Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 566 Yangcun (32)

The individual strength of these black sheep is not strong, but they cannot withstand the large number of them. If one is scattered, a new one will appear soon.

The stone cave that seemed spacious before now also seemed narrow.

The key is not to destroy things in the cave wantonly. A group of people will be more restrained when fighting.

"Let's see if we can lure them out!"

Su Yuechan wanted to lead them out of the cave and deal with them outside.

However, as soon as these black goats approached the exit of the cave, they began to retreat and directly changed their targets to attack other people still inside the cave.

"You all need to stay with us... No one can leave here."

Countless overlapping murmurs sounded from all over the cave.


"Leave them here..."

The plan to lure them out failed, and everyone could only continue to deal with them in the narrow cave.

Chen Qing also approached the entrance of the cave, threw up the schoolbag in his hand, and shouted above: "Gan Xiaoxing, look at the schoolbag for any clues."

A schoolbag flew up from the hole and fell into the grass.

Then Gan Xiaoxing heard Chen Qingyi's voice. He glanced at Liu Liu, who was still unconscious, and immediately went to pick up his schoolbag.

There are several stars printed on the front of the schoolbag. Liu Liu found a piece of clothing with 'Stars Kindergarten' printed on it at the home where she lived.

Gan Xiaoxing opened her schoolbag. There was a sweater inside, which made the schoolbag bulge.

But when I took the sweater out, there was nothing inside.

Gan Xiaoxing didn't even find a book.

Gan Xiaoxing felt around in other parts of the bag, and finally found a hard square object in the side pocket.

It is the kind of pick-up card that is very common in kindergartens.

There is a plastic case on the outside, and the pick-up card is only faded, but the content is not missing.

Gan Xiaoxing saw the column of the baby's name and immediately walked towards Liu Liu. He first put the pick-up card into Liu Liu's hand.

But Liu Liu was unconscious, and he couldn't hear Liu Liu's game prompts.

"Liu Liu...Liu Liu, wake up."

Gan Xiaoxing screamed for nearly a minute. Liu Liu's eyelids moved slightly. She slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes had normal pupils.

Gan Xiaoxing breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately."

"I..." Liu Liu was dizzy and confused about the situation: "We are not in the village anymore?"

She doesn't remember much of what happened before.

But she fainted, probably because she lost control again and they knocked her unconscious.

"Well, it's near the cave." Gan Xiaoxing pointed to the pick-up card in her hand: "Have you received the game prompt?"

Liu Liu looked down and shook her head: "No."

"It's useless..." Gan Xiaoxing frowned: "Isn't it right? They found the wrong one? Captain, no! I found a name, but it seems useless."

Gan Xiaoxing shouted to the bottom of the cave.

Yinsu paddled beside him, watching others deal with the black goat.

Although the number of these black goats is large, it is not a problem for a group of people who work well together and can complement each other.

At this moment, Gan Xiaoxing's voice came from above.

The schoolbag only had a few stars printed on its surface, and Chen Qing was not sure whether it had anything to do with Liu Liu.

At this time, hearing Gan Xiaoxing say it was useless, Chen Qing also wondered if he had made a mistake.

"It's awareness."

Chen Qing also turned to look at Yinsu who was speaking, and immediately understood what he meant.

Since they need to find their own identities, they need to identify themselves, not just find their names.

...need to identify them.

How to identify it?

According to legal procedures, ID cards and household registration books are required, but they are in a game, so this is definitely not the case...

After a moment, Chen Qingyi had a flash of inspiration and shouted upward: "Call her name."


Gan Xiaoxing turned around and called Liu Liu: "Song Ran..."

The scalpel cut through the void, and a cold light flashed through Gan Xiaoxing's eyes. He raised his hand to grab Liu Liu's hand, but he was still a step too late, and the tip of the knife pierced his shoulder.

Blood stained her clothes, and curly wool was rapidly growing on Liuliu's face. She stared at him with strange horizontal eyes, like a carnivore staring at its prey.

Gan Xiaoxing grabbed Liu Liu's hand and pulled out the scalpel on her shoulder, and took the knife away from her hand.

Liu Liu lost her knife and grabbed Gan Xiaoxing's eyes with her hands.

"Liu Liu, wake up!"

Gan Xiaoxing pinned Liu Liu to the ground and changed his name, "Song Ran, Song Ran..."

Liu Liu couldn't hear Gan Xiaoxing's call. She struggled to get up, her face almost covered with wool.

Gan Xiaoxing didn't know if it was useful to call him by name.

Only if Liu Liu stayed awake could he know whether she had gotten the hint.

Now Liu Liu couldn't respond to herself at all.

The wool on Liuliu's face is still increasing, and the wool is spreading down to her neck.

If this continues, she will soon turn into a sheep.

Gan Xiaoxing pressed down on Liu Liu, quickly flipped through the props, and soon found a potion in his hand.

[Potion: A potion full of magic. It will do whatever you want it to do. Although magic potions are good, don’t be greedy. 】

[Usage restrictions: Players only]

Gan Xiaoxing opened the potion, turned Liu Liu's face, pinched her chin, and poured half of the potion.

This bottle of potion has a total of 50ml, and 10ml can be used five times.

I've used it three times before, and now I'm using it again, only for the last time.

After Liuliu drank the potion, her struggle gradually subsided. Although the wool on her face did not disappear, her eyes regained consciousness.

"Song Ran." Gan Xiaoxing immediately called out, "Any tips?"

He stared at Liu Liu, hoping to get good news from her.

Liu Liu had already recovered, but she still shook her head.

"Recognition of identity requires recognition from the outside world and one's own recognition..." Gan Xiaoxing thought for a moment and said, "I call you again, and you have to answer me."

Liu Liu nodded.

"Song Ran."

"Yeah, I'm here."

[Congratulations to player 30400512 for obtaining the Yangcun pass key. You can use the key to leave the instance at any time. 】

Liu Liu smiled subconsciously: "Yes."

"You go out first."

Liu Liu knew something was wrong with her situation and she had to go out first, otherwise she would not be able to help her teammates and would be a drag on them.

So Liu Liu immediately used the pass key and left the instance.

Gan Xiaoxing watched Liu Liu's figure disappear, and he immediately went down into the cave.

There were not many black goats left in the cave. Su Yuechan and Miao Baiyu were dealing with those black goats, while the others continued to rummage through the garbage.

"Liu Liu has gone out, and her identity requires double recognition from the outside world and herself to take effect."

Hearing that Liu Liu had left, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

The most urgent thing for them now is Liu Liu's pollution. Now that she is out, she has a lot of time.

It's like during an exam, there are five minutes left to hand in the paper, but the teacher suddenly says that the clock is broken, but actually there is still half an hour.

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