Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 274 Jindian Community (18)


The monster fell to the ground, staring fixedly at something.

The only monster standing in the hall was covered in blood, both from it and from other monsters.

One of the monster's arms was torn off and it was still bleeding.

The monster looked at Yinsu with a ferocious face, "Can I... go out?"

Yinsu smiled, "Of course."

She stepped on the blood on the ground and went to open the door. She opened the door herself and raised her hand to say goodbye.

The monster immediately rushed out the door.

However, before it could run two meters, a cold feeling ran down its back, its entire body was pierced, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

The monster looked at the person walking out of the door and twitched his lips: "You... lied..."

The girl bent down, with a gentle smile on her lips: "How can I lie to you? I said that only one person can walk out of this door, how can you not count me out?"


The malicious light in the monster's eyes began to fade away.

Yinsu suppressed a smile, stood up, and looked at the players who had just moved away.

Yinsu raised the corner of her lips and spoke rudely: "You are still in the mood to watch the show here. Have you grabbed enough food? Or do you also want to come in and try the joy of free fighting?"

Everyone: "!!!"

She doesn't want to control them! !

The players were horrified and turned around and ran away. Even Luo Ruiyuan quickly left Building 44.

This player... is even crazier than they imagined.

Yinsu waited for them to leave and began to clean up the battlefield, trying to be a civilized owner.

No residents showed up all morning, and the players searched everywhere they could find supplies, but unfortunately the harvest was mediocre.

Players who have gained a lot are worried about being robbed, so they avoid other players, return to their residences, lock the door and hide.

Perhaps because Yinsu had set a good example, some players who hadn't found much supplies began to sweep the floors and knock on the door.

They soon discover that knocking on the door opens only to monsters.

The monster is not very lethal at the moment. As long as you don't encounter several of them at the same time, it will be easy to kill them.

If players form a team, it will be easier...

So many players started to score points again.

I got a lot of points, but not much food.

The monster didn't have anything to eat at home.

Yinsu was walking towards the property office at this time, wanting to talk to Xiao Liu again.

It's a pity that the door of the real estate office is closed, and there is no living thing inside.

Yinsu pried open the door and went in. She had been to this office twice and had already gone through all the places that needed to be rummaged through.

But the lotus flowers Xiao Liu sent yesterday were so fresh. Where did she get them?

Yinsu searched the office carefully again.


Yinsu heard a sound at the door and turned to look, only to see Chen Feng coming in from the door.

When their eyes met, Chen Feng was obviously stunned: "Miss Su?"

Yinsu nodded and continued to look through the documents in his hand.

"..." He didn't expect to meet Yinsu here.

Chen Feng didn't say much. He looked around and saw no property staff. It seemed that the staff were not here today either...

Chen Feng walked to the reception desk, turned on the property management computer, entered the password, and started to check the contents of the computer.

Yinsu suddenly asked: "Where did you get the password?"

Chen Feng: "The person who looked at the property yesterday lost."

"Oh." Yinsu continued to flip through the documents without disturbing each other.

Yinsu found no clues about Hehua, but found some documents, which were sandwiched among many regular property documents.

She pulled out the strange papers.

[Emotional Index Statistics of Experimental Area]

[Observation on the effect of delivery in the test area]

【test area……】

The sentiment index statistics started four months ago. Initially there were not many statistics, but as time went by, there were more and more statistics.

Moreover, Yinsu discovered that the first statistics were those residents who had won various awards.

Behind them are some ordinary residents. They even have no names and are replaced by user numbers.

Yinsu saw some conclusions at the end. To sum up, this statistical experiment is reducing residents' positive emotions and increasing negative emotions.

So the residents became violent and numb... all because of this experiment.

The ‘Observation of Delivery Effects’ consists of tables one after another. The earliest date was two and a half months ago, which is about the same time as the lotus flowers were presented to the owners.

There is only the household number on the form, and some have black labels on the back.

Yinsu recalled that the house numbers with black labels were all those whose windows were closed two days ago.

Black labels are probably infected.

"Miss Su."

Chen Feng suddenly called Yinsu.

"Come and take a look."

Chen Feng was willing to share clues, and Yinsu didn't show any pretense and walked over to take a look.

On the computer screen is a control page with many control keys, and the words "Artificial Lake Spray Control System" are written at the top.

There is an operation log next to it.

What Chen Feng asked Yinsu to read was the operation log, except for the opening and closing operations...

[XXXX.XX.04 delivery completed]

[XXXX.XX.05 delivery completed]

[XXXX.XX.06 delivery completed]

The front is the year and month, and the back is the number of days. From three and a half months ago to yesterday, there are records of completed operations.

Chen Feng: "There is a lot of spray beside the plank road of the artificial lake. Has Miss Su been there?"

"Been there."

"What has the property management given to the residents?" Chen Feng stared at the screen: "Is this why the residents have changed so much?"

Yinsu handed him the document in his hand.

"Emotional index..."

Chen Feng quickly read through the documents at a glance.

"It starts with just certain people, and from there it's just large numbers of people... coinciding with the spray release dates."

So the change in residents is due to what was put in those sprays.

Chen Feng was silent and continued: "First conduct experiments on some specific groups of people, and only after confirming that they are effective, can we start large-scale distribution. The purpose of this is just to increase the negative emotions of residents?"

Yinsu: "Maybe the monster has some requirements for the container. Just like the more negative emotions the player has, the easier it is to be infected."

Chen Feng: "Miss Su, do you think those monsters are infected by viruses or some kind of parasites?"

Yinsu shrugged and said indifferently: "Both are possible, the difference is not big, they are all killed in the same way."

Chen Feng: "..."


Yinsu and Chen Feng looked up at the door at the same time.

An old woman with silver hair stood outside the door. She seemed to want to come in directly, but was blocked by the glass door and hit her head on the glass. At this time, her forehead was still pressed against the glass.

Eyes without whites stared at them through the glass.

At this time, it was getting dark outside, and Yinsu saw many residents appearing in the distance.

Some go further away, while others come towards the office.

The old woman outside the door lowered her head to look at the door handle, as if she wanted to understand something. She stretched out her hand to open the door, walked in from the outside, and stood in front of the reception desk with a weird smile on her face.

Chen Feng was already on guard when the old lady appeared.

Yinsu was not nervous at all. Instead, she smiled along with the old lady and imitated the tone of the property manager: "Hello, how can I help you?"

Chapter Ideas [Reading Coins 520] Activity Draw:

【I will be invisible】Xingyuebaiye

[Not enough to kill] Zi Zi Jin

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