Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 512 Go home and sleep in reality

There was already a quarrel below that post.

Yinsu glanced at it and turned it off. Now that she was no longer illiterate, she wasn't worried about being exposed, so it didn't matter even if others knew about it.

"Miss Su, who do you think did it?" Li Jiang frowned, "Yu Zhi or Yao Baiqing?"

Only these two survived to the end, and they were most likely to deduce that 'Su Haohao' was player 0101.

"It's all possible." Yinsu glanced at them and said slowly: "Maybe it's one of you."

The hair on Wu Bujing's head stood up. He raised his hand and swore: "Boss, it's definitely not me!"

Li Jiang's face tightened: "Xiao An and I will definitely not do this. Miss Su has saved Xiao An and me."

Yinsu was amused by them: "Just a joke."

Li Jiang and others are not angry. Remaining skeptical is the way to survive in the game.

They did have a life-long friendship with Miss Su, but they couldn't be called friends. It was normal for her not to trust them.

Li Jiang: "What are you going to do, Miss Su?"

"Go home and sleep."


Li Jiang was confused. She was asking about forum posts.

Yinsu wondered: "Aren't you tired after coming out of the dungeon? Don't you want to sleep?"


Back in the real world, even if you are not physically exhausted, you will still feel mentally exhausted.

They really wanted to rest, but this copy... and the situation in Yunling Mountain made them ignore this.

Li Jiang and the other three were completely unaware of what was happening in Yunling Mountain, so there was no need for them to stay here.

Wu Bujing asked hesitantly: "Is Miss Su from the Investigation Bureau?"


"Eh?" Wu Bujing was surprised: "I also said that if Miss Su is from the Investigation Bureau, I will join..."

He wants to get closer to the boss!

Brother Wei is right, as long as the thigh is held well, passing the level is not a dream!

The thigh he holds 0101 is thick enough! !

Wu Bujing muttered a few words, and suddenly thought of something: "Does Miss Su have a guild? Which guild have you joined? I want to join too!"

Wu Bujing thought, if it's not the Investigation Bureau, there must be one in the guild.

As long as he joins Miss Su's force, sooner or later he will become the boss's special daddy! !

Yinsu said ruthlessly: "There is no guild."

Wu Bujing's ambitious ambition was extinguished before it could be launched. He opened his mouth blankly and let out a weak voice: "Ah..."

"Then...then..." Wu Bujing refused to give up: "Does Miss Su plan to form a guild? I can join."

"Not interested." There is no one in the family looking cool.


Wu Bujing's whole body shrank, as if he had lost his ideals in life.

Yinsu didn't say anything more, just reminded them: "Jiang Qi will arrange for someone to take you away later, so go back and rest."

Yinsu touched Li Jiang's head again and stuffed a bottle into her: "See you next time."

Wu Bujing watched Yinsu leave sadly, and then looked at Li Jiang sadly.

Why is the boss so nice to Li Jiang and touching her head! ! He wants to be touched too! !

The head that has been touched by the boss will definitely work better! !

Yao Baiqing, who was wrapped in rice dumplings and looked like a mummy, sat on the hospital bed and read the comments on the forum.

"Yao Baiqing."

The door to the ward was pushed open, and a girl wearing a nurse uniform came in from the outside.

Yao Baiqing clasped the phone and looked up. There was a smile in the black eyes under the bandage: "Sister Alan, when are you going to eat? I'm so hungry!"

"Why are you hungry again?" Nurse Alan frowned.

"The body needs energy to recover, and the little food you gave me is simply not enough." Yao Baiqing's voice was a little hoarse, but it wasn't unpleasant to hear.

Alan sighed and shook his head: "I'll find you something to eat later."

Alan put a tablet in front of him: "The sword holder will call you, please remember to answer it later."

Yao Baiqing's tone changed slightly: "Sword holder? Which sword holder?"

"I do not know."

"Sister Alan, do you know what the sword holder wants from me?"

"How do I know." Alan shook his head. She was just a low-level employee. How could she know what the people above wanted to do? She guessed: "It should be about your dungeon. You must have suffered such serious injuries after coming out of the dungeon." Let me ask you what happened. But the sword holder's intervention...is indeed a bit of a stir."

Yao Baiqing: "..."

His code was broadcast around the world, and the guild's senior management knew his player code, so this matter could not be hidden.

Alan didn't know his player code, but he was just surprised that he had cleared some dungeon and ended up like this.

Alan seemed to have thought of something, "...the dungeon you passed was not the death dungeon reported earlier, right?"

"How is that possible?" Yao Boqing laughed: "How could I be so unlucky?"

Alan: "Maybe you wouldn't have been so seriously injured in that dungeon."

I don’t know how many people played that copy, but there were a total of 6 players who cleared the level, which is a very high clearance rate.


Yao Baiqing couldn't make any excuses: "Sister Alan, go find me something to eat quickly. I'm going to starve to death."

"Are you a starving ghost?!"

Alan left the ward.

As soon as the ward door closed, the tablet Alan brought just now lit up with a video request without any notes.

Yao Baiqing took two deep breaths and pressed the connect button.

The video is black over there.


But Yao Boqing couldn't say anything, and he couldn't move himself out of the camera, because he was the one holding the sword.

Yao Baiqing greeted politely: "Hello, sword holder."

"How are you feeling?"

The voice coming from the other side of the video sounded quite young, that of a man.

Yao Baiqing: "It's nothing serious. Thank you sir for your concern."

After a brief exchange of greetings, the person opposite went straight to the point: "Have you met 0101 in the dungeon?"


"Do you know which player 0101 is?"

Yao Baiqing: "It should be the player named Su Haohao. She is more powerful than other players. There are several players with her. They know each other."

"What are the names of the players you know?"

Yao Boqing answered truthfully: "Wu Bujing, Li Jiang, Xie Ban'an."

"Did you make the forum post?"

"Post?" Yao Baiqing's tone was confused. The bandage blocked the expression on his face, and there was no abnormality in his exposed eyes: "What post?"

"It's okay." The sword holder quickly changed the subject, "How did your body get like this?"

Faced with the sword holder's inquiry, Yao Boqing had to say: "That copy is very strange, and my skills failed... But I was lucky, and I finally found the key to clear the level."

Yao Baiqing: "That's all I know. The specific content of the copy...should I tell you?"

"No need." The sword holder rejected him and hung up the video.


Yao Baiqing threw away the tablet, his eyes filled with gloom. He picked up his phone and continued to browse the forum.

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