Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 678 Ouran Hospital (36)

Yinsu went to check on Jiang Fu again. She was beaten with a stick several times, her head was bruised and bleeding, and she was sucked by the hair monster for a long time. She was already out of breath.

Send away another colleague.

very good!

Keep working hard and strive to send off all colleagues as soon as possible!

The diligent and frugal Yinsu began to clean the battlefield and threw the corpses on the ground into the palace. The hair hanging down from the ceiling was a step too late. He shook the tip of his hair unhappily and retracted to the ceiling, wrapping Jiang Fu like a spider spinning silk. , obviously did not intend to give Jiang Fu to Yinsu.

Yinsu looked at the hair monster on the ceiling and worried: "I don't know if your sister has caught Director Sun."

The haired monster grunted and began to bully the family: "She's so stupid."

"Then go ahead."


Mommy's face suddenly changed: "She is actually quite smart, I believe she can do it."

With no more companions to play with, Yinsu squatted on the spot and began to rub the steel pipe.

Wu Ren's situation just now should be under control. The newborn can control its mother...or in other words, the newborn's thoughts can affect the mother.

At first, it was just a simple emotional impact, such as producing emotions such as the child is so cute, I like it so much, I can’t let it go, etc…

But as time goes by, the mother will gradually lose herself and become the baby's puppet.

These newborns can run around, but their fighting ability is rubbish, so the mother becomes their weapon. Once they succeed in making their mother their puppet, they become more effective.

Now we need to find out why the hospital is full of female babies and whether the experiment conducted by Director Sun is to transform female babies into male babies.

Yinsu waited for a while, but Dai Ling didn't come back, so he probably didn't catch Director Sun.

Yinsu went back to sleep without waiting for Dai Ling.

At this time, Dai Ling, who was lying in a corner teasing a kid, sneezed. She rubbed her nose and muttered: "I seem to have forgotten something... But this little bear is so cute. Take it back and show it to your sister! Hehehe!" !”

Kid: "..."

The next day.

As soon as Yinsu arrived at the office, she saw a nurse waiting at the door: "Dr. Su, have you seen Dr. Jiang?"

"Dr. Jiang..." Yinsu shook her head calmly: "I've never seen him before. What's wrong?"

"Director Sun is looking for her everywhere." The nurse frowned and complained: "Where did she go..."

Yinsu spread his hands and said that he didn't know and didn't say much. He would make many mistakes if he spoke too much. Silence is golden.

The nurse walked back and forth twice and suddenly looked at Yinsu: "Dr. Su, if Dr. Jiang hasn't come at noon, you should go find Director Sun. Dr. Li who took you is not here anyway, so let Director Sun take care of you."

Yinsu thinks the nurse is a genius.

The nurse also thinks she is a genius.

The two hit it off immediately and happily finalized their itinerary.

Director Sun?

Director Sun's opinion is not important.

Maybe Yinsu helped her solve a problem. Before leaving, the nurse specifically told Yinsu: "By the way, Doctor Su, today's visiting time has been changed. It's nine in the morning, three in the afternoon, and eleven in the evening. Don't do it." Wrong."

Yinsu asked casually: "Why did it change three times?"

"Babies need their mothers." The nurse said matter-of-factly, "Let the babies spend more time with their mothers, which can enhance their relationship."


According to the current situation, it's okay if this relationship doesn't grow.

The visiting hours and ward rounds were staggered, which did not affect Yinsu's work. She nodded to indicate that she understood.

"Sister, sister."

As soon as the nurse left, Dai Ling ran out from the corner, carrying a fat and white child in her hand. He ran with her and placed it behind her like a kite.


Yinsu raised his hand to cover his forehead, not wanting to face it.

Sure enough, does she still have to have a child? !

But where is this little thing hiding?

Why couldn't she find it...

Or will it be refreshed when the time comes?

"Sister, look." Dai Ling ran to Yinsu and held up the little doll to show off: "He is so good!"

The little baby boy who was lifted up by Dai Ling was so heartbroken that he rolled his eyes when he heard Dai Ling's words, and then he opened his mouth and started spitting out national curses.

Yinsu: "!!!"

Dai Ling: "!!!"

The haired monster raised its tip and made a question mark.

Dai Ling hurriedly covered the baby's mouth: "Sister, he didn't scold you."

"Hmm..." The little baby bit down on Dai Ling's hand and roared in a milky voice: "Just scolding her!!"

Dai Ling grabbed the baby and threw it against the wall.

The little baby girl shut up immediately, but her eyes rolled around in disbelief, and she was obviously still holding her breath.

Yinsu asked Dai Ling to go into the office.

The little baby that Dai Ling captured was obviously different from those in the ward. He looked fair and tender, but he could talk.

And he should be an inhuman NPC.

Yinsu saw that the little milk baby's body would occasionally become virtual, but when Dai Ling pinched it, it would disappear for a moment and then return to its physical appearance.

"Male or female?"

Dai Ling lifted up the little baby's pants and showed it to Yinsu, and said rationally: "Male doll."

Little Milk Baby: "...@#*¥ # %¥."

Yinsu was a little surprised, "You are the first male doll I have seen in the hospital. I need to study this carefully."

"...What's so strange? It's so rare."

The little baby girl had a soft and waxy voice, but her tone was very calm, like a well-informed social veteran.

Yinsu: "Oh? Do you have any friends? Call them out and let me take a look."

"..." The little milk baby rolled his eyes, smacked his lips, and said confidently: "I'm hungry. If you give me something to eat, I'll tell you."

Yinsu looked at Dai Ling and said, "Go and call one of your little bears over."


Dai Ling threw the baby on the table and went out to call her bear.

When Dai Ling brought the nurse in, the little baby was a little confused, then she was shocked and disgusted: "Who wants to eat this! Are you sick? Let me eat people!!"

"Why don't you eat this?" Yinsu was also shocked.

"I want to eat the food in the cafeteria, it's so delicious..." The little baby seemed to be thinking of something delicious, and his mouth was drooling uncontrollably. His eyes swept Yinsu up and down, looking down on him: "But can you get it for me?"

"..." Isn't this a coincidence?

Yinsu happily took out an extra large lunch box and put it in front of the little baby: "Eat it, it's enough."

Little Milkman: "..."

The little baby girl glared at Yinsu unwillingly, then took a closer look at the food in the lunch box, her face turned into a dumpling of anger.

Yinsu looked at him with a smile on her face, her eyes gentle.

The little baby became so angry that he finally vented his anger on the food.

I don’t know how that small body has such a big appetite, and such a big lunch box can eat up less than half of it in a short time.

Yinsu quickly collected the rest. Based on how disgusting the game was, she felt that this stuff might not be available at noon today... but he couldn't let him eat it alone.

——Welcome to my hell——

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