Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 382: "Because you are the one side of justice, Su Rin"

The sky was getting dark, and in the long-lasting offensive and defensive, it was almost night.


People looked at the boat.


It is in the waves, marching towards the boundless light blue sea monster group, as if it is fighting against the endless natural disasters with the power of one person.


"...I said, that guy, is he really going to kill the Kraken King?" Ye Changtian had wiped the blood off his face, and he approached his teammate Wang Chaoze.


"It should be." Wang Chaoze was spilling a blood bottle on his injured arm: "But to be honest, Su Rin and Su Mingan really had nothing to do with 60 years ago. It is true that Su Rin saved Praia, but Su Mingan has nothing to do with it. It is also true that this disaster was triggered. But what they said is also true, the first player can advance the plot as he likes, not to mention that he took the initiative to go to find the Kraken King, there is nothing to blame. "


"I didn't accuse him." Ye Changtian quickly proved his innocence: "I'm just asking, how dare I accuse me. I'm just curious, can the Kraken King really be killed? Even if he is the first player... …”


Halfway through his words, he suddenly heard an exclamation from above the city wall.


There were a lot of people walking on the city wall, those who carried stretchers, those who carried supplies, those who cleaned up fish that slipped through the net, and those who picked up loot, making this not-so-spacious city wall a bit crowded.


But at this moment, all the people who were walking stopped their movements at the same time.


They straightened up, craned their necks, widened their eyes, and looked into the distance with fearful eyes.


Ye Changtian turned around quickly.


Then, he saw.


Above the boat that was rushing towards the barrier, a blood-colored figure surrounded by sirens suddenly appeared.


Her claws are as sharp as swords, her body is huge, and the sea monster spirit body behind her is making a sharp and piercing cry like a beast.


The spirit body of that Kraken is different from ordinary Kraken, it is blood red.


Like endless malice filled and surging in that soul, it floated behind her, and the blood on her body seemed to be filled with blood and life.


The blood-red eyes of that figure have firmly locked onto the human beings below who are slaughtering her people, and locked onto that extremely small ship in the sea.


"...The Siren King." Someone muttered to himself.


The moment they saw that figure, they recognized what it was.


Only the king of the sea monsters can have such a huge spiritual body, and when he appears, he is surrounded by endless sea monsters that are attached to him.


They opened their eyes wide and noticed that the red Siren King's body covered with scales was also dragging some broken, golden strips of cloth. It floated behind her like a tail, like a long skirt worn by a nobleman. .


Her figure looks extremely elegant, and even when she stretches out her sharp claws, she still reveals a human-like dignifiedness, like a princess in a palace banquet holding out a silver fork to the cake in front of her.


Beside her, the blue siren just swam past, and it swept away like an endless wave, making the people shrouded in the barrier even more insignificant and could be submerged at any time.


Noel walked to the middle of the southern city wall.


The field of vision is the best here. From here, he can clearly see the calamity of the densely packed Kraken. His good observation skills can even allow him to clearly see the different looks on their faces.


Those beautiful, green, or mature faces were inlaid with bloodthirsty, blood-red eyes. Like a ferocious wolf.


Their harsh roars pierced through the heavy snowstorm.


Besides that voice, there was a dead silence above the city wall at this time.


In the face of this tsunami-like disaster, everyone felt their own insignificance.


Before... Facing zombies, androids, and dark shadows in the hospital... Facing these things, all they felt was weird and disgusting, but they have never felt the real powerlessness as they are now. .


No matter how powerful a player is, they are only individuals after all.


In the face of this boundless swept-in natural disaster, they were as small as the ants guarding the barrier.


The mourning of the wounded reverberated on this quiet city wall. The hot-blooded young people who were clamoring to exterminate the Kraken were now silent.


"Can we really beat that guy...?"


Someone looked at the giant scarlet sea monster and muttered to himself.


This scene was too shocking, even the soul hunters who fought with the soul clan all night had the idea of ​​not daring to fight against it.


Looking at this scene, an idea even appeared in their minds.


——This is a catastrophe that cannot be overcome by manpower, an absolute catastrophe.


So, where did this disaster come from? Is it really just accidental?


"Did we do something wrong?" A young soul hunter next to him said softly, "Is it because someone of us... betrayed the gods and angered him, so that such a disaster could be brought down?"


There was no answer to his words.


After the barrier, people fell into a strange silence.


The giant siren had already stretched out its icy claws towards the boat that was regarded as hope.


The gigantic and insignificance formed an extremely sharp contrast. The icy cold wind blew down from the sky and could easily shred the boat made of wooden boards, like a **** among the clouds casting heavenly punishment on humans who angered him.


People watched this scene, and even the players couldn't think of any outrageous skills to kill this calamity-like giant siren.


...but at this moment,


The jet-black figure standing on the boat, which was extremely small and almost invisible, also stretched out his hand.


At the same time when the Kraken dropped its sword-like claws, he also reached out to the Kraken at the same time.


At that moment, the blood red that was raging in the sky suddenly stopped the momentum of expansion.


The bright red color suddenly stopped at one end of the sky, as if it was swept away by an invisible big hand, revealing a beautiful blue sky in the sky.


A transparent spiritual body rose from the man on the boat.


As if he was going to compete with the blood-colored spirit body that almost spanned the sky, in front of him was a more beautiful, more real, human-like sea monster.


She stood guard in front of Su Rin, like a blue shield, firmly protecting the extremely small ship.


However, the color of this siren is sky-like blue.


The blue Kraken, staring at the princess Kraken drenched in blood, silently stretched out his hand.


There was a very deep sadness in her eyes.


at that moment,


The azure blue color appeared in a field of bright red.


Like a prairie fire, this color was only a little blue light at first, but soon it was like a fire, and it quickly raged, pushing away the overwhelming bright red.




Like a long sword breaking through the chaotic mist, the swirling air waves rose up, along with the waves that were almost rolled into an overpass, and with the sudden rise of the blue siren arm, the color rose higher and higher. ,taller and taller……


"……what is that?"

People looked up and watched this scene with dull eyes, as if they saw two Godzillas fighting in the human world.


And they... just a group of ants who can only watch the fight between gods.


What people can see is the rolling water droplets and the bright red and blue colors. The imposing manner of colliding like sharp swords made them completely afraid to approach.


"My... God..." The players saw this epic movie-like shocking scene.


They widened their eyes and opened their mouths, as if they had seen the wonders of the world.


"This is what Su Ming'an did? Is that blue sea monster his summon? How did he do it?"


"What the **** did he do, God, I feel the city walls trembling under my feet..."


"Speaking of which, should we run now? I feel like this fairy is fighting, and even if we hide behind the barrier, we will suffer..."


"I believe the first player, he will be fine for sure."


Someone has already retreated from the city wall and rushed to the more secure direction of the barrier of the royal city.


But more people still choose to stay. After all, this extremely shocking scene, the ending of the collision between the red and blue sea monsters, will the first player fail... They still want to witness.


The waves are rough.


As the giant siren waved, a wave surged up, and the division between the sky and the sea was turbulent in an instant by the turbulent wind and waves.


The waves surged up layer by layer, roaring like thousands of troops.


There was a sound of "rumbling" in the distance, like muffled thunder rolling in. At this moment, thousands of Krakens sang loudly at the same time.


Different from the previous screams that almost pierced people's eardrums and disturbed people's minds, this time singing in unison was like a choir singing in unison in a church. Elegance, serenity, beauty, and even an unusually seductive look, it makes people want to take a step and run to the sea.








They stretched their necks, sang loudly, and sang in unison in front of the waves that suddenly became turbulent. The tide was like a charging team, making a noise, desperately trying to rush to this land.


People couldn't help covering their ears, hoping that this collision would end sooner.


The distant sea, on the verge of a broken barrier.


One red and one blue, two souls, like two armies facing each other, they seem to be evenly matched.


The colors of red and blue rose on the sea surface, as if the whole sea water would be turned upside down. They collided, roared, and roared, and each blow was filled with a destructive aura that swept the sky and the sky, and any landing on the ground would cause immeasurable disaster. Even the densely packed sea-monsters that are regarded as destructive disasters can only be reduced to their background color.


Like Prometheus casting fire from the sky, this scene is full of grandeur that cannot be expressed in words.


The two sea monsters seemed to be blocking each other's lives for the reason that they had to fight for life and death, fighting on the sea in the most primitive and wildest way.


Looking at this scene, Xie Lude, who was still standing on the city wall, had a painful expression on his face.


"Princess." He said softly, "Captain."


He looked at his own right palm.


On the palm wrapped with the cloth strip, a dark black poisonous blood has been revealed.




[Free soul. 】


[…Do you also have a mission? 】




[mp: 0]


A bright red value hangs in the upper left corner of the field of vision.


Standing in the boat, Su Ming'an's mana was completely exhausted.


The Kraken's soul rose behind him, and her face was as beautiful and young as Su Rin remembered.


She was confronting the half-blooded soul that belonged to the princess in front of her. The blue color collided with the bright red color, and her expression was a little tired.


"My dear guest." She said softly: "The false soul that my half gave to the princess has regained its strength after so many years of her life and the pouring of blood. Even if I am a complete soul, it is difficult to kill directly. she."


"What do you want?" Su Mingan asked.


"I originally died in the past years. It's just that the energy in you, called the 'Att Stone', woke me up." The Kraken stared at his face: "However, it's not enough... far Far from enough. The energy of the dead is far less than the source of my power..."


"You need, like her, life and blood." Su Ming'an said.


The Kraken smiled.


On the verge of the shattered barrier, her eyes traced his facial features in detail, smiling softly and nostalgically.


"—Do you want to 'sanction' the thief who stole my soul?" Siren asked him, "Sacrifice in the name of 'justice'?"


Su Ming'an looked back at her.


"What kind of life do you need?" he asked.


"Divinity." Siren said softly.


She has turned around.


Behind her, blood gradually poured in, the princess' sharp claws approached her body, and the ferocious face with fangs was already faintly visible.


"—Su Rin!"


Behind her, the princess roared angrily, almost losing her mind.


The bone spur stabbed swiftly, and the siren was doing the last resistance.


Her face has already begun to fade.


"Dear guest, I need..." The Kraken whispered: "Life full of divinity... Such human beings are the food that our Kraken has always dreamed of~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are the most capable of triggering our ability. The treasure. As for the corrupted soul behind her, her power is just a simple accumulation of numbers. As long as I get the energy, she can't win against me - and, as long as I kill her here, she will never again. Will be resurrected and not alienated, Praia will get eternal peace


——And after that, you will replace her as the immortal ruler. "




"What's the matter? Guest." The siren's eyes showed doubts: "What are you hesitating about? Does the land you rule lack such life?


——For the land you love, to protect the people you love. No one can fail to fall prey to this 'justice', can't they? You are the hero of Praia, the king who rules the land, you can choose who to sacrifice and who to balance for the happiness of most people, isn't it? "


"Then what's the difference between me and the princess behind you?" Su Mingan asked casually.


The Siren laughed.


Small pieces of silver light flickered in the corners of her eyes, which were like stars, with beautiful scales.


Her eyebrows were raised, and the light in her eyes was squeezed and crushed.


She smiled so beautifully, as if she didn't realize what she was talking about.


"very big difference."


"—Because you are on the side of 'justice', Su Rin."

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