Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 438: "Lu Shu is very sad."

[I am the **** who represents the only and perfection. 】


[Because I love you, I will love the world. 】


[Time is eternal, time changes. 】


[The world believes in me, and I want you to go against it. 】


[Abandoners, delusional ones. 】


[I will give you the luckiest curse. 】


[——"Hai Shen: Reincarnation Notes"]




【No.19 Player Live Room·Lu Shu】


"--anyone there?"


The young man with a blue mantis hovering over his shoulders walked through the fields with scarecrows and stone tablets.


The breeze blew his hair, and he pressed his hair with some effort, moving in the dirt, trying to find his guide.


When he just opened his eyes, he found that he was in a farmer's house with many seeds and corn piled up indoors.


He went out immediately, trying to find his guide.


In his live broadcast room, there are far fewer people than Su Mingan's, but there are also many diehard fans.


[The character that Brother Lu Shu possessed this time seems to be a poor one. 】


[Uh, when is it not? The last time he was an outsider, and the last time he was a child of a run-down family, he didn't have a good identity a few times. 】


[However, this is also normal. Everyone generally has this kind of civilian status, which is not like some people... Well, I can't say... 】


[Aren't there any props to connect with the spicy person? By the way, the first player just seemed to say not to gather. 】


[I'm looking forward to Lu Shu's leader, shouldn't he be weak? Lu Shu just tended to find someone who matched his abilities. In this case, would his guide be a bug-playing friend? 】


[Hey, I seem to have seen it, over there, what is it? So bright, so beautiful...]


Lu Shu raised his head.


The weeds scratched his trouser legs, and there was a faint sound of insects in this silent night.


At the end of the line of sight, in the endless darkness, a faint light suddenly lit up.


Through that light,


He saw a girl sitting by the ridge with her hair combed.


Around her, there was a circle of light-colored fireflies, a few butterflies fluttered and danced behind her, and the fireflies surrounded her side, like smears of split light spots, faint rays of light smudged her The slightly darker skin dyed her extraordinarily deep facial features a beautiful pale yellow.


When the girl saw him, she was slightly stunned, her dark eyes rolled around, and then she quickly determined something.


"That's right, you are my adventurer, you are welcome." The girl tied her hair, got up quickly, and patted the dust on her body.


She was wearing a very ordinary apron with some grass leaves on it, and a golden straw hat slanted over her black hair. Her body smelled of grass and fields.


"First meeting." The black-haired girl bowed, her smile as sweet as honey: "I am the 47th leader -- Lilina, the Spirit of the Forest."


"Hello." Listening to the girl's words, Lu Shu was a little at a loss.


He was a little regretful. If he was a leader who was ranked 47th, this ranking would be a bit low for him.


Did he make a mistake in answering the question just now? Or what reason...?


He was a little sad when he thought that Noel and others might be matched with the top ten leaders.


If he plays soy sauce again in this world, his value will really become lower and lower.


Not to mention, Su Ming'an will definitely match the No. 1 leader.


After all, Su Mingan always has the best identity. For example, the sage admiration of the fifth world, Yang Xia, the protagonist of the sixth world, and Su Lin, the **** of the seventh world.

This time, Su Ming'an will definitely match the best leader, and no player objected to this. Everyone has tacitly agreed that the strongest leader who is ranked No. 1 will definitely be by Su Ming'an's side.


"—Adventurer, what's wrong with you? Why do you look sad?"


Perhaps the disappointment on Lu Shu's face was too obvious, even Li Lina could see it. She reached out and patted Lu Shu's shoulder, as if trying to comfort Lu Shu.


"No, no." Lu Shu shook his head.


He knew that the matter had come to this point, and since the leader had been matched, the result could not be changed. No matter how disappointed he is, he can only fight with this leader who is ranked 47th.


However, although he accepted his fate, the disappointment on his face could not be concealed.


"Don't be sad." Li Lina beckoned with a sweet smile, and the fireflies around him immediately surrounded Lu Shu like stars holding the moon.


"My ability is—" Lilina raised her mouth and opened her arms with a smile.


The beautiful firefly glows like a star and dances around her black hair:


"Controlling all the small creatures around me. Including plants and animals."


She stretched out her finger, and a colorful butterfly was parked on her fingertip: "In other words, I can drive these mantises, ants, butterflies, small dogs, cats and other animals to fight for you, and I can also drive those poisonous weeds and insects. Emit poison.


And, the crisis in the forest - poisonous snakes and poisonous spiders, is also my help. In addition, I can hear the voices of these little guys - every little animal or small plant in the nearby forests and fields will be my eyes. "


"Come on, adventurer." Lilina stretched out her hand to him with a cheerful smile: "In the next fifteen days, please give me more advice. If you don't mind, I can teach you the skills of communicating with these little creatures. …”


Looking at Li Lina's slightly frostbitten and cracked fingers, Lu Shu was slightly startled.


...communicate with living beings, and even make them eyes. This guide... so strong?


In the nearby forest, there are almost endless small animals and plants, and she can actually drive these things?


Although this range is only limited to her body, she is obviously only a leader ranked 47, at the middle level, she actually has such a strong strength?


Thinking about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was even more sad.


... Then, what kind of outrageous realm and ability does the leader beside Su Ming'an have?


Is it to create life and give birth to all things?


Or can it unleash a catastrophe like a natural disaster, and destroy everything in the blink of an eye?


Or is it a sentence of death that cannot be rejected, killing a person in an instant?


Thinking about it, Lu Shu became more and more sad.


He thought that the leader he matched this time was really too weak compared to the real powerhouse that destroyed the world.


If it is Su Ming'an, maybe his leader can really be strong to that point, possessing the power of creation and destruction, like a god...




"—You can only passively see the scene for a period of time in the future, and the scene you see is still uncertain?"


Listening to Sibel's words, Su Ming'an frowned slightly.


At this time, as the hundredth "prophet", Sibel lowered his head at this time.


If Lu Shu saw this scene, perhaps his mood would become much more complicated.


"Yes, that's it."


Sibel's posture seemed extremely inferior, as if his whole body was shrunk into the red robe.

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