Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 435: · "Boss Rabbit, calm down!"

Edward came prepared this time.


In the fourth world of the peak competition, there is no doubt that he lost badly. Whether it's the dungeon plot line or the player's competitive line, he can be said to be doing nothing, except as a hunter to shoot away Noel, he even showed a disregard for the overall situation, which lowered his status in people's eyes a lot.


However, in view of the particularity of his time ability and the irreplaceability of all his perfect customs clearance, the United Group still did not give up on him, but continued to work hard to provide him.


However, compared to the beginning of the world game, his situation is much more difficult.


The players are not fools. After seeing Edward's performance of pulling his crotch like this, they also felt a sense of resistance. After all, no one would be willing to give their gains to others for free. Under the several statements of the United Group, the players who have strengthened their adaptability will not bow their heads to the authority of the old organization at will. Except for some groups whose interests are directly related and the backward players who still can't see the situation clearly, Edward's side already lacks the kind of people who are devoted to him.


Points cannot be given in the dungeon, so those people can at most give him some suitable equipment. At present, his equipment level is approaching saturation, and replacing some equipment will not greatly improve his combat effectiveness.


Looking at Su Ming'an, who had achieved the best results in the sixth and seventh worlds, and the increasing combat power values ​​on the leaderboard, his mentality was already extremely impetuous.


...Why does this guy always find the most hidden plot line? Why is this guy always the core of the dungeon character identity?


Even though he knew the plot lines of the underworld to replace him, he probably had to kneel. But that's how people are. People are very good at imagining their unattainable achievements and wanting to surpass those who do. People say this is called "competitiveness."


Obviously, Edward has this kind of "competitiveness".


In the fourth world, he lost inexplicably, and was inexplicably flushed out of the competition, but this eighth world is a world purely based on personal strength. There will only be one winner, not a faction system that requires alliances. He believes that He was able to show his strength to the fullest.


Take one out of a hundred, then anyone can capsize in the sewer. Just like eating chicken on the battlefield of a hundred people, a top professional player may also be killed by ninety-nine other passers-by. Not to mention, these ninety-nine people are not only at the level of passers-by.


As for the "number one player" who has always been the one who should win under any circumstances, who is recognized as the one who should be the only winner in the eighth world, the pressure on Su Mingan should be the greatest. , The pressure he faces is not unprecedented, but absolutely unprecedented.


Almost the expectations of the world weighed down on him. It's hard to imagine what kind of turmoil this person will face if he really can't stand to the end, but is eliminated by someone in the middle.


"..." Edward's eyes shifted slightly to the left. He wanted to see how nervous the guy who had been showing the victory was now.


From the corner of the eye, he tried his best to look to the left through the pink light.


——He saw the black-haired young man who was highly anticipated, with a smile on his face.


Under the pink light, that smile was almost weird.


Edward was a little stunned.


He doesn't understand why this guy can still laugh now.


——Su Ming'an is so confident that he will definitely win to the end under the targeting and peeping of the other ninety-nine people?


Edward's doubts were not answered when he was interrupted by a sudden sharp scream.


"Dear players! Your dearest boss rabbit is here—"


Boss Rabbit, who finally showed his full form, spoke with an extremely sharp voice. It stretched out two big soft white hands and seemed to be much more excited than usual.


Facing everyone's eyes, the curvature of the corners of its mouth rose eight degrees higher:


"—Before the eighth world begins, they will tell you the specific rules of the eighth world—ah, right."


It seemed to remember something, and a pair of red eyes rolled, and the line of sight quickly turned:


"Ah, isn't this our kiss's number one player? Kiss's number one player, long time no see, I miss you so much, my bunny ears are going to fall, my eyes are red just thinking about you —"


Seeing this scene, everyone is not surprised.


When Boss Rabbit arrives, he must first "greet" to Su Mingan who is present. This is a practice. If they ignore Su Mingan this time, they will be surprised.


As for the reason, they also guessed. They are not as superficial as ordinary audiences, and they will not think that this is a manifestation of Su Ming'an being the lackey of the organizer. After all, what owner would deliberately push its employees into the spotlight?


They prefer to believe that this is the benefit of some kind of special status. Or the sponsor's target for the first player.


"It seems to like you very much." The one hundredth black-robed player standing on Su Ming'an's left said.


Facing Boss Rabbit's big, twisted and funny smile, Su Mingan looked away.


"Shadow." He whispered, "Condense."


"Cough, cough, cough—!"


"Boss Rabbit"'s red eyes flashed, and he coughed violently a few times. It took back the big white hand that seemed to want to hug, and smiled.


"Then——I'll tell you about the specific rules of the Eighth World——" It retracted its gaze fixed on Su Ming'an, and turned to look at the other players who were waiting for him.


Seeing Ying's exaggerated performance, Su Ming'an felt a little speechless.


The reason why he chose Ying to play instead of Ming is because Ying's state is more suitable for the task of "inspection". Ying's mental points are high, and he has stronger observation ability and sensitivity than Ming, which is suitable for helping him find some clues in other places.


Moreover, the shadow has enough mana to move in space, and once caught in a special event, it can quickly run away. If you are entangled by NPCs, the spatial vibration is also much faster than cutting with a sword. As long as he shuts his mouth in time to prevent other players from discovering the traces of spatial vibration, Ying's true identity will not be revealed.


However, the price is that Shadow's personality is much worse than Ming's, who has a knight-like personality.


Ming's words, Su Ming'an will strictly do whatever he says, and ask Su Ming'an's opinion before doing every little thing. On the other hand, the shadow is much more free and casual. Although it will still not violate the order in general, it will be more casual in subsections.


...as it is now.


If he knew, he would definitely not play these messes, he would just report the rules honestly. And Ying had to tease him so much that Su Mingan was instantly focused by everyone's attention again.


"Everyone, keep your ears up and listen, I only report it once, and I won't repeat the details that are missed!" The movie was very happy, and it was almost the boss Tu Bentu:


"The specific rules of the Eighth World are as follows—"


The surrounding players immediately perked up their ears, lest they miss a bit of information.


Su Mingan looked at Yingying and thought for a moment.


——First of all, from the perspective of game mechanics, he definitely made the best choice.

After reporting the answer of "playing the boss rabbit", the shock in the boss rabbit's eyes did not seem to be fake.


Su Ming'an originally thought that this was an unapproved answer, but he did not expect to be approved directly.


As a result, the clone became the "Boss Rabbit" in the eyes of the players, and the "rule introducer" of the eighth world.


And this, even the audience outside the live broadcast screen did not know.


As an outsider's 'rule introducer', avatars don't have to deal with other npc interpersonal relationships, and even other players will not take the initiative to take action against the boss rabbit, and no one will provoke the authority of the organizer.


Before, some dead players tried to kill the boss rabbit, but they were obliterated and died tragically. Therefore, in general, it is absolutely safe to play as the boss rabbit.


Although, if a boss rabbit wanders in the field, it will definitely look a little awkward, but it is better than randomly choosing an NPC who does not know the specific identity to replace it.


After all, as the organizer, it may seem strange to hang out in the game dungeon, but it makes sense. It should be hard for anyone to think that this will be the task of a person in power.


Of course, as a responsibility, the shadow who took over the responsibility of the boss rabbit needs to truthfully broadcast the rules of the Eighth World, and must not conceal, falsely report, or take the initiative to intervene in the game, as it is now.


"First of all, Rule 01—" Shadow's extremely excited voice echoed in the venue.


After listening to Su Ming's safety Cheng, the rules are roughly as follows.


[Rule 01: The eighth world venue is not large, and some "small dungeons" will be randomly distributed in the venue. Players can freely choose the small dungeons they want to participate in to obtain "Silver Stars". Each small dungeon player can only participate once, and cannot communicate any information about the dungeon with others in advance. The content of the small dungeon will be kept strictly confidential. 】


[Rule 02: Players have 15 days of free action. After 15 days, players who have not received 12 silver stars will be automatically eliminated. Players who get 12 silver stars automatically enter the "final link". 】


[Rule 03: After each player enters the eighth world, he will get a "guide" who is responsible for guiding. Players can cultivate guides by obtaining props in the small copy, and guides will become a powerful help for players. 】


[Rule 04: Among the 100 players, there are 5 "malicious people". Before dawn today, your guide will tell you whether you are a "malicious". "Malicious" do not need to collect silver stars, they will do their best to interfere with other people's dungeon clearance. Every three days in the dungeon, all surviving players will gather here again to exile those who you think are malicious. If the exile is correct, all voters who voted correctly will receive 1 silver star. On the contrary, if the exile fails, all voters will deduct 1 silver star. . 】




"The rules are not difficult." Noel's voice sounded beside him. He had already moved to Su Ming'an's side, and he seemed to be eating bubble gum in his mouth.


Su Ming'an nodded. Generally speaking, the rules are that players will break through the small dungeons in the field, the goal is to get 12 silver stars, and then gather every three days to exile the "malicious".


"It really is a small independent copy."


With the sound of "Boom", the bubble gum on Noel's mouth burst. He licked his lips, his eyes glowing with excitement: "A small independent copy, a new model that has never been seen before, interesting, very interesting..."


When he saw the new rules of the field, as an adventurer's instinct to desire new things was stimulated, he was particularly excited at this time.


"I guess that the 'leader' in this rule should be a very important part." Noel said: "According to the previous keywords, 'newborn' and 'cultivation' are a very important part of the eighth world. .'Leader' should be an important help for us in battle. In addition to collecting silver stars for clearance, we should also try our best to cultivate their abilities..." He said, suddenly raised his head.


"Speaking of which." He said, "Do you think that today's Boss Rabbit is much cuter?"


"..." Su Mingan had long expected that Nuoer was an intuitive player, but he didn't expect him to be so keen.


Although Noel's sharpness is limited to the "cuteness" of the boss rabbit, it does not extend too much.


"Not cute." Su Ming'an said, his expression unchanged.


"Okay." Noel shrugged: "If I didn't say it, you should hate it after all."


He quickly changed the subject:


"After the dungeon starts, it should be distributed in a distributed manner to leave enough buffer time for cultivating the 'leader'. If the team chat channel is unavailable, how can I join you?"


"There is no need to meet for the time being." Su Ming'an said, "Keep yourself safe first. I guess the competition outside of the small dungeon should not be very intense."


Nuoer listened and nodded, but did not ask how Su Mingan guessed it.


Beside them, after listening to the rules, the others quickly found allies they had found in advance, and began to discuss countermeasures in a low voice.


The sound of soft conversations floated on the platform, and people had different expressions, with excitement and vigilance on their faces.


Central, after reporting the rules, Shadow has already planned to leave the stage.


"—Ask a question!"


At this moment, a hand was raised high.


The person who raised his hand was Sirius, who was ranked fifty-third, a tall mercenary with dark eyebrows.


"I want to ask the specific rules of this guide-" He was halfway through.


"Oops! Questions are prohibited at the moment!" Ying interrupted ruthlessly: "All the rules have been released, please explore the specific details by yourself!"


Ying said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and raised her hand.


A white teleportation light appeared.


The people who were still thinking, were wrapped in white light and entangled—


Su Ming'an turned his head.


At the moment of being teleported, he saw a few acquaintances not far away, Edward, Mizushima Kawakura, Adolf, Lu Shu, Yamada Choichi...


"I will come to you." Mizushima Chuankong said.


She didn't wear a kimono today, but a black combat uniform with a black base, and her whole body was wrapped in pitch black.


With a high collar, black gloves, and a black hat, she covered herself tightly, probably to guard against the possible wild environment.


Her eyes were cold, like an ice lake in the north. After Mizushima Chuanqing disappeared, there was never a smile on her face.


Su Ming'an ignored her, but withdrew her eyes.


"Da." A slight footstep sounded on his left.


A hand gently placed on his left shoulder.


When he turned his head, he saw the 100th player under the black robe, with a pair of quiet dark golden eyes.


"I will also come to you." The player said: "Agreed on cooperation, don't forget, 'the first player'."


"Then remember to stuff your shirt this time." Su Ming'an said.

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