Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 814 Tongren Factory (32)

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Shen Jiu held down Huang Zhiyu, who was gradually losing control. "Since no one admits it, let's take a physical test."

The physical examination Shen Jiu mentioned was to cut open the skin and check whether the body's flesh and blood had turned into a copper.

They have no other faster verification method, and old players all agree to use this method to verify.

New players have no say and have no choice but to agree.

Although the process is painful, everyone can still bear the pain compared to being killed under suspicion.

However, after a circle of people verified it, no one was found to have turned into a bronze person.

The crowd began to whisper again.

"What's going on?"

"Everyone has no problem..."

"Then how did Chen Yi die?"

"Did he break any other rules?"

"I thought he was weird before..."

Liu Yanlai stood next to Ning Fan, glanced at the whispering crowd over there, and said in a low voice: "Shang Aiqing's body was not completely bronzed at the time, so this method may not work."

There is a process for the players who have been changed into work clothes to become bronzed. It takes time for the whole body to be bronzed like Cai Qiwen.

However, a player died on the night Cai Qiwen was changed into work clothes, so the fact that his body was not bronzed did not mean that there was no danger.

"The most important thing is that this person may also be an old player." Ning Fan held his forehead with his palms and said in a hoarse voice: "If we don't find this person, the team will soon be in chaos."

Liu Yanlai thought for a moment and then said, "Can I ask Miss Zhou? Wasn't she able to tell who had problems last time?"

Ning Fan thinks this method is feasible. As long as the boss collects points, they can trade.

The two acted separately. Shen Jiujiu and other old players took them to the maintenance workshop first and asked them to prove themselves to find more suspicious objects.

They went to find the boss.

Ning Fan and Liu Yanlai did not find Yinsu and had no idea where she had gone. Finally, Ning Fan had an idea and said that they could go to the cafeteria to stop people.

Although this method was a bit of a gamble, the facts proved that Ning Fan was right.

Yinsu stepped into the cafeteria, followed by an NPC with an unfamiliar face.

The NPC took the initiative to give Gin Soda rice, and she sat down alone, flipping through something similar to a photo album in her hand.

Yinsu's eyes suddenly dimmed. She raised her eyes to look across the street and smiled politely: "It's you. Good evening."

"……Good evening."

Both Liu Yanlai and Ning Fan saw that the color of the work badge on Yinsu's chest had changed, turning blue.

Is she... getting promoted again?

Liu Yanlai suppressed her doubts and said, "Miss Zhou, can you sit down?"


Yinsu closed the photo album in her hand and pressed it under her wrist, raised her eyebrows and looked at them: "What do you want?"

Now that she is the director, she can actually have her meals delivered to the office without having to come to the cafeteria herself.

However, Yinsu felt the need to share the joy of her promotion with her subordinates.

Before the subordinates arrived, the players were waiting for them.

"There is indeed something going on." Ning Fan did not mince words and directly explained their purpose.

Helping them identify who has the problem is not a big deal to Yinsu.

They gave points back, but she earned them anyway.

"But not now, I have more important things to do."

There was a little impatience in Liu Yanlai's eyes. If they could wait, could others wait?

However, facing this big boss who could go crazy at any time, Liu Yanlai did not dare to say anything.

"I wonder what is more important about Miss Zhou?"

"I want to share with my subordinates the happy news that I have become the director." Yinsu smiled and waved her hand, very like a host: "I'm treating you today, you can eat whatever you want."

Liu Yanlai: "???" Chief...director?

Ning Fan: "..." If she guessed correctly, there is no charge in the canteen.

No... In the heart of the crazy boss, sharing the happy news of becoming a director with NPC subordinates is more important than the players?

The two of them choked at this realization and looked at her speechless.

Xiaotao came back from cooking and placed the plate in front of Yinsu with a respectful and careful attitude.

Other supervisors entered the restaurant one after another. When they saw Yinsu, his face collapsed on the spot, and he finally came over in front of his dead parents.

Why hasn't this big devil forgotten them... Damn it!

Why isn’t she dead yet? !

So in the end, it was Ning Fan and Liu Yan who were caught in the group of supervisor NPCs. The supervisors kept looking at them with strange and malicious eyes.

"What do you think they are doing?" Yinsu knocked on the table and attracted his attention: "Today I have become the director, and the next step is to be the factory director. Everyone, our goal is about to be achieved, aren't you happy for me? "

Supervisors: “…”


Even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment in my heart, I have to bow my head at this time and start clapping.

Ning Fan: "..."

Liu Yanlai: "..."

I knew that her relationship with NPCs was weird, but I didn't expect it to be this weird.

Did they accidentally enter some kind of X-religion scene?

Fortunately, Yinsu only went crazy for two minutes and soon began to fight against the food. He quickly ended the fight and picked up the photo album on the table, "Let's go."

Ning Fan and Liu Yanlai were stunned for a moment and almost didn't react.

Yinsu followed the two of them to the maintenance workshop, with one of his own as the supervisor. At this time, there were only players in the maintenance workshop, and other NPCs had been sent away.

The atmosphere in the workshop was solemn.

Everyone distanced themselves from each other. The comrades-in-arms friendship that had been cultivated over the past few days was now replaced by fear and suspicion.

Yinsu followed Ning Fan and Liu Yanlai in and saw this scene.

Yinsu still greeted politely: "Good evening, everyone."

Everyone: "..."

No one responded.

Only Shen Jiu smiled at Yin Su with his big white teeth. Maybe the atmosphere was too scary, so he didn't say anything.

Before Yinsu came over, everyone went through two rounds of self-certification. However, in the end, everyone left alone and no one could prove their innocence.

Yinsu glanced at everyone calmly.

Apart from his pale face, the veteran player looked calm and composed.

Some new players are already on the verge of collapse. Their eyes are red, their lips are pale, and multiple emotions of suspicion, uneasiness, and fear appear alternately on their faces.

【Zhou Ruoshuang·Player】

【Huang Zhiyu·Player】


[Wei Yuanyao·Player]


[Liu Yanlai·Player]

[Shen Jiu·Player]

【Ning Fan·Player】

Yinsu looked away and looked at Ning Fan: "They are all fine."

Ning Fan didn't relax after hearing this answer, but his mood became heavier.

They have no problem...then who has the problem?

Ning Fan turned around and asked Shen Jiu: "Where is Chen Yi's body?"

Shen Nineteen: "In the previous place."

A group of people rushed to the place where Chen Yi's body was found. The scene was clean and there was nothing.

"Was it handled by the NPC?"

"It's already night, even if the NPC didn't deal with it, it should have been refreshed, right?"

"It's also possible that he's not dead..."

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