Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 425: · "The Legendary God"


In the face of Su Rin, a guy with no modern common sense, Su Mingan really wanted to leave.

In fact, this so-called world culture exhibition is nothing to see for him.

It's just that he just wanted to leave when this young man in modern attire, sweater, jeans, and sneakers appeared.

It has only been two days since the full reckoning, and when this legendary "God" appeared again, he was dressed so well to keep up with the times.

I don't know which clothing matching book Su Rin refers to.

"There are no shadow substitutes. These people pretend to be me because they like me." Su Mingan explained.

"I see." Su Rin nodded and seemed to understand: "Is it a sacrificial ceremony?"

Su Ming'an: "?"

How could Su Rin's thinking jump to such a level?

"This is a place similar to Praia's Sanctuary of Light." Su Rin said: "Recreate the achievements of heroes in the past, or pretend to be the servants of God, and hold meetings to inspire latecomers to become The new knight and soul hunter... When I was in Cloud City, I saw the residents of Praia hold similar rituals."

Su Mingan: "..."

Su Ming'an: "You can understand it this way."

"That huge altar has a very unique style." Su Rin looked at the stage where "The First Player and His Beacon Lover" was being performed: "These people's dances are very unique, much more delicate than Praia's... …their clothes are also very unique in texture, and the texture looks much better than the commoners worn by the residents, and they don’t look like hemp…”

At this time, the two actors on the stage were singing and singing together, and the story progressed to the plot where the "First Player" and "Lighthouse" fought side by side in the copy.

The high-pitched background music sounded, accompanied by the sound of swords, guns and swords, and the players who played the dungeon mobs fell to the ground one after another, and the scene looked extremely strange.

...It looks like it's really no different from a sacrifice.

Su Rin seemed to be still observing carefully, his eyes swept across the face of the host on the side of the stage, and his tone was inquiring: "Reproducing the scene of the actor to harvest the power of belief in heroes is a smart way. And... ... You have one precious sound transmission gem in your hands, and the material conditions look really good. This music doesn't seem to be played manually, what is the principle... Is it remote sound transmission? Or is it energy fitting... "

"And." He continued to observe: "The food sales along the way have a lot of troublesome manufacturing processes, and things that can't fill the stomach are really extravagant. Your world has developed so many kinds of edible food. , Actually most of them only focus on appearance, flashy snacks...

By the way, I saw that there is also a drink called 'milk tea', which seems to be very popular. I see that those young people almost have a cup. Does this liquid have any additions to your bodily functions? Or can it quickly replenish the human body's daily consumption?

...and your age structure, in this kind of sacrifice place that should be mainly middle-aged and elderly people, all I see are young people and children..."

Like a **** descending to earth, inspecting the world.

Su Rin watched the scene of the comic exhibition, and said outrageous observations that were completely irrelevant to reality.

Su Mingan already wanted to leave.

He just turned around and wanted to open his legs, but suddenly heard a sigh from Su Rin behind him.

The sigh was very slight, not overly heavy emotions, but more of a sense of loss.

Su Mingan turned his head.

Su Rin put his hands in his pockets, raised his head, and observed the colorful light shining from the top of the venue. The light sprinkled on his young face, and he seemed to be studying the architectural structure here.

"However, although the material conditions are very good, in my opinion, this world is also very ordinary." Su Rin said.

"Really?" Su Ming'an turned around and looked at him: "Isn't this kind of world where there is no war, direct harm is prohibited, and material conditions are superior? Isn't it what you dream of? These people have rich living conditions, and they all live very happily. , they have a lot more smiles on their faces than the inhabitants of Praia."

Su Rin's eyes slowly slid across the smiling faces of passers-by.

He lowered his head, took care of his very trendy alphabet sweater, and tucked the turned out long sleeves into the sleeves of the sweater, with some effort.

He seemed to be just getting used to this outfit, not even trimming the sleeves and collar. Even wearing a sweater and a white shirt, I don't know what he thinks.

"Not really." He lowered his head and said, "The souls of the people in your world... are too monotonous in my eyes, almost everyone has a rotten taste, this is too abundant resources, and Spillover results from living too low. They…are totally different from the people I love in Praia.”

"Really? Then..." Su Ming'an's voice stopped.

He suddenly noticed that people around him had gradually begun to stop.

Perhaps attracted by their two "simply perfectly restored coser", more and more people are actively approaching here, and they even have friends and companions, forming a trend of encirclement.

"Talk in another place." Su Mingan immediately put on the demon fox mask.

Su Rin glanced at the passerby who seemed to be taking pictures of him: "Strange."

He glanced at the group of players who were about to move, and some even wanted to lean up to take a photo: "They don't seem to be afraid of me?"

He felt very new.

The fear of power and power has almost become the nature of the Praia people. In the past, when his heir went to Praia, even if he wore a mask, he was always faced with fear or reverence. No one has ever done this... …so bold, so blatantly looked him in the eye.

However, in this group of people, their joy was not restrained at all, and it was very obvious, as if they were not afraid of causing disaster.

...In a world without struggle, are the people who have been cultivated so naive?

"No, I think the more important reason is that they think both of us are fake..." Su Mingan said briefly.

Su Rin is different from him.

He was able to restrain his momentum, but Su Rin didn't mean it at all. Su Rin stood here, like a sparkling high-explosive bomb, sending a signal to the people around him at any time, "I am Su Rin, come and find me!".

Although people must think that this is a very similar coser, after a long time, it is inevitable that some adventure players will notice that the momentum is wrong.

"These people don't even know the basic sense of breath, and they still mistake the strongest person in the world?" Su Rin said to himself: "The vigilance of people in this world is really low to a sad level."

Su Mingan didn't care what Su Rin was saying, and immediately pulled him out of here.

As for Nuoer and the like who are still playing around, don't worry about it, they can go wherever they like now, the three of them can play together in a group, and now dealing with this dangerous person in front of them is the key.

He quickly pulled Su Rin to a corner without a booth.

Su Rin didn't resist, and was directly pulled over. From the difference in strength, Su Mingan couldn't detect the opponent's value.

"How did you find me?" Su Mingan asked.

There are so many coser, many of them are fake and real, more real than him, Su Rin is so sure to find them.

"I put the tracking method on you." Su Rin said.

Su Ming'an heard something wrong: "Tracking the French? Haven't your strength been cleared?"

He thought that after this kind of NPC became a player, the combat power should be reduced.

"It's not emptied, it's just returning to the origin." Su Rin said: "After leaving Yunshang City, I lost my identity as a god, and all the power belonging to gods and sea-monsters was taken away... Of course, it's all because of you."

He was still sorting out his tangled sleeves, and his eyes were rather accusatory.

Su Mingan made a preliminary judgment.

In this way, Su Rin's strength is definitely not as outrageous as before. It should be Su Rin's strength when he ascended Yunshang City sixty years ago.

He had seen the combat power rankings once before, and there was no Su Rin's name on it. It may be that the players who joined in the middle are not counted. Otherwise, Su Rin's combat power may be soaring all the way, stepping on Edward and the like.

But Su Rin's identity is a player.

I just don't know if Su Rin, a player who didn't appear on the leaderboard, will join the "Top 100 Players" in the eighth world...


A flash of light flashed in Su Ming'an's mind.

...If he can trick Su Rin into his cooperation scope here, the competition in the Eighth World will definitely be much smoother.

No matter what Su Rin's strength is, experience and wisdom are first-class. If it becomes his help, it should be very helpful for his customs clearance...

"Su Ming'an." Su Rin stared at him and said abruptly, "Are you brewing your strategy speech again?"

Su Ming'an's thoughts were interrupted.

"Almost forgot." He regretted deeply: "This set won't work for you."

If it wasn't for the Red Rose forcibly breaking the game, he really couldn't convince Su Rin just by talking.

However, when Su Mingan was still thinking, Su Rin nodded directly.

"If you want to cooperate with me, I agree." Su Rin said: "I have had a preliminary understanding of the rules of this world and the tasks of your so-called 'players' in the past two days. According to the information collected, You are the strongest among the 'players', and it is to my advantage to cooperate with you."

Su Mingan blinked, he didn't expect Su Rin to agree so easily.

Su Rin stretched out a finger, as if to emphasize: "Of course, my only requirement is that you must not lie to me, not a single word. I don't trust guys who lie to their companions."

"Well, you're right, guys who lie to their companions are too hateful." Su Ming'an said, "For example, sixty years ago, in Yunshangcheng, the young captain who lied to his companions..."


Su Rin's always flat expression rarely showed fluctuating cracks.

He stretched out his hand and aimed his palm at Su Ming'an, as if he wanted to do something, but after realizing the rule that direct attacks were not allowed, he took back the hand that had put a squib.

At this time, Su Rin realized that the young man in his 20s knew him well, and the other party saw all the memory stones he left behind, which meant that he knew all the key information about him.

Put on airs again, the first player may dig out all his first love history.

In fact, Su Mingan was already thinking about whether to expose Su Rin's first love history in person, and let this person make a good effort.

For this kind of person who has been a **** for more than 60 years, his nature is not bad, but he insists on putting on airs, exposing the other party's dark history is a good choice.

Both sides are existences standing at the top of their respective worlds, and no one is more humble.

Even if the person in front of him is Su Rin, who has been a **** for more than 60 years, and he is several generations older, Su Mingan has no intention of bowing his head.

In this regard, he will not back down.

In front of him, Su Rin finally sorted out his sleeves.

He adjusted the slightly wrinkled sweater, and his eyes returned to indifference.

"Then I'm leaving." Su Rin said, "I heard that today is your nineteenth birthday... so young."

The end of his words rose slightly, and the meaning of what he said was unclear.

Su Rin came here specially, it seems that it was just for the purpose of forming an alliance, and his purpose coincidentally coincided with Su Mingan's.

"...Goodbye?" Su Mingan waved.

At this time, Nuoer and the others who had been hanging out around finally noticed the movement here, and they hurriedly put on their masks and rushed over.

"This guy...how could he be here..." Lin Yin was shocked.

She immediately recognized Su Rin, who looked like a graduate student in a sweater who just came out of the ivory tower.

She knew very well that this seemingly ordinary young man had been regarded as a legendary "god" by generations of residents of Praia in the past sixty years.

The way of thinking of the gods is completely different from that of ordinary players. The environment, experience, experience, and three views of their growth are completely the things of the two worlds. The perspectives and positions they look at are fundamentally different.

"Now he is a teammate." Su Ming'an said.

"For the time being, it doesn't count." Su Rin immediately dismantled the stage.

After correcting one sentence, he stopped looking at these people and immediately turned to leave.

Some passers-by with cameras next to them thought it was a coser, and immediately wanted to get up to take pictures, but were scared off by Su Rin's fluttering eyes.

"Su Rin." Su Mingan shouted from behind.

Su Rin didn't look back, just put her hands in her pockets.

His figure stood quietly beside the door of the venue, ready to step out at any time. His standing still looked a bit lonely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left the home he loved, and was forced to come to this kind of place where he was treated. A completely unfamiliar world.

Separated from his lover, the environment has changed drastically, and he is still in the unknown confusion.

However, his self-esteem as a world leader will not allow him to ask others for help.

"Anything?" he asked quietly.

Su Ming'an's tone was also very light, and pointed to the corner of Su Rin's exposed clothes: "Your shirt is not well stuffed."

"..." Su Rin's hand touched the bottom edge of the sweater, and accurately grabbed the white shirt that slipped out of the corner.

His body froze, he quickly stuffed his shirt in, and quickly left the sight of several people.

The drooping sunlight elongated his profile, and he gusted through the crowd like a gust of wind.

His slender figure gradually disappeared, disappearing into the crowd of people.

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