Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 203 Realistic Dream Apartment

Chapter 203 Reality·Dream Building Apartment

Yinsu was still at the door of Zhumeng Apartment at this time. The glass of the door had been broken. In the billowing smoke, someone ran out covering her mouth and nose. She was carried by the crowd and moved outside.

As soon as she went out, there was a crash above her head, and a man covered in flames fell from the sky. If Yinsu hadn't been able to dodge quickly, he would have been hit.

The burnt man jumped up from the ground and rushed out like a cannonball.


Yinsu didn't dare to stay any longer and ran out with the crowd. In the apartment behind her, people jumped from time to time, but not everyone could get up. They just jumped down...

Obviously, those who can escape are all players, and those who cannot escape are either ordinary people, or new players who have received death notices in this instance.

There were many onlookers outside, as well as many vehicles and people from the Forbidden Investigation Bureau, who were rescuing people trapped in the apartment.

Yinsu ran out with the crowd and took advantage of the chaos to find a deserted corner to change her clothes.

Yinsu stood in the crowd and watched for a while, and saw Jiang Qi and others appearing. Jiang Qi listened to the reports from people at the scene and took over the command of the scene.

The road near Zhumeng Apartment is very narrow, and there are more illegal and random parking. Therefore, most of the fire trucks are still blocked outside, and only two fire trucks that squeezed in from nowhere are putting out the fire.

But the water had no effect on the fire in Zhumeng Apartment. It was not because the water could not suppress the fire, but because the fire was not like ordinary fire.

"How did the fire start?" Yinsu asked the aunt next to him curiously.

The aunt was waving her fan and wanted to gossip, but she didn't have anything to say. She said dryly: "I don't know, I heard an explosion, and then it started to burn. It was scary. The glass of my window was broken." .”


The Taboo Investigation Bureau came here because of the contaminated area. The copy suddenly opened and then exploded...

Is this the dungeon that discovered that a large number of people were about to die and took the opportunity to harvest it? Or do you deliberately open the dungeon to give these people a chance to survive?

Yinsu thinks the latter is unlikely - it opens a copy of death!

"This place is really evil." Someone nearby joined the gossip team.

"No, there have been people committing suicide before. The people living there are as if they were cursed, and nothing goes smoothly. Those who have been defrauded, those who are seriously ill, those whose children have been abducted, hey..."

"Poor people inside..."

"If it weren't for lack of money, whoever would be willing to live here would be a miserable person, and I don't know how much they could escape."

The people from the Taboo Investigation Bureau began to clear out the crowd of onlookers. Yinsu followed the crowd and retreated farther away, and could only barely see the appearance of Zhumeng Apartment.

The Zhumeng Apartment was in flames just now, but now the flames were extinguishing, and they were extinguishing very quickly.

This speed of extinguishment cannot be achieved by human power. Players with talented skills should be extinguishing the fire.

When Yinsu returned home, the news about the explosion and fire in Zhumeng Apartment and the clearance of the death copy had already occupied half of the surfing software.

The previous suicide incidents in Zhumeng Apartment have somehow been revealed by netizens, and all kinds of speculations are flying everywhere.

Yinsu flipped through the contents, but no one mentioned the contaminated area.

However, the suicide incidents in Zhumeng Apartment continue to ferment, and sooner or later the contaminated area will be exposed.

But when Yinsu came out of the shower, she found that the news about Zhumeng Apartment on the Internet had been suppressed.

The number of casualties this time has not yet been announced.

Yinsu opened the game forum, where there were more posts discussing death copies. She browsed for a while, then threw down her phone and went to sleep.

While Yinsu was sleeping, Jiang Qi couldn't rest. After the fire in Zhumeng Apartment was extinguished, he had to stay and direct the scene.

Jiang Qi came out of the game without even having time to drink a sip of water. After finally withdrawing from the scene, I stepped into the door of the Investigation Bureau, and was called to a meeting.

"The death toll in Zhumeng Apartment this time is 75, 16 were seriously injured, and 32 were slightly injured." Jiang Qi projected the list on the big screen: "This is the current list, 90% of which are natives of the apartment, and the rest are It was someone who entered the apartment temporarily.”

"In addition, seven people were found dead near Zhumeng Apartment, all of whom were players who entered the dungeon this time."

Jiang Qi has not yet made a detailed report on the death dungeon, but at this time, Zhumeng Apartment needs to be resolved first, so he only mentioned the death dungeon in a few words.

"The explosive has been identified, it is not a realistic item." Jiang Qi showed another picture. It was a burnt round object, and its original appearance could no longer be seen.

However, Jiang Qi said with certainty: "This is a game prop. It has not been found out who placed it. However, the surrounding surveillance cameras captured several suspected suspects and are currently investigating."

Shu Anyi waited for Jiang Qi to finish speaking and motioned for him to sit down, "The surrounding population of Zhumeng Apartment is densely populated. We must do a good job in the ideological work of the surrounding residents and don't let this matter continue to ferment... The matter of the polluted area is not suitable for ordinary people at the moment. People know that it will cause greater panic, and our current staffing is not enough to handle more emergencies."

Shu Anyi didn't say much. After arranging the general work, he let the others disperse.

Jiang Qi stayed with Du Xia and Yan Yuanqing to have a small meeting.

Yan Yuanqing: "Deputy Bureau, as soon as we found Zhumeng Apartment, the apartment exploded. I think there must be someone behind this incident."

Shu Anyi nodded: "The matter of Zhumeng Apartment is indeed very strange, I will leave it to you to investigate."

After the discussion about Zhumeng Apartment was completed, Shu Anyi mentioned the copy of death.

"What did you find out about that 0101 player?" There are only two unknown players who have passed the level this time, so it should be easy to guess.

Jiang Qi nodded: "But the other party used a pseudonym and was wearing a mask all the time, so it's not easy to check... But I suggest you don't check her for the time being. She should take the initiative to contact me."

Shu Anyi: "Oh?"

Jiang Qi told the outrageous reason: "She said she was going to school."

Shu Anyi: "???" Huh?

Jiang Qi reported the general situation in the death copy.

Shu Anyi finally made the decision, not to mention that she wanted to go to school, even if she wanted to be the principal, they could also get her an honorary principal.

After they finished their small meeting, Shu Anyi stopped Jiang Qi who was about to leave: "Since Xiao Yu has become a player, let her come to the bureau to train with her. That child is a good prospect and has great tenacity."

Jiang Qi: "Okay."

It was already after two o'clock in the morning when Jiang Qi finished handling all the matters. When he returned to the office, he found that Jiang Yuxue was still waiting in the office.

Jiang Yuxue saw him coming in. She didn't want Jiang Qi to think that she was waiting for him, so she explained angrily: "They won't let me leave."

Jiang Qi took the car keys and said, "Let's go."

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