Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 71 Ricoh Middle School (24)

Although the girl with the round head was scared, she still mustered up the courage to follow everyone into the auditorium. Although she knew there was danger ahead, she was even more scared if she was left alone.

There was no obstruction in entering the auditorium, and the girl with a round head followed the large group into the auditorium.

The auditorium was locked before, and they thought there would be seats inside, and maybe they could see red seats.

But the auditorium was empty, there were no seats at all, and all the students were standing.

There are no classes in the auditorium. Students stand wherever there is space. The front row is full of people, and the players can only stand in the back.

There is a stage at the front. There are no lights on the stage at this time and it is dark.


There was another bell.

The whispering auditorium suddenly fell silent.

The stage lights came on, and the other lights turned off one after another, leaving all students shrouded in darkness.

The dean, whom I had only seen when entering the dungeon, stepped onto the stage from the backstage and said, "Hello, students, it's the annual mobilization meeting again..."

The dean didn't use a microphone, but her voice still sounded strangely throughout the auditorium.

The dean's opening speech was very official and contained no special information.

Yinsu made sure that there were no teachers around, and no one was paying attention to the students' movements. She took advantage of the dark light and retreated to the wall, moving toward the backstage.

"...I believe that the students have done well and put in all their efforts for the exam. I wish you all can achieve excellent results and bring glory to the school."

"Do you have confidence, students?"

All the students raised their arms and shouted: "Yes!"

The dean is very satisfied with the students' high enthusiasm for learning, "I am very pleased to see the students are so confident. Well, I won't say more. Next, let's invite this year's outstanding student representatives to speak. Now let's invite the first one Outstanding student representative - Zhang Qi'an, the students applauded and welcomed him."

Warm applause instantly echoed throughout the auditorium.

The dean retreated to the dim light, and another student stepped onto the stage from the backstage, "Hello, classmates, I am Zhang Qi'an from Class 4003. I am honored to speak as the outstanding student representative this time..."

"Brother Liang, that Su Shan is missing."

The surroundings were too dark, and there were other students standing around. Su Shan was already far away from them, but when those students clapped just now, Ma Xin was blinded and disappeared.

Liang Tianyou glanced at where Yinsu was standing just now, and then looked around.

But the auditorium was crowded, and in the dim light, nothing could be seen.

Yinsu slipped into the backstage of the auditorium smoothly. Her friends were already there. When they saw her coming, they waved to her excitedly: "Here, here, here."

There were actually quite a few students backstage, but everyone had something to do and looked very busy.

She also saw several large incense sticks like those in temples in the corner of the wall.

Yinsu looked away strangely and asked his friends, "Where is Xu Dingding?"

"It's in the lounge backstage, but there are other students in there..." Fan Dazi No. 1 seemed a little worried, "Xu Dingding is hard to deceive. He's not interested in anything else. We can't deceive him out. lounge."

Yinsu didn't know what they were worried about, so he said casually: "Why don't we just tie them together?"

Fans: "!!!"

Rice partner No. 1: “What a great idea!”

Fan Dazi No. 2: "Su Shan is still smart! Hehehe, they are all tied up, they are all tied up."

Fan Da Zi No. 3: "I'll go find the boxes and put them in the boxes. When the pep rally is over, we can leave early. While everyone is watching the ceremony in the front, we'll take the opportunity to move them out and move them to the old teaching building." Go upstairs... we can play however we want then."

Sacrificial incense?


Yinsu looked at the huge incense sticks in the corner again.

The word "sacrificial incense" doesn't sound like a good word...

Yinsu cautiously did not ask. These questions were well known among the NPCs. Once the players asked, they would arouse their suspicion and kick her out of the group chat.

Yinsu didn't want to lose Fan Dazi yet, so he pretended not to hear what he said, and expressed his approval to Fan Dazi No. 3, who provided the tools for committing the crime, as usual, "Go ahead, let's kidnap someone."

After receiving the affirmation, Fandanzi No. 3 happily went to find the box.

Yinsu didn't bother tying up a few student NPCs. Together with his friends, he stuffed the outstanding students into boxes and moved them to a corner.

"Okay, let's go back. I don't want to miss the incense of sacrifice!"

"Yes, yes, you can't miss it, go back quickly."

"Let's go!"

The foodies dragged Yinsu back to the auditorium.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was obviously a bit weird. There was no one under the spotlight on the stage, but all the students were waiting for the next outstanding student representative.

Yinsu came back just in time to see a student in the background running from the darkness to where the dean was, and whispered something to the dean.

The Dean of Students quickly stepped into the spotlight and said, "The speech session of the outstanding student representatives is over, and next is this year's incense ceremony..."

Obviously, everyone didn't really want to hear the outstanding student representatives speak. When the dean announced the end of his speech, everyone started to get excited.

The sacrificial incense mentioned by the dean and the sacrificial incense mentioned by the students are obviously the same thing.

The lights above began to flicker, and several beams of light swept back and forth among the students, seeming to select suitable candidates.

The dean’s voice came from above: “Let’s see which lucky students will be this year.”

The sweeping beams stopped at the same time, and the students enveloped by the beams were instantly isolated.

There happened to be a thin boy standing next to Yinsu. He was only wearing a shirt and no school uniform jacket.

"No... no..." The boy shook his head and backed away, but there were students behind him, and they formed a human wall, preventing the boy from retreating.

In the dark auditorium, students under several beams of light were surrounded by classmates. They could not escape no matter which direction they went. Everyone was afraid.

This also includes the meatball-headed player.

"Help...help me." The girl with a round head looked at the players outside the human wall for help, "Please help me, I don't want to die..."

She doesn't want to die.

She really doesn't want to die.

But no one responded to her.

Including Liang Tianyou and others, they all watched indifferently.

Song Ameng couldn't bear it, but she wouldn't force it, so she could only turn her head and not look at the other party. She was wondering if no one would reach out to save her when she fell into this situation...

But then I thought about how this is normal.

Even if the dungeons are all new players, have not seen the cruelty of the game, and still have good intentions, they will still betray their companions under the various survival traps set by the game for them.

"Help...help me! Monitor, help me." The girl with a round head had no way to ask for help. Suddenly she saw Yinsu on the other side. She was very close to the light, close enough to see her expression clearly.

"Sorry, we can't save him." Yinsu did not ignore her plea for help, but calmly replied to her: "Don't be afraid, he will die anyway, it's just a matter of time."

——Welcome to my hell——

Yesterday's update of Ricoh Middle School (20) added content about taboo rules that appear after the player dies. You can go back and take a look~

Remember to vote for your monthly vote, my dears~~

Chapter idea activity extraction:

[It’s like watching an inconsequential drama] Yoonian

[Determining Yinsu’s death method with a vicious heart] April acridine

The winning little cutie please join the welfare group 553224216 to claim it~

This event is long-term and everyone is welcome to participate~

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