Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 456 Confession Season (16)

Jasmine looked through the surveillance cameras but could not find the two missing students.

Where did these two people hide...

Jasmine's face darkened when she thought of a nasty thorn among the missing students.

Jasmine couldn't find any trace of Thorny Head, and she felt inexplicably uneasy.

Just when she was about to search again, there was sudden movement in the love cabin, and Jasmine turned the screen back.

Someone opened the door.

Although Jasmine wanted to find traces of Thorn Tou, there were students opening the door at this moment, so she suppressed this idea and looked at these students first.

In the picture, the practitioner who opened the door walked to the next room and knocked on the door first. No one came to open the door, so she tried to open the door.

The door was pushed open easily.

The students did not go in, but watched from the door.

I didn't know what was going on in the room, but the students quickly left, knocked on the doors of other rooms, and called all the students out.

They then entered the room together.

The camera can only see the door of the room, not the inside of the room.

[Being patient is a quality a lover should have. 】

Blood-red words were displayed on the ground, and next to him was Qiu Song, who was lying on the ground with no signs of life.

The players who had spent the night in the love cabin gathered in this room and looked at the dead Qiu Song.

Next to Qiu Song's blood-stained finger, there was a word consisting of "skip point, skim". Qiu Song didn't finish writing and didn't know what he wanted to write.

He must have wanted to leave something behind, but he died before he finished writing.

"Is it...a female character?" Hu Qin asked with a frown.

"It's a bit like... just one missing person. Was it a woman who killed him? Or was it his girlfriend... his daytime lover NPC?"

Xie Banan: "I heard movement in Qiu Song's room before, and someone knocked on my door. Did you hear it?"

Although there was only one sound, Xie Banan was sure that he was not hallucinating.

After the knock on the door, he soon heard Yu Zhi's voice, and then the current situation.

"I didn't..." Hu Qin shook his head.

Li Jiang and another male player Yao Boqing also shook their heads. They didn't hear anything.

Yao Baiqing looked at Yu Zhi who called them in confusion: "Why did you knock on Qiu Song's door in the middle of the night?"

Yao Baiqing's words made others look at Yu Zhi involuntarily.

Yu Zhi probably wasn't familiar with Qiu Song. He hadn't seen much communication between them before, so why would he knock on Qiu Song's door after midnight.

Yu Zhi: "I heard movement in his room."

Yu Zhi and Xie Banan's rooms happened to be on the left and right of Qiu Song, so they both heard the movement in Qiu Song's room.

Yu Zhi was more courageous than Xie Ban'an and went out to see it.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and Hu Qin asked aloud: "Why did Qiu Song die? Was there anyone with him during the day?"

"Qiu Song and I are together." Yao Baiqing said: "But our dating program was the same at the time. If Qiu Song broke any rules, then I must have been tricked... Will I be the next one?"

Li Jiang: "There is a blank space under our names. This place is also called the Love House. There may be other 'residents' in the room. Qiu Song may not have violated the death rule during the day, but in the room."

The players recalled Jasmine's weird expression when they asked her... and they all felt that Li Jiang's statement made sense.


This is even scarier!

There is an unseen inhabitant in the room and they don't know what to do to break the rules of death.

Jasmine kept watching the surveillance camera. The students quickly came out of the room and went back to their own rooms.

Jasmine was sure that they would not come out again and decided to go find the two missing students first.

"Dong dong——"

Jasmine suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the door.

This is the staff accommodation area, why would someone knock on the door?

Jasmine walked to the door in two steps and pressed the door handle to open the door. However, the next second, she felt a cold air coming through the crack in the door.

There's something out there...

Jasmine slowly let go of her hand, took two steps back, and stared at the door handle.

"Dong dong——"

The knocking on the door continues.

It's a bit far from her room, probably second or third on the left.

The second one is for lecturers, the third one is for counselors...

While Jasmine was still thinking about who provoked the thing outside, she heard a 'squeak'.

The door opened.

Counselor room.

Yinsu and Wu Bujing were hiding in the closet. Yinsu was looking out from the gap in the closet, but Wu Bujing didn't dare to look, hugging him like an ostrich.

The haired monster opened the door amidst the knocking, then quietly retreated from above, disappearing into the dark ceiling.

So from the outside, it looks like the door opened by itself.

She walked in from the door, looked around doubtfully, and after finding nothing unusual, closed the door and walked inside.

Yinsu found that the person who came was a girl. Her steps were neither fast nor slow, and she was walking leisurely like walking in the back garden.

However, the next second, her steps froze.

Yinsu also saw clearly the girl's appearance, with an almond-shaped face and peach cheeks, and a slight hint of baby fat on her cheeks, which looked a bit cute.

...Isn't this the student whose confession card was taken away from him?

Is this what the counselor calls ‘something’?

If you steal someone else's confession card, will they come to check the water meter at night?

What kind of terrorist incident is this?

The girl looked at the candlelight dinner in front of her with a strange expression - an unlit candle, a few empty plates, and a glass bottle next to it with a bright rose in it.

And the person she was looking for tonight was sitting...or rather, tied up opposite.

His hands and feet were restrained and his mouth was gagged, leaving only a pair of angry and frightened eyes.

The confession card was taped to her chest.


Something seems wrong.

But the target was right on the opposite side, and the girl's attention was quickly attracted by the prey. She slowly opened her mouth and walked towards the counselor.

The counselor's fear stimulated the girl and gradually made her excited.

The light in the room came through the gap in the closet door, and that beam of light split Yinsu's face into two.

Yinsu was like a peeping pervert, staring at the two people outside the closet.

The girl walked to the counselor's side and put her hand on the counselor's head. Her body blocked most of the counselor, so Yinsu couldn't see what she did.

The counselor began to struggle violently, and the chair made a lot of noise as it rubbed against the ground.

After only about twenty seconds, the struggling movement became smaller and finally calmed down.

The girl stood motionless next to the counselor who had stopped moving.

Just when she was wondering what she was doing, the girl suddenly turned to look at the closet, turned around and strode towards the closet, and opened the closet with a swipe.

Six eyes facing each other.

"Ah!" Wu Bujing screamed first.

Yinsu pushed him deep into the closet and said, "What do you call a guest when you see him? It's not polite."

Wu Bujing: "..."

——Welcome to my hell——

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Tomorrow... I will definitely cheer up tomorrow! ! Damn, damn, damn! !

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