Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 806 Tongren Factory (24)

In the afternoon, in addition to inspections, Yinsu also had to deal with the supervisor's work, which were all trivial matters and not big problems.

After Yinsu finished her work, she used her mobile phone to fish in the blind box in the office until the end of the day.

Yinsu pulled out the black bag containing the materials from the table. She didn't dare to put it in the palace, otherwise the hungry ghost would show off in one bite.

I have to get myself a space prop that can hold things... Unfortunately, I can't pull it out, and I can't buy it in the mall. It's hard to find it even on the black market and auctions.

Yinsu attributed this to his own bad luck.

Otherwise, how can others have it?

Many players she met had space props.

It is unrealistic to rely on one's own luck. Yinsu feels that he still has to go to the investigation bureau... they must have it.

Yinsu left with the bag tiredly, and found her younger brother to ask about how to handle the materials.

"Let's deal with it tomorrow night during the night shift. There are fewer people working the night shift. If you are lucky, there will be free equipment, so you can use it."

"Can't handle it elsewhere?"

"Of course not. How can we process it cleanly without equipment? If the materials are not processed cleanly, the bronze figures made will definitely be defective."

So Yinsu had no choice but to carry the materials back to the room.

"Here comes Liu Yan."

Liu Yanlai stopped and looked at the people running towards them carrying black bags.

Shen Jiu came up and asked, "Did you find anything wrong with Cai Qiwen and Shang Ai Qing?"

Liu Yanlai shook his head with a wooden face: "Apart from being a little more tired and frightened than others, there is nothing unusual about him."

There are reasonable reasons for both of these points. I am more tired because of the pollution, and I am more scared because I have been changed into work clothes. I understand that they are different from others.

This cannot be considered an anomaly.

"What should we do tonight? What should we do..." Ning Fan did not continue.

But everyone understood what she meant, to drive them away or... kill them directly.

"Don't be hesitant about the death copy." A player next to Liu Yanlai said: "Kill him directly, otherwise we will most likely die."

It is better to kill by mistake than to let go.

"How about we go find the big boss again?" Shen Jiu asked: "What's the specific situation?"

"Will she say it?"

Shen Shijiu: "It can be traded..."

"We don't have any more useful clues at the moment..." Ning Fan paused: "I don't know if she wants the props and points."

Boss players have no shortage of points at all.


Whether this matter is big or small, even if they trade props, they won't be powerful props, and others may look down upon them.

"You can give it a try. You won't lose money anyway."

"It's not worth it for two new players." Someone objected, "Points are something we earn with our lives."

This is the reason, because they can kill the two new players directly without asking for any proof.

It doesn't matter whether he is innocent or not.

They only need to be cold-blooded to eliminate danger.

Therefore, this transaction is destined not to provide a higher bargaining chip.

Ning Fan sighed. After all, he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately: "It's okay, I'll take care of it. If there is really a problem, it will be just right to find out what the problem is."

This is not just for the two new players.

Liu Yanlai nodded: "Let's see what she needs to trade this information, and I can share part of it in the end."

The opposing players rolled their eyes, but did not stop them.

So, Ning Fan and Shen Jiu went to find Yinsu.

In charge of the dormitory.

Yinsu sat in a chair, looked at the two people standing in front of him, and asked with unclear meaning:

"You came to me and you just wanted to know this?"

Ning Fan nodded: "We can exchange it with props or points."

"You guys are so kind." Yinsu crossed his arms and said in a cold tone, "Why don't we just kill him."

Ning Fan shook his head: "It's not a good intention, I just want to find out what's going on. In the end, it's for ourselves."

This time she suddenly issued a warning.

But what about next time?

"The answer I gave is not necessarily the correct answer, it is just my own guess. Do you still want to trade in this way?"

Ning Fan nodded.

"50,000 points."

Ning Fan and Shen Jiu looked at each other. To be honest...the points were not that many. I originally thought they would have to bleed heavily.


Except for players who work overtime and night shifts, most players have returned to their dormitories.

After a long day, someone was already curled up on the bed and fell asleep.

When Liu Yanlai and Ning Fan came back, the dormitory was quiet for a while, and everyone subconsciously looked over.

Liu Yanlai called everyone over, "Tonight we plan to explore the factory again, divided into two teams, each team has 5 people. We need 10 people, so everyone has to help. Don't worry, each team will be assigned two Veteran player.”

Before the new player could refuse, he was blocked by Liu Yan.

Liu Yan came and took out the paper, and the veteran players distributed it directly, while the other new players drew lots to decide who would go.

Before the lottery was drawn, someone murmured: "Do we have to go? If you take us, won't it...will it delay you?"

They were all resting last night and no one went out.

Someone died outside on the first night...

"You can't always rely on us. We are not your parents. How can people who don't contribute anything get our protection?"


As soon as these words came out, no one spoke.

Everyone stepped forward to draw lots.

Liu Yanlai waited for everyone to finish drawing, and then said the rules: "Those with numbers on the paper need to go out tonight."

After Liu Yanlai finished speaking, the people with the unnumbered notes in their hands breathed a sigh of relief.

The face of the one who was hit suddenly turned pale.

Cai Qiwen looked at the numbers on the note, his pale face gradually turning green, and other people's happy voices could be heard in his ears.

He grasped the note tightly, why...

Liu Yan came and asked the drawn player to stand over, and he began to assign teams.

"Cai Qiwen, Shang Aiqing, Li Li, you will team up with me and Zhou Ruoshuang."

Cai Qiwen glanced at Shang Aiqing, who was holding his arms, and then at Liu Yanlai and the female player named Zhou Ruoshuang beside him.

Liu Yanlai should be very powerful... there may not be any danger in following him.

They did not set off immediately, but waited until most of the NPCs outside returned to their dormitories and the factory area returned to quiet before taking action.

Cai Qiwen followed a few people downstairs, not daring to make a sound or lagging behind, and followed the people in front step by step.

"Where are we going?" Li Li stood next to Zhou Ruoshuang. They kept walking forward without any intention of exploring the factory buildings next to them. They walked more and more remote, and there were no lights nearby.

It's a pity that no one answered this question.

Just when Li Li wanted to continue asking, Liu Yanlai at the front suddenly stopped.

Cai Qiwen and Shang Ai Qing also stopped quickly and asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

It’s the last day, my dears, vote for your monthly vote~~

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