Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 334 Devil Town (31)

Yinsu lowered his eyes and looked at the juice splashed on his pants: "Although my family is rich, we can't waste food like this."

The housekeeper trembled: "Yes... I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Yinsu bent down and picked up the broken juice cup. There was still a lot of juice at the bottom of the cup. She handed it directly to the butler: "Drink it and I will forgive you."


The butler's pupils shrank, he instinctively resisted the juice, and subconsciously stepped back.

"No...Miss Su Wei, I..."

Yinsu ignored the housekeeper's fear and said in a gentle tone: "What's wrong? These are not dirty. You squeezed them with your own hands. They are so healthy and hygienic."


The butler heard the irresistible toughness in that gentle tone.

Yinsu watched the butler holding the broken glass with trembling hands and drinking the juice inside with his eyes closed.

Yinsu nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, don't waste food."


Yinsu stared at the housekeeper with no intention of leaving, "You can continue working."

The housekeeper didn't want to work, but if Yinsu didn't leave, she didn't dare to leave, let alone do anything else.

The housekeeper took the fruit again, washed it, and took out a new juicer tool... Just when she was left with the last fruit, her head began to feel dizzy.

She shook her head vigorously, but she couldn't resist the sleepiness.


The butler knocked over the things on the table and fell limply to the ground.

Yinsu waited until the housekeeper made no move, and then stepped forward to check. He was still alive, so he probably was drugged or something like that.

Yinsu glanced at the kitchen and saw [? 】hint.

She went over and took out three sacks... sacks?

Yinsu discovered that there was blood on the sack. After smoothing it out, he found that the blood on it was not scrawled on randomly. It was somewhat similar to the runes on the round platform under the orphanage.

These runes must have been made by those residents.

Yinsu raided the town today, but some residents ran away, and she didn't know where those residents were hiding.

Now that the housekeeper is drugging the player, he must be under the instructions of the residents...

Yinsu glanced at the housekeeper who was lying unconscious on the ground, carried a sack and stuffed her into it.

But there are two more...

So Yinsu thought filially of Wells in the morgue. He couldn't sacrifice, but he should be able to move, right?

As a grandfather, helping his granddaughter is what he should do.

The filial daughter Su happily carried the sack to the morgue and stuffed Wells into the sack. Once you're sure you can move, throw Wells into the kitchen as well.

One more to go...

It's a pity that all the harvest this afternoon was dazzled by the palace and the hair monster. Now that she needs it, she can't get any of it.


She really needs a space prop that can store garbage.

Yinsu had no choice but not to pretend to be the third one.

Yinsu looked for some edible food in the kitchen. It was getting darker and darker outside, and none of the players came back.

It's past seven.

Through the kitchen glass, Yinsu saw someone suddenly coming around from the side of the manor and sneaking towards the kitchen.

Where did they come in?

There is only one gate to the manor and no other gates.

The direction they came from was not the direction of the gate...

With doubts, Yinsu drank the last sip of water, got up and found a place to hide.

There were two people who came, residents of the town. They were observing furtively outside the kitchen, "Rilla?"


"Why isn't she here?"

"Look at the ground..."

One of the residents pointed to two sacks in the place.

"Why are there only two?"

"Just two, it's not safe after dark, take them away first."

"open to take a look……"

"What are you looking at?" The other one was a little scared: "It doesn't matter who is inside, it's the same anyway. Let's go quickly, I think it's eerie here, as if something is staring at me."

When he said this, the other resident also felt the discomfort...

So the two of them didn't check who was in the sack. Each of them carried one, and quickly left the kitchen. After looking around, they left directly through the door.

Yinsu came out of the corner, looked at the direction the two people were leaving, and followed them up.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

The sound of clocks moving was particularly clear in the basement, and the firelight stretched the shadows into long and thin shapes, casting them randomly on the walls and ceiling.

There were about thirty people standing in the small basement.

These are the surviving residents of the town.


"Just two people...is it enough?"

"No matter, if we really let her out, we will die even worse." The owner of the voice looked at the sack thrown in the middle: "Is that Su Wei in it?"

The two residents who came back with the sacks were afraid and did not check it at all. At this time, they could only answer bravely: "No, Su Wei has her power and is not that easy to deceive."

The residents believe that the power possessed by Yinsu, who claims to be 'her' messenger, comes from 'her'.

"Hmph, when the ceremony is over, she will be a waste. Then catch her."

"She killed so many of us..."

"I'll make her look good then!"

The housekeeper in the sack heard whispers. She slowly opened her eyes and found that her hands and feet were tied and her mouth was gagged.


The butler struggled.

Help! !

However, the people outside only thought that the kidnapped person had woken up, and no one paid any attention to her. Not only that, someone kicked her twice to tell her to stop making noise.

The butler whined harder, but received more kicks.

Two minutes later, she felt like she was being hoisted.

"Woooooooo..." Help! Help! ! I'm Rayla! !

No one heard the housekeeper's cry for help. There was no other sound in her ears, only the obscure chanting of curses by the residents.


No! ! !

In the basement, the residents sat in a circle, with two hanging sacks in the middle. The runes on the sacks lit up with a strange red light in their incomprehensible voices.

Red light enveloped the two sacks, and one of them began to drip blood. The bright red blood dripped on the ground, and lines lit up one after another.

Just as the complete pattern was about to form, there was no more blood on the sack. The light flickered slightly and then died out.

"what happened?"

"Why doesn't this respond..."

The residents' voices sounded panicked.

At this moment, the closed door of the basement was knocked open.

Outside the door, the girl slowly stepped out of the darkness. The dim light cast a shallow halo around her body. She spread her arms in surprise and exclaimed in a loud voice: "My dear neighbors, Surprise!"


The residents sitting on the ground immediately stood up in panic, huddled together, and stared at the person at the door in horror.

"How did she find this place!"

"It's her! It must be her!! She asked her to come to us!!"

"Why is the Demon Sealing Array ineffective..."

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