Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 318 Devil Town (15)

A sinister wind blew out of the room, the candles kept shaking, and an unpleasant stench wafted out of the room.

The candlelight could only shine a few meters inside the door, and beyond that it was pitch black.

The three of them waited at the door for a while, and then walked inside after hearing no movement inside.

The dark room was so dark that candles were the only source of light.

The ground was damp and moldy, and some dead grass was piled in the corner. This room has no windows, no furniture or other items, it is just an empty room.

No...can't say it's empty either.

There are bones in the room.

Most were piled in one corner, with a few scattered in different corners of the room.

Wu Bujing swallowed nervously: "Why are there so many dead people here?"

No one answered his question.

Wei Heng had already begun to examine the bones. "They are all adults, both male and female... There are writings on the wall."

Yinsu also saw words carved on the damp wall.

Because only Yinsu had a candle, they could only look over from one end of the wall in turn.

These words are spread on every wall of the room. Judging from the handwriting, they are not written by the same person. The writing heights are also different, some seem to be standing while others are sitting, and some are even close to the ground.

- It's coming.

——Lord, why do you punish us like this? What have we done wrong?

——Help, help me, someone will save me.

- Devil, we killed the devil!

——It’s all your fault, it’s all your fault, it’s all your fault!

——Behold, she is coming, and she is behind you.

When they saw this sentence, Wei Heng and Wu Bujing both felt a creepy feeling and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Almost at the same time, a gust of wind blew from outside the door, and the half-open door behind him closed with a creak.

Wei Heng was startled and rushed to the door.

However, the door was not closed. Someone threw a stone at the door, which happened to be stuck in the door.

Wei Heng: "..."

Although Su Wei entered the room first, she waited for them to enter before leaving the door... Did she throw it?

Yinsu just glanced at the door, and it was indeed her who threw the stone. In such a closed room, if you don't trick players into killing them, you won't be able to live up to such a good venue.

Of course she wanted to be just in case.

The door was not closed, and the strange cold wind disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But Wei Heng still felt fuzzy in his heart, and his intuition was that something was not right: "There is something wrong with this room..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the area illuminated by the candlelight was shrinking, and the feeling of hairiness in his heart was stretched to the extreme.

The heartbeat was beating wildly uncontrollably.

Before Wei Heng could finish the thoughts in his mind, he already shouted: "Get out of here!!"

Yinsu moved faster than Wei Heng, and moved out of the door almost as soon as he made a sound.

As soon as the light source in her hand was gone, the whole room fell into darkness.

Wei Heng did not leave Wu Bujing behind this time, but dragged him out and ran away. The darkness followed closely behind him, and the biting chill approached.

Wei Heng didn't know what was in the darkness behind him. He only knew that if he didn't run faster, he would become 'food' for the terrifying thing behind him.

"Damn it! How can she run so fast!!"

Yinsu had reached the end of the corridor, and the candlelight was about to disappear.


"what is it call!!"

"Something's grabbing me!!" Wu Bujing's voice was trembling. He just felt like something was scratching his calf, which was cold and strange.

"If you catch me and you don't want your fucking life, what do you call it! If you keep screaming like crazy, I won't care about you anymore!"


Wu Buying didn't dare to scream anymore. His speed couldn't keep up with Wei Heng, but he was pulled by Wei Heng, and he was almost dragged away.

Finally, they passed through the passage they came from and found the gap through which they came in.

Wei Heng went up first and used his backhand to pull Wu Bujing away. Wu Bujing didn't want to die here, so he tried his best to climb up.

There was light at the exit, and Wei Heng could see the darkness coming from the passage... He took a breath, used all his strength to pull Wu Bujing up, and the two of them rolled down the eaves.

Wei Heng and Wu Buying fell to the ground, rolled several times on the ground, and stopped next to a tree.

Wei Heng climbed up and looked at the eaves of the church. The entrance was calm and nothing inside was chased out.


Wu Bujing got up in disgrace, clutching his chest and gasping for air, his face turned red from holding back.

"Chasing... are you following?"

"Probably not." Wei Heng frowned and looked at him: "Why are you such a loser? You have just run so far and you are breathing like this. A monster can catch up with you in three steps, right? How did you survive until now? If you hadn't seen You are a wet nurse, I will not save you.

Let me tell you, no one can count on you in the game. If you always want to rely on others to pass the level and don't improve your own strength, you will die within a few copies.

Even if he doesn't die, he can only be reduced to a tool in the end. Only strength can be respected. "

Wei Heng glanced at Yinsu and said, "Even if your brain is abnormal, as long as you have strength, you will still be respected."

Wu Bujing: "..."

Wu Bujing's originally red face gradually lost its color and turned pale.

Yinsu stood on the other side, the candle in her hand had been extinguished, and she looked thoughtfully at the entrance on the eaves.

The hair monster just said that there was nothing in the room, but they did feel the presence of something.

Unable to figure out what was inside, Yinsu naturally chose to run away first.

The text found in the church repeatedly mentions the word 'devil', which fits the theme of the copy.

There are words like 'it' and 'she'. Is this the same thing or different? Who is it?

What does the devil in the sentence "We killed the devil" have to do with him?

This church...what ever happened? Are the bones in that room the former residents of the town?

Various questions cannot be answered for the time being.

Neither Yinsu nor Wei Heng had any intention of going in again. The three of them left the church and returned to the town.

After coming out of the church, Yinsu parted ways with the other two people, and she went directly back to the manor.

When the new housekeeper saw Yinsu coming back, he took the initiative to greet her: "Miss Su Wei, where have you been?"


The steward was surprised: "Have you been to church?"

The housekeeper's surprise was not because she had been to church, but because she had been to church and came back alive... Although she quickly concealed the pity and malice in her eyes, Yinsu still caught her.

She regretted that she did not die in the church.

Telling her the clues about the church was obviously not out of good intentions, but because he wanted to kill himself.

Tsk, tsk, tsk... none of the housekeepers in the Wells family are worry-free.

Yinsu waved to her.

The housekeeper's behavior was a little obvious just now, and he didn't dare to do anything else at this time. He took a few steps towards Yinsu obediently: "Miss Su Wei?"

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