Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 432: "I predict that Lu Gou will die early."

At this time, a huge screen was standing at the front of the hall, and people gathered together like watching the World Cup, drinking, eating melon seeds, playing board games, and throwing dice. At this time, the store was noisy.


The screen is divided into 100 small screens. At the beginning, you can choose to play the live broadcasts of all 100 players at the same time. At the critical moment, you can also manually zoom in on one person's screen, which is very convenient.


There is a huge red countdown on the wall next to it, which is the countdown to the eighth world.


This large group of people is already preparing to stay all night tonight, waiting for the official opening of the Eighth World.


"Boss, add a dish—"


"Xiao Zhi, who do you support? I like sister Lin Yin!"


"Yun, it's hard. Lin Yin didn't make the top 100, so he's not in the competition list. Can you, a cloud player, come over for a drink after reading the full list?"


"How come it's still a few hours before it starts? I'm so anxious that I can't wait to start now..."


"Don't worry, this world doesn't know how many days it will last. You won't be able to sleep in time by then. It's better to take advantage of this time to catch up on sleep, or you will miss a lot of famous scenes even if you just sleep. This is before the world. One hundred people..."


"Betting! How can you all bet Su Ming'an, I won't make any money at all..."


"It's a loss if you don't vote for him. I don't believe others can win."


"Hey, you are too confident. Then I support Noel. This person has always been mysterious and looks tepid, but maybe he can win by surprise."


"It is written in the gambling rules that there is only one winner. I thought it was a faction system... This is really exciting. Now, it is difficult to achieve even the most basic cooperation. Everyone may be enemies. Even partners should be on guard."


"Hey, you said, what would happen to the one who won the final victory if it wasn't Su Ming'an?"


"The first player can change. This 'first' can't even make it to the end, so can it still be called 'first'?"


"It won't be easy to replace people, and it won't be emptied of strength. It doesn't matter if you lose. At most, it's a bit ugly. After all, this kind of copy is definitely not easy, even Su Ming'an, it may capsize in the gutter. However, if the first If a player fails, the prestige will definitely be affected, I feel that this 'first' is not justified."


"Bah, bah, what a crow's mouth. Don't curse the first player I like."


"Indeed, this is the Longguo District. There is basically no one who doesn't support Su Ming'an. If you say this, be careful that the wave of fanatic fans of the lighthouse will flatten you to the wall, and you won't be able to tear it off."


"Uh, then I predict that Lu Gou will die early."


"It's best not to mention this, there are quite a few Lu Shu who like it."


"Then, I predict Edward will die early?"


"this is okay."


The chatter of the people kept going.


The voices of men, women and children converged into a torrent on the street, pouring into people's ears.


At this time, no matter where they are, they are caught in this lively atmosphere, with all kinds of analysis, touts, reprimands, and debates emerging one after another, and many people are red-faced for a certain point of view.


Around, there are posters of players supporting the storefront.


Small flags of various colors hang on the side of the street and flutter in the wind.


Many people even came to the screen wearing a support uniform and began to invite friends and companions.


Rows of strategy books and player data sets are placed next to the storefront, ready for people to choose from.


Compared with the fourth world, the current viewing situation has become more complete and more atmospheric, just like the eve of Zhai Xing's World Cup final.


Since it was the New Year again, everyone was still in a festive atmosphere, and the atmosphere was peaceful at this time.


Everyone seems to be giving themselves vacations as they should.


Even those adventurous players seem to have a long vacation, and they can stay on the court in an open and honest way, watching the top players compete.


Even Su Mingan saw that a group of young people wearing support uniforms that said "No. 1 player in the world!" came to the viewing area of ​​the park with the lighthouse banner high, occupying a large area.


Su Mingan stood by the park under the dark fog of privacy, and saw this wave of people holding big flags running past him.


"The number one player is number one in the world!" The young man headed shouted loudly at the loudspeaker, his voice shaking like thunder, which startled Su Ming'an.


As soon as the young man roared out these words, the surrounding people joined in one after another, roaring until his face was red and his neck was thick.


"The number one player is number one in the world!"


"—Su Ming'an's cattle batch! I'll beat Edward! I'll beat Mizushimagawa!"


"The number one player is Niubi!"


When they roared, their voices went straight into the sky. They roared harder than an old ox ploughing the land.


These blood-filled rumbling shouts, like thunder, echoed in the crowded park viewing area.


The people who were preparing to watch the game showed understanding smiles, and they seemed to like it.


After arousing the fiery atmosphere, the group quickly sat down, took out tents, food and other items, as if they were going to stay here until the end of the live broadcast.


Many spectators followed suit, taking out blankets and other items one after another, intending to fight a "protracted battle".


After roaring with enthusiasm, their young and mature faces turned red.


The flag embroidered with the lighthouse flutters in the cold winter wind.


The red-yellow flag spread out like a raging flame, and it seemed that even the air was smudged and scorched hot.


Su Ming'an stood outside the gate of the park, looking at the lively crowd and the expectant and confident smiles on their faces.


He listened to them roaring with confidence in him, and watched the **** flag unfold before his eyes.


He turned around and left.


He returned to his personal space.


After that, he received a communication from Noel.


Noel said that although there will only be one winner in the eighth world at the end, they will still be friends who trust each other before the final session.


"I'll help you, trust me," Noel said.


Su Mingan agreed with Noel's words, but he was still vigilant in his heart.


All of Noel's performance yesterday fully demonstrated his strong affinity.


The well-planned itinerary, the greetings and exchanges that bring people closer together, the sunny smile...and the temperament that makes people let down their guards.


Even Lin Yin, who had been somewhat wary of Nuoer at first, lost the thought of being wary after this day. She was obviously on Lu Shu's side, but after the day, she became more connected with Nuoer.


Noel has the ability to classify everyone around him as "companions".


This is already somewhat beyond his charm and temperament, and it is like a kind of "superpower" method.


……very horrifying.


"Ding dong!"


A clear reminder sounded.


Su Mingan raised his head and saw a line of simple words on his friend's communication interface.




[Lin Yin: Come on. 】


It's Lin Yin's news.


She did not enter the top 100 in the rankings, and could not participate in the eighth world competition.




"Ding dong!"


[Lin Yin: I will support you off-screen. 】




Su Mingan moved his fingers slightly.


[Su Ming'an: Good. 】




"Ding dong!"


[Lin Yin: You will win. 】




After Su Mingan entered a line of words, he closed the interface.




[Su Ming'an: Of course. 】


he was thinking.


If it really reached the final stage of the eighth world, if there were still him, Nuoer and Lu Shu left in the scene.


Facing the only winner seat.


...what actions will they make?






【2022/01/01, 23:59】


"Ding dong!"


[Break time is over - dear players, welcome back to the world game! 】


[The Eighth World: ? world. The world's top 100 players compete on the same stage! 】


[Participating players: 100 people! 】


[In the eighth world, 100 players will turn off the private message function and are not allowed to send any information to their friends. 】


[During the competition, the bullet screen with identity clues will be automatically blocked, and the bullet screen must not reveal any relevant information. 】


[Since the player enters the game for the eighth time, he no longer automatically learns the common language of communication, and automatically deducts 10 points to learn the common language of the eighth world! 】


[—The world begins! 】


It is now midnight.


The street is still brightly lit, and people gather in various places. The street is like daytime~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the personal space, the white light will send Su Mingan's package that will be rested.


While teleporting, his brows were slightly wrinkled.


He noticed a trace of abnormal energy fluctuations.






all around the world.


In front of everyone's viewing screens, a hundred live broadcast interfaces light up at the same time.


"It's started, it's started!" People shouted excitedly.


At the moment when the screens all lit up, their heartbeats seemed to miss half a beat, and the excitement overflowed their chests.


"Hey, wait..." Someone who was excited found something wrong:


"Why is there a person's live broadcast interface that is black...?"


People widened their eyes.


Among the 100 players, although not all of them have started the live broadcast, the interface that does not start the live broadcast should also be a hazy gray. It shouldn't be pure black at all.


In front of him, out of a hundred screens, ninety-nine screens light up.


Among them, there is one screen that is still pure black, as if the signal has been cut off.


That black live broadcast interface,


Among the hundred people, the first in the first column.

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