Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 373: · "Is it necessary to do this?"

Su Ming'an turned his head and looked at Xie Lude who was clenching his fists.


"I think, please at least keep my sister before the siren makes trouble." Xie Lude pleaded sincerely.


"The Kraken is making trouble?" Su Mingan heard the word: "The princess is still alive, how could the Kraken make trouble?"


"Have you heard of the 'reciprocity principle'?" Sherudd said.


"I've heard of it." Su Ming'an said, "So, has it reached the point where even the soul in the princess can't suppress the surrounding sirens?"


"It's just to be on the safe side." Xie Lude said: "It stands to reason that the Kraken is not enough to riot to this level, but recently, the barrier is unstable, the storms are frequent, and the Kraken seems to be active... If you feast at sea, It would be a disaster for us to take advantage of them when the defenses of Praia were empty. Not to mention that there are still outsiders rioting on the southern docks and occupying the ships that house our innocent people... ...my sister was among them..."


His tone became more and more urgent, as if he could not wait to set off to save people now.


But he knew no.


As the guardian knight of the royal city, it is his responsibility to put the family in front of him. He couldn't leave unless Su Mingan asked him to rescue him in person.


It is difficult for Su Mingan to understand this kind of chivalry. In his opinion, if his relatives are in trouble, he must rescue them as soon as possible. As long as the royal city is not in danger, it is also feasible to kill first and then file for it. Blindly abiding by the rules is just pedantic behavior.


But the young man in front of him seemed to think so.


Su Mingan also knew that Xie Lude must be an important figure in the copy.


He is the most bright and friendly knight in the princess' mouth in recent years, and he may become a so-called "hero".


In the flip book of the Central Library, Su Mingan has already learned that the meaning of the brave in Praia means "the warrior who saves the predicament".


As long as the brave is there, Praia will definitely be able to overcome difficulties again and again.


In the previous history, Praia also encountered difficult situations that were difficult to resist, such as the invasion of foreign enemies, the tsunami, etc. It was the appearance of the so-called "heroes", which made these disasters calm down.


It is more like a spiritual symbol, more like a beacon. It seems that as long as the brave is still alive, the difficulties encountered recently will definitely be resolved.


At first, Su Mingan thought that the outsider who could break the situation in Praia should be a "hero" as Su Rin, but now it seems that this guess is wrong.


After understanding the specific meaning of the brave, it is true that the She Luther in front of him is more like.


Thinking of the dangerous situation with frequent storms recently, it is indeed a precursor to the impending crisis in Praia.


Then, the so-called hero, Xie Lude, he must live to prevent unexpected situations in the level due to the death of this person.


At least these two days, the brave must live.


"Thank you Luther." Su Ming'an slowed down: "I know you really want to save the Pope, but I don't want to keep him locked up. When the feast at sea is over and I leave Praia, you will return to normal order."


"..." Shelude was silent for a moment.


"Does it have to be like this?" He said, "Captain."


He called the captain.


"It has to be like this." Su Ming'an said.


Xie Luther was silent again.


He was in the most embarrassing position.


On one side is the chivalry, and on the other is the grandma Garde he loves and his sister.


All he could choose was to completely abandon his previous beliefs and protect Praia together with Su Rin, the "chaotic thief" who rebelled against the gods.


Or, he chooses to stick to his spirit until he sees the death of the person he loves.


"Are you going with me? Save the people at the Southern District Pier... and your sister." Su Ming'an said.


He is persecuting.


If Shelude chooses to agree, then he will completely join his camp.


The Knights of Light fight for the new king, which is a very orthodox thing. Those ministers who are clinging to Soul Hunting Headquarters will also change their minds.


Xie Lude sighed.


His hand stretched out slowly, with two necklaces on it.


"Please help me give this necklace to my sister. Tomorrow... is her birthday." Shelude said, "If she... is still alive."


Su Ming'an glanced at it, the necklace was the kind of pendant with a photo in it, with the appearance of Sister Xie Lude in it.


Obviously, the other party refused.


"In return, the other one is for you." Shelude said, "Thank you... Your Majesty."




[Obtain B-level temporary mission: Immortality]


[Task description: Give the necklace in Shelud's hand to his sister. 】


[Quest Reward: Pendant of Immortality (Red)*1]




It was actually a piece of red equipment.


Su Ming'an took over the task, and he couldn't see the attributes of the necklace for the time being.


"Happy birthday in advance." Su Ming'an took the necklace.


Xie Ruud showed an extremely reluctant smile.


He seemed to want to smile cheerfully, but in the end he just hooked the corners of his mouth.


"I really didn't expect... The captain who violated the rules of Praia with me and ate barbecue with me would be the hero of salvation 60 years ago." Sherude said: "But, captain, I still hope you Just captain."


"Some things can't be solved by 'hope'." Su Ming'an said, "If you can, I also hope that you are not such a bright knight who abides by the rules."


"Can I persuade you to change your mind? Now." Xie Lude stared at him: "...Don't go against the will of the gods, don't occupy the throne of Praia, and let the struggle between the two races continue, this should not be within our control. If I persuade you like this—Captain, would you like to go to the streets of the East District with me again and have a barbecue?"


"..." Su Mingan was silent for a moment.


"I know, I heard the princess say, she said that you are 'players'." Shelude said: "I don't know exactly what it means, I only know that you can travel around the world and in the stories. Time traveler. That sounds enviable.


I also know that you have to complete some tasks, such as winning a feast at sea, or joining a certain organization, or hunting a certain soul clan...


The princess said, you only treat us as mechanical gears, and you treat us as something that can be used, a sword or a gun in your hand, and you don't regard us as independent creatures...


Actually, this is also the case with Laken (played by Noel), even if he had a good conversation with me, in his eyes, I could see that it was not the look in the eyes of an equal life.


...But Captain, you don't seem to be the same. You saved Grandma Garde and me. When you talked to me, you also respected my ideals. It seems that I have become a soul that can communicate equally in your eyes. . "


Su Ming'an: "Because I always respect those who can think independently and have firm ideals."


"...So I'm a 'human'." Xie Lude suddenly laughed.


The sun shines into his eyes, and he smiles extremely sincerely.

"...I grew up in Praia and saw a lot of things. A lot of people didn't become an independent 'person' from birth, and they didn't see themselves as people.


"A symbol, a name, a mark engraved on a stone tablet. This is how the sacrificed soul hunters understand themselves, like firewood and firewood, they see themselves as this from the very first shot. A brick of a piece of land.


"...Captain, I envy you so much.


"You don't need to bear unforgettable hatred, you don't need to implement the ideals of generations, you don't need to passively fight for the origin of history, and then die on the battlefield that is regarded as your home.


"—Because you are free.


"You can choose to accept the tasks you want, and you can freely choose to contact the people you want to contact. You have the power and the power to travel, and you can refuse those burdens that make you uncomfortable.


"...But I can't.


"Even if I knew that my world might have been invaded, my mind might have been made up of purely mechanical elements, and everything I said and did was just something that was written on paper. Even , The mission I carry, the chivalry spirit I carry out, are all things that exist for the so-called 'setting'.


"...I have never even had my own life, and it was just to welcome you from beginning to end.


"What is it? Consider me as a character in the story, see me as a microcosm of the image of the 'Bright Knight' on this land, and see me as a 'victim' in the spirit of the mission.


"...Or do you see me as a free soul, someone who can communicate with you independently?


"The difference confuses me.


"Even now, I don't know whether it is the so-called 'personality' and 'system' that prompted me to say this, or whether I have a brain that can organize these nonsense.


"Mission, spirit, light and affinity, these are all innate.


"I'm like a living being made of everything I was born with. People say it's fate."


He put his hand on his chest.


"...And until now, I am still troubled by the emotions that stir in my heart and the chivalry spirit I abide by."


"However, the mission is something that anyone can have." Su Ming'an said, "You, we."


"Free souls, will you also have a mission?"


"Yes." Su Ming'an said, "Because you are also a free soul."


Shelude laughed.


"Captain." He said, "Is it really impossible to turn back?"


"..." Su Ming'an said, "I will deliver your sister's gift."


Xie Lude put down the smile on the corner of his mouth.


He turned to leave.


He finally chose to go back and guard the princess he had sworn allegiance to. Even if she is no longer Praia's glorious guardian, but a rotten soul.


Perhaps he and Su Mingan once rescued Garde, but before the knight's oath, he still couldn't overcome this hurdle.


Maybe it's nature.


Maybe it's the settings.




This is exactly why Su Mingan insisted.


—because he was afraid,


If Zhai Xing is not successfully redeemed in the end, and mankind is rescued from this hopeless game,


If the ultimate wish is not realized, if no one achieves the goal in the end,




...will all of them, including those who haven't even participated in the game, the remaining humans, will become the second "She Luther"?


And what he is experiencing now, these worlds that have been transformed into copy worlds, were they also before...




"Are you finished?"


A lively voice came from behind, and behind him, Naruo, who staggered slightly, came over.


The wrinkles on her face have completely disappeared, and her face is still flamboyant, with a red rose-like beauty.


She stopped and walked, her face was a little pale, maybe it was because of too much pearl powder.


Behind her, there is a fiery red spear on her back. No matter how bad her marksmanship is, she doesn't seem to have any intention of giving up this gun.


"What's wrong with your legs?" Su Ming'an looked at her steps and asked.


"Well, ah." Naruo looked up at the sky: "Anyway, it's not easy to walk, I'm tired."


"Go back to sleep when you're tired." Su Mingan started walking.


At the South Wharf, there are also a bunch of guys who have brought the worst of human nature to the extreme, waiting for him to deal with it.


He noticed that there was already a lot of noise in the channel chat. Many players who were caught begged for help, and many "righteous people" said they wanted to go to the Southern District for rescue.


He also saw a message that he was a player he had seen, who used to be a member of his soul hunting team.


It's just that he never paid any attention to these players after that.


[Ye Changtian (Jianmen): Wash your neck and wait, criminals, you all have to die. 】




Su Ming'an did not expect that there were still many people who agreed with Ye Changtian, saying that justice would be punished.


However, obviously, according to the real-time broadcast of the channel chat, this group of people couldn't even break the defense, and they didn't even rush in, let alone save people.


More people are still addicted to taking points and grabbing points. Only a passionate player will go to a dangerous place like the Southern District to save people.


"I said, are you in a bad mood?" Naraku suddenly looked over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you tired? "


"Adventure is also a part of relaxing your mind." She said of course: "What are you going to do, take Miss Ben with you. Since you restore Miss Ben to her youth and beauty, I can give you a chance."


Although her words were arrogant, they were playful and playful, not too much. She seemed to just want to liven up the atmosphere.


"Go back to sleep by yourself." Su Ming'an ignored her and left.


He glanced at the necklace in his hand.


In the interlayer of the necklace, there is a photo of Sister Shelude.


She also has blond hair. Since she is a twin, she looks similar to Shelude, only more gentle and softer.


He remembered the girl's appearance and walked quickly towards the South Pier.




[Soul Hunting Headquarters, in the conference room]


In the quiet conference room, a few soul hunters in uniforms sat sparsely.


As the shadow of the soul hunter leader, they let the soul hunters participate in the feast at sea, and these ministers also stayed in Praia.


Among them, the Minister of the Southern District, Kalocha, looked gloomy at this time.


"It's rare for the princess to do something stupid," he said, "to make an outsider who has just arrived in Praia for three days become the leader, and let us all obey his orders..."

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