Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 586 Yinshan Mansion (4)

Yinshan Mansion exists to cultivate 'lady ladies', where they learn etiquette, knowledge, and cultivate the temperament of ladies.

The mansion now has five floors.

The first floor is the lobby and restaurant, as well as areas for relaxation.

The second floor is her room and classroom as a dance teacher. In addition to dance, there are many other courses.

But now she is the only dance teacher in the mansion, and there are no other teachers.

The third, fourth and fifth floors are the rooms of celebrities.

There are currently only six ladies in the mansion.

There are eight staff members, three in the kitchen, two cleaners, two service staff, and one minister.

The NPC who was dismissed by Yinsu at the gate was one of the service staff, so there was only one service staff left, that is, the NPC who introduced the mansion to her with enthusiasm.

The cleaners don't show up when they have nothing to do. They always stay in the dormitory.

The minister is responsible for the operation of the entire mansion, and she is also personally responsible for other affairs of the ladies.

"Show me the ladies' information."

"You are just a dance teacher, you don't need to..." Before the NPC could finish her words, her waist hurt, and she immediately said: "I don't have the information about the ladies, they are all with the minister."

"Where is she? Take me to see her." Yinsu has not met the minister yet. "I have to work here anyway, so I should go and see her, otherwise it would be rude, wouldn't it?"


The NPC held hostage by Yinsu had no objections at this time, but was very proactive. As long as he found the minister, he would ask the minister to teach the new teacher a lesson!

It’s really unruly!

How did she apply for the job? !

The NPC, who had the ideal of finding someone to support her, took her to find the minister, and she felt more energetic when walking.

Unfortunately, I turned around and couldn't find the minister.

"The minister should be out..." NPC didn't expect that the minister was not here, so his wish to find someone to support him came to nothing, and NPC's straightened back softened again.

She glanced at Yinsu and said, "How about you meet the minister later?"

"Are you afraid of me?"


How should she answer?

Yinsu patted her shoulder and said, "We are all colleagues. We will work together in the future. There is no need to be afraid."

The NPC nodded in response: "I'm not afraid of you."

Yinsu looked over coldly and her voice became colder: "Although we are colleagues, you must understand your status."

NPC: "..."

So should I be afraid of you or not? Can you just say no?

"From now on, I ask you to be on call, do you understand?"


Yinsu finally issued the pardon and waved his hand: "Go back."

The NPC immediately ran away with small steps. After turning two corners, she stopped and looked back.

The fear on his face has been replaced by gloominess. When the minister comes back, you will look good and be on call, bah!


Tan Sanshan looked at the colorful face in the mirror, like a clown.

"Crazy woman..."

Tan Sanshan turned on the faucet and wanted to wash the stuff off his face.

However, after washing for a long time, the color did not fade at all.

It was as if a storm was brewing in Tan Sanshan's eyes, and he wished he could skin Cai Yi and eat his flesh.

The mirror stained with water was a little blurry, and Tan Sanshan suddenly found that the person in the mirror was a little different from himself.

He reached out and wiped the water off the mirror.

However, the mirror surface becomes blurry as it is wiped off.

The person in the mirror had long hair, and the water mist blurred his features, but Tan Sanshan was sure that the thing inside was not him.

Tan Sanshan's eyes darkened, he turned his wrist, and an iron rod appeared in his hand.

He raised the iron bar and smashed it at the mirror.


The mirror was shattered and scattered across the sink and floor.

Tan Sanshan's figure was reflected in countless lenses. He picked up a fragment and inside was his colorful face.


Tan Sanshan threw away his glasses angrily and turned away.

Just after he left, the lens he threw away began to bleed, and a large amount of blood spilled out.

Tan Sanshan came out of the bathroom and planned to find the crazy woman Caiyi, but when he turned a corner, he bumped into the dance teacher he had seen before.

"Classmate, what are you doing so recklessly?" the dance teacher said with a smile.


Tan Sanshan's eyes were attracted by the kettle in the dance teacher's hand. Why was she carrying a kettle?

The dance teacher was unhappy: "When you see the teacher, don't you say hello?"

Tan Sanshan finally choked out a few words: "...Hello, teacher."

"Very good, remember to say hello next time. Teachers will not like rude students." Yinsu walked past him and left.

Tan Sanshan: "..."

Yinsu returned to the room and stuffed the hair monster and Dai Ling into the kettle, "I'll give you a new home."

Dai Ling, who turned into a bear, was squeezed out of shape by the hair monster, "..."

The haired monster who was about to climb out of the kettle said: "..."

Who likes this?

The hairy guy didn't like boiling the kettle at all and soon started decorating the room.

Dai Ling also pulled herself out and turned into a little girl: "Sister, can I go out and help you find clues?"

"You are so good."

"Of course, I am the best to my sister."


Yinsu knew that Dai Ling just wanted to go out and have fun, but she didn't stop her. She just emphasized the rules as usual.

Lunch was delivered to the room by the kitchen helper NPC.

Yinsu made sure that there was nothing wrong with the food and took a short break after lunch. It was almost three o'clock.

I don’t know if it’s because she is a teacher this time and has not encountered any danger so far.

Yinsu got up from the bed, stretched her hands and feet, and got ready to go to class.

Although she doesn't know what dance classes are about, it doesn't stop her from being an excellent dance teacher.

The dance studio is the penultimate room on the right side of the second floor. Yinsu walked to the door with her hands behind her back and heard conversations inside.

It seems the players are on time.

very good.

Yinsu pushed the door open and went in. The voices inside suddenly became silent, and everyone turned to look at the door.

Six players to five.

Yu Yun is still not very gregarious. He stands alone and is obviously separated from the other four people.

Tan Sanshan is not here.

None of these players looked very good. The male player wearing home clothes had his hands swollen into buns and his face was full of pain.

It seemed like they had endured some torture.

Teacher Su's face was filled with relief: "Everyone is on time, very good..."

Footsteps sounded from the corridor, and then Tan Sanshan's figure appeared, and he walked quickly to the door.

Perhaps because of his experience last time, Tan Sanshan learned wisely this time: "Hello, teacher."

Yinsu: "You're late."

Tan Sanshan frowned: "It's not even three o'clock yet."

Yinsu: "Coming later than the teacher means being late."


Be unreasonable! What does your early arrival have to do with me? !

Tan Sanshan obviously understood that monsters would not be unreasonable, so he rationally did not argue.

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