Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 263 Jindian Community (7)


Yinsu stood in front of the door and politely raised his hand to knock on the door.

No one answered the first two times. It was not until after knocking five or six times that a hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the door, alert and nervous:


"Your neighbor downstairs, your house is leaking, please open the door quickly!"

"Water leak? It's not my house, my house doesn't leak..." The voice inside the door gradually became louder, "You want to trick me into opening the door, right? You want to harm me!! You want to harm me too!! You devils, devils!! Get out! Get out of here! Ah...get out of here! Get out of here!!"

The voice inside the door was far away from the door, but his roar could still be vaguely heard.

Yao Yao swallowed and said tremblingly: "Look, I'll just say he's crazy."

Yinsu: "..."

Friendly and polite communication will not work, so Plan B is the only option.

Yinsu took out a master key and opened the door.

When the door opened, an unpleasant stench and the smell of urine hit my face.


The smell was so strong that Yao Yao couldn't hold it back and started retching while covering her mouth.

Yinsu held her breath and looked inside.

The room was very dark and all the windows were sealed. The sofa and coffee table in the living room were piled with daily clutter, and the floor was also in a mess, almost like a garbage dump.

The man hugged a ball and squatted in the corner, muttering: "No one can harm me. As long as you don't open the door, it will be fine. If you don't open the door, it will be fine... I will be fine. If I don't go out, it will be fine."

Yinsu walked inside. Yao Yao hesitated. The gloomy corridor didn't seem that safe. She finally chose to follow Yinsu inside.

This house has three bedrooms and one living room. The living room is filled with all kinds of clutter, and the other bedrooms are not much better.

Even the toilet and kitchen were filled with garbage, making it impossible to get in.

Yinsu saw a wedding photo hanging on the wall of the living room. The glass of the wedding photo frame was broken and there was blood on it.

There are some small photo frames hanging next to it, most of them are photos of the host and hostess, and there are also photos of the hostess and her mother-in-law.

Yinsu glanced at the photos, some of which were photos of men wearing white coats receiving banners from others.

Yinsu walked towards the man.

The man didn't seem to notice anyone coming in. He buried his head in his knees and muttered intermittently:

"Can't open the door, it'll be fine if you don't open the door, can't open the door, can't open the door..."

"Why can't you open the door?"

The sudden sound caused the man's voice to disappear suddenly.

He raised his head stiffly, his neck cracking like a rusty machine that hadn't been lubricated for a long time.

The skinny face looked like it had been sucked out by a monster, and the collarbone under the neck was so high that it was just a skeleton, with only a piece of skin covering it.

The man's cloudy eyes stared at her, and his widened eyes were covered with layers of shadows. He asked sternly: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"I am God."

"God..." The man suddenly became excited and roared at her: "Do you think I'm crazy? You are the ones who are crazy!! I'm not sick! I'm not sick..."

The man turned his head back and forth, and Yinsu was worried that he would break his neck.

"Okay, okay, I'm sick."

"You are sick, yes, you are sick..." The man was like an inflexible robot, twisting his head back and forth and repeating this sentence, but he was no longer as excited as before.

Yinsu responded perfunctorily, "Then you help me treat it and see if I can be saved."

"Help...it can't be saved. Hey, you all can't be saved..." A weird smile appeared on the man's face.

Yinsu's expression remained unchanged: "They all said that you have great medical skills and can save her."

The man's neck clicked twice more, the weird smile on his face disappeared, and his cloudy eyes stared at Yinsu.

The thin cheeks twitched slightly. The man seemed to be touched by Yinsu's words. He remembered that he was a doctor and muttered something.

Unfortunately, his words were vague and Yinsu didn't hear them clearly at all.

The man's eyes swept from Yinsu to Yao Yao behind him, and his muttering became louder, "There is a devil among you... It is among you... It's you, it's you!! It's you!!"

The man suddenly became crazy again, roaring and rushing towards Yao Yao.

Yao Yao screamed in fright and wanted to run out, but tripped over the debris in the room and fell into the garbage.

Just as the man was about to pounce, his body was frozen in place, and the next second he was pulled away and thrown back into the corner.

Yao Yao's heart almost jumped out of her chest. She didn't dare to stay inside any longer and said to Yin Su, "I... I'll go out and wait for you."

After saying that, he ran out the door and closed the door.

"She is the devil...she is the devil...kill her, kill her..." The man tried to get up and chase Yao Yao.

Yinsu pushed him to the ground again. No matter how strong his skinny body was, he could easily restrain him without exerting any force.

"Why do you call her a devil?"

The man couldn't get up, so he retracted himself into the corner, and kept chanting: "Devil, devil... they are all devils, and you are also a devil."

You can't go out... you can't go out, you can't go out when it's dark.

Ah...there! Beat him to death! ! Devil, the devil is coming! ! "

The man covered his head and screamed, and his words were confusing. One moment he said she was the devil, the next moment he said Yao Yao was the devil, and the next moment he said he was the devil too.

Yinsu: "..."

Yinsu used his skills to scan the room.

The garbage dump is full of garbage and there is nothing useful.

But in the master bedroom, Yinsu found a vase with a dried lotus in it.

[Spread brocade·? 】

The lotus was marked with a question mark.

Dashajin is a variety of lotus. I don’t know what the question mark behind it is.

She remembered that the pond in the community was planted with lotus flowers.

These lotus flowers...

Apart from this dried lotus flower, nothing else useful was found.

Yinsu went out with the dried flowers, ready to ask the man if the flowers were picked from the pond.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she went out, the man started to go crazy when he saw the lotus in her hand, ran around the room, and attacked her with garbage.

When Yinsu asked him to calm down, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Yinsu: "..."

Yinsu came out of 1102 and closed the door.

Yao Yao was not seen in the corridor, and the woman sitting on the ground next door was nowhere to be seen.

Yinsu went downstairs and saw Yao Yao walking back and forth outside the building, obviously uneasy.

"It was scary in the corridor, so I came down." As soon as Yao Yao saw her, she immediately came up to her and took the initiative to explain: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yinsu shook her head and asked her, "Why do the residents in the community go to bed so early?"

"Is it early?" Yao Yao looked confused: "Before...it was very lively down there after nine o'clock in the evening, and there were many people with lights on in their homes in the early morning. Speaking of which, last night...it seemed very quiet."

The price for Yao Yao's correct understanding is that she doesn't know what happened in the community when she didn't live here.

1102 That lunatic said he couldn’t go out, and he couldn’t go out after dark...

What happens when you go out after dark?

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