Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 690 Ouran Hospital (48)

After Director Sun became an inhuman monster, he was no longer the Director Sun who couldn't even defeat the little monsters.

The current Director Sun is Niu Colushi Director Sun!

Yinsu became more and more excited as he fought, all the violent factors in his body were aroused, his face flushed slightly, as if he thought of something wonderful, his smile became more and more exaggerated and crazy.

Yinsu's body is excited, but her mind is calm.

She knew the reason why she was like this, so she didn't really care about it, it was just that her body was a little excited.

What she needs to restrain is not to beat Director Sun to death again, otherwise she will have to find other ways to enter the operating room.

It's just that from time to time she would be doused to the core, and her body's excitement would be suppressed a little, but it would quickly rise again when fighting Director Sun.

So she jumped repeatedly in a state of coolness, calmness and excitement.

After Director Sun was knocked away by Yinsu for the third time: "..."

This madman!


Director Sun rolled twice on the ground. If he was one step slower, the steel pipe would hit him.

Yinsu and Director Sun were fighting loudly in front of the operating room. Wu Bujing cowered in the corner, throwing skills at Yinsu from time to time.

Every time Director Sun hit the ground, Wu Bujing's body would tremble.

It's too awful……

Director Sun was very stubborn. Even though one of his legs was broken and one of his arms was missing, he still refused to give up. He would get up even when he was crawling and continue to follow Yin Su.


Wu Bujing couldn't bear to look at it, so he covered his face and peeked through his fingers.

Director Sun was lying on the ground, almost all the teeth in his mouth were broken, and one eye was missing. He looked terrifying and miserable.

The next second, Director Sun was picked up, and Yinsu pressed him against the door of the operating room: "Open the door."

Director Sun was as soft as a puddle of mud, and it was only Yinsu who carried him that kept him from sliding down. He tremblingly stretched out his good hand and touched the closed part of the operating room door.

Yinsu didn't see any mechanism, but Director Sun just put his palm there, and the door of the operating room opened.

There were no lights on in the operating room and it was pitch dark.

Director Sun grinned and said sarcastically: "Are you sure you want to go in? Ahem... go in? If you go in... you can't get out..."

"Really?" Yinsu dragged him inside and said in a brisk tone, "I like to challenge the impossible the most. Let's challenge it."

Director Sun: "..."

Who follows you and us! !

Wu Bu was surprised to see Yinsu leaving and hurriedly followed him. After he entered, the door of the operating room closed with a bang, and the entire space fell into darkness.

But the next second, a green light lit up from a distance.

Like emergency lights...

These lights allow people to barely see the layout of the operating room.

The operating room is very large, and there is a transparent isolation space in the middle with an operating table and some equipment. That should be the place where the surgery is performed.

Yinsu dragged Director Sun like a piece of linen. Director Sun's face was twisted in pain, but his eyes were full of greed and resentment.

Yinsu glanced around and his eyes fell on the light in the distance.

【? ·Jumbo]

It was a huge square glass cabinet, and the light source came from something inside the glass cabinet.

Yinsu dragged Director Sun over and looked at what was in the glass cabinet. It was a strange-looking plant. It was so big that it almost reached the ceiling.

The huge leaves are covered with sharp thorns, and in the middle of the leaves are fist-sized flowers. The flowers are like a small bowl, filled with green liquid.

The light is the liquid in the flower.

It was impossible to tell what kind of plant it was, and it bore no resemblance to any known plant.

"Is this what you use to change gender?" Yinsu kicked Director Sun next to her.

Director Sun snorted, neither admitting nor denying.

Yinsu was curious: "Why are you doing this? Is it for money?"

"What do you know? This is art!" Director Sun snorted coldly and said in a hoarse voice.

"Art?" Yinsu squatted down and looked at Director Sun lying on the ground: "Then why don't you experiment on yourself? Experiment on innocent children. Is this your art?"

"If it is useful to me, of course I am willing to experiment on myself!" Director Sun retorted: "They can only adapt to newborn babies!"

Director Sun gradually became excited when talking about his experiment: "Think about it, everyone can choose their own gender in the future and no longer have to worry about gender. As long as this experiment is successful, there will not be so many baby girls in the future. Abandonment isn’t it?

What a great thing. My experiment is great! Will you join me? Let's continue this great experiment together! We will definitely become great people in the future! "

Director Sun turns around and starts convincing Yinsu to join him.

Yinsu nodded thoughtfully: "What you said seems to make sense."

Seeing Yinsu relent, Director Sun immediately said, "So are you willing to join this great cause?"

"No way." Yinsu politely refused: "I have a greater career."

Director Sun stuttered, not really understanding what could be a greater cause than this: "...What greater cause?"

"Don't you think it would be greater to directly destroy the world than to give them a choice?" Yinsu laughed: "We should solve the problem from the root."

Director Sun: "..."

Yinsu patted Director Sun's head and said with great pity: "People like you don't understand such lofty and great ideals."

Wu Bujing: "..." If one copy counts as one world, then there is really no pressure to destroy it.

Yinsu found a lot of things from the operating room, including Director Sun's experiment log and his experiment progress.

Director Sun initially asked the flower juice produced in those flowers to change the gender of small animals, and he did succeed.

So he began to change the experimental target to humans. However, the experimental results on adults were very unsatisfactory, and finally he changed the experimental target to newborn babies.

Although it has not been successful yet, those bisexual monsters have proved that his experimental direction is correct.

Yinsu asked strangely: "Where did you get this plant?"

Director Sun didn't really want to answer this question, but he couldn't resist Yinsu's threat, so he gritted his teeth and said, "It was left by a...pregnant woman."

The pregnant woman took it with her when she was hospitalized, but it was a very small tree at that time... The pregnant woman had difficulty in giving birth and eventually died on the operating table, killing one and two.

Before the pregnant woman went to the operating table, she handed him the plant and told him to keep it if she failed to get off the operating table.

Director Sun was just an ordinary doctor at the time and agreed to the pregnant woman's request, so after her death, he kept the plant in his office.

Later he discovered that this plant was special...

——Welcome to my hell——

Darlings, vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~~

Ps. This copy should be almost finished.

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