Welcome to my Hell

Chapter 824 Tongren Factory (42)

Production workshop.

Yinsu wiped off the blood on his hands, wiped the steel pipe as well, and kicked the stumps out of the way.

A strand of hair was quickly rolled up and dragged into a dark corner to enjoy alone.

Yinsu felt a headache looking at the mess all over the ground... He had gone too far.

There should be a few servants left.

Although the hair monster can also be used...

But my own little monsters and wild little monsters...

Yinsu chose to use the wild ones.

So Yinsu released Dai Ling and asked her to find her younger brothers in charge.

Dai Ling was so suffocated that Yinsu ran out before he finished speaking.

Yinsu: "..."

The hair-haired monster came over and pointed dissatisfiedly: "Look at her, look at her, she is not active in fighting, paddling, or has no home! Isn't it enough to have a big baby like me? What are you keeping her for! Let's eat this little waste Drop it! Hehehe... I feel that after eating her I will be more powerful and can help you do more things."

Yinsu found a place to sit down and brushed away the hair dangling by her ears: "Are you going out then?"


The hairy monster slunk away and continued feasting.

Eliminating dissidents can also be done for a while.

There were too many corpses in the workshop. Yinsu picked up most of them, and the rest were killed by hair monsters.

Although Dai Ling was playful, she was still very effective in doing things, and several supervisors soon appeared at the door.

Seeing the blood all over the floor and the large amount of black material spread out, my jaw almost dropped in shock.


What are you doing?

What about the people in the workshop?

In the past two days, she was promoted to director, and her new favorite became the deputy director named Xiao Tao.

Thought she had let them go.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, a little girl in a red dress suddenly appeared, sat on them, and told them with a look of regret: The director wanted them to come to the workshop.

The boys in charge wanted to have the guts not to come, but the little girl in red asked expectantly: Are you going to disobey her order? That's great, so you can be my bear.

Although I don’t know what it is to be her little bear.

But it's certainly not a good thing to say.

So the supervisor boys had no choice but to come. Who knew they would see such a terrifying scene when they arrived.


"Good evening." Yinsu greeted them gently as a director.

The younger brothers, who didn't know what this lunatic was planning, responded dryly: "Good evening, good evening."

Yinsu didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "I came to see you so late. I need your help with something small."

"..." Small things? Is it something as trivial as killing them?

"Today..." Yinsu raised his hand and shook it, "It seems a bit... too enthusiastic, so there are no workers, so I need you to help me make a bronze figure."

The younger supervisors, who were afraid that Yinsu would kill them, breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't kill them.

"Director, don't you make the bronze figures for the competition by yourself?" a younger brother asked carefully.

"The rules of the competition don't say you have to make it yourself." Yinsu said indifferently, "It doesn't matter, I can judge it myself anyway."



Is self-assessment also valid?

Yinsu clapped her hands and said, "Okay, let's start working."

The younger brothers didn't dare to ask any more questions and started working according to Yinsu's instructions.

It was the same as before. The temporary employees who were stared at by Yinsu did not dare to make any small moves and completed her instructions meticulously.

The corridor outside the workshop was much darker than before. Someone was running quickly in the corridor, chasing the bronze man behind him.

It's Ning Fan and Ding Sihan.

Both of them were very embarrassed and not very fast.

The dense crowd of copper figures behind them made one's scalp numb just by the sound.

At this moment, Ning Fan didn't know what happened, his body shook, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

She fell and Ding Sihan also fell. Ding Sihan got up and turned around to drag Ning Fan: "Sister Ning Fan, hurry up... get up quickly."

Ning Fan covered his thigh, with an ugly expression on his face, and pushed Ding Sihan's hand away: "Run away by yourself."

"No... no way!!" Ding Sihan pulled her up forcefully.

Seeing that the bronze man behind was about to catch up, Ning Fan pushed Ding Sihan away again and shouted: "You run so that I can live. Run! Run!!"

Ding Sihan was pushed and staggered. As if he thought of something, he didn't help Ning Fan this time and ran forward quickly.

It was all her fault...she couldn't control her thoughts.

As long as she leads these bronze men away, Sister Ning Fan will be safe.

Ning Fan supported his body and moved to the wall, closed his eyes, and forcibly closed off his perceptions and thoughts.


"Dong dong dong——"

A large number of heavy bronze men started running, and the ground shook.

Too many... too many...

No, no, I can’t think about it!

The dense footsteps resonated with Ning Fan's heartbeat, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

Think of something else...Think of something else quickly!

"Dong dong dong——"

Leave the dungeon... don't think about the dungeon!

My little sister's birthday is coming soon, and I have to prepare a birthday gift for her. The gift I gave her last time was actually rejected, and she was told that there is a generation gap between them. Come on, she is only six years older than her, how come there is There is a generation gap...

"Dong dong dong dong dong——"

And my parents, I obviously made so much money and asked them not to be so tired every day, but why didn’t they listen? It’s really frustrating...

Let's sign up grandma for a nationwide tour group... Oh, forget it, it's better to sign her up for a senior college. This way she won't be deceived. She has almost been defrauded of all her pension!

Ning Fan thought about the scene when their family was eating together. The younger sister was clamoring for the meatballs that could not be picked up, and the grandma gave them to her with a smile. The father didn't know what he said, but his mother glared at him, and then the two of them understood each other tacitly. When she smiled, she...

Ning Fan's mind suddenly froze.

She saw her hands suddenly turn into copper, the chopsticks fell from her hands, and her hands uncontrollably pinched her sister sitting next to her.

With a click, my sister's neck was broken.


The family members looked at her in shock, but she stood up and overturned the dining table. At the same time, she grabbed her parents' necks, lifted them up, and easily broke their necks.

No! !

Why can't I control myself? !

Ning Fan roared in her heart, but her body had turned towards her grandma and she pinched her neck mercilessly.

The little old lady's cloudy eyes were shocked, but not afraid, and her wrinkled hands touched her face.

But she could no longer feel her grandma's temperature, it was cold... only the cold touch.

Grandma's eyes were full of pity. She opened her lips and wanted to say something, but unfortunately she didn't have time to say it.

Blood splashed onto Ning Fan's face, and she suddenly felt the warmth.

is blood……


Warm blood.

Ning Fan opened her eyes suddenly, and countless bronze hands pierced the figure in front of her.

"Ding Sihan!"

Ding Sihan turned her head with difficulty, trying to see the person behind her, but she couldn't see it.

"Ning...Sister Ning Fan, I...I am still useful, right?"

Supervisors: Vote well to avoid being enslaved~~

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