Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 411 The train that never arrives (49)

Yinsu did not continue to go crazy. He pulled a monster's clothes and wiped the steel pipe, and asked the girl in black robe: "The passenger can't kill him. How do you think this sentence should be ended?"

Girl in black robe: "1. Tell us, you can't kill him like that. 2. Players who are passengers can't kill him."

The meanings sound similar, but in fact they are quite different.

1. They haven't found the right way to kill the train conductor yet.

2. Players cannot kill the conductor, or players who are passengers cannot kill the conductor. When the player is no longer a passenger, it may be possible to kill the train conductor.

What is the correct way to kill the train conductor? They can't know the correct answer to this question until the train conductor dies, so they can only try.


"Even if the player becomes a monster, he will still be a passenger." This will not change, monsters are also passengers.

Unless they can become flight attendants.

Yinsu played with the necklace in his hand: "If the passengers can't kill the conductor, what if the conductor is no longer the conductor?"

If you can't change your identity as a passenger, then change your identity as a train conductor.

You must know that Wang Xuan is a fake train conductor.

Girl in black robe: "But you said, 'Kill the conductor, and the train will arrive at the terminal.' If Wang Xuan is not the conductor, then if you kill him, can you still reach the terminal? Maybe there is just no way to kill him. correct."

Yinsu feels that practice brings out the truth: "You won't know until you try it. Maybe train conductor is just synonymous with Wang Xuan."

The girl in black robe was silent, maybe she felt that what she said made sense, so she didn't say anything more, but just reminded her: "The train's stay time on the platform has been reduced."

"I know."

This is the third cycle.

The platform stay time at Madman Station, Ghoul Station, and Bloody Carnival Station is four minutes.

Guiling Station becomes three minutes.

There are only Mermaid Station, Four Seasons Mountain Station and Forty-Four Station left behind.

Referring to the idea of ​​increasing passengers on the train in this dungeon, the time in the third round is likely to decrease. Three minutes at Guiling Station and Mermaid Station, two minutes at Four Seasons Mountain Station, exactly one minute at Station 44, and just return to Crazy Station again. 0.

There really isn't much time left for them.

Yinsu turned on the kettle, put her face close to it, and spoke enthusiastically: "Miss Qin, do you want revenge? Do you want to seek justice for yourself and your children?"

Qin Qing huddled in the kettle with her child in her arms. When she heard Yinsu's voice, her eyes with a strange light emerged from the darkness.

Qin Qing's tone was strange: "Revenge?"

"Yes, do you want to kill Wang Xuan with your own hands, so that the love and children you have devoted to you can come to a perfect end." Before Qin Qing could answer, Yinsu said for her: "I think you must be willing, you are A brave and strong mother.”

Qin Qing: "..."

Did she agree?

The face outside the kettle was still sighing: "I said I would take revenge on you, and I keep my word."

Qin Qing: "..."

Qin Qing wished she could eat Wang Xuan alive, but... she always felt that this woman was using her as a weapon.

Qin Qing: "He is very powerful."

"Hey~ don't underestimate yourself." Yinsu didn't allow her to say that about herself, "You are also very strong! Believe in yourself!"

Qin Qing: "..."

If she was strong, she wouldn't be caught and locked up here.

"I'll take you to find him later." Yinsu threw the necklace in. "Use this to kill him. Do you understand if you do it again when I tell you to do it?"

Qin Qing: "..."

Before Qin Qing could decide whether to agree or not, she heard the girl's voice turn gloomy: "Otherwise, I will kill your child first and then hand you over to Wang Xuan."

Qin Qing: "..."

She knew it! !

What good intentions can this woman have! ! She is the monster! !

09 carriage.

The mage found a seal from the dead conductor. He took out his ticket and stamped it.

A red stamp appeared on the ticket, but he didn't receive any reminder.

Isn’t the stamped ticket the key to customs clearance?

Or does it mean that there is no pass key for this copy? Players must get off...

The mage stared at the word 'unknown', but it didn't change at all.


Other conditions are required.

The mage got up and walked to Car 08, and Cool Guy, who was standing behind him, immediately followed him.

The two quickly arrived at Car 06. The Master glanced at the empty seats. His face did not have the usual gentleness, only indifference.

"What a waste."

Passing through Car 06 and passing the connection, the Master heard a slight sound in the bathroom.

The mage stopped and took a look into the bathroom.

"Go and take a look." The mage ordered the cool guy behind him.

Brother Ku agreed without hesitation and went over to open the door.

In the narrow bathroom, Jishan sat on the ground, one of his arms was missing, and the ground beneath him was dazzling red.

Jishan's face was pale and he leaned there with his head tilted. If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, it would have been like a corpse.

"Still alive." Brother Ku reported to the mage.

It's not like Jishan just arrived here, he was probably here when he checked in.

But he is still alive...

It is normal for passengers to use the restroom...so he was not killed by the train conductor because he triggered the rule of "not being in his own car when checking tickets".

The mage looked around and saw no one except the monster, so he went to the bathroom.


The mage patted Jishan's face and tried to wake him up.

The mage took several shots in succession before Jishan woke up.

Jishan's eyes were dull. Even when he woke up, he had no special reaction and just stared into space.

The mage stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes: "Ji Shan, do you still remember what happened?"

Jishan finally had some reaction. His dull eyes turned, but they still had no focus. He looked into the void, and his cracked and peeling lips opened and closed.

His voice was so low that the mage couldn't hear what he was saying.

The mage leaned over to listen, and finally heard clearly what he was saying.

"Get off...get off..."

He kept repeating these two words.

During the seven hours last night, in addition to the monsters who liked to play games with them, there were also monsters who would take the form of people they knew and deceive them.

Jishan didn't know if he was on the wrong track.

The rules say don’t trust anyone…

But even if they remember this rule, it's useless. They will do some strange behavior unconsciously before.

There is nothing strange about losing your mind again and trusting ‘acquaintances’.

As the train cycles again and again, players will eventually completely abandon their sanity.

The mage rummaged through Jishan's body and found nothing useful. He stood up and exited, "Kill him."

Like an obedient hound, Cool Brother re-entered the bathroom and carried out the Master's order.

The mage stood at the connection and waited for a moment, and received a new rule——

[When there is a conductor on the train, the train will arrive at the terminal. 】

——Welcome to my hell——

This copy is almost finished! There are five or six chapters to come...

Maybe it’s too long and I keep getting stuck…

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