Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 802 Tongren Factory (20)

Yinsu said modestly: "The deputy director is so complimentary. It's all the employees in our workshop who support me. There's nothing to show off."


Vicious eyes fell on Yinsu from different directions. Isn't this showing off?

"You can't even manage an employee!" The deputy director didn't mind Yinsu's showing off, but followed her words and said, "A bunch of trash."

The deputy director denounced the waste, occasionally adding a few words of praise to Yinsu. As a result, Yinsu suffered even more resentment.

But the person involved enjoyed it very much, straightened his back proudly, and humbly echoed the deputy director from time to time, acting like a newly popular villain.

Newly appointed manager of a small team: “…”

She is crazy!

ah! She was originally crazy...

There was an undercurrent in the conference room, but except for the deputy director's passionate curses, there was no other sound.

The deputy director finished venting his anger and said, "That's all, that's all for this year. Let them prepare well. They can apply for materials from the materials workshop. Materials are hard to come by. Tell the contestants to take good care of the raw materials."

The deputy director began to talk about the entry process.

In the first two days, the material workshop will open the material library to select suitable raw materials for the contestants. From the third day to the beginning of the selection, it is all production time.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can’t select materials on the third day, it’s just that you can’t apply in the materials workshop. If the contestants can find a way to get them themselves, that’s fine.

And making…

The equipment in the workshop can be used, but the normal work of the workshop cannot be delayed.

And players also need to complete their own work before they can make their own bronze figures.

"This is the duty schedule for the next few days. Supervisors, please be on duty and let me catch whoever is slacking off... Humph!"

The deputy director threw a form on the table, picked up the registration forms and left.

Yinsu wanted to find the deputy director to communicate with her, but she disappeared when she left the house.

Yinsu sighed in disappointment, why are you running so fast?

At this moment, Yinsu felt the cold and dark gaze behind her. She turned to look at the other supervisors in the conference room, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Why are your colleagues looking at me like this? Are you fascinated by my beauty?"


What nonsense are you talking about?

Yinsu held her face with one hand and said rather distressedly: "Although I know everyone likes me, office romance is not good, so everyone should restrain their surging emotions."


Who likes her? !

A certain supervisor glared at Yinsu fiercely and sneered: "What's the use of trying to please the deputy director? Do you think the deputy director will give you any benefits? Don't be naive!"

"I don't want to please the deputy director." Yinsu said innocently: "I want to kill her. My dear colleagues, you want to join my great... Hey, why are you leaving? Don't leave, let's talk It’s a career.”

The supervisors walked faster, not sure whether they were afraid that her remarks would harm them, or because they were afraid of her being a lunatic.

Soon only her small team of supervisors were left in the conference room.

"I'm really unambitious..." Yinsu turned to educate the younger brothers, "You are not allowed to imitate them."

The boys swallowed and hesitated: "They won't complain, right?"

"Complain?" Yinsu hummed happily, "Wouldn't that be just right?"

Yinsu wished that the deputy director or director would come to her so that she could advance to the next level.

Yinsu waved to her younger brother to bring over the duty list. It was the night's duty list. It had been on duty for three days, and 10 supervisors were required to be on duty every night.

‘Zhou Xiaoduo’’s shift was scheduled for the night after tomorrow.

The rule says ‘the supervisor will not show up during overtime’, so what is this duty schedule? So this rule is wrong?

No... overtime and night work can't be confused, right?

If there is a night shift, the supervisor will naturally need to be on duty.

Overtime work and night work need to be distinguished, and the way to deal with supervisors is naturally different.

very good!

There are no typos, but there are many pitfalls.

Yinsu put the duty list into his pocket, waved his hand, and called to the younger brothers: "Let's go."

Yinsu did nothing at night and slept peacefully in the dormitory until dawn.

The players' side is not so good.

Last night, some players were left to work overtime because they didn't finish their work, and there were also players who were assigned to the night shift.

But based on the experience of the first night, I didn’t dare to make any move even if I saw the horrific scene.

Even though they were careful, someone finally attracted the supervisor.

They thought of the rules and tried to refuse the supervisor, but the result was that they were thrown directly into the copper furnace.

I don’t know what I’m going to face when I’m taken away by a supervisor, but if I refuse the supervisor on the spot, I’ll die immediately.

Therefore, refusing is death, and not refusing is also death.

The only way to save your life is not to make mistakes... But in such an environment, hallucinations, and NPC colleagues who are eyeing you, the tense nerves can be broken at any time.

I might be able to survive the first two days, but what about the rest?

As time goes by, their condition will only get worse, and even veteran players may not be able to hold on.

At present, the safest place is the quality inspection workshop. If you have a "one of your own" as the supervisor, you can easily complete the work by stealing the results of your colleagues.

Everyone regretted not actively choosing the red work badge at that time.

In addition to the problems in the workshop, there are also problems in the dormitory. Two more players died quietly last night.

The veteran players took turns keeping vigil without discovering how or when the other party died.

A total of four players died last night, but only one rule was obtained - contributed by the player who was thrown into the furnace.

[Don’t trust the factory manager wearing work clothes]

Currently, 11 people in the production workshop survive.

Seven people in the materials workshop survived.

Five people in the quality inspection workshop survived.

Two people in the maintenance workshop survived.

Yinsu sat in the quality inspection workshop supervisor's office and listened to Ning Fan and Shen Jiu explain their situation last night.

She didn't react at all, even her expression was indifferent, and she obviously didn't care much about what happened to other people.

Ning Fan and Shen Jiu looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes. It was hard to say whether this boss was good or evil. If they gave out useful clues, she would exchange them with them equally.

But that's all.

Yinsu was looking at the employee schedule in front of her at this time. It wasn't there when she left last night, but it was here when she came this morning.

It seems that the supervisor cannot make the final decision regarding shift scheduling.

"This is the new schedule. Take a look at it." Yinsu handed the schedule directly to them.

Shen Jiujiu immediately took it and scanned the content at a glance, "There are two night shifts tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?"

"This is consistent with Zhang Tianwen's diary." Ning Fan mused: "There are two night shifts every three days. There are not many night shift employees... Our method may not work well."

There are more than thirty employees on the day shift, so it is easy to steal enough for four people.

But including them on the night shift, there are only eight people, which means they have to outsource all the talents of the other four employees...

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