choichi dressed as a wealthy businessman.

And his former "players", the second-class swordsman Ye Changtian, Bingfa Alna, and the player team they originally belonged to are all under the city wall.

He even saw the soul clan hidden in the shadows, they looked no different from ordinary humans. He even smelled them, and the Soul Clan also participated in the team.

He saw Lucia the Soul Clan of the "Moonlight Watcher" who had given a speech in the underground of the East District~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was standing in the team and was looking at him, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

There are many players doing temporary tasks here, and when they heard his voice, they all looked over here.

Every time he gives a speech, it seems to be in such a state of being highly anticipated.

in front of a world.

"Nice to see you here."

Su Mingan spoke.

Countless eyes converged on him at this moment, like a spotlight.

The amplified voice traveled far, far away, and he stood on the highest city wall and saw far away places.

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