Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 455: · "Faithful believers in Baishen."


After being scared away, Mizushima Kawakura gradually felt that something was wrong.

Based on what she knew about Su Ming'an, if his leader was really the first leader, he should act more low-key. rather than being so arrogant.

But after she left, it was already night, and she didn't turn back until the day was over.

In the sky, two black dots reappeared.

A group of people who were about to leave for the first tribe saw the figure with a long sword in his hand again.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two of them landed, Mizushima Chuankong's black hair fluttered, and the white cheeks were perfectly illuminated by the flames. Her gaze swept over Teacher Fang, Lu Shu, and Yamada-cho, but she did not see Su Mingan as she wished.

"Where's Su Ming'an?" She asked, "I have something I want to ask him."

Beside her, the third-ranked Denji, the flames rose from his body, and the momentum was so overwhelming that Lilina and Kai'Sa couldn't raise their heads.

"Mizushimachuan, calm down, attacking us here is not a good choice." Lu Shu's expression was still calm.

He knew that his own Lilina would definitely not be able to beat Denji, and he couldn't take action himself, so if Mizushimagawa Sora was going to kill him and Yamada Choichi here, they wouldn't be able to resist.

Mizushima Kawasora observed again for a while, confirming that Su Mingan really seemed to have left.

"Adventurer." Denji glanced at the people hiding in the house, like a mouse in the ditch: "We can kill them."

"Now?" Mizushima Kawasora was slightly taken aback.

The next day, she made a move against the top players. She felt that it was too early. The tree is big and attracts the wind. If she wants to reach the end, she doesn't want to make enemies so quickly in the early stage.

"There's no need to hesitate." Denji said, "With me assisting you, these adventurers are not worth mentioning at all."

He was ashamed of his panicked escape last night. In his opinion, apart from the monster-like leaders in the first few positions, he should not be soft on anyone.

"Although you only found a tattoo for me to increase my strength, there is no problem in killing these guys, don't forget my rank." Dianji raised the sword in his hand: "If you don't have any. When in doubt, I'll do it."

He said, the sword in his hand was raised high, and the air around the sword body was burned and twisted.

At the same time, on the hillside about a thousand meters away from here, there were two players who were squatting and observing from a distance.

"Wind speed, humidity... don't have to be calculated too accurately. This sniper rifle has a corrective effect." A man with black curly hair, brown eyes, wearing a black tight combat uniform, leaned against the tree behind. He was well-mannered and well-mannered, with a scar on his face that had not been removed on purpose.

The woman lying on the hillside with a sniper rifle was a western woman with long brown curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her facial features are exquisite and deep, her lines are cold and hard, and she has the perseverance of a woman in the army. She is wearing a dirty white coat, and her shoes are full of traces of dirt and grass.

Her left hand is a mechanical modified hand, and there is a slight "click" sound at the joints. When adjusting the scope and confirming the bullet, her expression is very excited. The movement of the whole person is a little uncoordinated, like a puppet connected to a thread.

Her hand gently caressed the gun body, like stroking her lover's skin, and her movements seemed to have a creepy sense of disobedience.

"This is a purple-quality sniper rifle 'Death Star'. It's a good thing that I spent all my time in the seventh world to get." The man in black behind said: "Let your guide use it carefully. The bullets of the gun are specially made, 50 points per shot, and one shot will cause massive bleeding."

The man is a Dutchman named Sirius, who used to be a mercenary. He is open-minded and unrestrained, and he hates hypocritical and incompetent nobles. He ran away due to a disagreement with his family, but after the start of the world game, he found the meaning of his life and made friends with a lot of big people that he had never seen before.

He is a firearms fan and likes all kinds of guns, especially sniper rifles. At this stage, purple-level weapons are still extremely precious and treasure-like existences. Even the top players are rarely owned. This gun is a treasure that he bought at a great cost. It has automatic aiming and danger perception shielding. Passive, as long as it is targeted, it is difficult to escape the fate of being shot in the head.

The woman in front of her is named Isabella, a fanatical scientist who transformed herself into a half-cyber. She is calm and cruel, cruel and extreme, and has a strong desire for control. Her dream is to realize the perfect combination of the human brain and machinery. He is also very curious about this artifact-like firearm.

It was she who found Sirius first, saying that she found the trail of the first player, and then came to this area together. They wanted to try sniping. As long as the guide is taught how to use a gun, it is not difficult to hit a shot.

"This, this." Seeing the sniper rifle, the guide next to him couldn't help but sigh: "Your adventurers' firearms are really advanced, it seems that the times have changed..."

"With this gun, even if the first player has a first leader, it's useless. As long as he can hit a shot, his leader can't save him. It's just his clone, which has not been found yet. But it doesn't matter. , there should be a big price for his resurrection." Sirius said: "Firing a shot and leaving, if it succeeds, it will be a great achievement in front of the world. If it fails, it's okay, it's a thousand miles away. , he won't find out who fired the shot."

In his heart, he has gradually regarded the first player as a boss to fight, and he also used the strategy of attacking the boss.

Isabella adjusted the firearm, took out the binoculars, observed the movement in the distance, and suddenly made a "Huh".

"Su Ming'an seems to be gone." She said, "But it doesn't matter, it's okay to kill Lu Shu or Yamada Choichi..."

She narrowed her beautiful blue eyes and straightened up slowly.

"...Or Mizushima Chuan Sora," she said suddenly.

"Is Mizushima River here?" Sirius was shocked.

"How is it, Sirius." Isabella put down the telescope: "Your prey... Who do you want to choose? There are four candidates to choose from over there."

Sirius thought for a moment:

"I heard that the leader of Mizushima Chuankong is Dianji, a well-known elder-level figure in the sky, and he is also a veritable third leader. The lethality is only under Fengchang. Then we can observe it again. This shot, we must hit the effect, at least one person must be killed..."


"—Mizushima River."

Just as the sword was about to be swung down, Su Mingan walked back from the trail.

When Mizushima Kawasora saw Sibel, he immediately discovered that Su Ming'an's leader had changed.

"There is an aura of the Nine Gods... you are not the first leader." Dian Si sneered: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the eldest lady who was kicked out of the first tribe a few years ago, Qianxi Ze Wan."

Gu "..." Sibel held the shotgun and raised his head, his expression not flustered.

"What special ability does this Sissy have?" Mizushima Kawasora still did not underestimate Sibel. After hearing what Denji said, she knew that she might be the only pair of "infidels" she met.

"I've never heard of any ability." Dianji said, "It's just a hundred-order trash."

Mizushima Chuankong's brows loosened, and she suddenly felt relieved.

While she was happy for Su Ming'an's bad hand, she was also wondering - in this case, why didn't Su Ming'an choose to hide?

Is he a scheming scheme, or is he relying on other things?

She used to suffer too much under Su Mingan's men, and she has learned to make up for each other's actions.

"Judge Dian Si." Su Ming'an said, "As far as I know, you are a loyal fanatic of the gods among the heavens and the earth."


Hearing Su Mingan mentioning Baishen, Dian Si's expression suddenly became serious: "I believe in Lord Baishen who controls the three major authorities, curbs the curse, and protects the sky. Maintain the stability of the sky for him, and cut off the **** that is on the verge of an outbreak of the curse. , to judge their sins, is also the proof of my faithful belief. If I ask who has the most faithful faith in the whole sky, I will not submit to anyone, even if it is Lord Feng Chang-"

"Oh, you are the most loyal believer in Baishen..." Su Mingan smiled.

In his live broadcast room, he was already laughing like crazy.

[It was really a flood that washed down the Dragon King Temple, this old man didn't even know that his **** was standing in front of him. 】

[I really want him to swing this sword out. I guess he will kill himself after knowing the truth. 】

[Come, look forward to a wave of Sichuan opera face-changing. 】

[This wave, this wave is called identity suppression, I finally saw the direct benefits of identity once again. 】

[It won't come to the end, the other ninety-nine leaders have all defected and followed the first player, right? 】


Dian Si frowned at Su Ming'an's inexplicable smile.

He raised the sword in his hand and was ready to swing it down.

"—Wait!" Mizushima Kawasora stopped her.

She took a step forward: "Su Ming'an, I know that the cards you draw this time are not good, and you have matched the worst leader. But it doesn't matter, I don't have to shoot you, and I can even provide you with shelter. I will come in the final session. Before, I can protect you from being attacked by other guides, you believe me, Dianji has this overwhelming ability."

Her words were no joke. Before, she also met a player who shot at her. However, Dianji just waved his sword lightly, and the player and the guide were instantly wiped out, not even a splash.

Listening to her words, Dianji frowned. He didn't know why Mizushima Chuankong didn't take action, and even wanted to protect the other party, he didn't want to be someone's bodyguard.

"Adventurer, I have to remind you that this is a war, a life-and-death war." Denji said, "Even if you meet your lover or someone you have a crush on, you can't be soft-hearted and offer to protect the other party... "

"Wait, we're not in this relationship." Mizushima Chuankong was full of black lines, and she continued to look at Su Mingan: "I can provide you with shelter, Su Mingan. You understand, an extremely weak guide will make Your situation during the day has become dangerous. Like now, I know you have a clone, I can't kill you at once, but to interfere with your movement so that you can't collect all 12 silver stars, it's very good for me easy……"

Sibel, who was severely despised, raised his eyes and glanced at Mizushima Kawasora, but said nothing.

"You should know that the eyes of the whole world are now on you. Those streets, parks and pubs... Many people are staring at you without blinking. The current situation is no longer the same as that of the Fourth World. It's the same, if you really lose here, the impact will not only target you alone..." Mizushima Chuankong said, "Can you understand?"

"Yeah." Su Ming'an nodded, "I know."

He thought very clearly.

Different from the previous situation, people now have gradually accepted the fact that he is the "first player", and any plans they make are further planned actions based on him as the first player. For example, the "Hero Plan", all kinds of table games, the gathering of players at the top of the list, or the banner of "No. 1"... These series of actions are absolutely inescapable of his existence. .

If he loses, or loses this title, the turmoil caused is absolutely unimaginable. I don't know how many small groups, how many players will mess up the authorities for a new name. Various plans will also undergo major changes, and some stakeholders will undergo major changes. And those crazy lighthouse supporters may even commit terrorist acts such as street disturbances, self-immolations in squares, forum bombings, and attacks on organizational buildings.

What he represents is no longer a "name", but a "new order".

One, based on the "first player" and under the background of the "first player", a new order that has just been established.

It is fragile, its structure is unstable, and it is crumbling. It will take longer and more people to add to it. Before the order is completely stabilized, the most basic brick is drawn away, which will cause a comprehensive collapse...or Yes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ refactoring.

This kind of reconstruction may be good or bad. From the beginning of the game to the present, the three-month-long replacement of the first player may be the beginning of a new era. But who will hand over the flag of this new era, no one knows.

It is unknown, chaotic, unstable.

And people hate instability.

In the past, they hated Su Mingan who just became the first player and seemed unstable. And now, they hate the instability of a big change in order because the first player changes.

Of course, Mizushima Kawakura is now speaking from the perspective of the leader of the organization, not from the position of players who are eager to go further.

... She offered to shelter him, probably because she wanted to see his trump card and wait for an opportunity to attack. Or want to exchange some favors with him, such as her sister's information.

"The way you speak now sounds familiar to me." Su Mingan said suddenly.

"Huh?" Mizushima Kawakura was a little puzzled.

"At that time, at the end of the second world, we first met in the teahouse." Su Ming'an said with a smile: "'Zhai Xing's control must not fall into your hands. The first player - is more stable and more knowledgeable. The broad people go to be '...you at that time, when you said this sentence, you also had such a "considering the overall situation" looking down tone, which is really nostalgic."


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